Installing the Java Module with Dropwizard

The Next-Gen WAF Java module can be deployed through Dropwizard.


Download the Next-Gen WAF Java module manually or access it with Maven.

Download manually

  1. Download the Java module archive from
  2. Extract sigsci-module-java_latest.tar.gz.
  3. Deploy the jars using one of the following options:
    • Copy sigsci-module-java-{version}-shaded.jar (an uber jar with all the dependencies bundled) to your application’s classpath (e.g., %CATALINA_HOME%\webbapps\<APP_FOLDER>\WEB-INF\lib).
    • Copy sigsci-module-java-{version}.jar and its dependencies in the lib folder to your application’s classpath (e.g., %CATALINA_HOME%\webbapps\<APP_FOLDER>\WEB-INF\lib). If you already have any of the dependency jar files in your application classpath folder (i.e., for Tomcat in the WEB-INF\lib) then it is not necessary to copy them, even if the version numbers are different. The logging jars are optional based on how slf4j is configured.

Access with Maven

For projects using Maven for build or deployment, the latest version of Next-Gen WAF Java modules can be installed by adding XML to the project pom.xml file. For example:

2 <repository>
3 <id>sigsci-stable</id>
4 <url></url>
5 </repository>
9 <groupId>com.signalsciences</groupId>
10 <artifactId>sigsci-module-java</artifactId>
11 <version>LATEST_MODULE_VERSION</version>

Be sure to replace LATEST_MODULE_VERSION with the latest release of the Java module. You can find the latest version in our version file at

Install and configure

Dropwizard supports standard Java servlet filters, but you will need to register the filter class.

Additional information about Dropwizard servlet filter support can be found in the Dropwizard documentation.

The Dropwizard framework internally uses the Jetty servlet engine. The Next-Gen WAF Java module provides servlet filters.

Example run method inside class extending Dropwizard Application class

1import com.signalsciences.servlet.filter.SigSciFilter;
3public void run(final DwizExampleConfiguration configuration, final Environment environment) {
4 environment.servlets().addFilter("SigSciFilter", new SigSciFilter()).addMappingForUrlPatterns(EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST), true, "/*");
5 final HelloWorldResource resource = new HelloWorldResource(
6 "%s",
7 "Demo value"
8 );
9 environment.jersey().register(resource);

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