Achieve Greater
Rebate Visibility

Accurate accessible data that maximizes income and
empowers better trading relationships.

Trusted by 1000s of Businesses Throughout the Supply Chain

Maximise Profitability
with Strategic Supplier
Rebate Management

Enable helps you manage rebates and incentives effectively to bring
maximum value to your business.

Four green checkmarks over document

Automated and Efficient Operations

Accruals, accounts, and forecasts - accurate
and accessible. Streamlined deal creation
lets you focus on negotiating.
Arrow in the bullseye

Leave Nothing on the Table

Actionable insights boost margin, profitability, and sales for current and new deals. Trust one source to resolve disputes and speed cash collection.
Laptop with scatter chart on-screen and bar chart in background

Accurate and Auditable Data

Mitigate risk with an audit trail and shared cross-department view. Automated calculations remove human error and enhance accuracy.

Enable in Action: 
Trading Programs Search

View and sign off trading programs in Enable’s Collaborator portal, with the ability to share messages, comments and documents with trading partners during the approval process.

Enable in Action: 
Progress Tracker

Keep track of the progress made toward ongoing deals, with visibility of current spending to help you optimize potential earnings.

Enable in Action: 
Executive Summary

Get an at-a-glance guide to rebate performance with the
Executive Summary template.

What you Get With Enable

Large green checkmark over document

One Source of Truth

Model, manage and track all your rebate agreements in one place.

Efficient Collaboration

Review and sign off deals together with your suppliers.
Laptop with scatter chart on-screen and bar chart in background

Automatic Accruals

Understand the status of actual and accrued rebate earnings.

Actionable insights

Get up-to-date reports on actual and forecasted rebate income.

I'm navigating an industry that's not accustomed to automation. Currently, they rely on us to furnish them with data, which involves us manually logging in, generating reports and sending them over. However, with our recently implemented templates in Enable, this process has been streamlined to a single click.”

headshot of client testimonial Christine Morris from Geberit.

Surge Singh


About three and a half years ago, we initiated a digitalization journey due to the unwieldy challenges associated with managing supplier rebates using Excel spreadsheets. At Rexel Germany, our story is undergoing a transformation, moving from manual processes towards enhanced transparency, digitalization, and, ultimately, complete automation with the help of Enable.”

headshot of client testimonial Christine Morris from Geberit.

Angela Wallenberger


Our goal is to negotiate better rebate agreements with suppliers and encourage our sales team to actively sell. Currently, there is no governance in place for data entry. With over 250 sites, each with its own buyer, the same product can be loaded in multiple ways. Organizing and structuring this data with Enable presents a tremendous opportunity for us.”

headshot of client testimonial Christine Morris from Geberit.

Kris Burgoon


Interested in Our Rebate Management Software?

Calculate your ROI

Achieve greater rebate visibility

Accurate accessible data that maximizes income and empowers better trading relationships.
14-day trial, no credit card required

Trusted by industry leaders

Supplier rebates and incentives can be a key driver of profitability, but are often poorly managed. Enable lets you manage them strategically to bring maximum value to your business.

Automated and efficient operations

Accruals, accounts and forecasts - always accurate, always accessible, for your teams and your trading partners. Streamlined deal creation and approval so you can spend more time negotiating deals rather than inputting them.

Leave nothing on the table

Actionable insights reveal paths to increased margin, profitability and sales - for your existing deals and new ones you might want to pursue. One source of truth you can trust to resolve (or avoid) disputes and accelerate cash collection.

Accurate and auditable data

Mitigate business risk with an auditability paper trail and cross departmental shared view that avoids knowledge silos. Automated granular calculations that remove human error and improve accuracy.

Enable in action: trading program approval

View and sign off trading programs in Enable’s Collaborator portal, with the ability to share messages, comments and documents with trading partners during the approval process.

Enable in action: progress tracker

Keep track of the progress made toward ongoing deals, with visibility of current spending to help you optimize potential earnings.

Enable in action: executive summary

Get an at-a-glance guide to rebate performance with the Executive Summary template.

What you get with Enable

One source of truth

Model, manage and track all your rebate agreements in one place

Efficient collaboration

Review and sign off deals together with your suppliers

Automatic accruals

Understand the status of actual and accrued rebate earnings

Actionable insights

Get up-to-date reports on actual and forecasted rebate income
Explore the Enable platform

Anybody who’s working with rebates in any way, shape or form should use Enable. It’s an absolute no-brainer.

Scott Ferguson, Vice President
United Aqua Group
See what else NetPlus Alliance has achieved with Enable

I’d never come across a SaaS rebate management tool that was affordable, quick to implement and didn’t rely on being attached to an ERP. Enable was almost the only product we could have gone for.

Peter Haselden, Group Business Performance Director
See what else NetPlus Alliance has achieved with Enable

We wanted a rebate management system that could help us to grow the business. We’re implementing some changes in the way we report rebate, so it was a great time to move to Enable.

Tom Gittins, Managing Director
See what else NetPlus Alliance has achieved with Enable