.Net module install



  1. Download the latest Next-Gen WAF module for .Net via one of these methods:

  2. Extract the contents of sigsci-module-dotnet-x.x.x.zip to your application's bin directory.

  3. Add the following sections to your application's web.config file:

    2 ...
    3 <configSections>
    4 <section name="SignalSciencesModule" type="SignalSciences.ModuleConfiguration"/>
    5 </configSections>
    7 ...
    8 <system.webServer>
    9 <modules>
    10 <add name="SignalSciencesModule" type="SignalSciences.HttpModule"/>
    11 </modules>
    12 </system.webServer>
    13 ...
    15 <SignalSciencesModule agentEndPoint="" />
    16 ...
  4. Restart the web site service.


Ensure the AgentEndPoint value is set to the same IP and port configured with the Next-Gen WAF agent's rpc-address value. See the Windows agent installation documentation for additional information about Windows agent configuration options.

.NET module configuration

agentEndPointrequired, no defaultThe TCP endpoint (host:port) that the Agent is listening on. host can be either a hostname or an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
filterHeadersoptional, no defaultComma-separated list of request and response headers that should not be sent to the Agent. Case insensitive. Regardless of configuration, it always includes Cookie, Set-Cookie, Authorization and X-Auth-Token.
agentRpcTimeoutMillisoptional, default: 200Maximum number of milliseconds allowed for each RPC call to the Agent.
agentConnectionPoolSizeoptional, default: 10Number of connections that, once opened, will be retained in a pool.
maxPostSizeoptional, default: 100000A request body above this size will not be sent to the Agent.
anomalySizeoptional, default: 524288If the HTTP response is this size or larger, log it with the Agent.
anomalyDurationMillisoptional, default: 1000If the response took longer than this number of milliseconds, log it with the Agent.

Sample advanced .NET module configuration

2 agentEndPoint=""
3 filterHeaders="X-My-Private-Header, X-My-Other-Header"
4 agentRpcTimeoutMillis="200"
5 agentConnectionPoolSize="10"
6 maxPostSize="100000"
7 anomalySize="524288"
8 anomalyDurationMillis="1000"
9 />

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