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macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2023
Long Beach, California
There are many different senses of the word "so". I'm guessing that "so" as an adverb in phrases like "so much" or "so many" is not what is meant here. ;)

I think we're thinking of "so" as a sentence-starting filler word, as in "So now that we've finished talking about that, let's move on..."

In that sentence, "so" serves no purpose. The sentence has the same meaning without "so". "Now that we've finished..."


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
I just got a message saying, "Dude, you hafta..."

Not only do I absolutely LOATHE "hafta" (as a contraction of "have to"), but... please... do not call me "dude." Or "bestie" or whatever. Either address me by my real name, or I don't mind "man."

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I think we're thinking of "so" as a sentence-starting filler word, as in "So now that we've finished talking about that, let's move on..."

In that sentence, "so" serves no purpose. The sentence has the same meaning without "so". "Now that we've finished..."

I think people sometimes use "So..." to mean "On another topic..."
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macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
There are many different senses of the word "so". I'm guessing that "so" as an adverb in phrases like "so much" or "so many" is not what is meant here. ;)
So I think member Kung, who restarted the "so discussion" was onto my humor in using it that way judging from the Like of my post.


macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2023
Long Beach, California
So I think member Kung, who restarted the "so discussion" was onto my humor in using it that way judging from the Like of my post.

I knew those comments weren't serious. :) I just wanted to expound upon the usage of the word "so". My comments are more "thinking out loud" than anything else. I enjoy doing so.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Dec 29, 2021
“Lose” is spelled incorrectly as “loose” more often than not. It’s spelled incorrectly in “professional” articles and print magazines. All by native English speakers. Drives me nuts.

“Literally” is overused.

”Existential” has reached a ridiculous level of pretentiousness. It’s almost always coupled with the word “threat” or “climate change”. Both are universally stated as “existential threat” or “existential climate change”. Anything that exists is “existential”, you don’t have to double state that something that exists, exists! ;)


macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2020
"Baited breath" when it should be "Bated breath" from a short form of A(')bated, as in stopped breathing or holding your breath.
"Baited breath" makes me think you have been eating too much garlic and onions to ward off vampires...
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
“Lose” is spelled incorrectly as “loose” more often than not. It’s spelled incorrectly in “professional” articles and print magazines. All by native English speakers. Drives me nuts.

“Literally” is overused.

”Existential” has reached a ridiculous level of pretentiousness. It’s almost always coupled with the word “threat” or “climate change”. Both are universally stated as “existential threat” or “existential climate change”. Anything that exists is “existential”, you don’t have to double state that something that exists, exists! ;)

I always see “breath” written for “breathe”, as in “I couldn’t breath”. It’s so common that I wonder how many people actually know the difference… 🤔

"Baited breath" when it should be "Bated breath" from a short form of A(')bated, as in stopped breathing or holding your breath.
"Baited breath" makes me think you have been eating too much garlic and onions to ward off vampires...
At the risk of echoing Molly Bloom, yes, yes, yes, - and a heartfelt and profound amen - to all of the above.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Which of these sentences are grammatically correct?

You are better at grammatical sentence construction than I am.

You are better at grammatical sentence construction than I.

You are better at grammatical sentence construction than me.​

Surprising answer: All of them! The first two use "than" as a conjunction. The third uses "than" as a preposition.

If your teacher marked you wrong for using "me" in this way, take the case to grammar court and you'll be exonerated!

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Well, Doctor Q, your question "Which of these sentences are grammatically correct?" is actually grammatically incorrect! It should read: "Which of these sentences is grammatically correct?" Of course, then that implies that there is only ONE correct sentence, and in this situation that isn't the case, as you quite correctly point out that all three of them are! :)


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
That's a trap. Using "is" implies only one correct sentence, using "are" implies more than one correct sentence. To avoid giving a clue, you need checkboxes. "For each of the following sentences, check the appropriate box." Box 1: Grammatically Correct | Box 2: Grammatically Incorrect
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macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL

Robotech Macross was my first animated Japanese television show in the form of a soap opera on American television in 1985. I would have been 14.
Crazy! Just bought two seasons and rewatching now, did not remember Roy Fokker dying! Did not realize, Minmay could be the reason I hate musicals. First watched in 1986 when I was 15!
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Crazy! Just bought two seasons and rewatching now, did not remember Roy Fokker dying! Did not realize, Minmay could be the reason I hate musicals. First watched in 1986 when I was 15!
We are roughly the same age. In 1984 I'd picked up on Voltron (the Lion version, not the other one). I was 13. Robotech came around in the summer of 1985 and I caught it as it was first broadcast. Thankfully we owned a VCR by that time so I was able to record whatever I was going to miss. I was 14 there.

Eventually they got all the way through and went back around again. But by that time they started airing them out of order and then just dropped it completely. It got me hooked though and I have a lot of Robotech stuff in my garage.

The only character I hated more than Minmay was Kyle. Fokker was one of my favorites.

Like anything though, Harmony Gold recycled bits. If you've seen one tan colored VF-1A Veritech transform, you've seen them all. That's what made Skull One so cool (VF-1S). There are only a couple of scenes where Skull One is in the Super Veritech armor (the one with the missile launchers and booster rockets attached on the back) and Rick is the one flying it. To see that go from Fighter mode to Battloid was just cool!

Yeah, I'm 53 with a 27 year marriage, two kids (16 and 20) and a mortgage - but I still love/remember this stuff! I play Rolemaster/AD&D too, so total nerd here. :D


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
We are roughly the same age. In 1984 I'd picked up on Voltron (the Lion version, not the other one). I was 13. Robotech came around in the summer of 1985 and I caught it as it was first broadcast. Thankfully we owned a VCR by that time so I was able to record whatever I was going to miss. I was 14 there.

Eventually they got all the way through and went back around again. But by that time they started airing them out of order and then just dropped it completely. It got me hooked though and I have a lot of Robotech stuff in my garage.

The only character I hated more than Minmay was Kyle. Fokker was one of my favorites.

Like anything though, Harmony Gold recycled bits. If you've seen one tan colored VF-1A Veritech transform, you've seen them all. That's what made Skull One so cool (VF-1S). There are only a couple of scenes where Skull One is in the Super Veritech armor (the one with the missile launchers and booster rockets attached on the back) and Rick is the one flying it. To see that go from Fighter mode to Battloid was just cool!

Yeah, I'm 53 with a 27 year marriage, two kids (16 and 20) and a mortgage - but I still love/remember this stuff! I play Rolemaster/AD&D too, so total nerd here. :D
Aside: Sorry OP
52 here... quickly going on 53.
Never got into Voltron, or seen it, have heard of it via memes.
The Super Veritech is awesome!
Geek out time!
I started as a DM when I was 12, ran almost daily until 20. Dropped out of RPGs for about 10 years, but just started getting back into them. Here's what I have so far:
There's a couple of gems in there, particularly the Alt Cover Volo's Guide to Monsters and the Realms History.

I used to have the full Robotech RPG and loved it, the combat was fast and easy. MD vs SD was a great concept.
All the Palladium books below are signed by Mr. Siembieda!!! I was surprised by the signatures, when I ordered them from their online store!!!
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macrumors 68000
Aside: Sorry OP
52 here... quickly going on 53.
Never got into Voltron, or seen it, have heard of it via memes.
The Super Veritech is awesome!
Geek out time!
I started as a DM when I was 12, ran almost daily until 20. Dropped out of RPGs for about 10 years, but just started getting back into them. Here's what I have so far:
There's a couple of gems in there, particularly the Alt Cover Volo's Guide to Monsters and the Realms History.
View attachment 2396103

I used to have the full Robotech RPG and loved it, the combat was fast and easy. MD vs SD was a great concept.
All the Palladium books below are signed by Mr. Siembieda!!! I was surprised by the signatures, when I ordered them from their online store!!!
View attachment 2396104
perhaps you'd both be better off moving to a private chat as this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread's topic!
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