Specify infrastructure details

Based on the infrastructure data that you have about your current on-premises environment, enter your best estimates for CPU, memory, and storage. Enter the total aggregate count of memory across all systems in the data center. Also, specify the total aggregate storage footprint, including all direct-attached storage (DAS) and network-attached storage (NAS).

Before you begin

Specify basic estimate details

  1. On the Start your estimate page, in the On-premise card, click Start.

    If you've completed estimation for another environment and want to start specifying details in the On-premise cost calculator, then on the results page, click Start in the On-premise card.

  2. On the Estimate basics tab, from the Location list, choose a location where you want your workloads to be located.

  3. To specify infrastructure details, click Next.

Specify infrastructure details

On the Infrastructure tab, follow these steps:

  1. In the Total vCPUs to be migrated section, in the Number of vCPUs field, enter the number of x86 vCPUs you want to migrate to Google Cloud.

    The Data center memory required field is automatically updated based on the default memory to compute ratio, which is 4:1.

  2. Optional: To edit the compute sizing default assumptions used for this estimate click Edit compute sizing details.

  3. If you're migrating non-x86 infrastructure and want to include it in your cost estimate, then in the Total vCPUs to be migrated section, select Include non-x86 infrastructure. Then, specify non-x86 infrastructure details in the additional fields that appear.

  4. In the Storage currently in use in your data center(s) section, follow these steps:

    1. In the Total storage (TB) field, enter the total storage, in TB, that you have in your data center.

    2. In the % File Storage, % Block Storage, and % Object Storage fields, enter the percentage of total storage used by file, block, and object storage respectively.

    3. Under Storage location, select the locations where you want your storage to be located. If you select multiple locations, then new fields appear where you need to specify the percentage distribution of storage for every location.

    4. Optional: To edit the storage sizing default assumptions used for this estimate, click Edit storage sizing details.

  5. In the Networking section, follow these steps:

    1. In the CDN data transfer out bandwidth field, enter the amount of data transfer out bandwidth used for Google Cloud Content Delivery Network, in GB.

    2. Select how you want to calculate your networking costs:

      • If you select Percentage of total compute cost, then specify the networking costs you expect to have as a percentage of your compute costs.
      • If you select Monthly network bandwidth, then specify your estimated networking bandwidth per month in TB, and the percentage of the external network traffic, excluding the data center traffic.
  6. From the currency list on the right, choose the currency you want to use for your cloud cost estimate.

  7. To specify enterprise workload details, click Next.

Specify non-x86 infrastructure details

  1. If you're migrating mainframes, then in the Mainframe section, select I am migrating mainframes and follow these steps:

    1. In the Mainframe MIPS # field, enter the mainframe million instructions per second capacity.

    2. Under Mainframe Colocation or Rehosting (Emulation), choose whether you want to use Colocation or Rehosting for your mainframes.

  2. If you're migrating Unix cores, then follow these steps:

    1. In the Number of UNIX vCPUs field, enter the number of Unix vCPUs you want to migrate.

    2. In the UNIX vCPU distribution section, specify the percentage distribution of the Unix cores.

    3. In the Unix infrastructure type field, choose if you want a Managed Service Provider for your Unix vCPUs or you want them to be Emulated.

  3. Optional: To edit the non-x86 sizing default assumptions used for this estimate, click Edit non-x86 sizing details.

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