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macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2011
Since Apple’s a studio now I guess they can censor content but that definitely won’t help them grow their subscriber base.

Apple is perfectly positioned to take over the space held by HBO now that AT&T drove it into the ground with MAX. But that’s never gonna happen with Tim Apple at the helm.


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
You are the first person to disagree with the assessment so far. You do realise what it means right?
The internet community as a whole is to the left, so to them, a typical run-of-the-mill liberal iappears as a centrist. Yea, that's exactly what that means. Look I respect Jon a lot even though I disagree with him politically, but to say he is a centrist is silly.


macrumors 603
Oct 7, 2012
QuickTime isn’t a delivery platform - it’s a bunch of file formats (quite successful as it became a foundation for widely used MP4 format) + various software to work with them. It’s not a streaming service like Apple Music or Netflix.
Before YouTube, _all_ movie trailers were on Apple's QuickTime site.


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Jon called out Obama covering up the Flint water, just like he called out Bush for Iraq WMDs. He leans left in the sense he’s a “progressive” in many ways, but he is far from partisan. He consistently calls out abuses of power on both sides, and is a voice of the everyday people.
So do I, calling out people on your own side of the aisle doesn't make you a centrist. Just means you have a brain. I do the same things as well, but I'm clearly on the right just like Jon is clearly on the left of the political scale...he is in no way a centrist. Same for someone like Bill Maher, even though he is reasonable, sane, be critical of both sides, he is still on the left.
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Dec 17, 2022
I wish everyone wasn't so distracted by this happening to Jon Stewart. The story here is that China's influence and the frequency at which they are pulling strings like this on US/western companies should be concerning. It's probably the story that Jon was working on that got their attention. China's "problems" with Taiwan, human rights and their foray into genocide with the Uyghur will one day come to a head. If anyone thinks all these little incidents are not attempts to wrap their tentacles around western media and interests as tightly as possible before one of those problems explodes, you need to think again. They've figured out the power to keep America off their back is to get our executive's answer to any government/military response to be "Yeah, but our profits though..."
China has been very successful in forcing us to reveal just how morally bankrupt we really are in the "free" world. We talk a good game about rights and all that stuff...but in the end the only thing that matters is $$$. Empowering China the way the western corporations have for the past several decades, completely compromising our values in exchange for cheap crap, will go down as one of the greatest blunders in human history.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
The internet community as a whole is to the left, so to them, a typical run-of-the-mill liberal iappears as a centrist. Yea, that's exactly what that means. Look I respect Jon a lot even though I disagree with him politically, but to say he is a centrist is silly.

So do I, calling out people on your own side of the aisle doesn't make you a centrist. Just means you have a brain. I do the same things as well, but I'm clearly on the right just like Jon is clearly on the left of the political scale...he is in no way a centrist. Same for someone like Bill Maher, even though he is reasonable, sane, be critical of both sides, he is still on the left.
Depends on what you mean by centrist. If you mean some mythical midpoint between Republican and Democrat in the US, then you are probably right. But that ignores that the mainstream Democratic Party would be considered centrist compared across first-world democracies.


May 23, 2012
Jon is perhaps the best overall interviewer on any topic today. And you flushed his show?!

Terrible move Apple!

If Apple can’t stand up to a Jon Stewart exposé then it is possibly on the wrong side of the topic.
Why not cancel the morning show. That one is full of victimization mentality and is preachy as H*ll. But I guess it’s okay if you agree with those politics. I love shows about the tv/film industry, but d*mn is this show one-sided. Even the West Wing - a show about politics - is more even-keeled and fair and respectful to different opinions.
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Jul 18, 2011
There is of course, always the possibility that the show was cancelled due to poor ratings and this is nothing more than an attempt by disgruntled showrunners to vilify Apple. "My show didn't suck! It's because Apple didn't want to risk angering China!"
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2003
The key word is China. Anyone who criticizes China better not rely on it for revenue. That's the danger of building and selling devices there.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
If true you have to wonder what topics Jon Stewart was going to cover.

Maybe someone else (YouTube? Netflix?) could pick up the show if it gets cancelled.
John is now going to roast apple like a pig along with china. On his own show on a bigger platform with his own money. Apple can get ****ed.
I use their products but everyone needs to know Apple is a marketing powerhouse who makes descent products. They are here to make money. They could care less about any of us.


macrumors 6502
Sep 9, 2019
John is now going to roast apple like a pig along with china. On his own show on a bigger platform with his own money. Apple can get ****ed.
I use their products but everyone needs to know Apple is a marketing powerhouse who makes descent products. They are here to make money. They could care less about any of us.

IDK about his ratings, but if Jon Stewart was in any way critical of Chinathere's your answer. ☭
˙ IMG_9784.jpeg

Apple has too much riding on China not to obey Winnie the Pooh’s commands.


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2016
Wild West
There is of course, always the possibility that the show was cancelled due to poor ratings and this is nothing more than an attempt by disgruntled showrunners to vilify Apple. "My show didn't suck! It's because Apple didn't want to risk angering China!"
Finally, you found one Apple product that sucks.


Dec 17, 2022
There is of course, always the possibility that the show was cancelled due to poor ratings and this is nothing more than an attempt by disgruntled showrunners to vilify Apple. "My show didn't suck! It's because Apple didn't want to risk angering China!"
Lol. Every show on Apple TV+ has poor ratings compared to every other streaming service. I seriously doubt that ratings was John Stewart's problem. We've seen how Apple kowtows to China again and again and again. This is likely yet another example of Apple's pathetic subservience to the CCP.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
WTF?! I have tickets to see the first episode taping on November 14!!!

I mean I saw the taping of the last episode of Season 2, but still...this is insane. And inane.
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