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macrumors 68040
May 18, 2004
Go right ahead. IIIRC, you are in the DC area so you have humidity. Whoever devised the "heat index" or "real feel" needs to go back and do it over.

I will take 115 with 15% humidity any day over 85 and 70%. I can get into the shade and get much cooler. You can't get away from the humidity. They always say to turn your A/C down when you leave the house to save energy. If we had done that in WV when it was 95/80%, we wouldn't have been able to get the house cool enough to sleep.

Out here, we set it up to 78 when we leave, and even on a 110 degree day, come home and turn it on, it has the house back to 70 or so in less than an hour.

We are at a similar elevation as Kingman and we are supposed to hit 112 two days this week.

While I'm not interested in having 115, I agree with you about humidity being harder to take than higher temperature.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
Yes, it is definitely the humidity far more than the heat which is a real stressor (at least for me) this time of year! DC is definitely rather swampy during a lot of the summer! I absolutely HATE how the humidity affects the air temperature to the point where it can become nearly unbearable.
My wife and I went to Disney World a few years ago around Memorial Day. The entire week, it was 90F with 80-90% humidity. My wife legit got sick on our last day in the park because the humidity was so bad. The slightest breeze or gust of wind was absolute heaven for us though. Anything over 50% for us feels like a swamp because we're used to dry, desert heat.

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
The heat continues out west. Here are records from Sunday and Monday, some of them breaking the previous record by 3 or 4 degrees.

Las Vegas, Nevada: 120 degrees (new record; previous record was 117 degrees)

Phoenix, Arizona: 118 degrees (new record; previous record was 115 degrees)

Barstow, California: 118 degrees (new record)

Lancaster, California: 117 degrees (ties the record)

Bishop, California: 111 degrees (new record)

Salem, Oregon: 105 degrees (new record)

Eugene, Oregon: 105 degrees (new record)

Portland, Oregon: 102 degrees (new record; previous record was 98 degrees)

Hillsboro, Oregon: 102 degrees (new record)

Vancouver, Washington: 101 degrees (new record)​

Three little towns in the northwest corner of California:

Covelo, California: 117 degrees (new record; previous record was 115 degrees)

Hoopa, California: 114 degrees (new record; previous record was 111 degrees)

Alderpoint, California: 113 degrees (new record; previous record was 112 degrees)​

To those of you in the U.S., I hope your home is among the 88% with air conditioning (as of 2020). That's up from 77% in 2001. If you don't have A/C, maybe it's a good day to go to a movie theater (and not the drive-in kind)!


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona: 118 degrees (new record; previous record was 115 degrees)​

Local news says there is a chance we could make a run at the all-time temp of 122. Forecast is still 5 degrees below that so I'm thinking No!
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macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2019
I'm grilling babybacks right now and I just burned myself... on the stainless-steel tongs sitting on the side table, in the sun! Yesterday a tech came for my annual HVAC system checkup, and couldn't bill me because his iPad overheated and quit.
  • Wow
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
I'm grilling babybacks right now and I just burned myself... on the stainless-steel tongs sitting on the side table, in the sun! Yesterday a tech came for my annual HVAC system checkup, and couldn't bill me because his iPad overheated and quit.
That is frightening.

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
The Associated Press reported some record-setting temperatures around the world this year:

Aswan, Egypt: 121 -- previous record was 120 in 1961 (63 years ago!)

Geraldton, Australia: 120 -- previous record was 117 in 1954 (70 years ago!)

Gaya, India: 117 -- pevious record was 116 in 1978 (46 years ago!)

Sikasso, Mali: 116 -- previous record was 108 in 2020 (8 degree increase!)

Progreso, Mexico: 111 -- previous record was 108 in 2023

Vinh, Vietnam: 109 -- previous record was 105 in 2019

Mama, Russia: 101 -- previous record was 99 in 2017​

If you were planning a leisurely vacation in Russia, perhaps you should go to Khabarovsk, where the high today will be a comfortable 66 degrees. But you might want to leave before winter. The low there on January 17 was -13 degrees.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2020
Espoo, Finland
How do you all cope with those high temperatures? Here in south Finland (Espoo to be precise) we have 17C now at 11pm and during the day it was 21C I think. Above 22-23C for me it's quite hot already.

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
People cope in various ways, usually using a combination of techniques. Here are some that are often recommended:
  • Drink fluids, including sports drinks if you've sweated a lot. Avoid alcohol. Favor cold foods.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes in light colors. Wear a wide-brimmed hat. Clothes that block UV can also block heat.
  • Put a wet towel around your neck. Take a cool shower. If you're at a beach, go in the ocean.
  • Stay indoors during the hottest hours. If you like, take a nap during the day.
  • Close windows during the day. Open them at night.
  • Go where it's air conditioned or where there are fans: home, office, mall, store, restaurant, theater, etc. Or go to a local cooling center if your city has one.
I guess it's also smart to hang around MacRumors, since it's a cool site! :)
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macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
How do you all cope with those high temperatures? Here in south Finland (Espoo to be precise) we have 17C now at 11pm and during the day it was 21C I think. Above 22-23C for me it's quite hot already.

Humidity plays a huge part. A quick look at the weather there and it looks like it gets pretty humid. This means that shade isn't near as effective, your A/C has to work not only to cool the room, but also to remove humidity.

Right now our temp is 104F (40C), but the humidity is only 8%. So if you are in the sun, it is warm, but get into the shade and it is quite comfortable.


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2010
How do you all cope with those high temperatures? Here in south Finland (Espoo to be precise) we have 17C now at 11pm and during the day it was 21C I think. Above 22-23C for me it's quite hot already.
Loose fitting breathable clothes, drink plenty of water, in my case with electrolytes.

Riding a bike in France last year in 40°C temps in the mountains, it was about keeping hydrated and wearing the specific light weight cycling kit. Plenty of sunscreen. Being up high you burn easily.

Inside the “hotels” which mostly didn’t have AC I’d just use a cold damp towel over me to help cool down. The water was usually cold at least.
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