Adding the Jazz Club to your modular street (2)

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In response to your suggestions in the first article which I published following a review of the latest modular building 10312 Jazz Club, here are a few more combinations of earlier ones next to it.

10246 Detective's Office and 10312 Jazz Club

This combination works really well: the buildings are the same height and depth, and the architecture is similar.

10246 Detective's Office, 10312 Jazz Club and 10243 Parisian Restaurant

Although the French eatery is a fan favourite it is a bit of an outlier in terms of its architecture so perhaps doesn't go too well with the club, on either side of it.

First and latest

The 16-year-old 10182 Cafe Corner measures up pretty well with the latest addition to the series.

Thank you for your suggestions. That'll be all the combinations I'll try: I have other reviews to work on now!

30 comments on this article

By in United States,

My, how 16 years passes so very quickly....

By in United States,

The best combo is Bookshop, then Jazz Club, then Boutique hotel.
In that order with the color combination and variety of depths and height work perfectly.

By in Austria,

The Jazz Club works incredibly well with the Detective's Office, on either side (and thematically). Colour-wise it looks most pleasing with the Office on the right and the Club on the left.

By in United States,

The amount of comments here...

By in United States,

I love how the Jazz Club looks next to the Detective's Office and Bookshop in particular. Thanks for trying so many different combinations!

By in Germany,

Thanks for using both my suggestions XX ;)

By in Portugal,

Modular Buildings are the best.

By in United States,

I can envision possibly placing it next to Palace Cinema and trying to even somehow get my Friends Theater (which has been modified into a Muppet Theater) together into a sort of entertainment district.

By in Portugal,

Modular Buildings are the best.

And Cafe Corner was a game changer. I remember when I saw it for the first time and thinking that LEGO was upping their game big time. And they did. Bravo LEGO!

By in United States,

Im just glad it turns out that the Jazz club sign and poster and marque are all printed tiles

By in United States,

Oh, it looks AMAZING with the Detective's Office! I had a hunch they might complement each other in terms of subject matter, but I didn't know how well it'd match the height on either side.

By in United States,


Amazing that sets that are a decade or more old still vibe with 2023. That speaks well to the design of both sets.

By in Australia,

Detective's Office looks perfect next to Jazz Club! I also really like Parisian Restaurant next to the pizzeria as it makes the seating area of PR stand out.

I personally always put Brick Bank on the left side of Detective's Office, so the laundromat is next to the pool hall/Ace Brickman's office. I think those two look really good together, and with the Jazz Club next to Detective's Office, it will work really well!

By in United States,

All of these combinations look so good, thank you Huw! I wondered how the Jazz Club would look with the Detective's Office. Thanks for showing it with both options to the left or right. My favorite is the Jazz Club next to Cafe Corner, unfortunately I don't have that one. It's amazing how great the oldest and the newest look together, kind of a New Orleans vibe.

By in United Kingdom,

My setup is boring but straightforward. I display the modulars on shelfs, in the order of release. It goes Corner, Straight, Straight, Corner, then a gap, Straight, Straight, next shelf, start again. So that means the Jazz Club will stand on its own until next years release.

By in Italy,

I'm a bit concerned about the Parisian Restaurant cook's well-being in the second he ok? :D

By in United Kingdom,

@Murdoch17 said:
"My, how 16 years passes so very quickly...."

I remember looking at cafe corner in a Lego mag as a kid, it’s amazing how well they age (on the outside at least)

By in United Kingdom,

@1992pb said:
"I'm a bit concerned about the Parisian Restaurant cook's well-being in the second he ok? :D"

He suffered a heart attack -- too much rich food :)

By in United Kingdom,

The Detective's Office is definitely a near perfect match. Plus, in those old 40s Detective Movies, didn't the protagonist nearly always end up in a smokey Jazz Club?! :-)

By in France,

Thanks for doing this Huw!

For those thinking that this modular is missing the wow-factor, I think it's because it went back in time a little bit, in the sense that it's very similar in design to the Detective's Office, the one it matches best. Had it released right before or right after, people would have been overjoyed. But the modern modulars have evolved little bit, Boutique Hotel also being very bold in its design, and the previous few being brighter overall.

That being said, I think that once connected to the others, it actually isn't missing the thing that most fan-models are missing. So it does have some of the official Lego wow that the modulars have. So maybe it really is just slightly misplaced in time.

That being said, I'm a big fan, and it's a day one purchase for me, unless there's a huge GWP releasing later. But there's only so much time left on the Black Friday coupons, so this might end up a day one purchase anyways. Can't wait for next week!

By in France,

jazz club is bigger than I thought

By in United States,

@1992pb said:
"I'm a bit concerned about the Parisian Restaurant cook's well-being in the second he ok? :D"

If you're asking about smiling guy with the knife: Do you wonder where the angry "Let me speak to the manager"-type customers go when they go to speak to the manager? You might notice they don't seem to come back out again, while a fresh serving of mincemeat pies is served to all the other good guests. Strangely, the cook always has that demented maniac smile on his face too....

(A tip of the hat to Tim Burton for putting this idea in my head.)

By in Spain,

The Parisian restaurant does not fit on the right of the Jazz club, you could put together the pizzeria and the French restaurant!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!

By in Netherlands,

Love those combo's!
10246 Detective's Office, 10312 Jazz Club and 10243 Parisian Restaurant
Either way, it looks nice. With PR left, and DO to the right of JC, it looks super playful.

By in Netherlands,

If I owned Café Corner, I would have put glass panels in those first floor windows, tiled up the interior of the ground-floor and put in some furniture. Other than that, CC does not look dated at all compared to all the other modulars. I suppose you could tweak it a little if you felt like it, but it is still holding up nice next to all the other modular buildings.
Those giant signs/billboards from CC & JC look nice so close next to each other.
Just noticed you would have to replace the CC windows sills to put glass panels in, and the doors are only 5 bricks tall.

By in Singapore,

As many others have noted, the Detective's Office and Jazz Club are a match made in heaven, practically made for each other. It helps that the DO was the only classic smiley face modular I ever wanted. But it's a set I can live without, and I think the Jazz Club will be just fine for me.

By in Austria,

@TheBigLegoski said:
"Other than that, CC does not look dated at all compared to all the other modulars."

Maybe not dated but certainly more massive. I have one block of old modulars on one side of the street, so it isn't as obvious.

By in United Kingdom,

Of course the Detective Office and Jazz Club work well together. Even though Lego denies any dark storyline, the Jazz Club is just a front for the organised crime and mobsters than run the cookie smuggle racket going on there. The green house is used to grow some "exotic" plants too. And not to mention what really goes on at the hotel!

By in Sweden,

I appreciate seeing these combinations. Although I agree with @HeriSanmi that putting a French restaurant next to a pizzaria could lead to trouble, from an architectural point of view I actually think they fit together very nicely. They have similar French balconies, white building details and lilac flower decoration. I can't imagine why anyone would say these two wouldn't fit together. The style of the Jazz club itself is clearly quite different, but that only puts to question how well it fits with the pizzaria side.

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