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macrumors 65816
Apr 17, 2009
Norfolk, UK
You know that, I know that. The people on here know that. But Joe Blow doesn’t.

When he uses an alt app marketplace and gets an app that’s harmful to his iPad… who will he blame?

Apple, of course.

I’m in favor of multiple screens saying something to the consumer like “This app has not been approved by Apple. The user assumes any and all risk associated with this app. Apple does not recommend or support this app.”

The EU made its decision. Now we have to deal with dumb consumers blaming Apple.
Won’t somebody please think of the Trillion dollar corporations! 😭


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2021
Surprised they did this considering they weren’t required by DMA at this time to enable it on the iPads.


Apr 11, 2018
Surprised they did this considering they weren’t required by DMA at this time to enable it on the iPads.

Yes they were, the EU moved the goalposts and included iPadOS even though it fell short of their "gatekeeper" numbers. Just goes to show their real motivation is just to screw Apple and the users.

Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2008
Is there a way to disable it?
You can just download apps from a random website, tap, trust and install them.
Apple explains the easy steps to do it.

You've been able to do it for years, DMA or not.
App's that have never been reviewed by Apple.

Keep that in mind.

👉 Will you ask Apple to disable that, for security reasons?
They're gonna ignore you or laugh in your face.
After all, there's good money in enterprise sales.

Infinity Vortex

macrumors member
Jun 19, 2024
Yes they were, the EU moved the goalposts and included iPadOS even though it fell short of their "gatekeeper" numbers. Just goes to show their real motivation is just to screw Apple.

Considering iOS and iPadOS similarities, I can kind of see why. Not all that different than how Apple tried to pretend Safari wasn’t actually Safari on their different devices.


macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2022
On the one hand - if I wanted a tablet that could be used with other App stores or sideloaded apps, I'd get an Android tablet, and that's all the "consumer choice" I need (and I've already gone Android for my phone).

On the other hand - these same laws apply to Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta etc. - none of whom are without sin when it comes to anti-competetive practices - who have doubtless been gaxing upon Apple's closed shop with envious eyes, and would otherwise take away that choice as soon as they thought they could get away with it.
I suspect this is all about setting things up to then attack encryption.

Otherwise hey bring this on to the USA maybe 3rd party devs can fix iPadOS so every one stops complaining
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macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2022
EU's marketplace, the EU's rules. If you don't like it, leave.
lol funny you say this because this is what people have been saying to critics of the App Store policies. “Go to Android”. What if I like Apple and its products I just disagree with a few frustrating things that make it so I have to use other products?

Pans Dance

macrumors newbie
Dec 8, 2022
You know that, I know that. The people on here know that. But Joe Blow doesn’t.

When he uses an alt app marketplace and gets an app that’s harmful to his iPad… who will he blame?

Apple, of course.

I’m in favor of multiple screens saying something to the consumer like “This app has not been approved by Apple. The user assumes any and all risk associated with this app. Apple does not recommend or support this app.”

The EU made its decision. Now we have to deal with dumb consumers blaming Apple.
This sounds like socialistic left wing politics that want to regulate everything for the consumer so they can not make the ‚wrong‘ decision for themselves. Let people take their own responsibility! No apple or state always needing to decide for the user/citizen! And why do you say ‘we’ have to deal with dumb consumers blaming apple? In what way do you expect to deal with them? Do you work at a phone helpdesk? Or are you talking about your granny asking you why her phone is showing some message she does not understand?

Interesting what you say, but i don’t understand your stance…


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2017
As expected Apple would capitulate also on the iPad. Wouldn’t have been better to keep the moral high ground and implement this before been forced to?
As long as many people in the states still defend Apple out of jealousy, they won’t.


macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2023
They didn’t remove themselves. Apple removed them after they violated App Store agreement.
That's what getting banned on purpose means. They knowingly violated the rule and got themselves banned so they would have evidence to present in court.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
I’m in favor of multiple screens saying something to the consumer like “This app has not been approved by Apple. The user assumes any and all risk associated with this app. Apple does not recommend or support this app.”

The EU made its decision. Now we have to deal with dumb consumers blaming Apple.
Totally Agree


macrumors regular
Nov 22, 2020
Disable what? You’re not forced to install any alternative app stores. So if you don’t want any just don’t install any.
We are forced to install and pay for the alternative app store if we want to use Delta, while US users can get it for free directly on the App Store.
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