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Cheap Resorts in Interlaken

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Cheap Resorts nearby destinations

  • Lucerne
    琉森 (Lucerne) 是帶有明顯現代情感的古老城市。歐洲最古老的覆棚式橋樑之一就座落於這座城市的正中央,街道排滿了以壁畫裝飾的歷史屋宇,但也有 KKL (音樂廳兼美術館) 這樣的頂尖之作。乘搭纜車爬上皮拉圖斯山 (Pilatus)、石丹峰或瑞奇山 (Rigi) 觀看壯麗景色,或乘搭蒸氣船參觀琉森湖。
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  • Swiss Alps
    A magnet for skiers and hikers, these dramatic peaks – including the iconic Matterhorn – range from 3,000 to 15,000 feet and spread across three-fifths of the country. Abundant glaciers, scenic valleys and gorgeous alpine lakes add to the region's visual appeal. The Glacier Express train travels the 7.5-hour route through the Swiss Alps from Zermatt to St. Moritz, passing through fairy-tale villages and over 291 bridges along the way.
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  • Canton of Ticino
    This Italian-speaking region in Southern Switzerland is on the border with Italy. Bellinzona is the capital, and Lugano is the most important city in the canton, known for its beautiful waterfront, steep hillsides and gorgeous lake views. Castelgrande is a lovely medieval castle overlooking the city that has recently been restored. The Centovalli Railway is a scenic train that operates between Locarno, Switzerland and Domodossola, Italy, traveling through the breathtaking "Hundred Valleys." Lake Como is nearby, the home of People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive,” George Clooney.
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  • Zurich
    蘇黎世為瑞士最大的城市,齊集當代藝術與購物區。市立美術館和里特貝格博物館陳列著各種重要藝術作品。想要選購藝術品的遊客,可以沿著班霍夫大街和尼德朵夫滿足購物慾。參選聖母教堂的夏卡爾彩繪玻璃窗也是不錯的選擇,必定令你讚嘆連連。蘇黎世的俱樂部和酒吧多達 500 間,其中有些更設於游泳池畔,讓你通宵達旦盡情暢玩。此城座落於蘇黎世湖畔,為大眾提供卓越的交通運輸設施,更可讓大家免費租借單車。
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  • Basel
    巴賽爾 (Basel) 位於萊茵河旁,接近法國和德國的交界處,是瑞士博物館密度最高的地方,因��成為文化重鎮。每年六月有全世界公認、最具影響力的藝術市場;而以紅色沙岩建成、蓋有釉彩屋頂的優美大教堂 (Munster Cathedral) 也座落此處。另外,巴賽爾雖然是一座城市,但綠色蹤跡隨處可尋,例如市中心的動物園就相當受大小朋友歡迎。瑞士最大的古羅馬帝國遺跡奧古斯塔.勞力卡 (Augusta Raurica) 位於市區東邊,是輕鬆盡享一日遊的好選擇。
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  • Lake Maggiore
    On the south side of the Alps, Lake Maggiore is the second largest lake in Italy. Since the climate is mild year-round, the area is filled with Mediterranean vegetation and exotic plants. Lake Maggiore was featured in Ernest Hemingway's infamous novel, A Farewell to Arms, when the protagonist and his lover must row across the lake in order to escape the Italian Carabinieri (think police in military uniforms). Here's hoping you won't have any run-ins of that nature.
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  • Valle d'Aosta
    The peaks of Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn and their fellow snow-capped giants make Italy's Valle d'Aosta region a haven for serious skiers and hikers. The Courmayeur resort offers year-round icy adventures, thanks to its Giant Glacier. The country's oldest national park, Gran Paradiso, is also located in Valle d'Aosta, as are numerous castles. A cable-car ride from La Palud carries passengers over the mountains all the way into Chamonix, France, offering a bird's eye view of the breathtaking scenery.
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  • Lugano
    座落於湖畔,背靠阿爾卑斯山,由於完美的地理位置,盧加諾幸運地保留了各種湖光山色的美景。你可以乘搭的士,登上聖薩爾��托爾山或布雷山,在明媚的陽光下飽覽由湖泊、河川、群山及紅色屋頂建築所構成的絕佳景色。或探索這座城鎮的大小教堂,以及令人印象深刻而多采多姿的 Piazza della Riforma。抑或品嚐一些慢火烹調的提契諾菜系、搭船探索湖上美景,或在公共游泳池裡待上一整天,享受奧林匹克級的大游泳池。
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  • Chamonix
    作為 1924 年第一屆冬季奧運的東道主,夏慕尼將永遠在史書上留名。這裡主要的景點是白朗峰 (西歐的最高峰) 以及面對夏慕尼山谷的眾多滑雪區。陡直的坡道與極端的氣候條件最適合進階的滑雪者,但也有適合初學者的滑雪道。不過,你一定要確定與你同行的人,都清楚了解綠圓圈 (初级雪道) 與黑鑽石 (高级雪道) 有甚麼分別。另外還有個歷史要說一下 — 皮雅斯布士南曾來過這裡拍攝 007 電影。
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Popular destinations for Cheap Resorts

  • Florence
    佛羅倫斯是藝術歷史學者的夢想。 藝術學院美術館 (Galleria dell'Accademia) 珍藏有許多米開朗基羅的作品,而米開朗基羅的精神也融入在聖十字大教堂 (Basilica di Santa Croce) 的壁畫之中。 如果你喜歡攝影,那麼 Ponte Vecchio 橋一定可以給你很多靈感;如果你喜歡購物,那麼花一個下午的時間在 Piazza Santo Spirito 四處逛逛一定不會讓你失望。 能夠一嘗托斯卡尼的美食,那麼大老遠來這麼一趟也算值得了。 拿上一大塊烤得又香又脆的麵包,淋上當地生產的橄欖油,一口咬下去保證讓你覺得自己好像來到天堂一樣。
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  • Antwerp
    Lively Antwerp is a hidden gem. Its medieval streets, Renaissance monuments and vibrant nightlife tend to be overshadowed by its reputation as centre of the diamond trade and as the world's fifth-largest port. Cycling is a popular choice for getting around this stylish Flemish city. See thousands of Old Masters at the Royal Museum and Rubens House. Experience the bustle of life at the Grote Markt. Marvel at the art and architecture of the still unfinished Cathedral of Our Lady, started in 1351.
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  • Santa Ponsa
    Set in a sheltered cove, Santa Ponsa's standout attraction is its vast beach, where sunseekers sprawl against a backdrop of pine trees. The resort town combines old and new, with a modern marina and waterfont promenade alongside ancient archaeological sites and a nearby nature preserve.
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  • Mumbai
    雖然孟買可能會讓人覺得一片混亂和擠擁,但這裡還是可以找到寧靜之地。你可以買一杯印度香米,一邊吃一邊沿著 Chowpatty Beach 漫步,然後再走一小段距離到甘地故居 Mani Bhavan。印度國父甘地過去曾經在此生活、觀星,而且也是在這裡被逮捕。這裡的市集生氣蓬勃,可以買到價格便宜的香料和紀念品。來到達拉維 (Dharavi),不妨參加旅行團四處觀光,看看著名的「貧民窟的百萬富翁」電影場景中孟買的平民生活。
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  • York
    Billing itself as "The Factory Tour Capital of the World," York, Pennsylvania, is the home of thirteen different factories open to the general public. Find out how everything from potato chips to motorcycles are made! The York Barbell Factory includes the USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame, where visitors can see such sights as a license plate torn in half using only bare hands.
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  • Turks and Caicos
    The Turks and Caicos offer the best of the Caribbean - in Atlantic waters. Hop between the islands by ferry or explore an island on a hired bike or scooter. One of the world's longest coral reefs, 230 miles of white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters and an abundance of dive spots lure visitors to the Turks and Caicos' eight major islands, just east of the Bahamas. Bird sanctuary French Cay, underwater Columbus Landfall National Park and Caicos Conch Farm are among the major attractions of these legendarily friendly isles.
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  • Alacati
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  • Frankenmuth
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