Review default assumptions

To further refine your estimate results for migrating your on-premises infrastructure to Google Cloud, you can review and update the default assumptions used to calculate your cloud spend estimate.

However, the defaults are based on customer best practices. You must modify them for specific use cases only.

Compute sizing default assumptions

To modify the compute sizing default assumptions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Infrastructure tab, click Edit compute sizing details.
  2. In the Edit compute sizing details pane that appears, edit the values of the fields listed in the following table as required:

    SectionFieldDescriptionDefault value
    ServerCompute servers older than 5 yearsThe percentage of servers that are older than 5 years.50%
    Efficiency factor for old Compute serversThe percentage of old servers that are efficient.55%
    Utilization% of vCPUs not running 24x7The percentage of vCPUs that don't run 24x7.50%
    % of time those vCPUs can be turned off (Compute)The percentage of time these vCPUs can be turned off completely.20%
    Distribution of workloads % of vCPUs (high-performance) The percentage of vCPUs reserved for high-performance workloads, such as databases, streaming, game servers, inference jobs. 20%
    Machine type (high-performance) The machine type used for high-performance workloads. C3
    % of vCPUs (balanced) The percentage of vCPUs reserved for workloads that require a balance of price and performance, such as microservices, web and app servers, business intelligence solutions. 60%
    Machine type The machine type used for balanced workloads. N2
    % of vCPUs (cost-optimized) The percentage of vCPUs reserved for workloads for which you want to minimize costs, such as development and testing environments, internal applications, batch processing jobs. 20%
    Machine type (cost-optimized) The machine type used for cost-optimized workloads. E2
    MemoryMemory to Compute ratio (Compute)Memory, in GB, to include for each vCPU.4

Non-x86 sizing default assumptions

To modify the non-x86 infrastructure sizing default assumptions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Infrastructure tab, click Edit non-x86 sizing details.
  2. In the Edit non-x86 sizing details pane that appears, edit the values of the fields listed in the following table as required:

    SectionFieldDescriptionDefault value
    Emulation pricesMonthly Google Cloud cost per MIPS costThe monthly cost for each MIPS running on Google Cloud.$4
    Emulation cost for lift and shiftThe monthly cost of running the mainframe emulator for lift and shift mainframe applications.$0
    Price per month for Solaris emulationThe monthly cost for each Solaris emulation running on Google Cloud.$4
    Price per month for Solaris emulation licensingThe monthly cost for each Solaris emulation licensing on Google Cloud.$0
    Price per month for AIX emulationThe monthly cost for each AIX emulation running on Google Cloud.$4
    Price per month for AIX emulation licensingThe monthly cost for each AIX emulation licensing on Google Cloud.$0
    Price per month for HP UX emulationThe monthly cost for each HP UX emulation running on Google Cloud.$4
    Price per month for HP UX emulation licensingThe monthly cost for each HP UX emulation licensing on Google Cloud.$0
    Price per month for other emulationThe monthly cost for each of other emulation running on Google Cloud.$4
    Price per month for other emulation licensingThe monthly cost for each of other emulation licensing on Google Cloud.$0
    Other CoLo pricesMainframe CoLo monthly priceMonthly cost for each mainframe colocation running on Google Cloud.$4

Storage sizing default assumptions

To modify the storage sizing default assumptions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Infrastructure tab, click Edit storage sizing details.
  2. In the Edit storage sizing details pane that appears, edit the values of the fields listed in the following table as required:

    SectionFieldDescriptionDefault value
    Persistent Disk (Block storage)
    Storage footprint for HDDThe percentage of total storage in a persistent disk block storage resource with standard performance (hard disk drive).90%
    Storage footprint for SSDThe percentage of total storage in a persistent disk block storage resource with high-performance (solid state drive).10%
    (File storage)
    Storage footprint for filestore HDDThe percentage of the total storage on Filestore with standard-performance (hard disk drive).50%
    Storage footprint for filestore SSDThe percentage of the total storage on Filestore with high-performance (solid state drive).50%
    Google Cloud Storage (Object storage)
    Standard: High-frequency accessThe percentage of object storage with high-frequency access (Standard). Suggested for frequently accessed data such as websites, streaming videos, and mobile applications.20%
    Nearline: Low-frequency accessThe percentage of object storage with low-frequency access (Nearline). It is lower in terms of cost and suggested for data that can be stored for at least 30 days, such as data backup and long-tail multimedia content.40%
    Coldline: Low-frequency accessThe percentage of object storage with low-frequency access (Coldline). It is very low cost and suggested for data that can be stored for at least 90 days, such as disaster recovery.20%
    Archive: Once a year accessThe percentage of object storage with once-per-year access frequency (Archive). It is the lowest in terms of cost and suggested for data that can be stored for at least 365 days, such as regulatory archives.20%

Oracle sizing default assumptions

To modify the Oracle sizing default assumptions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Workloads and licenses tab, click Edit Oracle sizing details.
  2. In the Edit Oracle sizing details pane that appears, edit the values of the fields listed in the following table as required:

    SectionFieldDescriptionDefault value
    Oracle edition breakdown
    % of Oracle Enterprise Edition vCPUsThe percentage of Oracle vCPUs that are on Oracle Enterprise Edition.70%
    % of Enterprise Edition vCPUs on 10gThe percentage of Oracle Enterprise Edition vCPUs that are on Oracle Database 10g.10%
    % of Oracle Standard Edition vCPUsThe percentage of Oracle vCPUs that are on Oracle Standard Edition.30%
    Oracle to PostgreSQL migration% of Oracle Standard Edition migrating to PostgreSQLThe percentage of Oracle vCPUs migrating from Oracle Standard Edition to PostgreSQL.15%
    % of Oracle 10g or older migrating to PostgreSQLThe percentage of Oracle vCPUs migrating from Oracle Database 10g or other earlier versions of Oracle databases to PostgreSQL.100%
    Replace Exadata
    % of Exadata to Bare Metal ServerThe percentage of Exadata vCPUs migrating to Bare Metal Solution.25%
    % of Exadata to BigQueryThe percentage of Exadata vCPUs migrating to BigQuery.25%
    % of Exadata to Exadata CoLo (Hosting)The percentage of Exadata vCPUs migrating to colocated Exadata vCPUs running on Google Cloud.50%
    Exadata Storage in GBThe storage usage, in GB, for Oracle Exadata.0
    Additional migration defaultsMigrating reporting to BigQueryThe percentage of reporting vCPUs migrating to BigQuery.15%
    Move test / dev databases to snapshotsThe percentage of test or developer database vCPUs migrating to snapshots.25%
    Better consolidation due to newer CPU / higher memoryThe percentage of consolidation due to newer CPU or higher memory.25%
    Prices for Oracle to Google CloudPostgres price percentage on top of the Compute Engine monthly priceThe percentage of Postgres price on top of the Compute Engine monthly price.80%
    BigQuery price percentage on top of the Compute Engine monthly priceThe percentage of BigQuery price on top of the Compute Engine monthly prices.80%
    Exadata CoLo monthly priceThe monthly price for colocated Exadata vCPUs running on Google Cloud.0

SAP sizing default assumptions

To modify the SAP sizing default assumptions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Workloads and licenses tab, click Edit SAP sizing details.
  2. In the Edit SAP sizing details pane that appears, edit the values of the fields listed in the following table as required:
SectionFieldDescriptionDefault value
SAP workloadSAP workload that is currently outsourcedSuch as Systems Integrator and Managed Service Provider.30%
% subject to geo-specific regulations/rules for applicationsThe percentage of SAP vCPUs subject to geo-specific regulations or rules for applications.20%
SAP database server% SAP Servers older than 5 yearsThe percentage of the SAP server vCPUs that are older than 5 years.35%
% system utilization of older SAP serversThe percentage of old SAP server vCPUs that are in use.60%
Memory to vCPU ratio for SAPThe ratio of SAP RAM, in MB, and the number of SAP vCPUs.6
% memory utilization for SAPThe percentage of memory used on SAP.90%
% vCPUs not running 24x7The percentage of the SAP vCPUs that don't run 24x7.40%
% of time those vCPUs can be turned off for SAPThe percentage of the time that the SAP vCPUs can be turned off.20%
SAP application server% x86The percentage of the SAP vCPUs that are x86 vCPUs.90%
x86 - LinuxThe percentage of the SAP vCPUs that are x86 Linux vCPUs.80%
x86 - WindowsThe percentage of the SAP vCPUs that are x86 Windows vCPUs.20%
% non-X86 on IBM Power - AIXThe percentage of non-x86 SAP application server vCPUs running on IBM Power Systems with the AIX operating system.100%
Shapes to use for SAP database and applicationsShape to use for SAP appsPossible values are N2D Predefined, and N2D Standard, N2D High MemoryN2D Predefined
Shape to use for SAP databasesShape to use for SAP databases. Possible values are N2D Predefined, N2D Standard, or N2D High Memory.N2D Predefined
SAP database
Database on Oracle DBThe percentage of SAP databases that are on Oracle DB.60%
Oracle DB on AIXThe percentage of Oracle databases vCPUs that are on AIX.80%
Oracle DB on LinuxThe percentage of Oracle databases vCPUs that are on a Linux machine.20%
Database on MS SQL ServerThe percentage of SAP databases that are on MS SQL server.10%
MS SQL Server on WindowsThe percentage of MS SQL Server vCPUs that are on a Windows machine.100%
Database on HanaThe percentage of SAP databases that are on Hana.15%
Hana on LinuxThe percentage of Hana vCPUs that are on a Linux machine.80%
Hana on Power LinuxThe percentage of Hana vCPUs that are on a Power Linux machine.20%
Database on Other (DB2, ASE, etc.)The percentage of SAP databases that are Other (DB2, ASE, etc.).15%
Other on AIXThe percentage of other databases (DB2, ASE, etc.) that are on AIX.80%
Other on LinuxThe percentage of other databases (DB2, ASE, etc.) that are on a Linux machine.20%
SAP pricesSAP application CoLo monthly priceMonthly price for SAP application colocation.0
SAP database CoLo monthly priceMonthly price for SAP database colocation.0

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