About the Corp Manage menu

The Corp Manage menu is located on the right side of the corp navigation bar. From the Corp Manage menu, you can access the following pages:

Before you begin

Be sure you know how to access the web interface controls.

About the Sites page

Selecting Sites from the Corp Manage menu displays the Sites page. From this page, you can manage your sites. A site is a single web application, bundle of web applications, API, or microservice that Next-Gen WAF can protect from attacks.

The Sites page lists existing sites and provides controls to filter the list. Specifically, you can filter the list by:

  • Site name: allows you to filter sites by name.
  • Agent mode: allows you to filter sites by agent mode. Agent mode options include blocking, not blocking, and off.

When you click the name of a site, the Site Settings page appears. From the Site Settings page, you can update the name of the site, the agent configurations for the site, and the users who have access to the site.

From the Sites page, you can also add a site by clicking Add site.

About the Corp Users page

Selecting Corp Users from the Corp Manage menu displays the Corp Users page. From this page, you can manage your users. Users are the people who manage, edit, or observe activity in your corp.

The Corp Users page lists existing users and provides controls to filter the list. Specifically, you can filter the list by:

  • Site: allows you to filter users by site.
  • User: allows you to filter users by user name, email, or role.
  • Role: allows you to filter users by user role. User roles include owner, admin, user, and observer.
  • Status: allows you to filter users by whether they are active or pending.
  • 2FA: allows you to filter users by whether they have two factor authentication enabled or disabled.

When you click the name of a user, a details page for the user appears. From this page, you can update the user's information or delete the user.

From the Corp Users page, you can also add users by clicking Add corp user.

About the User Authentication page

Selecting User Authentication from the Corp Manage menu displays the User Authentication page. From this page, you can:

  • set up a user authentication method. Methods include password-based authentication and single sign-on authentication methods like SAML 2.0 and Google Apps.
  • configure Okta to be your identity provider (IdP).
  • specify the duration of a validated session for a user.
  • select whether to allow or restrict all users from creating and using API access tokens. When token creation and usage is restricted, you can enable specific users to create and use API Access tokens.
  • specify when API access tokens expire.
  • opt out of specific features if you are enrolled in Fastly Security Labs. Fastly Security Labs is a program that grants your corp access to in-development beta features.

Fastly Security Labs is only included with the Professional and Premier platforms. It is not included as part of the Essential platform.

About the API Access Tokens page

Selecting API Access Tokens from the Corp Manage menu displays the API Access Tokens page. From the API Access Tokens page, you can view a table that lists all tokens in your corp and use a search bar to filter the table by token creator and name. The table contains these columns:

  • Created by: the user name of the person who created the token.
  • Token Name: the friendly name of the token.
  • Logged IP: the IP address of the request.
  • User Agent: the user agent of the request.
  • Timestamp: the date the token was used.
  • Status: the status of the token. Status options include active, expired, and disabled by owner.
  • Expires: the date the token expires.

From the API Access Tokens page, you can also delete tokens.

About the Corp Integrations page

Selecting Corp Integrations from the Corp Manage menu displays the Corp Integrations page. Corp integrations notify you about activity within your corp, including changes to users, sites, and settings. There are three types of corp integrations:

From the Corp Integrations page, you can:

  • manage existing corp integrations by clicking on the name of an existing integration.
  • add a new corp integration by clicking Add corp integration.

About the Corp Audit Log page

Selecting Corp Audit Log from the Corp Manage menu displays the Corp Audit Log page. This page lists corp activity from the last 30 days. You can filter the list by activity type. Types include user activity (e.g., a user created a new access token) and corp configuration (e.g., a user created a new site).

The Corp Audit Log page lists connected corp integrations in a side bar. You can click on an integration to view details about that integration or click Manage corp integrations to go to the Corp Integrations page.

About the Certificates page

Selecting Cloud WAF Certificates from the Corp Manage menu displays the Certificates page. From the Certificates page, you can:

  • view a summary table that lists the TLS/SSL certificates for your sites.
  • use a search bar to filter the list.
  • access a detailed view of a certificate by clicking View to the right of the certificate. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit or delete the certificate.
  • create a certificate by clicking Add certificate.

About the Cloud WAF Instances page

Selecting Cloud WAF Instances from the Corp Manage menu displays the Cloud WAF Instances page. From this page, you can click Add Cloud WAF Instance to create an instance, the Instances tab to manage existing instances, and the Routes tab to manage existing routes.

From the Instances tab, you can:

  • view a summary table that lists up to 20 Cloud WAF instances running on your corp.
  • use a search bar to filter the instances.
  • access a detailed view of an instance by clicking View to the right of an instance. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit, delete, or re-deploy the instance.

From the Routes tab, you can:

  • view a summary table that lists your routes.
  • use a search bar to filter the routes.
  • access a detailed view of the instance associated with a route by clicking View to the right of a route. Additional controls on the detailed view page enable you to edit, delete, or re-deploy the instance.

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