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Transportation infrastructure serves as the arteries for economic growth and job creation.  With our prominent ports, airports, manufacturers, highways and tourists attractions, the First District is a transportation hub for the State of Georgia and the nation.

I have seen firsthand the transformative impact investment in infrastructure can have on our area.  As Mayor of Pooler, I led efforts to build key infrastructure improvements without acquiring debt.  As a result, Pooler is a leader in job creation by attracting new businesses and generating robust economic growth.  In the Georgia General Assembly I helped lead the fight for transportation infrastructure including advocating for the State of Georgia to put forward its share of the funding for the vitally important Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.

In Congress, I continue my focus on infrastructure by standing up for the Ports of Savannah and Brunswick, advocating for important rail and highway projects, and serving as the voice of South and Coastal Georgia when it comes to ensuring the federal government meets it obligations to our infrastructure.