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macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2007
When I read your post, I wasn’t going to respond, just click the ”like” button.
But the camera is different from the things you listed in that it extends beyond the device itself.

The images and videos you make stay around - the birth of your children, family gatherings with elderly members, et cetera. They cannot be recaptured, what you have is what is going to be viewed and passed down through the years.

Of course the relevance of this depends on what you shoot. But since phones have replaced dedicated cameras for most people, it’s a reasonable assumption that at least some of the usage will be for purposes of documentation and reinforcing moments and memories.
And for that, better quality results will always be a benefit, one which extends beyond the immediate usage of the device.
I’m not against progressive improvements to the camera, that would be nonsensical. However, it appears that is what Apple has heavily invested in the last few years when it comes to iPhone hardware (while the cameras on the Mac are atrocious, I might add). I’d like to see them push the limits elsewhere as well.


macrumors 6502
Jul 13, 2016
these are not „optical zoom lenses“. these are fixed lenses with 5x, 1x and 0.5x. everything between is just crop.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 13, 2016
these are not „optical zoom lenses“. these are fixed lenses with 5x, 1x and 0.5x. everything between is just crop.


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2006
Yikes, other phones have had 10x zoom for a while now.
Improve the wide angle sensor, put an actual aperture on the 1x (or a second one with smaller aperture) and add a periscope zoom lens. Combine them all in the processing so it removes those pesky lens flares, figures out ambient lighting conditions from the 0,5x and always capture the zoom picture so I can zoom into the middle pf any picture after the fact.
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macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Camera is definitely not something that makes me upgrade anymore. I just point and shoot and move on.
Sometimes the phone reminds me about some pictures of the past and i see it and i think "ahh good times", but i never really pay attention to the quality of the image. it is more about the memory of it. good enough for me.

I feel the same way

What changed for me is my 65" OLED that I use with my computer, and the recognition that iPhone photos really still fall down in lots of ways when analyzed closely (easy to do at this size) and thus I use it just to capture quickies here and there and document receipts and little snippets of life as I go.

It's made me start considering something more serious for a camera again, as it bums me out to not be creating new really high quality "could be wallpaper for my Mac" level captures anymore.

I have some photos from a Sigma over a decade ago that outshine even the best iPhones, still


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
these are not „optical zoom lenses“. these are fixed lenses with 5x, 1x and 0.5x. everything between is just crop.
Yes, that is the technical definition, but the culture has been using zoom for that for decades and no one cares about the difference between telephoto and zoom except photographers and academics.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
Yes. This happens in mature products. Every product. What exactly are you expecting from a phone that's had this many generations now?
Stagnation isn’t mature.
Rather than innovate they stick with what’s affordable and guaranteed to make the shareholders a return.
No more experimentation.
They don’t gamble in this tablet and phone segment anymore.
They went all in on a headset 0.001% of the human population purchased.

I wouldn’t want to be the guy who pushed this idea at the next meeting. Well I would be more worried about the guy who pushed FineWoven.


macrumors 68020
Jul 25, 2016
Will the 16 Pro stay at $999 that’s the question everyone wants to know?
With the rumored specs it will be on par with a midrange Android phone. So you could suspect for a lot less.

Oh wait… Timmy is shouting to me…

He says the price will go up by a merely $ 100 in the US and € 200 in the EU.

He says they have to compensate because they’ll sell less.


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2008
The last time I was stunned by the camera was my iP11pro. After I upgraded to the iPhone15 pro I found out that the iP15 would have been a better choice. The camera system isn‘t worth the extra money and the whole thing is getting too bulky and heavy.
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macrumors 68000
Apr 18, 2010
I’m surprised how many people don’t realize the value of higher optical zoom. This makes a huge difference in outdoor photography, especially when you’re hiking/skiing/etc. in vast, wide open spaces, but you want to frame an image just so. Getting the maximum number of pixels in your shot is critical.
Optical zoom is very useful. Not only for bringing things closer and having practical benefits, such as being able to read some text further away, but also if you want to shoot photos with a different perspective. Something shot at 35mm focal length looks different compared to something shot at 85mm focal length.

And you can't "zoom" by moving closer, the moment you move, you change the perspective.

Having nice telephoto and ultrawide angle lenses gives you more options.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
Well I am pleased that Pro users will get an upgrade. However, if the Max does not receive any additional camera benefits I will not be upgrading this year.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Why are we calling these "optical zoom lenses"?

Aren't they fixed focal length lenses with software interpolation between zoom levels?


macrumors 601
Sep 11, 2006
Sacramento, CA USA
I've definitely enjoyed the extra zoom on my 15 Pro Max, but I think we're at a place where upgrading for camera features isn't worth it, at least for me. But, I also buy Pro iPhones for the other features like materials, display with ProMotion, etc. Camera features are just a bonus.
Does anyone remember the old DxO One camera that plugged into the Lightning port of older iPhones? Maybe it's time for a new version for the iPhone 15 and newer's USB Type C port with a 32 megapixel sensor of much larger size to accommodate focal lengths down to f 1.7 and a true physical zoom of up to 12X.


macrumors 6502
Aug 26, 2009
It is a good opportunity for Apple to end being condescending and bring back the sim tray to the rigged US market. Consumer choice, or that fat, extra profit center from the shady deals with the telecoms?
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macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2017
2016 - iPhone 7 Plus [2x zoom]
2020 - iPhone 12 Pro Max [2.5x zoom]
2021 - iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max [3x zoom]
2023 - iPhone 15 Pro Max [5x zoom]

Why can't Apple go the Samsung [Galaxy Ultra] route? A dedicated lens for each: 0.5x, 1x, 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x
My guess is (some years from now) that they'll fill in the space on the back and add a fourth lens: .5x, 1x, 5x, 10x
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macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
Why are we calling these "optical zoom lenses"?

Aren't they fixed focal length lenses with software interpolation between zoom levels?
They are telephoto lenses but common usage has been calling this zoom for decades. At this point, if you’re not a photographer, no one is paying attention to the difference. Even you were calling the in between “zoom” levels. The affect is similar to actual zoom so that is the term that stuck.


macrumors 6502
Mar 15, 2020
So because you want a smaller model everybody else needs to? Nope that’s not how the world and business works

Ironically (or maybe not) steve jobs himself said no one would buy a big screen phone (or a smaller ipad) to justify their lack of screen size options not too long ago. Funny how the world changes in a decade or so.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 26, 2024
Los Angeles
Ironically (or maybe not) steve jobs himself said no one would buy a big screen phone (or a smaller ipad) to justify their lack of screen size options not too long ago. Funny how the world changes in a decade or so.

Funny you mention this - I had old Apple keynotes playing as background noise while working on something the other day, and Phil Schiller got my attention when he started going on and on about how anyone can make a bigger phone, and only Apple could make one so compact and powerful as the iPhone 5. Just over a decade ago.
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