Tektit Consulting GmbH

Tektit Consulting GmbH


We are: Partners, Coaches, Enablers, Katalysts, Sparring Partners, Experts ... and sometimes a little annoying!


Als Tektit Consulting unterstützen wir Unternehmen bei ihrer digitalen Expansion - der Erweiterung ihres Kerngeschäfts mit digitalen Produkten. Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir Digitalstrategien, planen deren Umsetzung und befähigen Teams, digitale Projekte selbständig zu realisieren.

2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Tektit Consulting GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von Tektit Consulting GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    201 Follower:innen

    Our bustling colleague Michał Michalczuk is on his way to Berlin once again. Unlucky us, there will be no time for him to visit the Tektit Consulting GmbH office. Michał will be busy hosting two stages at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024. We wish you lots of fun and success, Michał! And we are already looking forward to your insights...

    Profil von Michał Michalczuk anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Software Engineer & Consultant, IT trainer

    [ENG below] Jestem właśnie w drodze do Berlina na WeAreDevelopers World Congress https://lnkd.in/duBHbg4X 15 000 uczestników, 500 speakerów... mają rozmach 😲 Tym razem jadę jako host - będę miał okazję prowadzić 2 sceny: - 📆 Czwartek: Stage 5 - 📆 Piątek: Stage 8 Obie mocno zorientowane na Web i Front-End. Agenda jest napięta, jest dużo gęstego, więc nie mogę się doczekać 😊 Aby nie było tak słodko 🍯 - to będą bardzo intensywne 2 dni. Mając doświadczenie z prowadzenia scen na Infoshare mogę powiedzieć że jest to wymagająca rola. ✅ Wychodzenie na scenę przed paroma setkami osób co 30 min - ok. ✅Przemiłe rozmowy z prelegentami, i pomaganie im wejść we flow oraz się rozluźnić - ok. ✅Pilnowanie czy scena idzie zgodnie z czasem - ok. Ale spróbujcie robić to przez 2 dni po 7-8 godzin 😅 Będzie co robić 😊 🚝Jak narazie jestem w drodze - jedyny rozsądny dojazd z Gdańska to pociąg. Ale tutaj zaczyna się pod górkę bo między Frankfurtem a Berlinem jest remont trakcji (bądź innej pociągowej rzeczy) i właśnie zapakowaliśmy się do busów, którymi pokonamy ostatnie 2 godziny drogi. Mój wyraz twarzy w autobusie oddaje wszystko. Ah, przygoda! Z kim się widzę na miejscu? Na pewno Szymon Chmal, bo będzie opowiadał o Island Architecture w Astro na konferencji 😊 🙌 Zapraszam zbić piątkę do mnie na jedną ze scen i mam nadzieję że złapiemy się na imprezach konferencyjnych! Do zobaczenia! -------------------------------------------------------- I'm currently on my way to Berlin for the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 15,000 participants, 500 speakers... this is massive! This time I'm going as a host - I'll be running 2 stages: - 📆 Thursday: Stage 5 - 📆 Friday: Stage 8 Both heavily focused on the Web and Front-End. The agenda is packed, there's a lot of dense content, so I can't wait 😊 These will be two very intense days. Having experience hosting stages at Infoshare, I know it's a demanding role. ✅ Going on stage in front of several hundred people every 30 minutes - check. ✅ Having pleasant conversations with speakers, helping them get into the flow and relax - check. ✅ Making sure the stage runs on time - check. But try doing this for 2 days, 7-8 hours each 😅 There'll be plenty of work 😊 🚝 So far, I'm on the road - the best way to get from Gdańsk is by train. But here's where things start to go uphill because between Frankfurt and Berlin there's some track maintenance (or other train-related thing) going on, and we've just loaded into buses to cover the last 2 hours of the journey. My facial expression in the photo from the bus says 1k words. Ah, adventure! Who am I seeing there? For sure Szymon Chmal with talk about Islands Architecture in Astro 😊 🙌 Feel free to say hi and high-five me at one of the stages, and I hope we'll catch up at the conference parties! See you there!

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  • Tektit Consulting GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Heinlein Support anzeigen, Grafik

    476 Follower:innen

    👉 Egal ob Zugriffskontrolle oder Notfallwiederherstellung, egal ob Datensicherung in der Cloud oder im Rechenzentrum – Schlomo Schapiro von der Tektit Consulting GmbH zeigt in seinem Vortrag auf unserer Secure #Linux Administration Conference, wie sich Herausforderungen rund um betriebliche Geheimnisse in modernen IT-Infrastrukturen lösen lassen. Sein Werkzeug der Wahl: Mozilla #SOPS (Secrets OPerationS). 🎟 Jetzt ein Ticket für unsere #SLAC vom 6.-8. Mai 2024 in Berlin sichern und mehr erfahren: https://www.slac-2024.de

    • SLAC 2024 Vortrag: Betriebliche Geheimnisse in der Cloud und offline verwalten.
  • Tektit Consulting GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Oliver Wehrens anzeigen, Grafik

    Build better products, tech & organizations.

    Do you have a macro architecture for your development teams? The one thing which came to my mind is that at one point we did not have a shared understanding how we should build our system back when I was working at DHL E-POST. This was in ~ 2014. We split the monolith in multiple services. Every team (we had 10 teams) was doing it how they thought it would be good. Turns out the overall system was harder to use, full of surprises in the APIs (REST) and had different concepts when operating. Documentation was hard to find and different stakeholders had different ideas how things should be done. So we decided what is important in such a system. The main points for us to handle was: - State in applications (only DB, no local data, phoenix system) - Resilience (Loadbalancing, Consul) - Service communication (REST) - Documentation (Swagger, Pivio) - No shared databases between services - Request tracking (defined correlation ID) - Monitoring (Alarm books, health endpoints) - Logging (all to Splunk via syslog, Logformat) - How deployment is done, automated DB updates - Operations (1 VM per service) The only 'restriction' we had for teams in terms of how they write the service was the use of Java. If they wanted to switch they had to talk to the leadership team first. How the service is written, what the services does internally was left to decide to the teams. The main influence on their daily business was that they have to have meaningful documentation (e.g. Swagger, ADRs) and that they should be able to fix critical bugs immediately. Most of the other rules had the goal to make it easier to run in production, to make it easier to find bugs, to track requests. Since our main way of communicating between service, we even did our own version of the Zalando RESTful API Guidelines. This brought a lot of unification and shared understanding to all developers on how to develop REST service and not getting confused when consuming services. So we had to bring everybody together and get alignment how and what we should do. Every team send one person in a working group, we exchanged ideas, concepts and ways of implementing. Out of that we got our 'Rules of Play'. Since this was way before Corona and we were all in the office, I drew up a poster and put it in a few places in the office. This way and always repeating and insisting on it in meetings made our transition possible. Step by step, along user stories, the system changed and made it easier to use. Lots of these things are much easier to use today in off the shelf cloud systems. Yet, I see people sshing into kubernetes nodes to fix things manually, see log files in different formats and not having any documentation. If you have a few development teams and you are creating a distributed system, please make sure you have some guidelines to make the overall system easier to program, use and trace/debug. You need it. What did you put into your macro architecture? #softwarearchitecture

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  • Unternehmensseite von Tektit Consulting GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    201 Follower:innen

    We turned a normal Tuesday into the bloodiest day in the history of Tektit Consulting GmbH: 5 members of the Berlin office crew swapped sandwiches for needles and hit the blood donation centre together! A great experience and more fun than expected for Kristin Wagler, Philipp M. Meschede, Oliver Wehrens, Matthias Paratsch and Carolin Sadrozinski. Every day, over 15,000 blood donations are needed for medical care in Germany. So there are still a lot of plastic bags to fill. We will be back. #BloodDonation #companyculture #lunchbreak #officeadventures

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  • Unternehmensseite von Tektit Consulting GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    201 Follower:innen

    The last days of the year are the time for donation. Donors in Germany will probably not reach the figures of previous years in 2023. According to the Deutscher Spendenrat E.V., 3.2 billion euros went to charitable organisations or churches up to September, compared to around 3.8 billion euros in the same period 2022. The main reason for the decline: Due to the inflation money is simply tight in many families. However, some potential donors also feel overwhelmed: Wherever you look, hardship and crises - who should you support first? Tektitans have donated to the following organisations this year. Perhaps it will help you to decide in favour of a good cause. Berliner Kältehilfe, Deutsche Krebshilfe, NABU e.V., netzpolitik.org, Plan International, Sea Shepherd Global, Straßenkinder e.V., The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, World Bicycle Relief

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  • Unternehmensseite von Tektit Consulting GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    201 Follower:innen

    Are you ready to unlock the secrets behind transforming a business into a powerhouse of innovation and success? It all starts with a solid foundation. In our latest blog post, one of our founder Jacob Fahrenkrug describes the pillars we rely on at Tektit Consulting GmbHhttps://lnkd.in/eH-hGt72 #companyculture #purpose #change

    Rebuild a company in a better version

    Rebuild a company in a better version


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