Regulation 11 - Direct Potable Reuse

The division would like to thank all stakeholders one last time for their tremendous effort in the Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) project, resulting in successful rulemaking. The thorough, thoughtful input by stakeholders was key in creating this DPR package of regulations and associated policies.

The final regulations are published on the secretary of state's website (version dated 1/14/2023, Section 11.14).  The drinking water policies associated with DPR are policies 16 and 17, also available on our current drinking water policies websiteResponses to comments received about the policies have been posted to the project folder.

The division would once again like to thank stakeholders for their participation. The division will continue working with specific public water systems regarding direct potable reuse. It will also continue to participate and stay connected with organizations like WateReuse Colorado regarding potable reuse in across the state of Colorado.

Engagement timeline


Click on the timeline image below to enlarge. 


How to get involved


Meeting information

The department held the final virtual stakeholder meeting on Feb. 23, 2022. During this meeting, staff reviewed comments received on the draft regulation package, and presented the draft statement of basis and purpose. To access meeting materials (including meeting recordings, chats, and presentations) visit the Google drive public folder.


Other resources:

Fact Sheet - Regulation/Division Policy/Guidance

Considering the Implementation of Direct Potable Reuse in Colorado (White Papar) - Water Environment Research Foundation

Advancing Direct Potable Reuse to Optimize Water Supplies and Meet Future Demands - Water Reuse Colorado & Carollo Engineers

WaterReuse Colorado Direct Potable Reuse Project - Pure Water Colorado

Guidelines for Direct Potable Reuse in Colorado - National Water Research Institute

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points video presentation and PDF


Do you have questions about this rulemaking effort? Contact Tyson Ingels by phone at 303-692-3002, or by email at tyson.ingels@state.co.us.

Do you have feedback about this website and the engagement process? Email cdphe.commentswqcd@state.co.us.