Nutrition, Diet, and Health

Nutrition and Food

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In this section, access resources on nutrition, diet, and health, including healthy recipes, eating healthy on a budget, Mediterranean, and DASH diet. In addition, find information on how to balance fast food with smart choices and how to get enough nutrients.

Cooking and Eating Healthy Food

Cooking your own meals is a great start to living and eating healthier. Preparing healthy food at home, alongside exercising, can lower the risk of developing health problems such as obesity and type-2 diabetes.

The best way to master healthy cooking is to understand the foods that you eat and their nutritional value. To ensure a wide variety of nutrients, focus on including more produce, proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats to your diet.

Fruits and vegetables are a nutritious way to add color to any kind of meal. You can use fresh, canned, or frozen produce but beware of added sugars and sodium.

While often disregarded, healthy fat is a great nutrient that is not only filling but also helps your body absorb vitamins. Whether you’re cooking for weight management or general health, choose unsaturated (e.g. nuts, fish, tofu) over saturated fats (e.g. fried and processed foods). Additionally, opt for cooking oils such as olive, canola, and avocado.

Eating Healthy on a Budget

If you are on a tight budget, cooking healthy meals may seem daunting. Many recipes, however, are versatile and easy to make with non-perishable pantry staples.

To make a casserole, for instance, you can mix and match ingredients such as rice, potatoes, pasta, canned beans and vegetables, and canned chicken.

If you want to eat healthily but have limited resources, Penn State Extension’s Nutrition Links classes might be for you. Nutrition Links offers science-backed education on topics such as food preparation, nutrition, food safety, and food budgeting.

Healthy Diet Plans

The key to an effective, healthy diet plan is finding one that you can enjoy and – most importantly – is supported by research.

The Mediterranean diet, for instance, is a very popular diet that can help improve general health and prevent heart diseases. Cooking Mediterranean includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, seafood, whole grains, legumes, and herbs. Eggs, poultry, and dairy are consumed in moderation.

Similarly, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan is a heart-healthy diet that promotes eating fruits, vegetables, and grains. The diet limits foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat.

Another popular way to eat healthily is by following a vegetarian diet that involves plant-based foods and excludes meat and meat-by products. Plant-based diets can vary depending on the types of animal-derived foods they include.

Creating healthy meatless meals that keep everyone at the table happy can be challenging. Learn how to make delicious vegetarian recipes – including shopping tips and cooking techniques – with Penn State Extension’s Let's Cook Vegetarian class.

Reading Food Nutrition Labels

If you are purchasing packaged foods, learning how to read the nutrition label can help you make healthier, more informed decisions.

When checking the labels, compare the nutritional value of a similar food item. Opt for the item with fewer ingredients such as sodium and more nutrients like calcium, potassium, iron, and vitamin D.

It is sensible to pay attention to the label date marking, as well. Although food is often safe to consume beyond that date, remember to ensure proper storage and keep other general food safety precautions.

On this page, find in-depth information on food and nutrition. Gain access to a number of useful videos, webinars, and online courses.

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  1. Pixabay License Free for commercial use No attribution required
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  8. Eating Smart Moving More North Carolina Extension
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  13. Credit: Photo by Scott Bauer / USDA Agricultural Research Service
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  15. Credit: US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services
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  16. Praneat /
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  17. Credit: Robyn Mackenzie /
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  18. Eating Smart Moving More North Carolina Extension
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  20. Credit: Beans / Microsoft Stock Photo
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