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How can I reduce the characters in the following python code? [closed]

The following code is 47 characters. print(("Ekki v","V")["COV"in input()]+"eikur!") How can it be reduced to 46 or less? I ...
LargeHorse's user avatar
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Tips for golfing in Emmental

What general tips do you have for golfing in Emmental? It is a self-modifying language defined by a meta-circular interpreter, so I wonder if there are tips for golfing for this esoteric programming ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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2 answers

Tips for golfing in 𝘈𝘤𝘤\$\it{!!}\$

What general tips do you have for golfing in Acc!!? I'm looking for ideas which can be applied to code-golf problems and which are also at least somewhat specific to Acc!! (e.g. "remove comments&...
Mukundan314's user avatar
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Shortest Float32Array to Int32Array conversion for audio processing

I'm currently converting a Float32Array to an Int32Array for input to a real-time audio raw PCM to MP3 recording application. <...
guest271314's user avatar
4 votes
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Electra "Hello World!" [duplicate]

This will be a bit of a different challenge. Back in 2023, I developed a 2D esolang called Electra, and looking back at my hello world program, (which is 582 bytes by the way) I see a lot of room for ...
DolphyWind's user avatar
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Solving Reverse Polish Notation with GolfScript and Eval Function

I am exploring a unique approach to the classic problem of Reverse Polish Notation on Unlike the conventional solutions, my focus lies on leveraging the ...
Golfscript-Noob's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Tips for golfing in Uiua

What general tips do you have for golfing in Uiua? I'm looking for ideas that can be applied to code golf problems in general that are specific to Uiua. (e.g. "remove comments" would not be ...
Joao-3's user avatar
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Shortest way to print the first 20 numbers in the fibbonacci sequence with python3 [duplicate]

I was wondering if it was possible to make this code even shorter than it already was. f=lambda x:f(x-1)+f(x-2) if x>1 else 1 [print(f(i))for i in range(20)] ...
Eric Pan's user avatar
6 votes
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Shortest C code to display argv in-order

I recently tried to produce the shortest C code possible to display all its command line arguments (which are stored in argv). I ended with a relatively small piece of code, and I was wondering if ...
Chi_Iroh's user avatar
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Shortest CSS selector to select ALL html elements, without using asterisk *

What is the shortest selector (by character count) to select ALL html elements on a web page, without using asterisk (*)? Some examples are the following: ...
user3163495's user avatar
12 votes
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How can I shorten a C code that repeatedly outputs a number?

I wrote a code that separates the numbers from 1 to 9999 by comma void p(n){printf("%d,",n);if(n<9999){p(n+1);}}main(){p(1);} Is there a way to make ...
olivia's user avatar
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Shorten this recursive even fibonacci implementation [closed]

I have the following Haskell code to generate the the values of the Fibonacci sequence which are even as an infinite list: ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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Tips for golfing in Thue

Anyone got tips for golfing in Thue. One tip per answer, and no tips aplicable to all languages (like remove comments)
Dadsdy's user avatar
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Tips for golfing in (,) in-paren-comma

What tips do you have for golfing in (,)? I've found that there are so many ways to make code shorter, and I want more ways. I doubt there even are any tips for (,) that are applicable in the majority ...
Dadsdy's user avatar
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Tips for golfing in Arturo

Arturo is a bytecode-compiled/interpreted, garbage-collected general-purpose language filling a role similar to JavaScript, Python and Ruby. It is centered around the concept of blocks, which hold ...
chunes's user avatar
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