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macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
Again, missing the point. I don’t disagree with anything you said. I disagree with a multimillionaire lecturing us about the evils of big corporations when said multimillionaire makes his money off of evil big corporations. I’m not saying he should live in a hut but I also think its slightly hypocritical that he rants about the greed of these corporations making millions of dollars but is ok with them taking some of that money to pay him an exorbitant amount of money.

Let’s be clear here, he’s talking about companies like Apple who he had no problem working for. He’s talking about companies also like Viacom, who he has no problem taking a pay check from. Again, he can do what he wants and say what he wants but that’s my opinion of him and you certainly don’t have to agree with it but you also aren’t changing it.
This is an awful point.

So, unless you practice what you preach, you can't preach at all?

That's all the orange politician trying to be president again does. Every single day.


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2010
Finally - I thought this would never happen. Just in time for the US elections. I hope, he still got it - "The problem with Jon Stewart" had its moments but wasn't that great over all - and its ending was an embarassment for Apple - I hope he talks about it some day.


macrumors 68020
Aug 16, 2010
Why doesn't he retire and let a BIPOC take his spot if he truly believes his drivel.
He literally did, you have heard of Trevor Noah, right? He was fantastic, but he’s doing other cool things now

Right now Stewart’s joining a temporary set of rotating hosts until they find a new permanent one next year because Trevor Noah moved on

Also, Stewart is *very* well known among comics for mentoring other comics and helping folks get their start, including lots of performers of color. He absolutely practices what he preaches

Sidenote btw, Trevor Noah’s autobiography is fantastic, and I highly recommend listening to it as an audiobook, he does the narration himself and it’s well worth the listen
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Oct 28, 2007
My new favorite game is "6 degrees of Apple". It's where you take an article from MacRumors, and try to find a chain of relationships, no longer than 6, connecting the subject of the article to Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
I can’t believe they'd go so far as to cancel a show over a difference of opinion on these topics. I mean I can see why they’d want not to have a popular show on their platform ironically like/dislike something they have a clearly opposing stance on; it would just look kind of silly… but how can they maintain a catalog if everything in it has to check by their stances on any nuanced subject?
I agree, this situation really makes me disappointed in Apple. I thought The Problem was really good and interesting and am very sad to see it end. I just wish I could get the episodes that did run on Blu-Ray...


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Lol ok whatever you say. It's just all gone mostly to Netflix and podcast due to how the industry treats the comedians and they are saying totally fed up stuff on those just as they ever had so....
The Office wouldn't exist. The writer (Mindy Kaling) even apologized for it and said it couldn't be on tv today...It's insane.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2022
The Office wouldn't exist. The writer (Mindy Kaling) even apologized for it and said it couldn't be on tv today...It's insane.
Yes it would, it literally is still super popular. Mindy Kaling said that because she knows some of the 'jokes' she wrote were rooted in her actual views. But The office is a SUPER smart comedy especially for its time.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
His constant discussion on Corporate greed is so hypocritical. He commands a massive salary but talks about how greedy corporations are. He needs to look in the mirror at himself as well as the companies that employ him.
You picked a really strange hypocrisy to judge. Corporate greed is a systematic approach to capture as much revenue without any regard to community, environmental and legal standards and has nothing to do with the salary of an individual entertainer.


May 27, 2021
This is an awful point.

So, unless you practice what you preach, you can't preach at all?

That's all the orange politician trying to be president again does. Every single day.

Shouldn’t you practice what you preach? And I’m not sure what Trump has to do with anything but you do you. And it’s my opinion. I also think your opinion is awful so who cares?
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macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Oh good I was hoping someone like him would bring clarity to what's going on in our country. I trust his analysis to be fair and unbiased just like the rest of the "comedians" made famous by mainstream network television.
So how come we trust the content and truth in their jokes more than we trust the content and truth in the actual mainstream news networks? Comedians and comedy are not the problem here.


May 27, 2021
You picked a really strange hypocrisy to judge. Corporate greed is a systematic approach to capture as much revenue without any regard to community, environmental and legal standards and has nothing to do with the salary of an individual entertainer.

It does when said corporations are paying his salary.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
He’s a ‘woke‘ leftist. His constant sly attacks on the white working class, either tacitly through ‘white privilege’ sermons, or explicitly through attacks on poor Republican voters, make that so. Real leftists - the ones who realise the left isn’t exclusively about LGBTQ or Ivy League fashion trends - don’t demonise working people because of their skin tone.

So many interesting leftist thinkers out there, this dried up racist millionaire isn’t one of them.
Please show me an example of when Jon has been racist or demonized the working people. I'll wait... It's almost like you haven't watched anything he has actually done and instead listened to what some right wing pundit had to say about him.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
There are plenty of funny conservatives but they typically don't send their entire set making fun of straight white people so they don't get Comedy Central specials.
Right. They make fun of straight white people for being woke and liberal.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2009
I had high hopes for The Problem with… but it never really took off. Formula was too slow and, well, boring. The panel interviews also showed some clear flaws in his interviewing skills. Hopefully he can find his footing again with The Daily Show.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
I had high hopes for The Problem with… but it never really took off. Formula was too slow and, well, boring. The panel interviews also showed some clear flaws in his interviewing skills. Hopefully he can find his footing again with The Daily Show.
I saw a big difference between 1st and 2nd seasons. It got funnier, better bookings, better researched and flowed better overall from S1 to S2. I never liked any of the video interstitials - too goofy and self serving. And I hate most live audience tapings because the audience generally responds to every point with long, obnoxious applause breaks. It's the reason why I fast forward through most of Bill Maher. But Stewart's audience was a little less raucous which helps.


May 27, 2021
So if he was quietly taking a big salary form corps to secure his silence you wouldn't have a problem with that?

They do secure his silence. When he was working for Apple did you see him talk at all about Apple’s corporate greed or labor practices? Oh right, no you didn’t. You think he’s gonna go on tirades against Viacom? He won’t. It’s the “other” big corporations that he likes to go at.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
You are missing the point. Stewart commands a massive salary. Where does his salary come from? Oh right, the big corporations. His greed draws a straight line to their greed. So yes, I understand what you are saying, but he's a massive hypocrite when he works for said corporations that he complains about.
I think it's hard to judge people with this line of thinking though. In the society we live in, everyone needs to work to survive. You are also working for a company that participates in this same game and I bet you would also like raises regularly. I would argue that's no different than Jon. He makes a lot more money than either of us, yes, but he is nowhere near the amount that the real problem people are at. I'd only start trying to draw these kinds of connections when he gets into the Billions of dollars of net worth. According to google his net worth is somewhere between 60 million and 120 Million, that's not pay, but net worth which would include any retirement or anything else.

Another angle, do you have a 401K? Because if you do, then you are somewhat reliant on the "number always go up" mentality too. So, my main point is that if those are the markers for being a hypocrite, then you and I are as well. The current system forces us into this mold, so we have to work on changes from within. If he didn't play the game to some extent, he wouldn't have the platform to speak out on like he does.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Yes it would, it literally is still super popular. Mindy Kaling said that because she knows some of the 'jokes' she wrote were rooted in her actual views. But The office is a SUPER smart comedy especially for its time.
Lots of stuff from the past is super popular. I love the office. Doesn't mean many of the great episodes of that show would have been made today.
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