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macrumors 68040
Jan 31, 2005
La Jolla, CA
I like Jon but last year at a Disney World event with the DOD giving a medal to a Ukrainian AZOV Nazi soldier that hid his tattoos and AFAIK, never said anything after. I am sure he wasn't aware but on the other hand, he could address the gaffe.
I just feel these guys when reaching a certain threshold of $tatus and fame, basically lose their edge because they do not want to miss the money from MSM gigs. Colbert is another example once he went to ABC. The guy is a parody now from his old show.
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macrumors regular
Mar 21, 2015
Please show me an example of when Jon has been racist or demonized the working people.

Sure, season 1, the racist scumbag tried blaming white farmers for a piece of legalisation that was blocked - he kept insisting it was because of ‘white resentment’. Nasty piece of work.


May 27, 2021
Please show me an example of when Jon has been racist or demonized the working people. I'll wait... It's almost like you haven't watched anything he has actually done and instead listened to what some right wing pundit had to say about him.

To be fair, he had an entire episode of TPWJS centered around white privilege. Nothing rings more hollow than a white man worth hundreds of millions of dollars lecturing the rest of us about white privilege. And I don't have anything against him personally, as I do think he has done some good things. But I personally get sick of celebrities constantly virtue signaling and telling the rest of us how we should be living our lives. It was perfectly captured when Gal Gadot did that horrific and rightfully mocked "Imagine" video with those other celebrities. So many of those people live in a fantasy world but want to try and tell the rest of us to "Imagine no possessions" from their gated multi-million dollar homes.

And I'm not saying celebrites shouldn't have a voice, because they should. But being a celebrity doens't make your voice any more important than yours or mine And a lot of the time these celebrity voices are ignorant, uneducated, and just trying to appeal to a certain demographic of people that fits their brand. Stewart is clearly educated and knows what he's talking about most of the time, but I just personally think he goes way off the rails sometimes because he's trying to appeal to everyone in the center all the way to way way way way far left. And that's fine, its just not for me and I'm about as down the middle an independent as they come.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
To be fair, he had an entire episode of TPWJS centered around white privilege. Nothing rings more hollow than a white man worth hundreds of millions of dollars lecturing the rest of us about white privilege. And I don't have anything against him personally, as I do think he has done some good things. But I personally get sick of celebrities constantly virtue signaling and telling the rest of us how we should be living our lives. It was perfectly captured when Gal Gadot did that horrific and rightfully mocked "Imagine" video with those other celebrities. So many of those people live in a fantasy world but want to try and tell the rest of us to "Imagine no possessions" from their gated multi-million dollar homes.

And I'm not saying celebrites shouldn't have a voice, because they should. But being a celebrity doens't make your voice any more important than yours or mine And a lot of the time these celebrity voices are ignorant, uneducated, and just trying to appeal to a certain demographic of people that fits their brand. Stewart is clearly educated and knows what he's talking about most of the time, but I just personally think he goes way off the rails sometimes because he's trying to appeal to everyone in the center all the way to way way way way far left. And that's fine, its just not for me and I'm about as down the middle an independent as they come.
Two things here though. First, pointing out white privilege and discussing it as a whit person is not the same as racism. Second, He's right about the points he made so why does it matter if he is a celebrity or not?

Our whole way of life in the US is a privilege built on the backs of poorer nations and as racism still exists, even inside of that there is generally more privilege for white people. There are pockets where this isn't the case, but on average it still is a problem. I think he does a great job of diving into the details on it and discussing a problem like this is nor racism. We all like Apple products, but there is no escaping the fact that they (and pretty much all other tech we buy) is made in factories with very poor standards and pay for people of those countries. First world nations are largely built on the backs of third world nations.


May 27, 2021
Two things here though. First, pointing out white privilege and discussing it as a whit person is not the same as racism. Second, He's right about the points he made so why does it matter if he is a celebrity or not?

Our whole way of life in the US is a privilege built on the backs of poorer nations and as racism still exists, even inside of that there is generally more privilege for white people. There are pockets where this isn't the case, but on average it still is a problem. I think he does a great job of diving into the details on it and discussing a problem like this is nor racism. We all like Apple products, but there is no escaping the fact that they (and pretty much all other tech we buy) is made in factories with very poor standards and pay for people of those countries. First world nations are largely built on the backs of third world nations.

I didn't say it was racist. The post you were replying to said he talked about white privilege so that's what I was referencing. And I didn't say he wasn't right. It's just is so ridiculous to me when someone white worth hundreds of millions that has all of the privilege in the entire world wants to talk about other people's white privilege.

And you are exactly right with your other point. But Stewart knows this and happily accepted a job working for Apple getting paid millions of dollars. If he's so virtuous, why didn't he turn down the job and say "I can't work for a company that commits those atrocities." He doesn't need the money. But Apple offered him a ton MORE money so he looked the other way and said "Umm, look over here, these other corporations are bad.". We know that John, and you work for the most profitable one in the world.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2003
Sure, season 1, the racist scumbag tried blaming white farmers for a piece of legalisation that was blocked - he kept insisting it was because of ‘white resentment’. Nasty piece of work.
First, I assume you mean a piece of "legislation", not "legalization", and second, what exactly was that?


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
They do secure his silence. When he was working for Apple did you see him talk at all about Apple’s corporate greed or labor practices? Oh right, no you didn’t. You think he’s gonna go on tirades against Viacom? He won’t. It’s the “other” big corporations that he likes to go at.
What are you talking about? He did an entire show about corporate greed and mentioned Apple. Yeah, he mixed jokes in with the commentary which is the style of the show. Do you really expect anyone to call out specific corporations when they're all greedy? What would that accomplish?
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
I didn't say it was racist. The post you were replying to said he talked about white privilege so that's what I was referencing. And I didn't say he wasn't right. It's just is so ridiculous to me when someone white worth hundreds of millions that has all of the privilege in the entire world wants to talk about other people's white privilege.

And you are exactly right with your other point. But Stewart knows this and happily accepted a job working for Apple getting paid millions of dollars. If he's so virtuous, why didn't he turn down the job and say "I can't work for a company that commits those atrocities." He doesn't need the money. But Apple offered him a ton MORE money so he looked the other way and said "Umm, look over here, these other corporations are bad.". We know that John, and you work for the most profitable one in the world.
Someone else was claiming he is racist, probably just getting my wires crossed. But I don't see the problem with Jon taking a job just like the rest of us do to. Sure he makes a crap ton more than most of us, but he really isn't making such a vast amount of money that means he is part of the problem. I make a decent wage that means I'm comfortable, but I can still empathize and advocate for those that make less than I do. I think being upset with Jon here is misdirected anger really. We should be angry with those piloting the system and making the rules, not those who are just on the plane. At least he's not like Fox news hosts that claim to be News, but spew propaganda left and right. Jon is a comedian first, but just happens to do news better as an odd side effect. Largely I think the blame is just misdirected at Jon. He's not perfect either, no one is. I think it's far more important to pay attention to the message being conveyed than who is relaying the message.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2006
They're technically comedians. I didn't say they were funny.

The moonbat comedians that spend all their time making fun of straight white people and making the same tired joke about how the one-shot COVID vaccine wasn't really that great aren't funny either, but they get the specials and invitations to The Late Show.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
They do secure his silence. When he was working for Apple did you see him talk at all about Apple’s corporate greed or labor practices? Oh right, no you didn’t. You think he’s gonna go on tirades against Viacom? He won’t. It’s the “other” big corporations that he likes to go at.

He has mentioned Apple's greed in this discussion - The whole thing is worth a watch, but the relevant part is time stamped:
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May 27, 2021
Someone else was claiming he is racist, probably just getting my wires crossed. But I don't see the problem with Jon taking a job just like the rest of us do to. Sure he makes a crap ton more than most of us, but he really isn't making such a vast amount of money that means he is part of the problem. I make a decent wage that means I'm comfortable, but I can still empathize and advocate for those that make less than I do. I think being upset with Jon here is misdirected anger really. We should be angry with those piloting the system and making the rules, not those who are just on the plane. At least he's not like Fox news hosts that claim to be News, but spew propaganda left and right. Jon is a comedian first, but just happens to do news better as an odd side effect. Largely I think the blame is just misdirected at Jon. He's not perfect either, no one is. I think it's far more important to pay attention to the message being conveyed than who is relaying the message.
I’m not not upset at all with him. Some people in here seemingly have a problem with the fact that I don’t particularly care for him. Why that is I don’t know but if you like him great, I don’t really care. I have my own opinion on him and am not going to start getting upset and saying “YOU HAVE TO NOT LIKE HIM ALSO.” I know you weren’t saying that but that’s the way some people in here come off.


May 27, 2021
What are you talking about? He did an entire show about corporate greed and mentioned Apple. Yeah, he mixed jokes in with the commentary which is the style of the show. Do you really expect anyone to call out specific corporations when they're all greedy? What would that accomplish?

Oh pleeeeaaaase. He only mentioned Apple because he was called out on it by Summers. He didn’t organically bring it up. Try again with that one.


May 27, 2021
He has mentioned Apple's greed in this discussion - The whole thing is worth a watch, but the relevant part is time stamped:

Nah, he only brought up Apple because Summers called him out on it. He didn’t mention them without them being mentioned to him first.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Oh pleeeeaaaase. He only mentioned Apple because he was called out on it by Summers. He didn’t organically bring it up. Try again with that one.
I forgot about that clip. I’m talking about his own monologue when he mentions Apple and steps through how corporate greed works and how it has replaced normal market capitalism. The marketplace of ideas and the media only work when people are transparent and speak truth to power. Entertainers can do that while collecting a salary from those entities they criticize. It’s fairly common in the media.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2011
Again, missing the point. I don’t disagree with anything you said. I disagree with a multimillionaire lecturing us about the evils of big corporations when said multimillionaire makes his money off of evil big corporations. I’m not saying he should live in a hut but I also think its slightly hypocritical that he rants about the greed of these corporations making millions of dollars but is ok with them taking some of that money to pay him an exorbitant amount of money.

Let’s be clear here, he’s talking about companies like Apple who he had no problem working for. He’s talking about companies also like Viacom, who he has no problem taking a pay check from. Again, he can do what he wants and say what he wants but that’s my opinion of him and you certainly don’t have to agree with it but you also aren’t changing it.
I do see your point, but I also disagree with your opinion…and I won’t be changing mine, either. We live in a world which requires participation—and compromise. Daily, and in so many ways. Those of us who weren’t born independently wealthy have to compromize and (often) work with people whom we would otherwise avoid.

Also – speaking of forests and trees: Jon Stewart is a millionaire. The companies he works for are worth trillions. Due to the devaluation of the dollar, a millionaire isn’t actually that ’rich’ anymore. To truly be independent financially, a person would need hundreds of millions or billions. Jon Stewart, and most entertainers in his class and at his level of fame are (probably) comfortably secure financially. But they still can’t afford not to work. They too have mortgages and children and all of the other costs that grow on a person throughout their lives.

A millionaire calling out corporations (controlled by the truly wealthy billionaire/trillionaire class) which are actively destroying the natural ecosystems (affecting animals, insect life, in many cases humans as well), and climate feedback loops of the planet that keeps it habitable for the rest of us, who will not have multi-milion dollar self-contained bunkers to retreat to when the true crisis is upon us.

People like Jon do actual good in the world, and overall make positive contributions. Other than his acerbic tongue and wit, Jon doesn’t ruin people or their lives (or their health). The same cannot be said for the many governments and corporations and ultra-wealthy who will do anything (and destroy anyone) for ONE MORE dollar/euro/ruble.

I just find it amazing that people choose to focus on Stewart, who is a voice calling out problems and highlighting conflicts of interest, corruption, incompetence (and he will call out anyone who deserves it), rather than think about what he actually does, and whether he deserves to be paid adequately for the quality of his work. That is how our society is supposed to work — merit is rewarded.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2011
Just a thought - why can’t conservatives be funny?
LOL…that would take SELF-reflection and some degree of honesty with oneself and the world. That IS the heart of comedy — and what makes someone funny. They expose the truths we avoid by contrasting them with the social or accepted consensus…and as we realize the contradiction, we feel the truth of the words, but we have been led there narratively, and so we laugh, because humanity is endlessly amusing in our inanities.
I’ve never seen a funny, truly funny conservative, one who wasn’t just demeaning others and calling that ‘fun.’
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
Nah, he only brought up Apple because Summers called him out on it. He didn’t mention them without them being mentioned to him first.
That doesn't invalidate his statement though... He did answer the question so how is that a problem?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2011
Two things here though. First, pointing out white privilege and discussing it as a whit person is not the same as racism. Second, He's right about the points he made so why does it matter if he is a celebrity or not?

Our whole way of life in the US is a privilege built on the backs of poorer nations and as racism still exists, even inside of that there is generally more privilege for white people. There are pockets where this isn't the case, but on average it still is a problem. I think he does a great job of diving into the details on it and discussing a problem like this is nor racism. We all like Apple products, but there is no escaping the fact that they (and pretty much all other tech we buy) is made in factories with very poor standards and pay for people of those countries. First world nations are largely built on the backs of third world nations.
The unspoken part that people never talk about with regard to ‘white privilege’ is class privilege. That is very much the larger part of the issue; because, yes, the US and other Western nations (and advanced Eastern economies like Japan and South Korea) do absolutely profit off of the poor and their resources worldwide.

But the key point is that those massive profits—overwhelmingly—go only to the wealthiest people on the face of the earth. And, contrary to fairy tales told by so-called ‘conservatives’ the massively wealthy do not share, and the wealth does not ‘trickle down’ to the poorer classes of our nations. So, that’s not saying we don’t have responsibility for how our nations act, but we do not have the bulk of the responsibility, just as we don’t benefit from the spoils.

Although, we have all benefitted from offshoring. The original Apple computer cost $7K in today’s money. We now purchase very nice laptops for $1K and under. If we consider an iPad a computer, then we’re now able to purchase nice tablet computers for around $300.

And obviously, much, much cheaper options are out there in PC land for tablets and laptops/desktops. Our smartphones—would we have a world market today if they cost $5000 when they were introduced?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
I’m not not upset at all with him. Some people in here seemingly have a problem with the fact that I don’t particularly care for him. Why that is I don’t know but if you like him great, I don’t really care. I have my own opinion on him and am not going to start getting upset and saying “YOU HAVE TO NOT LIKE HIM ALSO.” I know you weren’t saying that but that’s the way some people in here come off.
I'll agree that you don't have to like him or his approach, that's totally fair. But I don't think it's fair when people then offer unfair criticism to that person just because they don't like them. Personally I very much like Jon Stewart and his general approach to tackling ideas and the humor he brings into it along the way. I find it really easy to separate when he is making a joke vs when he is serious, or even when the tone is joking but the general message is serious. But no one person is liked by everyone.
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May 27, 2021
I do see your point, but I also disagree with your opinion…and I won’t be changing mine, either. We live in a world which requires participation—and compromise. Daily, and in so many ways. Those of us who weren’t born independently wealthy have to compromize and (often) work with people whom we would otherwise avoid.

Also – speaking of forests and trees: Jon Stewart is a millionaire. The companies he works for are worth trillions. Due to the devaluation of the dollar, a millionaire isn’t actually that ’rich’ anymore. To truly be independent financially, a person would need hundreds of millions or billions. Jon Stewart, and most entertainers in his class and at his level of fame are (probably) comfortably secure financially. But they still can’t afford not to work. They too have mortgages and children and all of the other costs that grow on a person throughout their lives.

A millionaire calling out corporations (controlled by the truly wealthy billionaire/trillionaire class) which are actively destroying the natural ecosystems (affecting animals, insect life, in many cases humans as well), and climate feedback loops of the planet that keeps it habitable for the rest of us, who will not have multi-milion dollar self-contained bunkers to retreat to when the true crisis is upon us.

People like Jon do actual good in the world, and overall make positive contributions. Other than his acerbic tongue and wit, Jon doesn’t ruin people or their lives (or their health). The same cannot be said for the many governments and corporations and ultra-wealthy who will do anything (and destroy anyone) for ONE MORE dollar/euro/ruble.

I just find it amazing that people choose to focus on Stewart, who is a voice calling out problems and highlighting conflicts of interest, corruption, incompetence (and he will call out anyone who deserves it), rather than think about what he actually does, and whether he deserves to be paid adequately for the quality of his work. That is how our society is supposed to work — merit is rewarded.

Fair points. The only reason anyone in here is focused on Stewart is because it was a MacRumors article. Outside of that, I honestly could not care less what he does or says. Made for some interesting conversation in here though.
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May 27, 2021
I'll agree that you don't have to like him or his approach, that's totally fair. But I don't think it's fair when people then offer unfair criticism to that person just because they don't like them. Personally I very much like Jon Stewart and his general approach to tackling ideas and the humor he brings into it along the way. I find it really easy to separate when he is making a joke vs when he is serious, or even when the tone is joking but the general message is serious. But no one person is liked by everyone.

If I'm being honest I'm mostly just indifferent about him. I don't not like him as a human being and honestly I don't really care what he says or does. I'm just not going to watch him because I personally find him hypocrytical. You may 100% disagree with my opinion of him and that is totally fine. I appreciate your dialogue here and have enjoyed debating back and forth with you.
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