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macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2010
Apple’s execs “not getting involved” going well. Must have been serious in their view to step in.

They just can’t gatekeep this stuff if it’s to live and breathe as it should.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
IDK about his ratings, but if Jon Stewart was in any way critical of Chinathere's your answer. ☭
˙ View attachment 2299338

Apple has too much riding on China not to obey Winnie the Pooh’s commands.
For a country actively trying to cancel apple Tim sure seems bent on kissing their boots. And as a gay man China wants him in a workshop slaving away or harvesting his organs.
Tim needs replaced with someone who has actual balls. And not a space where the ghost of his balls live.


Jun 14, 2007
While i saw the show once, I quickly determined it wasn’t my cup of tea.

But when you say we, us, we’re…please don’t include me. Apple will be just fine as it’s proved throughout the years after 2011.

My point is that for the 20 years I’ve read this site, the past few years have seen an huge uptick of Apple fans being upset with products and services.

The latest iOS brings a number of horrible bugs and unwanted and unnecessary changes.

And again, as I’ve said before, the MacPro used to be advertised as the fastest computer on the market. Now, it’s just the fastest Mac Pro ever sold but isn’t even faster than the Studio.

Apple used to stand for something more than just profits. It seems that now, they don’t care about the quality so long as they’re brands recognition remains and they can sell.

Which is my point: when the fans are upset that should be a red flag that all isn’t well.
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macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2015
Question is: what is causing more public outcry? Simply airing the show and not many people will notice or cancel it and be in the news for muting criticism of China et. al.?
More likely it was canceled due to low viewing figures.
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macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2015
And this is why it's called MacRumors, because in this case no one here knows for certain why the show was cancelled.

Sure, the China stuff looks likely, but as of this writing, it's still a rumour.
I read that he was only averaging around 45k viewers. So it accurate, it would explain a lot. Plus, plenty of people ar e critical of China. I doubt the ChiComs were that up in arms over Stewart.


macrumors 6502
Mar 14, 2015
Chinese government found out about show (despite Apple TV+ not available in China), and threatened Apple that they would face total ban on all Apple products unless show was cancelled. At that point, company had no choice.

(And Communist Party of China is dead serious about foreign show making fun of China. See South Park. It was wiped off the map in China (after one episode that made fun of Chinese government) to the point that show never existed at all.)

Reportedly Bob Iger thinks he's going to sell off Disney to Apple. Disney is potentially a massive bargain right now (and will be cheaper in the future), because the Wokeism that Iger inculcated at Disney has destroyed the value of all of its properties — Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones, and Disney's back catalog of classic animated films that they're determined to remake as Woke live-action films. Disney entertainment properties might be salvageable if the Wokeists are excommunicated by new ownership and management — but Woke AF Apple doesn't have it in them.

Now that Apple has plumbed new depths of cravenness before China, can Apple be trusted to own ABC News? It's bad enough that ABC News is afraid to cross America's communists.
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Feb 2, 2021
Reportedly Bob Iger thinks he's going to sell off Disney to Apple. Disney is potentially a massive bargain right now (and will be cheaper in the future), because the Wokeism that Iger inculcated at Disney has destroyed the value of all of its properties — Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones, and Disney's back catalog of classic animated films that they're determined to remake as Woke live-action films. Disney entertainment properties might be salvageable if the Wokeists are excommunicated by new ownership and management — but Woke AF Apple doesn't have it in them.

Now that Apple has plumbed new depths of cravenness before China, can Apple be trusted to own ABC News? It's bad enough that ABC News is afraid to cross America's communists.
I can’t but help laugh, live action Disney releases, Marvel and Star Wars releases are actually losing money at the box office. Willow was so bad they had to pull it from Disney +, which by the way is bleeding customers. Pixar is grossly under performing, and people still downvote you.

I CANNOT wait to see what a dumpster fire The Marvels and Snow Woke is going to be.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 6, 2012
He is not centrist. Not even close. He’s just not an extreme kook.
Centre encompasses both Centre Left and Centre Right positions. No body is exactly at the centre on every single issue.
So Alex Jones is obviously not a centrist and so isn’t Tucker Carlson.. but Chris Wallace and Joe Rogan are.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
My point is that for the 20 years I’ve read this site, the past few years have seen an huge uptick of Apple fans being upset with products and services.

The latest iOS brings a number of horrible bugs and unwanted and unnecessary changes.

And again, as I’ve said before, the MacPro used to be advertised as the fastest computer on the market. Now, it’s just the fastest Mac Pro ever sold but isn’t even faster than the Studio.

Apple used to stand for something more than just profits. It seems that now, they don’t care about the quality so long as they’re brands recognition remains and they can sell.

Which is my point: when the fans are upset that should be a red flag that all isn’t well.
I disagree. I haven’t really seen an uptick in noise that exceeds the increase in memberships of this site in 10 years I’ve been a member. Of course so much is perception and I’m sure you have some specific examples starting from “you’re holding it wrong”.

If the fans are upset it’s not really showing in the financials.


Jun 14, 2007
I disagree. I haven’t really seen an uptick in noise that exceeds the increase in memberships of this site in 10 years I’ve been a member. Of course so much is perception and I’m sure you have some specific examples starting from “you’re holding it wrong”.

If the fans are upset it’s not really showing in the financials.
Apples profit and sales numbers have been decreasing regularly since the COVID boom.

Mac sales down 30%
iPad sales down. iPhone sales lower than expected.

I read a lot of the forum posts and it seems that, for the last few years, for every new post about how great something is, there are several about problems left unfixed.

It’s a shame really. I own and oversee dozens of Apple devices and this was the first time I returned an iPhone since the 3s due to iOS not having proper push e-mail at the time.

The M2 MacPro is the first tower I’m skipping on since the G4 Power Mac. The iMac is the first I’ve skipped on due to the monitor being too small. Our office switched the Mac Minis.

Be it right or wrong, it certainly feels like Tim just gave up on making great products. The 2013 MacPro was a failure but at least they tried. The M2 MP isn’t professional grade. It’s just not. So why sell it? They should’ve come out with an updated intel and admit that AS will take a bit longer for the true powerhouse.

Very disappointed. Just disappointed.

As things stand, my next workstation will be a custom windows PC running DaVinci Resolve. My next phone will be a Samsung and Lenovo laptops are solid.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Apples profit and sales numbers have been decreasing regularly since the COVID boom.

Mac sales down 30%
iPad sales down. iPhone sales lower than expected.
Value of apple is up.
I read a lot of the forum posts and it seems that, for the last few years, for every new post about how great something is, there are several about problems left unfixed.

It’s a shame really. I own and oversee dozens of Apple devices and this was the first time I returned an iPhone since the 3s due to iOS not having proper push e-mail at the time.

The M2 MacPro is the first tower I’m skipping on since the G4 Power Mac. The iMac is the first I’ve skipped on due to the monitor being too small. Our office switched the Mac Minis.

Be it right or wrong, it certainly feels like Tim just gave up on making great products. The 2013 MacPro was a failure but at least they tried. The M2 MP isn’t professional grade. It’s just not. So why sell it? They should’ve come out with an updated intel and admit that AS will take a bit longer for the true powerhouse.

Very disappointed. Just disappointed.

As things stand, my next workstation will be a custom windows PC running DaVinci Resolve. My next phone will be a Samsung and Lenovo laptops are solid.
I don’t own a Mac, I use custom built windows desktops and have three windows laptops. But we love our iPhones and iPads, AirPods, HomePods, Apple Watches and Apple TVs.

To each their own.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2010
Haifa, Israel
Centre encompasses both Centre Left and Centre Right positions. No body is exactly at the centre on every single issue.
So Alex Jones is obviously not a centrist and so isn’t Tucker Carlson.. but Chris Wallace and Joe Rogan are.
Jon Stewart is far-left anti-White as seen in this video calling people to unite against whites:



macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
I'm sure if USA could produce the requisite number of manufacturing engineers and parts suppliers, Apple would love to make the devices here.
Lol and would Apple pay the workers a fair wage, healthcare and etc...? Then would customers pay for the phones since the costs would be higher and would Apple and the shareholders be willing to take a hit on profits?
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Dec 17, 2022
Be it right or wrong, it certainly feels like Tim just gave up on making great products. The 2013 MacPro was a failure but at least they tried. The M2 MP isn’t professional grade. It’s just not. So why sell it? They should’ve come out with an updated intel and admit that AS will take a bit longer for the true powerhouse.
I don't believe that Tim gave up on making great products. Whether or not Vision Pro takes off (I'm skeptical), it seems like a pretty amazing product. I do think he's spread the company too thin, however. They are doing too much and everything is suffering a bit.

AS may or may not work out for them, long term. It's too early to tell. What we do know is that the Mac family has been powered by four different processor architectures so far. Each switch was made because the processor family hit a wall in some fashion (performance, power consumption, etc). I'm cautiously optimistic about AS, but we've seen a lot of custom architectures come and go over the years ...yet Intel remains.

I think this might be the last Mac Pro. What purpose does it serve at this point? At one point the Intel Mac Pro gave them some bragging rights, but how many did they sell? They probably sell more iPhones in an hour. It's not a product that makes sense for them anymore, for a variety of reasons. The Mac Studio is more than enough for probably 90% of their old Mac Pro buyers and one of the primary reasons (if not the primary reason) to buy a Mac Pro was being able to chose your GPU.

I have a long history with Apple and NeXT, both personally and professionally, and I'm not under the delusion that everything was rosy back in the day, there were no bugs, etc. In many ways I think Tim has done a great job of growing Apple as much as he has while maintaining a very high level of quality overall. That doesn't mean that there aren't cracks starting to show, however.

I'm still very happy with my Apple products, but I'm also much less of a techie these days. I wish they would pump the brakes a bit and have a Year of Quality where they introduce no new features on any platform and focus solely on bug fixes, optimization, and (my biggest gripe) feature parity across platforms ...but we all know that's never going to happen. New features get the masses interested, maybe even excited. No one outside tech forums is going to get excited over "No new features...but we fixed all the bugs!"


macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
Apples profit and sales numbers have been decreasing regularly since the COVID boom.

The unusual COVID years skewed things too much to accurately represent market trends for products and services during that time. Some products and services grew a lot more than they otherwise would have and some declined a lot more than they otherwise would have. Those years almost have to be dismissed as far as analyzing market activity.

Mac sales down 30%
iPad sales down. iPhone sales lower than expected.

Overall, the sales of Mac, iPads and iPhones remain pretty strong especially when compared against how other players in those markets (computers, tablets and smartphones) are doing.

Apple financials, including profits, remain strong too. The stock is up around 38% YTD.
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