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Your search for: 'author:("Brayne, Carol")' has returned 26 results. (0.016s)

Prevention of Cognitive Decline: A Goal in Sight?

Risk Factors and Screening Methods for Detecting Dementia: A Narrative Review

Price: EUR 27.50

Dementia Research: Populations, Progress, Problems, and Predictions

Price: EUR 27.50

18F-FDG PET for Prediction of Conversion to Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Updated Systematic Review of Test Accuracy

The Relationship Between Cognitive Performance Using Tests Assessing a Range of Cognitive Domains and Future Dementia Diagnosis in a British Cohort: A Ten-Year Prospective Study

Adapting to Dementia in Society: A Challenge for Our Lifetimes and a Charge for Public Health

Price: EUR 27.50

Association of Prior Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease with Dementia After Stroke: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Social Isolation and Cognitive Function in Later Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Changes in Cognitive Impairment in the Czech Republic

Price: EUR 27.50

Common Bacterial Infections and Risk of Dementia or Cognitive Decline: A Systematic Review