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NC Department of Health and Human Services
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North Carolina Immunization Branch

The North Carolina Immunization Registry (NCIR)

 Please Note:

  • Members of the public cannot create NCIR accounts.
  • The information contained within NCIR is intended for healthcare providers in the prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases and is not intended for public use.
  • The Immunization Branch cannot release any immunization records to individuals.
  • To access personal vaccination records, please contact your healthcare provider.
  • See our Locating an Immunization Record page for help locating your or your family's immunization records.


The North Carolina Immunization Registry (NCIR) is the official source for North Carolina immunization information. This secure, web-based, clinical tool replaces handwritten charting of immunizations administered in the state. Immunization providers may access all recorded immunizations administered in North Carolina, regardless of where the immunizations were given.

Vaccines for Children (VFC) medical providers and non-VFC providers and affiliates can access NCIR through the North Carolina Identity Management (NCID) system, pending a formal review and approval process.

The primary purposes of the NCIR are:

  • To give healthcare providers, schools and child care facilities timely access to complete, accurate and relevant immunization data;
  • To assist in the evaluation of a child's immunization status and identify children who need (or are past due for) immunizations;
  • To assist communities in assessing their immunization coverage and identifying areas of under-immunization; and
  • To fulfill federal and state immunization reporting needs.

More information on Immunization Information Systems (IIS) can be found on the CDC’s IIS webpage.

The NCIR stores immunization records that are client-specific and created by the client's healthcare provider or through our data feed with NC Vital Records. If you find there is an error in your child's or client's NCIR record, please contact your healthcare provider or Vital Records directly. The Immunization Branch cannot alter those records because we cannot confirm the identity of the client and do not provide treatment to clients in the NCIR.

Important Forms

NCIR Education

The North Carolina Immunization Branch has developed a series of educational resources for NCIR users. Access NCIR training resources here.

Data Exchange

Information on data exchange between the NCIR and electronic medical records can be found here.

NC Vaccines Help Desk:

NCIR Documents

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