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Your search for: 'author:("Whitehouse, Peter")' has returned 19 results. (0.011s)

The Challenges of Cognitive Aging: Integrating Approaches from Science to Intergenerational Relationships

Book Review

Quality of life: The bridge from the cholinergic basal forebrain to cognitive science and bioethics

Price: EUR 27.50

National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence Decision Processes Supported by UK High Court: The Debate about the Value of Alzheimer's Disease Drugs Continues

Fifty Years of Dementia: A Transdisciplinary and Intergenerative Lifelong Learning Adventure in the Field

Protecting Life and Lives: Putting Gene Research in Context

Price: EUR 27.50

Making the Case for the Accelerated Withdrawal of Aducanumab

Price: EUR 27.50

Uncertain Progress on the Fuzzy Boundaries of Alzheimer's Disease: Reading Between the Guidelines

Price: EUR 27.50

How Not to Study a Disease: The Story of Alzheimer’s by Karl Herrup, The MIT Press, 2021, 245 pp

Dignity for All: How the Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease Need Rethinking and Revaluing