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macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2020
I’m curious. Are the hardware specs of for the 16 already locked in?

Do we know if it’s even in production yet? If not, if Apple gave the 16 Pro Max 12gb, it would go a long way in selling more iPhones this year.
By this time of the year, they are already on full rush to produce. I think coconut battery said one of our launch iphones were made in july.

Apple is just really good with leaks - reminded me of a recent story of apple employees brother leaking things here.


macrumors 603
Aug 28, 2013
Los Angeles, USA
Noob question...

What's wrong with the chat-pgt app and Microsoft Co-pilot app?

Works pretty well to me while saving money on a new phone.

I understand the goal here by apple is to make it assist in every aspect of your life but in a sense Gmail organizes emails pretty well, imessages does a good job, i don't see the huge deal for AI especially for those who just brought a non 15 pro phone.

Co-Pilot and ChatGPT farm out your prompts to their server infrastructure, which then returns your answers via the cloud to your device. Apple AI is doing that processing on your device for privacy but this requires a lot of RAM and processing power.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I think its smarter to wait for the 17 Pro and it's rumored 12gb of RAM. I just have a feeling the phones with 8gb of RAM are going to slow down sooner than expected. I mean, if AI requires a minimum of 8gb of RAM, do you really want a phone with the bare minimum specs?

If you upgrade every 1 or 2 years then it won't matter.
There are rumours the AI stuff will be an additional paid subscription service, so I doubt its going to be wildly popular for average users who barely explore the features their iPhones come with anyway. I think enthusiasts here will be surprised just how many iPhone users out there have current phones or 2-3 year old phones and haven't used things like FaceID and have no clue about automations and even things like Siri. I bump into those types of people all the time and it seems to be more common than people think.

I think AI has a long way to go and charging for it now will undoubtedly put people off until it is fully integrated and part of iOS.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2017
Not really you should do us Apple shareholders a favors and upgrade, this is what Apple 🍎 wants and needs plus you’ll get better cameras faster processors just put yourself on a payment plan with your carrier and enjoy THE BEST IPHONE EVER. 😏🤣😟
Would rather spend $1000 on AAPL than this year iPhone 🤣🤣🤣
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