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macrumors member
Oct 28, 2016
I wish the iPhone 16 Pro or Pro Max comes with a 10x zoom like the Galaxy S24 Ultra. That would be my main reason to upgrade. I'd even buy the Pro Max while I prefer the size of the Pro. Optical zoom is great.


macrumors regular
Jan 22, 2021
Apple could… but it will cost Apple a few more dollars per iPhone and a few more dollars to up the RAM as well. Timmy will tell you that you don’t need it. Timmy is afraid getting less pennies per iPhone.

“Innovation at Apple” = using parts from other companies (like Samsung and Sony) that make those.
So it took 5 years to from 2x to 3x, was so erked when I realized the 12pro was only 2.5


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
Every iPhone rumor now just seems to be another round of "meh...who cares..."

This product line is so boring now

I can't believe this is all Apple is ever willing to do anymore ... just tiny little spec bumps to a camera or a super minor dimension change, etc
I’ve been saying this since the 13.
Apple doesn’t innovate anymore. They “ refine “ their line up.

And it’s gotten so darn boring…. Apple has stagnated.
If Steve Jobs were alive the moment he saw a folding Motorola Apple would have a premium well designed folding phone the very next year.
Why? Because these folding phones sell billions of dollars worth a year.
And he would notice people want exciting features.
People want tactile response and new things.

The iPhone has turned into the display panel on a Tesla. In theory it works, but it’s a terrible way to do things.
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macrumors member
Sep 3, 2008
The 5x zoom on my 15pm isn’t any better quality than pinching to zoom 5x. It’s just as blurry and lacks detail. Zoom to nowhere

No, don't pinch to zoom! I always use the buttons to zoom, if you pinch you are just cropping a picture unless you cross the 5X (then it changes lenses). But as someone else noted, if you are at 3X or 4.5X, you'll get bad quality because it's a digital zoom.


macrumors 6502
Apr 19, 2018
Hobart Australia
i’m not chasing this zoom again - overspent for a 15 pro max & i’ll be trading in for whatever is the smallest model in the 16 lineup non pro. the whole phone lineup is borked. need to make ONE phone lineup then its all profit you dummies.
Respectfully if you dont want to overspend again, why are you intending to buy yet another iPhone a little over a year after your last purchase? Stick with what you have now for a few years and amortise the cost you've already sunk into the 15.


macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
It was dumb that the base pro didn’t have it to begin with, it’s why I didn’t upgrade last year, don’t try to upsell me to something I don’t want


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2008
Every iPhone rumor now just seems to be another round of "meh...who cares..."

This product line is so boring now

I can't believe this is all Apple is ever willing to do anymore ... just tiny little spec bumps to a camera or a super minor dimension change, etc

Yes. This happens in mature products. Every product. What exactly are you expecting from a phone that's had this many generations now?


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2024
Well, for a "mature" product I expect features that are on par with the competition. Innovation has taken a back seat under Tim Cook's stagnate and penny pinching leadership. He is the real life Mr. Burns from The Simpsons!

Samsung launched its first 100MP phone back in Q3 2019. Samsung first supported 8K in 2020. Samsung S23 Ultra had 200MP around Q1 2023.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Feb 13, 2015
Well, for a "mature" product I expect features that are on par with the competition. Innovation has taken a back seat under Tim Cook's stagnate and penny pinching leadership. He is the real life Mr. Burns from The Simpsons!

Samsung launched its first 100MP phone back in Q3 2019. Samsung first supported 8K in 2020. Samsung S23 Ultra had 200MP around Q1 2023.

That’s because Apple buys most of the components that make up the iPhone. When all they do is to “design” something instead of making them, eventually the people making them will out design Apple. This has happened with the screen, the battery and the camera. Let’s see if others will catch up with chip design.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
Funny People complained about the 14 Pro being bad :rolleyes:now the same about the 15 Pro series to the 16 Pro :rolleyes:. People are never satisfied.
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macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2024
Funny People complained about the 14 Pro being bad :rolleyes:now the same about the 15 Pro series to the 16 Pro :rolleyes:. People are never satisfied.
Like with all the governments regulating them, Apple only has itself to blame for the situation they find themselves in at the present time. They set the bar, set the expectations. They can’t keep innovating because of their design-by-committee approach which led them to the cul-de-sac that was project titan. No strong leadership and vision. It’s not that it’s a mature product, the iPhone team lacks vision. Other phone makers are doing interesting things. It’s an apologist take to say “what are we to expect of a mature product” when there’s plenty of low-hanging fruit left. But the days of Apple swinging for the fences is long gone. Sadly


macrumors G4
Nov 25, 2017
Definitely expecting both the Pro models to feature the same 5x zoom this year.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
The zoom function is probably the least used feature for me when taking photos. If I change the view it’s mostly for wide angle. I wouldn’t be bothered over the x5 zoom personally.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2007
Improved speakers, 144Hz display, 12GB RAM, increased battery life, etc. should all be prioritized over cameras at this point.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2009
Improved speakers, 144Hz display, 12GB RAM, increased battery life, etc. should all be prioritized over cameras at this point.
When I read your post, I wasn’t going to respond, just click the ”like” button.
But the camera is different from the things you listed in that it extends beyond the device itself.

The images and videos you make stay around - the birth of your children, family gatherings with elderly members, et cetera. They cannot be recaptured, what you have is what is going to be viewed and passed down through the years.

Of course the relevance of this depends on what you shoot. But since phones have replaced dedicated cameras for most people, it’s a reasonable assumption that at least some of the usage will be for purposes of documentation and reinforcing moments and memories.
And for that, better quality results will always be a benefit, one which extends beyond the immediate usage of the device.


macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
i’m not chasing this zoom again - overspent for a 15 pro max & i’ll be trading in for whatever is the smallest model in the 16 lineup non pro. the whole phone lineup is borked. need to make ONE phone lineup then its all profit you dummies.
Just curious since you seem so smart about "the whole phone lineup is borked. need to make ONE phone lineup then its all profit you dummies." Which other phone company sells better phones and makes more profit?
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
When I read your post, I wasn’t going to respond, just click the ”like” button.
But the camera is different from the things you listed in that it extends beyond the device itself.

The images and videos you make stay around - the birth of your children, family gatherings with elderly members, et cetera. They cannot be recaptured, what you have is what is going to be viewed and passed down through the years.

Of course the relevance of this depends on what you shoot. But since phones have replaced dedicated cameras for most people, it’s a reasonable assumption that at least some of the usage will be for purposes of documentation and reinforcing moments and memories.
And for that, better quality results will always be a benefit, one which extends beyond the immediate usage of the device.

The camera is important for those things but then again not everyone uses a Pro and seems to capture those special moments on standard iPhone cameras without any risk that the images are of poor quality. Any iPhone from the past few years are going to be good enough I’d say.


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
Camera is definitely not something that makes me upgrade anymore. I just point and shoot and move on.
Sometimes the phone reminds me about some pictures of the past and i see it and i think "ahh good times", but i never really pay attention to the quality of the image. it is more about the memory of it. good enough for me.
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