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Über Ihre Schwächen sprechen

Über Ihre Schwächen sprechen

- It is common for hiring managers to ask about your weaknesses during your interview. This can seem like a trap and a typical piece of advice people give is to mention something that isn't really a weakness. For example, I get so absorbed in my work that I lose track of time and spend too long at the office. This however is not a good strategy. Interviewers ask the question for several reasons. One, they want to know whether your particular strengths and weaknesses will balance with those of the rest of the team. They also want to evaluate your ability to honestly reflect on your own skills. Further, they are interested in whether you are working on improving the areas where you have difficulties. With all of this in mind, it is good to be thoughtful and honest in responding to questions about your weaknesses. However, you will want to try to talk about weaknesses in a positive way. So let's take a look at how we can do…
