Best All-Inclusive Hotels

All-Inclusive Hotels

Gourmet eats, private pools, luxury spas—these value-for-money resorts have it all.

Things to know about All-Inclusive Hotels

An all inclusive hotel is a lodging option that offers a comprehensive vacation experience, typically including a combination of many common costs bundled together like your nightly stay, meals, drinks, and various activities. This package price allows guests to enjoy a no-frills stay and indulge in numerous amenities. Check with each all inclusive hotel to confirm what's included.

The term "all inclusive hotel" is often used interchangeably with "all inclusive resort", both of which offer a package price for many basic accommodation expenses.

Some favorite destinations for all inclusive hotels include tropical paradises like Cancun and the Riviera Maya in Mexico, Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, Montego Bay in Jamaica, and the Bahamas, where vacationers can enjoy luxurious accommodations, endless activities, and diverse dining options all in one place.

Staying at an all inclusive hotel offers a more hassle-free vacation experience with various dining options, entertainment, and activities potentially included in a single cost, allowing you to fully relax and enjoy your stay without worrying about additional fees.

To decide on an all inclusive hotel, consider your budget, desired location, and the variety of amenities and activities included that cater to your interests and preferences. Don't forget to read reviews and compare packages to ensure you're getting the most value for your money.

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Discover the most popular destinations for the world's all-inclusive hotels

Popular Islands

  • Maldives
    Want to make your co-workers insanely jealous? Just casually drop "I’m holiday making in the Maldives this year" into conversation, preferably in the dead of winter. Or better yet, go there without mentioning it to anyone—then send them a "Wish you were here!" postcard.
  • Phuket
    布吉島猶如七色彩虹般璀璨耀眼,你可以盡情欣賞藍色的潟湖、粉色的日落,以及身著橙色袈裟的僧侶。三輪電單車、的士、巴士和長尾船,絡繹不絕地將遊客載往這些令人驚嘆的奇景。布吉島南方海岸有著最受歡迎的熱門海灘。相較之下,北方海岸則顯得寧靜得多。PP 島、攀牙灣和巴東海灘皆是熱門景點。潛水、浮潛、風帆和帆船等豐富的戶外活動任君選擇。此外還有陸地、翠鬱的山丘、高山和懸崖靜待你深入探險。
  • Bali
    Bali is a living postcard, an Indonesian paradise that feels like a fantasy. Soak up the sun on a stretch of fine white sand, or commune with the tropical creatures as you dive along coral ridges or the colorful wreck of a WWII war ship. On shore, the lush jungle shelters stone temples and mischievous monkeys. The “artistic capital” of Ubud is the perfect place to see a cultural dance performance, take a batik or silver-smithing workshop, or invigorate your mind and body in a yoga class.
  • Langkawi
    蘭卡威一共由 140 座島嶼組成,不過其中有住人的卻只有幾���島嶼而已。在這一片群島之中,面積比較大的就是蘭卡威島,這座島因為有生態豐富的自然保護區,而獲 UNESCO 選為世界地質公園。如果要體驗這裡多采多姿的豐富生態,最好的辦法就是爬上架在雨林上方的蘭卡威天空之橋 (Langkawi Sky Bridge),從上往下看最是清楚。想要感受涼快氣氛,或是想要躲開偷竊成性的猴子群,最好的方是就是到名字十分有趣的淡水湖 ─ 懷孕少女 (Pregnant Maiden) 浸泡一下。
  • Corsica
    Corsica is a laid-back French island, with a breezy vibe that’s part European weekend and part tropical honeymoon. The port city of Bastia flings its arms wide open to weary travelers disembarking from a long ferry trip. For a truly charming Corsican experience, catch a train through the mountains to the beach, passing by rustic villages and grazing cows along the way. Take a few hours or even a few weeks to explore the island’s famous walking trails, including the varsity-level GR 20.
  • Koh Tao
    龜島寧靜地漂浮在暹羅灣的海上,這座被棕櫚環繞的島嶼,名稱源自於大量在海岸上棲息的海龜。白色的沙灘為陡坡所遮蔽,有些地方甚至只有四輪傳動車才爬得上去,而島上每年長達 300 天的晴天,讓遊人得以慵懶地度過漫長的午後時光。
  • Santorini
    Glamourous Santorini is deliciously different. Geographical newness is in part to thank. The island’s popular black volcanic Perissa and Kamari beaches are big draws, as is its arguably most famous Red Beach near Akrotiri (which is the place to go for archaeology buffs). Santorini curves round a giant lagoon in the Cyclades islands, offering stunning views from sky-high towns, eclectic cuisine, lovely galleries, thriving nightlife and excellent wines.
  • Southern Ari Atoll
    從阿里南環礁可以前往許多知名的島嶼,確實是馬爾代夫的大門。在這裡潛水,除了可看到魔鬼魟和鯨鯊,環礁周圍還有四艘沉船,因而吸引了眾多潛水客慕名而來。然而,阿里南環礁知名的不只是海底美景,太陽島度假村 (Sun Island Resort) 也可讓旅客探索馬爾代夫的文化和周邊島嶼,還可以划獨木舟和雙體船,在鄰近的潟湖和島嶼之間往返參觀,欣賞夕陽美景。
  • Palawan Island
    巴拉望猶如天堂,到處都有美麗的島嶼風光,以及充滿異國風情的野生動物、寧靜的小漁村,此外,這裡也是 UNESCO 的世界遺產之一。你可以前往 Calauit Game 野生動物保護區觀察瀕臨絕種的稀有動物,或者也可以去科隆島潛水,看看這個有世界上最精彩的潛水地點,同時尋找日本沉船所在地。你亦可以參加普林塞薩港地下河 (Puerto Princesa Underground River) 之旅,保證讓你畢生難忘。
  • Phu Quoc Island
    在富國島 (Phu Quoc Island),你可以沉浸在陽光和越南文化之中,這裡的白色細沙和熱帶海洋吸引了全球無數的海灘愛好者前來朝聖。浮潛、水肺潛水和釣魚是富國島最熱門的水上運動。你也可以駕駛水上電單車、風帆衝浪、釣烏賊,這些都是唾手可得的度假活動。想要體驗當地真實生活,走一趟頓東市場 (Duong Dong Market) 的早市是明智之選。
  • Hvar Island
    Claiming to be the sunniest spot in all of Europe, the Croatian island of Hvar is the perfect destination for tourists seeking the beauty of Mediterranean beaches without the crowds associated with more well-known destinations. Pathways lined with lavender vines lead to secluded coves, small fishing villages and local vineyards, and ferries and catamarans carry visitors across the calm, blue waters to the surrounding islands, all worthy of exploration.
  • Boracay
    Boracay Island has reopened with new rules and regulations in place to protect the island from overdevelopment. Not all businesses were allowed to reopen. Please check with the Philippine Department of Tourism for details:
  • Cayo Santa Maria
    Travelers come to this small island north of mainland Cuba to bask in the sun, swim in sparkling blue water, and be pampered at an all-inclusive resort. To explore Cuban culture, you’ll need to go farther afield (this is a planned resort development; employees are bused in), but if you’re simply looking for a stress-free tropical break, Cayo Santa Maria might be perfect for you.
  • Ilha do Sal
    The Cape Verdean island of Sal is all about the beach, baby. White sand stretches along glassy turquoise waters—perfect for a lazy day of sunning or some heart-pumping watersports. Snorkelers and divers will find plenty of tropical fish, turtles, and dolphins to look at. On dry land, kids (and grownups!) will marvel at the Terra Boa mirage, an optical illusion that conjures a peaceful-looking lake in the middle of a large, flat plain.
  • Lefkada
    Lefkada's name means "white," from the famous white cliffs of Cape Lefkata, site of an ancient temple of Apollo, where rumor has it that the celebrated Lesbian poet Sappho flung herself from the rocks. To stay with the mythology theme, don’t miss a boat tour on the mighty Odysseia, a colorful replica of a Greek war ship. You can also explore deserted monasteries in the mountains, splash around under the Nidri waterfalls and swim at some of Greece's most famous and beautiful beaches.

Popular States

  • Hawaii
    From volcanic landscapes to hidden waterfalls… active adventures to an energetic nightlife… a holiday on the Hawaiian Islands offers infinite experiences in one destination. Each of the six major islands – Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and the island of Hawaii – has its own distinct personality, but no matter which ones you choose, you’ll discover endless opportunities for adventure, dining, culture and relaxation.
  • Alaska
    Alaska is divided into five regions: far north, interior, southwest, south central, and inside passage. Although it takes a long time to see the entire state, you can travel through the regions by boat, car, bus, or plane. Hike through the mountains, or venture out on a deep sea fishing or whale watching excursion. Get in touch with nature by camping in the wilderness, or experience your preferred degree of class and luxury in the beautiful, active cities of Anchorage and Fairbanks. 
  • Province of Bergamo
    Located in northwest Italy’s Lombardy region, the province of Bergamo offers more than just a day-trip diversion from the big city of Milan. This hilltop town is known for its architectural gems, including medieval and Renaissance structures that continue to amaze tourists and locals alike. Don’t miss the historic Piazza Vecchia with its 12th and 16th century buildings. And Bergamo’s Galleria dell’Accademia Carrara is an art gallery featuring works from Italian legends including Botticelli, Titian, Canaletto and Raphael, to name a few.
  • Alabama
    If you head for the hills in the state you’ll end up in the northern sector where the inspiring mountains and attractions like the U.S. Space and Rocket Centre in Huntsville, the Blue & Grey Museum in Decatur and the Ave Maria Grotto in Cullman represent the diversity of experiences available in the area. In the middle of the state you’ll find Birmingham, an urban centre with great attractions and museums, and Tuscaloosa, the quintessential college town and home to the University of Alabama. For beach lovers, sandy destinations like Dauphin Island near Mobile, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach offer beautiful beaches, superb golf, fantastic seafood restaurants and heaping helpings of Southern hospitality. For those who love to chase the white dimpled ball, Alabama offers one of the best golf values anywhere. The Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail, a collection of 468 holes at 11 different sites across the state, features top-notch, championship style courses at affordable rates.

Popular Cities

  • Hong Kong
  • Bangkok
    金黃色的宮殿、水上市場、雄偉的圓形陶瓷屋頂…這不就是夢幻仙境了嗎? 不,這是泰國的首都曼谷,共分成 50 區。你可以前水門或暹羅廣場瘋狂購物,然後再去 Dusit 的歐式花園好好放鬆一下。Thon Buri 最知名的就是鄭王廟 (Wat Arun),如果想到臥佛寺 (Wat Pho) 參觀大臥佛,就要去 Phra Nakhon。你亦可以在參觀大皇宮 (Grand Palace) 之前,先去路邊攤買一盤芒果糯米,邊吃邊欣賞建築之美。
  • Dubai
    Dubai is a destination that mixes modern culture with history, adventure with world-class shopping and entertainment. Catch a show at the Dubai Opera, see downtown from atop the Burj Khalifa and spend an afternoon along Dubai Creek exploring the gold, textile and spice souks. If you’re looking for thrills, you can float above the desert dunes in a hot air balloon, climb aboard a high-speed ride at IMG Worlds of Adventure or skydive over the Palm Jumeirah.
  • Pattaya
    A visit to Pattaya is a wonderful way to explore the beaches along the Gulf of Thailand. Relaxed and family-friendly Jomtien Beach is a hot spot for watersports and seaside massages. The giant Buddha of Wat Khao Phra Bat keeps watch over the city, and the wooden Wang Boran Sanctuary of Truth pays homage to Buddhist and Hindu art and architecture. At night, tons of bars and strip clubs attract an adults-only crowd.
  • Negombo
    With a wide sandy beach, big hotels, and handy proximity to Colombo, Negombo is one of Sri Lanka’s most popular resorts. Beyond its sands lies an interesting mix: a colonial-built canal and crumbled fort; a lively fish market, traditional fishing communities, and a wildlife-rich lagoon.
  • Manaus
    When you can trek through the rainforests in the morning and take in a tear-jerking opera at night, you know you're in a special place. Manaus offers a rich variety of nature, culture, art and dining. Explore the lush vegetation of Amazonian jungle on a guided backpacking or river tour, or sample the colorful bounty of the Mercado Adolpho Lisboa. The stately Amazonas Opera House was built with the finest materials, and inside you'll be blown away by powerful performances.
  • Da Nang
    峴港是一座既悠閒又友善的城市,這可能是因為你所遇到的人,剛好都享用過美味的大餐,因而心情大好。在這裡展開美食之旅是實際體驗當地風味的絕佳方式。此外,在街邊吃過粄條湯與開胃小食後,不妨散散步,探索五行山 (Marble Mountains) 的鐘乳石洞和石窟寺,藉此消除飽脹感。
  • Taipei
  • Dublin
  • Hanoi
    迷人的越南首都歷史悠久,擁有保存良好的舊城區、紀念碑和殖民時期建築,而現代化的建物亦林立其間。河內在過去曾經擁有數個名稱,包括升龍。這裡的歷史遺跡保存良好,諸如胡志明陵墓和華羅監獄。湖泊、公園、幽靜的林蔭大道,以及超過 600 座的廟宇和佛塔皆讓這座城市魅力倍增,只要乘搭的士即可輕鬆遊覽。
  • Shanghai

Popular Countries

  • Vietnam
    The jungles and monsoon forests of Vietnam are diverse ecosystems that are alive with unique wildlife. Trekking is a popular activity here, particularly the mountains of Sapa and the primeval landscape of Cuc Phuong National Park. For a more urban escape, take a guided food tour of Ho Chi Minh City, making sure to squeeze in visits to the historic Hoi Truong Thong Nhat palace and the intricately adorned Emperor Jade Pagoda.
  • Thailand
    Thailand is a country of many contrasting facets, with glorious beaches as well as forests, jungles and mountains. Whether you want to swim, sunbathe or explore the wildlife, a family holiday in Thailand will never be dull.If you're looking for seaside relaxation, visit the beaches and bay of Hat Karon in Phuket with sand dunes and palm trees. The island of Ko Tao has coral reefs and is the place to go if you want to learn to dive, but you can also go mountain biking or just sunbathe on the beach. The Royal Barge National Museum in Bangkok houses several barges built for Thailand's kings; the beautifully detailed carving is quite breathtaking. Doi Suthep-Doi Pui National Park in Chiang Mai has a wealth of flowering plants and ferns as well as three hundred species of birds. If you're in the mood for a quiet spot, try the town of Sangkhlaburi; from there you can set off on an elephant trek or jungle tour. For mountains and forests, visit the north-western province of Mai Hong Son.
  • Taiwan
    You could spend months exploring Taiwan’s Buddhist temples, villages, cities, and mountains and still barely scratch the surface of all the island has to offer. Here Confucius meets C-pop in a cultural mash-up of a place where traditional festivals are as important as hip-hop and cell phones. Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung each burst with opportunities to explore, learn, shop, and dine. Don’t miss breathtaking natural features like Sun Moon Lake, the hot springs of Tainan, and Taroko Gorge.
  • Philippines
    With more than 7,000 islands consisting of rice paddies, volcanos, mega-metropolises, world-class surf spots, and endemic wildlife, the Philippines is one of the most dazzling and diverse countries in all of Asia. Not to mention, it’s home to some of the world’s best beaches, too.
  • Nepal
    The near otherworldly Himalayan kingdom of Nepal can trace its history back to the 7th century and the arrival of Kirati sheepherders. Today, misty temples perch on rugged ridges, monasteries peer over deep valleys, faded by centuries, and Kathmandu's Old City brims with ancient Buddhist temples and ornate palaces.
  • South Korea
    While only 60 years ago South Korea was considered a developing country, it’s now one of Asia’s economic and cultural leaders. Super-chic Seoul combines modernism with ancient history; coastal Busan serves up rugged beach spots; and Jeju Island wows with volcanic landscapes and towering mountains.
  • Türkiye
    Risen from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire, Türkiye is a land of cities and countryside, of ancient ruins and contemporary culture. Splash around the mud baths of Dalyan or scramble around the volcanic rock of Goreme. Visiting gorgeous Istanbul, of course, is a no-brainer. Whatever you do, don’t ever, ever skip coffee and desserts: enjoying flowery Turkish Delight and achingly flaky baklava is like a holiday for your taste buds.
  • Malta
    The Maltese archipelago consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino, as well as countless megaliths, medieval dungeons and atmospheric towns and villages. Meandering streets contain Renaissance cathedrals and Baroque palaces. Malta is the largest island; rural Gozo is next in size. Expansive beaches, vibrant nightlife and 7000 years of history lure visitors to these Mediterranean isles. Don't miss the UNESCO-designated Hypogeum ruins and St John's Co-Cathedral with its Caravaggio masterpieces.
  • Greece
    Greece is one of those rare places where ancient history is still very much a part of modern life. Visitors are as much drawn to the country’s epic intellectual history as its beauty and charm. Make time for the iconic features of the Acropolis of Athens, which include the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, and the Temple of Athena Nike. Mythology buffs will appreciate Crete, Olympia, Samos, and Naxos for their mythological significance. For a peaceful beach holiday, the island of Santorini is perfect.
  • Seychelles
    Sailing, diving, fishing and relaxing are the main activities for visitors to the 115 islands of this Indian Ocean archipelago. Mahé, Praslin and La Digue are the most popular islands. Mahé boasts 65 silver beaches, plus an array of restaurants, cafés, bars and casinos in the tiny capital, Victoria. The Seychelles are home to UNESCO-designated sites, coral atoll Aldabra and Vallée de Mai, called the Garden of Eden. Creole is the main language, but English and French are widely spoken.
  • Gambia
    This small country in western Africa has become more popular recently as a beach destination for European travelers. It’s a relatively short flight, there’s no time difference, and lodging is generally very affordable. River Island National Park in Banjul is fantastic for watching wildlife (especially the native baboons).
  • Mexico
    With 26 UNESCO-declared world heritage sites, charming colonial towns and dozens of thrilling cities, there's plenty to explore in this country of 109 million. Outside the cities, stunning Pacific beaches, stark deserts, mangrove swamps and swimming holes provide all you need for a relaxing, romantic or adventurous vacation. Captivating, cosmopolitan and chaotic Mexico City and the 32 states offer an incredible abundance of experiences, from laid-back and leisurely to upbeat to adrenalin-charging.

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