Our Peacebuilders are case managers, mentors, and coaches.  They help youth build peace, in their minds, in their lives, and in their communities. In fact, many of our Peacebuilders were high-risk youth themselves. They know firsthand the obstacles our youth face every day. Their capacity to relate to young people makes their relationships transformational. Our Peacebuilders often say, “We strive to be the adult we wish we had when we were young.”

When people ask, “What’s the secret to your success?” we have a one-word answer, relationships. Our staff works tirelessly to cultivate strong, positive relationships.

Peacebuilders work with youth to explore their feelings, thoughts, and actions to create awareness and then take time to pause and make better decisions.  This exploration leads youth to behavioral changes necessary for success.

Our Peacebuilders are available 24/7. They mediate conflict, show up for school conferences, accompany youth to court dates, and more. Any time a youth needs guidance or an advocate, a Peacebuilder is there.

From the front line to the front desk, the entire COMPASS Team receives training to delivering Cognitive Behavior Skills to high-risk youth.