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macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
Yeah, to continue living in a tolerant society, it’s necessary to be intolerant of intolerance. This apparent “paradox” is not a recent revelation, and is in fact totally rational.

And yes, if your life experience has been one where “your” group has been dominant and privileged, and society shifts towards equality, it’s going to feel like your group is under attack. It’s painful to let go of privilege, but it’s necessary to build a society of genuine equality.
Go ahead---name where I am privileged. Do you even know what that means? What is "genuine equality" mean? So you're okay with government showing preference to one group over another? If that happens now that other group is privileged. You really need to study up on world history----Guess who will end up standing up for the gay community when tyranny comes crashing down? Hint---it's not government because they're using you.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 26, 2024
Los Angeles
LOL!!! Seriously? This has to be sarcasm I hope. You mean like using tax payer dollars to push it in schools?

Some states use tax payer dollars to push the opposite. This is why it's important to get out and vote. We can agree it's a privilege that we live in a country that allows that, yeah?
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
Some states use tax payer dollars to push the opposite. This is why it's important to get out and vote. We can agree it's a privilege that we live in a country that allows that, yeah?
Taxpayer dollars to do what? The federal government is clearly overstepping---show me states that use taxpayer dollars to "push the opposite".
BTW, I'm for limited government and NONE of this stuff should be endorsed or paid for...

BTW, this is where it has headed---It's funny, you state you "fight for equity" but 4% of hiring in corporations are white straight males the rest are DEI hires. So instead of the best worker, these racist policies are based on skin color and sexual orientation. There's progress for you---

1 in 6 Hiring Managers Have Been Told to Stop Hiring White Men" (From resume builder 2022)​

Key findings include:

  • 52% believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring
  • 1 in 6 have been asked to deprioritize hiring white men
  • 48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications
  • 53% believe their job will be in danger if they don’t hire enough diverse employees
  • 70% believe their company has DEI initiatives for appearances’ sake
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macrumors regular
Dec 7, 2018
LOL!!! Seriously? This has to be sarcasm I hope. You mean like using tax payer dollars to push it in schools? Pushing "pride" through government programs? Pushing it in the work place like DEI? Firing those in the workplace that have different opinions? I used to support the gay community but it has been pushed WAY too far to the point of "sit down and shut up". You have poked the bear too many times---

Talk about "flaunting it"---what a joke---remember this?

“We’ll Convert Your Children” – A Message from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir​

It all goes back to making things equal for all. It sounds like you have a problem with that.

Did you think it was going to happen in a vaccuum?

Also how do you feel about Texas, Florida, and Louisiana pushing Christian beliefs on public shool kids using taxpayer money? Do you feel the same way about that, as Pride?
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
It all goes back to making things equal for all. It sounds like you have a problem with that.

Did you think it was going to happen in a vaccuum?

Also how do you feel about Texas, Florida, and Louisiana pushing Christian beliefs on public shool kids using taxpayer money? Do you feel the same way about that, as Pride?
If you read his latest post I think you will see he is against that as well "

BTW, I'm for limited government and NONE of this stuff should be endorsed or paid for...
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macrumors regular
Dec 7, 2018
Go ahead---name where I am privileged. Do you even know what that means? What is "genuine equality" mean? So you're okay with government showing preference to one group over another? If that happens now that other group is privileged. You really need to study up on world history----Guess who will end up standing up for the gay community when tyranny comes crashing down? Hint---it's not government because they're using you.
It's not a group being privileged, it's equality finally catching up.

So old white guys are upset that women, gays, and black people are finally achieving some sort of parity. Boo hoo. That's really all that is happening.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
It's not a group being privileged, it's equality finally catching up.

So old white guys are upset that women, gays, and black people are finally achieving some sort of parity. Boo hoo. That's really all that is happening.
Is that all that is really happening? Having leaders of groups like BLM saying white people are "“recessive genetic defects" is about equality? There is a lot more going on. Would you say it is just a bunch of "old black guys" or sub in anything but white there or would that be deemed offensive?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
It all goes back to making things equal for all. It sounds like you have a problem with that.

Did you think it was going to happen in a vaccuum?

Also how do you feel about Texas, Florida, and Louisiana pushing Christian beliefs on public shool kids using taxpayer money? Do you feel the same way about that, as Pride?
Yeah, show me examples of that being done. BTW, the federal government needs to NOT be involved in public schools.
Also, this country was founded on Christian values and the Christian bent is our country's heritage. Try going into the middle East and changing their society accept Christian and gay beliefs. How would that go---

And speaking of the Middle East, do you support the Muslim faith and Muslims being a protected group of government and their calls to prayer in their selected states? (Minnesota, Michigan, CA)?
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macrumors regular
Dec 7, 2018
Is that all that is really happening? Having leaders of groups like BLM saying white people are "“recessive genetic defects" is about equality? There is a lot more going on. Would you say it is just a bunch of "old black guys" or sub in anything but white there or would that be deemed offensive?
Yep. That's really all that is happening. Worse has been said for a lot longer about black people regarding genetics, intellect, speech, and so forth. So for a hot second it got turned around, and someone had an opinion. It's exactly my point, old white guys don't seem to like it when they get a taste of their own medicine. Again, boo hoo for them.

Considering human evolution and probably that what is now Africa played a part in human development, if having light skin is due to recessive genetic defects, so what? It sounds like science to me, I'm fine with it.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Yep. That's really all that is happening. Worse has been said for a lot longer about black people regarding genetics, intellect, speech, and so forth. So for a hot second it got turned around, and someone had an opinion. It's exactly my point, old white guys don't seem to like it when they get a taste of their own medicine. Again, boo hoo for them.
So is that your method for healing wounds and building bridges for things done in the past? This happened to me so I am going to do it to you? Seems like a pretty child like approach to trying to actually bring people together. He hit me first so I am going to hit back, that always works.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
Yep. That's really all that is happening. Worse has been said for a lot longer about black people regarding genetics, intellect, speech, and so forth. So for a hot second it got turned around, and someone had an opinion. It's exactly my point, old white guys don't seem to like it when they get a taste of their own medicine. Again, boo hoo for them.
Yet you look to government to resolve problems they created---You're probably a Democrat so I'll rattle off their list of the group you support---Democrats are the party of:

--Jim Crowe
--Dredd Scott
--Internment camps
--Eugenics (Goebbels got his propaganda from Democrats)
--The KKK (Yup---Democrat para military arm).
--The great society
--Robert Byrd, LBJ, FDR, Woodrow Wilson all placated to the KKK and were racists.

Gosh, I could go on and on. BTW, Republicans suck as well. My point is, you keep running to government for resolution but all this time the bigger they get the more they oppress. Sadly, you are baited into their trap because they want us divided by lies and that's what you bought into.

Oh, BTW, DEI is a Marxist ideology---the sooner you learn this the better you will understand. The fallacy of equality and equity is just that---a pipe dream to a power grab. Heck, even AI admits this to be true. So, are you a supporter of Marxism?

"DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is rooted in Marxist ideology. The concept of DEI uses words and methods drawn from the Marxist/communist vision, sensitizing and conditioning participants toward an inevitable adoption of tenets of a “classless” society. DEI’s primary focus on “equity” (equal outcomes) means wholesale rejecting of all moral standards of treating people fairly via equal opportunity."
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
The Establishment Clause disagrees with you.
Being founded on Christian principals and values is NOT against the 1791 Bill of Rights. Christians can serve as Christians, Christian values can be implemented into society--- but can not force you to Worship a certain way by law. That's what that means--- You are free to Worship any way you want. It's what you and your ilk are doing is against the 1791 Bill of Rights....the term "hate speech" and "hate speech" laws are ILLEGAL...these are opinions and to make laws against them ARE unconstitutional---yet you support them?
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macrumors regular
Dec 7, 2018
Yeah, show me examples of that being done. BTW, the federal government needs to NOT be involved in public schools.
Also, this country was founded on Christian values and the Christian bent is our country's heritage. Try going into the middle East and changing their society accept Christian and gay beliefs. How would that go---

And speaking of the Middle East, do you support the Muslim faith and Muslims being a protected group of government and their calls to prayer in their selected states? (Minnesota, Michigan, CA)?
Ok. Here are some examples.

I don't live in the Middle East, let them deal with their own bigotry.

Religion already has some protection in the USA. I don't see how Muslims are any different than Satanists, Episcopalians, Christians, or the FSM believers.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 26, 2024
Los Angeles
Being founded on Christian principals and values is NOT against the 1791 Bill of Rights. Christians can serve as Christians, Christian values can be implemented into society--- but can not force you to Worship a certain way by law. That's what that means--- You are free to Worship any way you want. It's what you and your ilk are doing is against the 1791 Bill of Rights....the term "hate speech" and "hate speech" laws are ILLEGAL...these are opinions and to make laws against them ARE unconstitutional---yet you support them?

My point was that they explicitly did not want religion of any kind to play any role in politics.

I never mentioned support for any legislation. I believe the same thing that our founding fathers believed - that all men are created equal.

I am staunchly opposed to legislation that goes against that ideal. That includes legislation that restricts the rights of any person, like marriage rights, or what can or cannot be taught in schools.

However, it must be understood that your rights end where mine begin. You have no right to subject me, or any other American, to hate. Reserve your offensive speech for your government, not your bothers and neighbors.

In a funny way, Pride is enshrined in the very first amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America. Glad you brought this up.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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macrumors regular
Dec 7, 2018
Yet you look to government to resolve problems they created---You're probably a Democrat so I'll rattle off their list of the group you support---Democrats are the party of:

--Jim Crowe
--Dredd Scott
--Internment camps
--Eugenics (Goebbels got his propaganda from Democrats)
--The KKK (Yup---Democrat para military arm).
--The great society
--Robert Byrd, LBJ, FDR, Woodrow Wilson all placated to the KKK and were racists.

Gosh, I could go on and on. BTW, Republicans suck as well. My point is, you keep running to government for resolution but all this time the bigger they get the more they oppress. Sadly, you are baited into their trap because they want us divided by lies and that's what you bought into.

Oh, BTW, DEI is a Marxist ideology---the sooner you learn this the better you will understand. The fallacy of equality and equity is just that---a pipe dream to a power grab. Heck, even AI admits this to be true. So, are you a supporter of Marxism?

"DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is rooted in Marxist ideology. The concept of DEI uses words and methods drawn from the Marxist/communist vision, sensitizing and conditioning participants toward an inevitable adoption of tenets of a “classless” society. DEI’s primary focus on “equity” (equal outcomes) means wholesale rejecting of all moral standards of treating people fairly via equal opportunity."

In America like it or not, the only mechanism we have to change things is voting. That's the government, that's how it works, that's what you sign up for if you live in the USA.

Until it's a law saying it's prohibited, like LGBTQ job discrimination, it can freely happen. So the government is useful for evening the playing field in this manner.

Sorry, but people were not treated equally historically hence the need for DEI. It wouldn't exist if people treated each other better in the first place.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
My point was that they explicitly did not want religion of any kind to play any role in politics.

I never mentioned support for any legislation. I believe the same thing that our founding fathers believed - that all men are created equal.

I am staunchly opposed to legislation that goes against that ideal. That includes legislation that restricts the rights of any person, like marriage rights, or what can or cannot be taught in schools.

However, it must be understood that your rights end where mine begin. You have no right to subject me, or any other American, to hate. Reserve your offensive speech for your government, not your bothers and neighbors.

In a funny way, Pride is enshrined in the very first amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America. Glad you brought this up.
There's that word again "hate"---what does that mean? Please explain. Because you deem "hate" as a difference of opinion....someone disagrees with you and you scream "HATE"!!! Then you cry for new laws against actual opinions then you lie and state you support free here we are again, full circle. I prefer KNOWING who people are before I befriend them or give them my money. You want to despise Christians and not serve me food or whatever as a business---that's fine, I'll just go elsewhere. However, leftists won't let it happen the other way because it's a double standard---you then send government goons after us making laws and forcing us to comply to what you believe. That's where I have the problem! MAKE this CAKE for me!!!!
Like I said, I supported the gay community until you crossed that you lost me because you have to use the power of the government to force us to comply. You know that's true and that's why the backlash is from people that used to support the gay community.

Oh BTW, still waiting for you to answer the questions I asked. Are you for socialism or Marxism?
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 26, 2024
Los Angeles
There's that word again "hate"---what does that mean?

As far as speech is concerned;

public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence toward a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.

Hateful acts are when your actions have the same basis. For example, food service. You should refuse service because a customer is rude, or inappropriately dressed, or some other reason that they can control, not because of some bias.

You want to despise Christians and not serve me food or whatever as a business

Never said anything of the sort. I couldn't care less what religion you or anyone is. Your relationship to whatever God is between you and that God. Simply do not use your religion as a grounds to discriminate against me, as I would not use mine to discriminate against you.

Oh BTW, still waiting for you to answer the questions I asked. Are you for socialism or Marxism?

I'm not here to discuss economic or political philosophy. We could go on and on about the pitfalls of any model, and I'm genuinely not interested in further roundabout discussion about it.

Good luck with that because eventually they will come for you

Sometimes I wonder what people have done so that they now believe they will face prosecution.


macrumors 68020
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
So old white guys are upset that women, gays, and black people are finally achieving some sort of parity. Boo hoo. That's really all that is happening.
Speaking as an “old white guy”, that not true for all old white guys. Some of us recognize there are past and current inequalities that need to be remedied. And a bunches of young white guys (e.g., incel and Hypermasculinity kooks) are also part of the problem.


macrumors regular
Nov 11, 2007
London, UK
“We’ll Convert Your Children” – A Message from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir
For anyone who’s curious about the reality of the above quote, I was too, and did 30 seconds of research on the internets. It’s a satirical song poking fun at parents who want to indoctrinate their kids with their own anti-LGBTQ+ opinions. The full lyrics are here, and go:
”We'll convert your children... We'll make them tolerant and fair.”

Not so sinister after all, eh. :rolleyes:

(And this sort of cherry-picking and dishonest portrayal is typical of what our community has had to put up with for decades, and continues to have to put up with. So, thanks for the example, I guess. *sigh*)


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
”We'll convert your children... We'll make them tolerant and fair.”

Not so sinister after all, eh. :rolleyes:
I don't think you understand how "messaging/programming through messaging" works.

This is just another reason why you should never outsource your conceptual power.
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