Refer to DSMES (Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support)


What is DSMES?

DSMES is a trusted, covered way to help patients self-manage their diabetes. Start referring patients today!

Trusted by health professionals, DSMES is endorsed by professional medical associations, including the American Academy of Family Physicians. As a covered benefit of Medicare, Medicaid, and most private providers, DSMES is a proven, cost effective support tool for people with diabetes.  By making a simple referral, health care providers can connect their patients to resources to help them better manage their diabetes. The DSMES program provides experienced educators who offer an array of supports, and help patients navigate potential barriers to success.



In order to utilize DSMES, a health care provider must refer a patient to the program. To refer a patient, complete these three easy steps:

  • Download and complete the referral form.

  • Locate a local program near you

  • Fax the form to you local program

   STEP 1

Download and complete the referral form

You will notice that the form includes the option to order Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT), a nutrition-based treatment provided by a registered dietitian nutritionist that is a key component of diabetes education and management. DSMES and MNT are separate but complementary services.

   STEP 2

Locate a DSMES program near you

Using the 211 Colorado website you can locate the closest DSMES program near you and find the fax number listed for them. 

   STEP 3

Fax the form to your local program and connect your patients to an array of proven materials and supports.

Learn more about DSMES