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Questions tagged [code-golf]

Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

86 votes
222 answers

The Letter A without A

Your task is to display the letter "A" alone, without anything else, except any form of trailing newlines if you cannot avoid them, doing so in a program and/or snippet. Code that returns (instead of ...
19 votes
31 answers

Is it a tower permutation?

A tower is made out of layers, each one being one unit shorter than the one below it. Every layer is completely on top of the previous layer. For example, here is a tower along with it's height map: <...
16 votes
26 answers


Given a positive integer n, output the "FizzFizzFizzBuzz" sequence for that number: print the decimal representations of the numbers 1 through ...
8 votes
4 answers

Convert CP437 to UTF-8

The goal is to read bytes from input encoded in Code Page 437 and output the same characters encoded as UTF-8. That is, bytes should be translated into Unicode codepoints per this table (a particular ...
198 votes
418 answers

1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

Introduction In our recent effort to collect catalogues of shortest solutions for standard programming exercises, here is PPCG's first ever vanilla FizzBuzz challenge. If you wish to see other ...
27 votes
21 answers

Generalized FizzBuzz

Task FizzBuzz, but instead of 3 and 5, you'll take the numbers and corresponding strings as input. You can assume all inputted numbers are coprime (and \$\ge 2\$). You'll receive one or more numbers, ...
12 votes
1 answer

Plot the ground path of a satellite

If you model a satellite as a free point orbiting a body, you can pretty easily see it has 6 degrees of freedom: three for the X, Y, and Z position, and three for the X, Y, and Z velocity. However, ...
23 votes
4 answers

Stroke Count of a Chinese Numeral

Task Given an integer \$n\in[0,10^{12})\$ in any convenient format, return the number of strokes needed to write that character in simplified Chinese. Background Chinese numerals are expressed in base ...
13 votes
15 answers

Reorder for smallest largest prefix sum

Given a multiset of integers, order them such that the largest absolute prefix sum $$\max_i \left| \sum_{k<i} a_k \right|$$ is smallest. Output any solution if multiple exist. You can assume input ...
26 votes
42 answers

Sum of a range of a sum of a range of a sum of a range of a sum of a range of a sum of

Inspired by the fact that a few related challenges to this could be answered by Vyxal in 0 Bytes using a special flag combination. Given only one input integer \$n\$, calculate \$f(n,n)\$ where $$ f(x,...
18 votes
11 answers

Is this a word?

Toki pona is a minimalist constructed language, and thus it has minimalist phonotactics (rules describing what sounds make valid words). Toki Pona has 8 consonant sounds ...
57 votes
154 answers

The vanilla factorial challenge

Task Given a non-negative integer \$n\$, evaluate the factorial \$n!\$. The factorial is defined as follows: $$ n!=\begin{cases}1 & n=0\\n\times(n-1)!&n>0\end{cases} $$ Rules All default I/...
3 votes
18 answers

Check if two lists are permutations of each other [duplicate]

Challenge Given two lists of equal length, find if one of them is a permutation of the other. Output truthy or falsy values, or 1 or 0. Test case Examples ...
4 votes
39 answers

Find the temperature closest to 0

In this exercise, you have to analyze records of temperature to find the closest to zero. Write a program that prints the temperature closest to 0 among input data. Input N, the number of ...
56 votes
37 answers

Encode the date in Christmas Eve format

The day this post was published was Christmas Eve. Tomorrow will be Christmas. Yesterday was Christmas Eve Eve. In two days it will be ...

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