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Call (402) 444-3411 after 5 p.m. on the day before your scheduled reporting date.

The recording will tell you if you are required to report or are no longer required to appear.

  • Report to the Legislative Chambers (LC) of the Civic Center, 1819 Farnam St, no later than 8:30 a.m.
  • You will be given a juror badge. Please wear this badge during your service as a juror. It identifies you as a juror so that attorneys and parties involved in a case will not discuss a case with you.
  • While serving as a juror do not talk to anyone or let anyone talk to you about any case. Report any impropriety of this nature to the Presiding Judge or to the Judge before whom the case is being tried.
  • After you have been discharged as a juror, you may or may not, at your discretion, talk to anyone regarding your jury service.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the Court House or Civic Center.
  • Talking is not permitted in the courtrooms while court is in session.
  • Most trials will take between 1 and 10 days, but some will take longer. There is no way to know how long you will be required to serve until you are assigned to a case.
  • Anyone whose employers require that they present a letter verifying their service as a juror may obtain the letter in the Clerk's office on the 3rd floor of the Hall of Justice at the close of their term as a juror.
  • It is hoped that after you complete your service as a juror you do so with the conviction that you have discharged a serious responsibility in a conscientious manner and that you have dealt out evenhanded justice according to the evidence of the law.
  • Personally, you should derive lasting benefits from your service, learn something of how the judicial branch of your government works, and acquire a feeling of satisfaction for having played a worthwhile part in seeing that justice is done.