Best Golf Resorts

Golf Resorts

Calling all golfers: you'll love these lush fairways and well-maintained greens.

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Things to know about Golf Resorts

You can play golf year-round in locations with warm climates, such as Florida, Arizona, California, and even some destinations in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia. These places offer consistently pleasant weather, making it easy to enjoy golfing throughout the year.

The best destination to play golf truly depends on personal preferences, but many golf enthusiasts rave about the stunning courses in Pebble Beach, California, known for its breathtaking coastal views and world-class greens.

Golf resort prices can vary greatly depending on the location, amenities, and time of year, but on average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $600 per night for accommodations and green fees. Keep in mind that some luxury resorts may charge over $1000 per night, while budget-friendly options may be available for under $100.

At a golf resort, besides golfing, guests can indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments, savor delicious cuisine at on-site restaurants, and partake in various recreational activities such as swimming, tennis, and fitness classes.

Yes, you can typically rent golf clubs at most golf resorts, as they offer a variety of club sets to cater to different skill levels and preferences of their guests.

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Popular Islands

  • Phuket
    布吉島猶如七色彩虹般璀璨耀眼,你可以盡情欣賞藍色的潟湖、粉色的日落,以及身著橙色袈裟的僧侶。三輪電單車、的士、巴士和長尾船,絡繹不絕地將遊客載往這些令人驚嘆的奇景。布吉島南方海岸有著最受歡迎的熱門海灘。相較之下,北方海岸則顯得寧靜得多。PP 島、攀牙灣和巴東海灘皆是熱門景點。潛水、浮潛、風帆和帆船等豐富的戶外活動任君選擇。此外還有陸地、翠鬱的山丘、高山和懸崖靜待你深入探險。
  • Maldives
    Want to make your co-workers insanely jealous? Just casually drop "I’m holiday making in the Maldives this year" into conversation, preferably in the dead of winter. Or better yet, go there without mentioning it to anyone—then send them a "Wish you were here!" postcard.
  • Cebu Island
    From the cosmopolitan metropolis of Cebu City and the white-sand beaches of Mactan to the electric-blue waters of Kawasan Falls and the whale sharks of Oslob, it’s easy to see why Cebu Island is one of the Philippines’ top destinations.
  • Marco Island
    White beaches, a sparkling sea, a strawberry daiquiri in hand—what more do you need in a holiday? Marco Island brings visitors the best that the Ten Thousand Islands have to offer. Scavenge for seashells or hit the links for a sunny session of golf. Explore the Everglades in a swamp buggy or enjoy a rejuvenating nature hike at the Rookery Bay Reserve.
  • South Padre Island
    A 34-mile long tropical paradise located on the Gulf Coast of Texas, South Padre Island is consistently ranked as a top beach destination by travellers across the globe. It’s a beautiful setting rich with leisure and experiences — ranging from stunning sandy beaches, extensive nature tourism attractions, and world-class wind and water activities to outstanding local restaurants and a growing entertainment district.
  • Sicily
    The Mediterranean's biggest island is separated from the mainland by the Strait of Messina. A mountainous spot, Sicily's coast and its small islands sit at the foot of volcanoes, including Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano. The Greeks, Romans, Normans and Catalans all left their mark on the island in the form of Byzantine palaces, Gothic castles and Baroque flourishes in capital Palermo. Most larger towns offer interesting museums, but Etna and the Hellenic temples in Agrigento offer particularly unique sights.
  • Island of Malta
    One of the three principal islands of the Maltese archipelago, the island of Malta is the largest of the chain. Its capital Valletta, a lively, bustling city with many buildings dating back to the 16th century, teems with cathedrals, palaces and forts. The impressive Grand Harbour offers a dramatic arrival. The top archaeological attraction is the UNESCO-designated Hypogeum temple ruins, a macabre, 5400-square-foot underground necropolis and the world's only underground prehistoric temple.
  • Formentera
    You may have to fly into Ibiza's airport to get to Formentera, but a holiday here is the antithesis of a wild week in Ibiza. You'll reach Formentera by ferry, and you'll find a quiet, peaceful little island with natural beauty to spare. Rent a scooter or bike to take you from beach to beach.
  • Langkawi
    蘭卡威一共由 140 座島嶼組成,不過其中有住人的卻只有幾座島嶼而已。在這一片群島之中,面積比較大的就是蘭卡威島,這座島因為有生態豐富的自然保護區,而獲 UNESCO 選為世界地質公園。如果要體驗這裡多采多姿的豐富生態,最好的辦法就是爬上架在雨林上方的蘭卡威天空之橋 (Langkawi Sky Bridge),從上往下看最是清楚。想要感受涼快氣氛,或是想要躲開偷竊成性的猴子群,最好的方是就是到名字十分有趣的淡水湖 ─ 懷孕少女 (Pregnant Maiden) 浸泡一下。
  • St. Croix
    Isn’t it romantic? The Caribbean island of St. Croix is practically the backdrop of a Hollywood love story. White sand beaches and lush rainforests set the scene for tropical bliss. Take in the historic small town charm of Christiansted and Frederiksted, sip your way through a spirited tour of the Cruzan Rum Distillery or explore the ruins of a sugar plantation. And the diving…oh, the diving. Think shipwrecks, think vibrant ocean life, think endless underwater possibilities.
  • Saint Simons Island
    Enveloped by expansive beaches, moss-draped oaks, and salt marshes, Saint Simons Island, part of the Golden Isles chain near Brunswick, is a nearly 18 square mile island, once dominated by rice and cotton plantations. Today, it’s a recreation wonderland with superb championship golf courses, miles of bicycle paths, great fishing, historic sites, and excellent restaurants. If you love golf, you’ll love Saint Simons Island, which is home to the 18-hole King and Prince Golf Course and 27-hole Sea Palms Golf and Tennis Resort. Nearby are 234 more holes of golf at popular spots like the 63-hole Jekyll Island Golf Club and 36-hole Sea Island Golf Club. Anglers have lots of opportunities to fish in the rivers, tidal creeks, sounds and the Atlantic Ocean. You’ll find charters and guides at the Golden Isles Marina, and you can also fish off the St. Simons Island Pier and surf cast on stretches of beach on the island’s north end. For such a compact island, Saint Simons is brimming with historic sites. Don’t miss the Saint Simons Lighthouse, where you can climb the 129 steps for a magnificent view of the island; the Fort Frederica National Monument, which has remnants of the British fort built in the 1700s; and the Bloody Marsh Battle Site, where the Spanish defeated the British in 1742.
  • Batam
    Just a speedboat ride from Singapore, Batam’s beaches and bars tempt visitors with dishes of chili crab, grilled lobster, and freshly caught fish. While travellers golf, snorkel, and spa-hop, the island’s traditional culture thrives in fishing villages built on wooden stilts.
  • Zanzibar Island
    The Zanzibar Archipelago, located in the Indian Ocean 15 miles off the coast of Tanzania, is a breathtaking spot to escape from the world. You’ll enjoy clear, turquoise-blue water; shallow sandbars perfect for wading; and many small, nearly deserted islands virtually unvisited by tourists. Explore the World Heritage Site of Stone Town, Zanzibar City’s old quarter. Or just go beach to beach between tiny fishing villages—each one's better than the next.
  • Islamorada
    Six islands in the Florida Keys comprise the village of Islamorada, known for its prime sport fishing. Rent a boat or participate in a guided tour to fish, snorkel, or swim with marine life. Fresh seafood is the hallmark of the Islamorada dining scene. Visit a tropical-themed bar to soak in the full Florida Keys experience with a frozen umbrella drink. For a dose of culture, take in fine art and music while strolling through the Morada Way Art and Cultural District.
  • Grenada
    Discover Pure Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean! Famed as the home of spices like nutmeg, the islands of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique invite culinary exploration—from tasting tours of three award-winning rum distilleries to sampling exquisite organic chocolate at five chocolate factories. Visitors can also dive into the turquoise waters to discover the world’s first underwater sculpture park, zipline through tropical rain forests, or take in the lush scenery in a dune buggy tour.
  • Boracay
    Boracay Island has reopened with new rules and regulations in place to protect the island from overdevelopment. Not all businesses were allowed to reopen. Please check with the Philippine Department of Tourism for details:
  • Menorca
    As the first place in Spain to see the sunrise, Minorca is like the country’s ambassador to the morning. Beaches here are beautiful and, surprisingly, relatively empty. The jewel-coloured water is a magnet for waterskiers, windsurfers and sailors. Playa De Binigaus beach is perfect for families, while Cala Mitjana is an idyllic spot for romance. Head to the town of Alaoir to nibble on some fresh local cheese or turn back time in the charming fishing village of Fornells.

Popular States

  • New York

    New York is the ultimate city break destination as far as millions of tourists are concerned. There's fantastic shopping, wonderful restaurants, bars, theatres, museums and world famous landmarks. In the winter you can go skating in Central Park, in the summer you can hire a boat and go rowing on the lake. And all year round there's a great zoo.

    Regardless of your family's interests, you will have no trouble filling a week's holiday in New York. The Empire State Building, the United Nations, Central Park with its wonderful zoo, Time Square and its various shops, the bright lights of Broadway and dozens of museums and art galleries. If you get even slightly bored, you can wander around Central Park looking for locations for famous scenes from films, and if you wander a little further you'll usually bump into a film crew. If you're interested in money saving, take care with sights such as the Statue of Liberty. You can spend a lot of money on a boat trip past the statue, but given that boats no longer land on Liberty Island, you might as well just take the Staten Island Ferry. It's free and you still get a great view. While looking at Liberty Island, many tourists will now also take in a trip to Ground Zero to pay their respects at the former World Trade Centre.

  • Texas
    Texas is one of the largest states in America. As such, there is some variety of potential holiday destinations in Texas. Among the most notable holiday destinations in Texas is that of South Padre Island. South Padre Island is located at the tropical tip of Texas, by the Gulf of Mexico. The beaches of South Padre Island are some of the best and widest in Texas. Here you can also find some of the state's most innovative water-parks such as Schlitterbahn BeachWater Park. Or alternatively, take a break away cruise for fishing, eco tours, and snorkelling around South Padre Island. Texas also has some highly rated golf courses such as Cliffs at Possum Kingdom at Grayford, and La Cantera - Resort Course in San Anotonio, which is a fun and scenic golf course that is regarded as one of the best golf resorts in the United States.
  • Prince Edward Island
    The landscape that inspired Anne of Green Gables entices legions of lovers to Canada’s smallest province. Peaceful P.E.I. is a slow paced haven, full of distinctively Maritime delights. Red sandstone cliffs rise above gentle beaches. Lonely lighthouses dot rocky bluffs. Deserted trails beckon for romantic roaming.
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
    The most populous (with 18 million people) and westernmost (bordering Belgium and the Netherlands) of Germany's federal states, North Rhine-Westphalia is one of Europe's most highly industrialized areas, with an impressive 30 cities of more than 100,000. Cologne is the district's biggest city, and the capital is Dusseldorf. Bonn, the former capital of West Germany, is also here. All three are part of the Rhine-Ruhr region of nearly 12 million people, one of Europe's biggest metropolitan areas.
  • Hesse
    Home to Frankfurt (or Frankfurt am Main), Germany's fifth-largest city, Hesse is the country's financial heart. The Rheingau wine region (famed for its Rieslings) stretches along the Rhine coast, and includes such favorite tourist towns as Rüdesheim. The mountains of Wasserkuppe and Grosser Feldberg both offer many adventure options. Hessenpark, an open-air museum in Neu Anspach with a collection of over 100 historically reconstructed buildings and more than 200 animals, is a family favorite.

Popular Cities

  • Da Nang
    峴港是一座既悠閒又友善的城市,這可能是因為你所遇到的人,剛好都享用過美味的大餐,因而心情大好。在這裡展開美食之旅是實際體驗當地風味的絕佳方式。此外,在街邊吃過粄條湯與開胃小食後,不妨散散步,探索五行山 (Marble Mountains) 的鐘乳石洞和石窟寺,藉此消除飽脹感。
  • Los Angeles
    喜歡電影的旅客,千萬別錯過荷里活喔。你可以到電影製片廠參觀、到中國戲院前面的大道摸摸���星們的手印,或是到洛杉磯最受追捧的幾個夜店,一睹巨星風采。到 The Grove 購物,說不定可以看到你最喜歡的明星;不想碰運氣等待明星出現的話,可以直接到保羅蓋帝中心欣賞曠世巨作。如果想來點不一樣的追星之旅,那就得去葛瑞菲斯天文台,用天文望遠鏡觀星吧。
  • Macau
    澳門的賭場富麗堂皇,酒店亦屬世界級水準,過去曾是葡萄牙殖民地,如今是中華人民共和國的特別行政區。旅客不但喜愛這裡猶如拉斯維加斯般的奢華氣氛,更愛上充滿歷史氣息的獨特風光。其中最引人入勝的景點有:建於 16 世紀的聖保羅大教堂遺址 (大三巴牌坊),現時為 UNESCO 世界遺產,此外,東望洋砲台亦是熱門景點之一。
  • Chiang Mai
    You could spend your whole Chiang Mai holiday exploring the famous Night Bazaar. Once you’ve exhausted the art of the cheerful haggle, however, there’s plenty more to explore. The National Museum and Botanic Garden are great places to soak up some local culture and to breathe in the delicate fragrance of Thai orchids. In the city’s centre, the remains of ancient walls embrace over 30 temples. Limber travellers can climb 300 stairs to Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, an ornate Buddhist temple in the hills.
  • Taormina
    埃特納火山與愛奧尼亞海為陶爾米納 (Taormina,西西里負盛名的度假勝地) 提供可用作拍電影的美景。崎嶇的中古世紀街道與 2 世紀的希臘劇場,為其增添浪漫的氛圍,激發了大衛赫伯特勞倫斯與楚門卡波提等作家的靈感。建議你乘搭有軌纜車前往海灘,或順著聖喬瑟夫教堂後方的山坡向上走,觀賞這座城鎮的全貌。
  • Carlsbad
    從 19 世紀晚期卡利斯托加發現這座礦物泉以來,大批的 SPA 愛好者便蜂擁而至。時至今日,你仍然可以到訪當年發現溫泉的那口水井,除了喝一口井水,卡爾斯巴德的 SPA 亦提供許多世界級的服務,供你選擇。
  • Tampa
    Let the Gulf Shore breeze carry you to a weekend of sun-kissed fun. The Tampa-St Pete area is Florida's second-biggest metropolitan area. Not as flashy as Miami or as crowded as Orlando, the region has grown as a tourist destination, and it's easy to see why: miles of waterfront, sandy beaches, cultural attractions and exciting amusements. Busch Gardens has been drawing visitors for years, but the city also has another zoo, an aquarium and several major museums for those who need some time in the shade.
  • Hua Hin
    華欣 (Hua Hin) 深受曼谷居民喜愛,是一處美麗的海濱度假勝地。這裡沒有喧��的通宵派對,適合一家大細渡假,或想要放鬆身心的旅客。亦因為這裡氣氛恬靜,這裡的海灘最適合讓旅客沉殿心靈、安靜享受。華欣過去只是一個小漁港,之後搖身一變,成為皇室欽點的度假村,亦正因如此,華欣仍能保有寧靜、悠閒的小鎮風情,不至於淪落為一般庸俗的觀光城市。
  • Pattaya
    A visit to Pattaya is a wonderful way to explore the beaches along the Gulf of Thailand. Relaxed and family-friendly Jomtien Beach is a hot spot for watersports and seaside massages. The giant Buddha of Wat Khao Phra Bat keeps watch over the city, and the wooden Wang Boran Sanctuary of Truth pays homage to Buddhist and Hindu art and architecture. At night, tons of bars and strip clubs attract an adults-only crowd.
  • Kota Kinabalu
    哥打京那巴魯 (Kota Kinabalu) 是婆羅洲島著名的京那巴魯國家公園集散地。國家公園內的最高點是高達 13400 英尺的金納布拉山 (Kinabula),這亦是馬來西亞的最高峰、登山客的聖地。而克羅克山脈國家公園 (Crocker Range National Park) 則全長 90 英里,讓旅客盡享驚險刺激的叢林徒步旅行和露營。
  • Sanya
    Known as the Hawaii of China, Sanya’s miles of coastline, tropical climate, and upscale resorts make it a go-to beach destination for many travellers. But, it’s the city’s Buddhist temples, coconut plantations, fruit-sorbet stands, and fishing port that keep travellers coming back.
  • Taupo
    This adrenaline-pumping city offers an abundance of skydiving, jetboating and bungee jumping. Discover the marvels of Orakei Korako thermal park, featuring caves, hot springs and boiling mud pools. Gaze across Lake Taupo to see the spectacular volcanic mountains of Tongariro National Park, and make sure to visit Huka Falls, one of the great watery wonders of New Zealand.
  • Toronto
    如果你聽過有人說多倫多是「瑞士人經營的紐約市」,沒錯!這裡有世界級的劇場、購物商場與餐廳,不同的是,這裡的人行道非常乾淨,人們也很友善。從西恩塔 (CN Tower) 的塔頂開始旅程,就是最好的選擇,而且西恩塔也是西半球最高的獨立式建築物。
  • Verona
    中古時期的維羅納 (Verona) 十分輝煌,單是其名聲便激發了莎士比亞的靈感,將兩部劇作《羅密歐與茱麗葉》及《維羅納二紳士》的故事發源地設定於此。雖然所謂的茱麗葉之家與卡普列特家族的實際關係不是相當密切,但每年仍吸引了 50 萬名遊客參觀,其中許多都熱衷於重演陽台那一幕。請別遺漏羅馬競技場與市政廳 (Palazzo Barbieri),兩者皆值得一遊。
  • Singapore
  • Pittsburgh
    Steel and coal may have built this city, and you'll see the names "Mellon" and "Carnegie" on an awful lot of things, but Pittsburgh has come a long way from its gritty, industrial past. The Waterfront Complex, a collection of shops, restaurants, a cinema and even a water park, was recently built on the site of the former Bethlehem Steel Works, and two new professional sports stadiums have opened downtown in just the past two years. However, history buffs will delight in a visit to sites like the Point State Park (home of the Fort Pitt Museum) and the Duquesne Incline, where you can ride an antique cable car and browse displays about this unique form of transport. If you don't mind the extra drive, a trip to Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater makes a rewarding detour.
  • Hanoi
    迷人的越南首都歷史悠久,擁有保存良好的舊城區、紀念碑和殖民時期建築,而現代化的建物亦林立其間。河內在過去曾經擁有數個名稱,包括升龍。這裡的歷史遺跡保存良好,諸如胡志明陵墓和華羅監獄。湖泊、公園、幽靜的林蔭大道,以及超過 600 座的廟宇和佛塔皆讓這座城市魅力倍增,只要乘搭的士即可輕鬆遊覽。
  • Munich
    慕尼黑到處散發著巴伐利亞的魅力。喜歡喝啤酒的話,建議你馬上動身前往 Hofbräuhaus。Hofbräuhaus 自 1589 年就開始釀造啤酒,可說是歷史悠久。如果是在啤酒節期間來到這裡,保證讓你整個旅程會從頭喝到尾,還可以一嚐美味的德國風味料理。你可以去奧林匹克公園想像一下自己是世界級運動選手,在這裡的奧運級溜冰場溜冰,真會讓人覺得自己是冠軍選手一樣。在瑪麗亞廣場的長廊,可以看到來來往往的人群,還可以欣賞到 Glockenspiele of City Hall 的美麗建築風格。
  • Dublin
  • Jeju
    Jeju is a hot tourist spot, booming with unique attractions. Romantic sunrises and sunsets, mild climate and beautiful sandy beaches make Jeju a popular honeymoon destination. Adventurers can hike to Baeknok Lake at the top of Mount Halla, South Korea’s highest peak. Keep an eye out for the “haenyeo,” female divers gathering fresh seafood, and the iconic “grandfather statues” displayed outside of many restaurants.

Popular Countries

  • South Korea
    While only 60 years ago South Korea was considered a developing country, it’s now one of Asia’s economic and cultural leaders. Super-chic Seoul combines modernism with ancient history; coastal Busan serves up rugged beach spots; and Jeju Island wows with volcanic landscapes and towering mountains.
  • Thailand
    Thailand is a country of many contrasting facets, with glorious beaches as well as forests, jungles and mountains. Whether you want to swim, sunbathe or explore the wildlife, a family holiday in Thailand will never be dull.If you're looking for seaside relaxation, visit the beaches and bay of Hat Karon in Phuket with sand dunes and palm trees. The island of Ko Tao has coral reefs and is the place to go if you want to learn to dive, but you can also go mountain biking or just sunbathe on the beach. The Royal Barge National Museum in Bangkok houses several barges built for Thailand's kings; the beautifully detailed carving is quite breathtaking. Doi Suthep-Doi Pui National Park in Chiang Mai has a wealth of flowering plants and ferns as well as three hundred species of birds. If you're in the mood for a quiet spot, try the town of Sangkhlaburi; from there you can set off on an elephant trek or jungle tour. For mountains and forests, visit the north-western province of Mai Hong Son.
  • Japan
    In the Land of the Rising Sun, ancient temples sit alongside neon wonderlands and shinto shrines offer pockets of peace amid metropolises. Add tea ceremonies, snow monkeys, sushi, kimonos, and karaoke to the mix, and you’ve got one of the world’s most fascinating countries.
  • Vietnam
    The jungles and monsoon forests of Vietnam are diverse ecosystems that are alive with unique wildlife. Trekking is a popular activity here, particularly the mountains of Sapa and the primeval landscape of Cuc Phuong National Park. For a more urban escape, take a guided food tour of Ho Chi Minh City, making sure to squeeze in visits to the historic Hoi Truong Thong Nhat palace and the intricately adorned Emperor Jade Pagoda.
  • China
    The grand story of China features a great wall, a forbidden city, and a few thousand Terracotta warriors. Settings include the sci-fi skyline of Shanghai, the jutting peaks of Zhangjiajie, and the tropical beaches of Hainan, but the tale of this ancient kingdom began long ago.
  • Malaysia
    Malaysia is a beautifully complex vacation destination, a land where ancient rainforests give way to multicultural city life. Capital city Kuala Lumpur is visually defined by the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, while in charming Melaka the vibe is more quaint and historical. Many of the country’s national parks offer opportunities for fantastic whitewater rafting, and the exclusive Sipadan dive site (off the east coast of Borneo) is among the best in the world.
  • Croatia
    Croatia has had a turbulent history but is establishing itself as an exciting destination great for all the family. Among other things, you may not be aware that the small Central European country pioneered fountain pens and invented the necktie. Aside from the pub trivia side of things, however, Croatia is a fantastic country steeped in history, and benefiting from the hot summers and mild winters of a Mediterranean climate.
  • Brazil
    The wealth of flora and fauna and opportunities to observe them are unparalleled in the Amazon. Riverboats ply the waters of this fascinating wilderness, home to pink river dolphins, clamorous howler monkeys and raucous toucans. Photograph your adventure, run the rapids or stalk elusive jaguars by night.
  • Germany
    From the fairy-tale castles and medieval villages of Bavaria to the Rhine Valley's UNESCO-listed landscapes and the storied monuments of Berlin, Germany has many faces. Steeped in history, cities like Cologne, Frankfurt, and Hamburg are also among the coolest cultural hubs in Europe.
  • India
    From the beaches of sun-soaked Goa to the frenetic bazaars of Mumbai, India offers wealth of vastly different, yet equally enthralling, experiences. Explore the sparkling lakes and palaces of Udaipur, watch traditional Indian dance in Kochi, or buy brilliantly-colored silk saris at a market in Varanasi… no matter how much you travel in India, you’ll always find more to discover in this vibrant, fascinating country.
  • South Africa
    From the verdant Garden Route to the sub-tropical coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’s landscapes are as diverse as its attractions. There's something for everyone, whether you want to sip sauvignon blanc in Stellenbosch, explore Johannesburg, or spot the Big Five in Kruger National Park.
  • Peru
    From the remoteness of Peru’s Andes Mountains to the unexplored territories of its Amazon rain forest, the country holds a mysticism all its own. It’s the motherland of the Inca civilization and home to Machu Picchu, alpaca products, and more than 4,000 types of native potatoes.
  • Philippines
    With more than 7,000 islands consisting of rice paddies, volcanos, mega-metropolises, world-class surf spots, and endemic wildlife, the Philippines is one of the most dazzling and diverse countries in all of Asia. Not to mention, it’s home to some of the world’s best beaches, too.
  • Cyprus
    The legendary birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, Cyprus has been coveted and fought over by a succession of admirers: Mycenaeans, Egyptians, Assyrians and Persians, to name a few. The former British colony was most recently fought over by the Turks and the Greeks. A result of this turbulent past is an impressive range of cultural treasures, from Crusader castles to the tomb of Mohammed's aunt. The island's geography - plentiful coastline with a mountainous centre - ensures plenty of activity all year round.
  • Egypt
    An enigmatic treasure trove of almost unimaginable archaeological and cultural riches, it's hard not to think of Egypt without imagining the Sphinx, the pyramids at Giza, Luxor, the Valley of the Kings and the Nile. As well as being the world's largest open-air museum, Egypt also offers a slew of luxurious Red Sea resorts, many within reach of spectacular snorkeling, diving and windsurfing. Whether you see it by riverboat, from camelback or from just above the coral, Egypt's sights are unforgettable.
  • Israel
    From the Tel Aviv beach scene to the shores of the Dead Sea, Israel layers diverse cultures, outdoor adventures, and religious heritage onto a desert backdrop. Exploring here means history at every turn, while a humming food scene treats gourmet travellers to ultra-fresh flavours.
  • Singapore
    As Asia’s undisputed capital of cool, Singapore’s street food, luxury lifestyle options, and sci-fi–like architecture entrance visitors from the very beginning. Top attractions such as the futurist feel of Gardens by the Bay and the Marina Bay Sands casino symbolize the nation’s state of affluence.
  • Slovakia
    Slovakia lacks the glitz of its former compatriot, the Czech Republic, but since its independence in 1993, the country's been shedding its Eastern Bloc past and embracing its own folk culture. The capital of Bratislava is a popular destination, but don't bypass the old-world essence of places such as the Spis castle overlooking Spisske Podhradie; Liptovska Sielnica, with its preserved historical homes; and the spas of Piestany. Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy hiking and skiing the High Tatras.

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