
  • BIL: Brother-in-law
  • BUMP: Move discussion to the top 
  • DH/DD/DW/DP/DS: Dear (or Darling) husband, daughter, wife, partner, son
  • FIL: Father-in-law
  • LO: Little one (child) 
  • MIL: Mother-in-law
  • OP: Original poster (of discussion thread) 
  • OT: Off topic
  • PP: Previous poster 
  • PPD: Postpartum depression 
  • SAHM: Stay-at-home mom
  • SIL: Sister-in-law
  • SO: Significant other
  • STBX: Soon-to-be ex
  • TIA: Thanks in advance
  • TMI: Too much information
  • WAHM: Work-at-home mom

Trying to Conceive and Pregnancy

  • 2WW/TWW: Two-week wait between ovulation and period
  • AF: Aunt Flo (period)
  • AH: Assisted hatching
  • AI: Artificial insemination
  • AMH: Anti-mullerian hormone
  • BBT: Basal body temperature
  • BC/BCP: Birth Control (the Pill)
  • BD: Baby dance (sex)
  • BDP: Baby dance partner
  • BF: Breastfeeding
  • BFN: Big fat negative (pregnancy or other test)
  • BFP: Big fat positive (pregnancy or other test)
  • BM: Bowel movement or breast milk
  • BV: Bacterial vaginosis
  • BW: Bloodwork
  • CB: Cycle buddy
  • CD: Cycle day
  • CF: Cervical fluid
  • CL: Corpus luteum
  • CM: Cervical mucus
  • CP: Cervical position (context needed)
  • CP: Chemical pregnancy (context needed)
  • CY: Cycle
  • DE: Donor egg
  • DI: Donor insemination
  • DPO: Days past/post ovulation
  • DTD: Do the deed/dirty (also sex)
  • DUST: Alumnae sprinkle PG dust on TTCers
  • D&C: Dilation and curettage 
  • E2: Estradiol/level of estrogen
  • EC: Embryo cryo/freezing
  • EDD: Estimated due date
  • ENDO: Endometriosis
  • EOD: Every other day
  • EPO: Evening primrose oil
  • ER: Egg retrieval
  • ET: Egg transfer (can be used as 5DPET, to mean five days past egg transfer) 
  • EWCM: Egg-white cervical mucus
  • FF: Formula-feeding
  • FX: Fingers crossed
  • FMU: First morning urination
  • FP: Follicular phase
  • FRER: First Response early result (pregnancy test)
  • FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone
  • FTM: First-time mom 
  • FET: Frozen embryo transfer
  • GC: Gestational carrier
  • HCG: Human chorionic gonadotropin (detected in home pregnancy tests)
  • HEDD: Hopeful estimated due date
  • HPT: Home pregnancy test
  • HSG: Hysterosalpingogram (an X-ray of the womb and fallopian tubes)
  • H&H: Happy and healthy
  • IB: Implantation bleeding
  • IC: Internet cheapie (pregnancy test or OPK)
  • ICSI: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  • IF: Infertility
  • IPP: Infertility protection project
  • IUI: Intrauterine insemination
  • IVF: In vitro fertilization
  • LH: Luteinizing hormone 
  • LMP: Last menstrual period
  • LP: Luteal phase
  • LPD: Luteal phase defect
  • MC or M/C: Miscarriage
  • MMC: Missed miscarriage
  • MF: Male factor infertility
  • MFM: Maternal fetal medicine specialist
  • NTNP: Not trying, not preventing
  • O or OV: Ovulation
  • OHSS: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  • OPK: Ovulation predictor kit
  • P4: Progesterone
  • PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • PCP: Primary care physician
  • PG: Pregnant or pregnancy
  • PGD: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  • PGS: Preconception genetic screening
  • PNV: Prenatal vitamin
  • POAS: Pee on a stick (home pregnancy test)
  • RE: Reproductive endocrinologist (type of fertility specialist)
  • RHR: Resting heart rate
  • ROBI: Robitussin or guaifenesin syrup (expectorant) used to thin cervical mucus
  • RPL: Recurrent pregnancy loss
  • SA: Semen analysis
  • SI: Secondary infertility
  • SMEP: Sperm meets egg plan
  • SMU: Second morning urine
  • SOD: Sex on demand
  • TFMR: Termination for medical reasons
  • TR: Tubal reversal
  • TTC: Trying to conceive 
  • US or U/S: Ultrasound
  • VBAC: Vaginal birth after cesarean
  • VFL: Very faint line (can also be VVVFL, VVVVVFL, etc.)
  • VR: Vasectomy reversal
  • YI: Yeast infection

TTC Color Groups

  • Purple Group: Testing (Month) 1st - 5th
  • Green Group: Testing (Month) 6th - 10th
  • Pink Group: Testing (Month) 11th - 15th
  • Blue Group: Testing (Month) 16th - 20th
  • Orange Group: Testing (Month) 21st - 25th
  • Red Group: Testing (Month) 26th - 31st