About the Rules menu

The Rules menu is located on the right side of the site navigation bar. From the Rules menu, you can access the following pages:

Limitations and considerations

The Templated Rules, Site Lists, Site Signals, and Site Alerts pages are only included with the Professional and Premier platforms.

About the Site Rules page

Selecting Site Rules from the Rules menu displays the Site Rules page. From this page, you can manage your site rules. With site rules, you can allow, block, rate limit, or tag requests for an arbitrary set of conditions.

The Site Rules page lists existing site rules and provides controls to filter the list of rules. Specifically:

  • Type: allows you to filter the list by the type of rule. Rule types include request rules, signal exclusion rules, and rate limit rules.
  • Status: allows you to filter the list by whether rules are enabled or disabled.
  • Action: allows you to filter the list by the type of action that occurs when a request matches a rule’s criteria.

Additional controls on the Site Rules page enable you to:

  • create site rules by clicking Add site rule.
  • access a detailed view of a site rule by clicking View to the right of the site rule. Additional controls on the detailed view page allow you to edit and remove the site rule.

About the Templated Rules page

Selecting Templated Rules from the Rules menu displays the Templated Rules page. The Templated Rules page lists all templated rules. Templated rules are pre-built rule configurations for registrations, logins, and virtual patches.

From this page, you can:

  • view all templated rules.
  • filter the templated rules by category (e.g., API, ATO, and CVE), by status, and by whether the rules are recommended or not.
  • use a search bar to filter the templated rules by tag name and description.
  • access metrics and additional controls for a templated rule by clicking View to the right of the templated rule. The detailed view page displays a graph, Event list, and list of requests that are tagged with the signal associated with the templated rule. Controls on this page allow to you enable or edit the templated rule.

About the Site Lists page

Selecting Site Lists from the Rules menu displays the Site Lists page. The Site Lists page displays your site's lists. Lists are sets of custom data (e.g., list of countries a site doesn't do business with) that are used in site rules.

From this page, you can:

  • view your lists.
  • create a site list by clicking Add site list.
  • access a detailed view of a site list by clicking View to the right of the site list. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit and remove the site list.

About the Site Signals page

Selecting Site Signals from the Rules menu displays the Site Signals page. The Site Signals page lists your site's custom signals. A signal is a descriptive tag about a request.

From this page, you can:

  • view a list of your custom signals.
  • create a custom signal by clicking Add site signal.
  • access a detailed view of a custom signal by clicking View to the right of the custom signal. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit and remove the custom signal.

About the Site Alerts page

Selecting Site Alerts from the Rules menu displays the Site Alerts page. The Site Alerts page lists your site alerts. Site alerts allow you to define thresholds for when to flag, block, or log an IP address.

From this page, you can:

  • view a list of your site alerts.
  • create a site alert by clicking Add site alert.
  • access a detailed view of a site alert by clicking the name of the site alert. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit or remove the site alert.

About the Redactions page

Selecting Redactions from the Rules menu displays the Redactions page. The Redactions page lists your site's custom redactions, not system-defined redactions. Redactions remove sensitive data from requests before they reach the platform backend. With custom redactions, you can specify the fields to redact from requests.

From this page, you can:

  • view a list of your custom redactions.
  • create a custom redaction by clicking Add redaction.
  • access a detailed view of a redaction by clicking View to the right of the redaction. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit or remove the redaction.

About the Simulator page

Selecting Simulator from the Rules menu will display the Simulator page. This page enables you to test sample requests and responses, identifying whether a request would be blocked or allowed. The Simulator page can be helpful for debugging or troubleshooting Corp Rules and Site Rules.

From this page, you can:

  • construct and modify sample requests and responses.
  • send these sample requests and responses through the Next-Gen WAF detection engine.
  • determine whether a request would be blocked or allowed by the WAF.
  • identify the specific response code that would be returned for each sample request.
  • view the signals that the WAF would add to the request.
  • assess whether redaction would occur in any given scenario.

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