Random set of the day: Hornet Scout

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Hornet Scout

Hornet Scout

©1998 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 2965 Hornet Scout, released during 1998. It's one of 21 Space sets produced that year. It contains 73 pieces and 2 minifigs, and its retail price was US$8.

It's owned by 726 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

39 comments on this article

By in United States,

It's been a real 90s fest lately...

I love it!

By in United States,

I never got into Insectoids, but this one is cute.

By in Australia,

Another set never available in Australia.

As much as I was still collecting Lego in the late 90s, I think this Insectoid line was a step too far, for me. I didn't buy very many of them at all (not even the ones that were available in Australia), and years in the future, I do regret that.

By in Canada,

Ah yes, Insectoids. Those transparent blue wings (and others like it) are easy to snap, in my experience. Still great parts and loads of fun, though.

By in United States,

While I know I'm in the minority here, Insectoids is my favorite Space subtheme. The blue cybernetic characters were a delight, and the big green "eyes" used for windscreens were awesome. In fact, my Minecraft skin is a Zotaxian (the dudes who built the Insectoids.) Or at least... what 12 year old me was capable of drawing in pixel art adjacent to an Zotaxian.

Oh right, I'm the lore guy. Insectoids lore varied from region to region, but the gist of it was there was a tyrannical ruler of the Zotaxian race (that most fans believe was Alpha Draconis) who's harsh method's caused members of his cybernetic society to rebel. Led by queen Gypsy Moth, the escapees hid away on the far off planet Holox.

Holox's surface was a harsh and barren desert, however deep inside the planet was a hollowed out core with an "inner sun" in which a vast jungle flourished. The inner sun was an excellent source of power that the Zotaxians could use to rebuild their civilization, however the inner world was filled with massive monsters known as Bilgen Bugs.

The Zotaxians hatched a scheme to plant fake antenna, legs, and wings onto their spacecraft, creating the Insectoids. They'd use these disguised craft to travel to the inner sun and plant batteries shaped like the Bilgen Bugs' eggs to collect electricity.

By in United States,

I definitely never had this set. I own several of the robot minifig, but never associated it with Insectoids.

By in United States,

Part of the same special release series as 2962, 2963, and 2964. All but 2964 appeared in the S-at-H catalogs; I believe only 2963 was sold in US stores.

By in France,

I always loved "insects" as a type of alien invader, and this iteration of them fused with droids was a big hit with my siblings. A lot of the pieces had nice electronics designs as well. I really don't get why this wasn't more popular.

By in Canada,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"While I know I'm in the minority here, Insectoids is my favorite Space subtheme. The blue cybernetic characters were a delight, and the big green "eyes" used for windscreens were awesome. In fact, my Minecraft skin is a Zotaxian (the dudes who built the Insectoids.) Or at least... what 12 year old me was capable of drawing in pixel art adjacent to an Zotaxian.

Oh right, I'm the lore guy. Insectoids lore varied from region to region, but the gist of it was there was a tyrannical ruler of the Zotaxian race (that most fans believe was Alpha Draconis) who's harsh method's caused members of his cybernetic society to rebel. Led by queen Gypsy Moth, the escapees hid away on the far off planet Holox.

Holox's surface was a harsh and barren desert, however deep inside the planet was a hollowed out core with an "inner sun" in which a vast jungle flourished. The inner sun was an excellent source of power that the Zotaxians could use to rebuild their civilization, however the inner world was filled with massive monsters known as Bilgen Bugs.

The Zotaxians hatched a scheme to plant fake antenna, legs, and wings onto their spacecraft, creating the Insectoids. They'd use these disguised craft to travel to the inner sun and plant batteries shaped like the Bilgen Bugs' eggs to collect electricity. "

I don't know where you get/got all that but it's brilliant. Even if I have limited interest in some themes, I always eagerly read your 'lore' stories. Surprisingly, many of these stories are somewhat 'fresh' and not just a rehash of same old same old.

Knowing that these ships are 'disguised' makes the theme much more 'understandable'.

@Huw, maybe you can create a space on your site to preserve the 'Lego Lore' for posterity!

I don't know of many toy companies that spend the time to develop such back stories.

By in United States,

I had 6817 which almost looks like the front if this set chopped off. Insectoids had some really fun parts and minifigs, and as a kid anything transparent was cool to me.

By in Canada,

@Zordboy said:
"Another set never available in Australia."

That's because they couldn't cook up any sets that were different enough from the nightmare insects you already have.

By in United States,

I 100% agree that the lore would be a great addition to the database. Most of the 90s space sub themes had some lore. Insectoids lore was wild.

It took me from the 90s until last year to get all the insectoids sets. The insectoid minifigures are particularly frustrating to collect. There are so many variations of the same parts.

By in United States,

The insectoids theme was so hard to build into anything other than giant bugs. I had several of the sets but of a childhood collecting Lego space themes, this was my least favorite.

By in United States,

@Purple Dave: Was that supposed to be an original Rahi, or were the trans-blur Ruru just the best solution you could find? Either way, it's a cool MOC; love the proboscis.

@Turbo_Slice: Things that will kill you in Australia: Everything. Yes, everything.
Things that will not kill you in Australia: ...Hugh Jackman seems nice.

By in France,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Phoenixio:
I liked the minifigs, and the trans-blue wings, but absolutely hated the giant insect legs. They really killed the theme for me. But I did make this using the larger wings:


That was around the time they were pushing Technic with all the contraction type stuff like Bionicle, which came shortly after. I'm not super surprised that they made bigger dedicated pieces for that. They're not the most fantastic pieces, for sure, but for me it worked and gave the desired robot-insect spookiness.

By in United States,

I agree with @HOBBES and @labrat. Maybe Brickset can have a small section on LEGO Lore from numerous themes. This information would come from media and catalogues from TLG and contributions from Bricksetters. Such lore (not from an outside established IP) would come from various themes—and subthemes—such as: Ninjago, Space, Castle, City/Town, Bionicle, Chima, Alpha Team, Mixels, Elves, Adventurers, and Pirates.

By in Australia,

Sorry about the double-post, everyone.

@Turbo_Slice said: " @Zordboy said: "Another set never available in Australia."

That's because they couldn't cook up any sets that were different enough from the nightmare insects you already have."

Hey. I'm proud of our giant mutant wasps.

They're the only things that eat the giant mutant spiders.

And the giant mutant spiders keep the smaller, poisonous spiders in check.

It's just the circle of life.

But I'll point out that even the giant mutant insects stay the hell away from the water.

By in France,

@Zordboy said:
"Sorry about the double-post, everyone.

@Turbo_Slice said: " @Zordboy said: "Another set never available in Australia."

That's because they couldn't cook up any sets that were different enough from the nightmare insects you already have."

Hey. I'm proud of our giant mutant wasps.

They're the only things that eat the giant mutant spiders.

And the giant mutant spiders keep the smaller, poisonous spiders in check.

It's just the circle of life.

But I'll point out that even the giant mutant insects stay the hell away from the water."

Tell that to the tiny mutant killer jellyfish...

By in United States,

I think it was the trans-blue Ruru that got me thinking about making a dragonfly. That and probably having a 3-4” long dragonfly land on my hand.

It was intended to be a Rahi, back when I built it, but it wasn’t based on anything official.

No proboscis. Dragonflies are insectivores. They have chompy bits.

Also, Nicole Kidman seems nicer. So does Yvonne Strahovski, but she got her start doing stunt work, so she might have some unarmed combat training.

By in Germany,

Only by chance was I at the right time at the right place: I'm not sure why I was at Tchibo then (likely one of the dreaded cloth-shopping saturdays), a store that I never liked much, but buying this and 2964 was a no-brainer impulse. My little brother got this and I got the buggy =D

By in Turkey,

The design of insectoids was too colorful and unusual for me. Change may please some folks but not me. I'm still looking for oldschool designs. Space Police 3 gave us a taste of the classic designs but sadly had a very short life span. I liked the helmets and the shoulderpads in Insectoids though.

By in United Kingdom,

Normally it’s the Insectoid themself doing the driving while their little drone guys get the side vehicles and add ons, I guess in this one Gypsy Moth is too busy doing science stuff in the back and needs to be chauffeured around!

By in Netherlands,

@Brickalili said:
"Normally it’s the Insectoid themself doing the driving while their little drone guys get the side vehicles and add ons, I guess in this one Gypsy Moth is too busy doing science stuff in the back and needs to be chauffeured around!"

The front and back can split off into a land space vehicle, hence the two-person setup.

By in Germany,

@Binnekamp said:
" @Brickalili said:
"Normally it’s the Insectoid themself doing the driving while their little drone guys get the side vehicles and add ons, I guess in this one Gypsy Moth is too busy doing science stuff in the back and needs to be chauffeured around!"

The front and back can split off into a land space vehicle, hence the two-person setup."

The oddest hing is, this one is very similar to 6905 which was also extremely limited. If you offer limited models for the same theme at roughly the same time, why bother to develop two SLIGHTLY different ones?

Edit: just noticed Huwbot made a 1998 hattrick

By in Poland,

We're being blessed with '90s goodies lately. It's delightful to see such beautiful sets here on the front page.

By in United Kingdom,

Insectoids are a weird theme - but I do like them and think they are underrated. Only vehicles and flying things - no bases. It missed having "bad guys" in the theme - imagine what they would look like!
I've managed to collect all this theme - some of the minifigs are fantastic designs, as are the sets themselves.

By in United Kingdom,

@Binnekamp said:
" @Brickalili said:
"Normally it’s the Insectoid themself doing the driving while their little drone guys get the side vehicles and add ons, I guess in this one Gypsy Moth is too busy doing science stuff in the back and needs to be chauffeured around!"

The front and back can split off into a land space vehicle, hence the two-person setup."

Many Insectoid vehicles could split up, just normally you have the Insectoid in the main part and the drones in the parts that split off. I guess these two splitting fairly evenly in half means it’s not so obvious what the “main” bit is but it’s still weird seeing the drone given screen time over the Insectoid. They were normally the main event

By in United Kingdom,

Regarding the lore, I know that one source for it, in this case, is the Insectoid Invasion DK puzzle game book: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?B=PuzInsectoid

None of that depth of lore, however, was mentioned in the UK Lego Adventures magazine, which was where I first learned of the Insectoids: they instead had oddball comics about them crashing on earth and being swarmed by actual insects, or running into a giant robotic space spider in an asteroid field. In those comics, the only background to the Insectoids given was that they'd used up all the supply of voltstone rocks - their power source, the green crystals - on their home planet of Armeron, so they had to take to space to search for more. No mention of fleeing a cruel ruler or anything.

I don't know, though, if that's the difference between American and UK lore for the theme, or if the Lego Adventures writers just decided to go off and make up their own thing without regards for what was considered official.

I do remember that the lego.com insectoids page had character bios for all of the minifigures back in the day. But I didn't save them at the time; and now I can't find any evidence that they even existed. There's a lot of the story content of the old late-90s lego.com I'd like to revisit, honestly; it feels like such a shame that most of it is probably lost forever by now.

By in United Kingdom,

@LuvsLEGO_Cool_J said:
"Maybe Brickset can have a small section on LEGO Lore from numerous themes. This information would come from media and catalogues from TLG and contributions from Bricksetters."

I've said it before, but if something like this goes ahead, I volunteer to cover Rock Raiders!

By in United States,

I think I got this because it was a Shop at Home exclusive, and I am sometimes a sucker for mail order exclusives (ever since Kenner's Star Wars accessory pack). The exclusive queen minifigure was an extra inducement.

That said I never really liked the Insectoids, UFO was better (and solid color uniform classic space even better ;))

By in United Kingdom,

On another note, @Atuin, thanks so much for the lore explanation yesterday! :D It's so interesting to finally find out the background to themes that I was aware of as a kid but didn't know the details of ^^

By in United States,

My one and only Insectoids set. It is actually two vehicles in one: The section with wings splits off from the section with legs, which is pretty nifty. Queen Gypsy Moth--who is the sixth boss in the first LEGO Racers video game--is included.

By in Netherlands,

Never had this one but really looks similar to a mix of 6817: Beta Buzzer and 2964: Space Spider which I do have.

Insectoids was very good, nice transparent parts, fantastic figures with metallic silver and bronze prints.

Only downside I would say are those old wing hinges , click hinges would work a lot better nowadays as especially the wings on my 6907: Sonic Stinger start to hang from weight/looseness.

The Light and sound part also was very good, you could hold 1 button to rev up a jet engine sound, and the other sounds would be like mechanical cricket chirp or sci-fi laser gun sounds.

By in Netherlands,

@chris38911 said:
"Insectoids are a weird theme - but I do like them and think they are underrated. Only vehicles and flying things - no bases. It missed having "bad guys" in the theme - imagine what they would look like!
I've managed to collect all this theme - some of the minifigs are fantastic designs, as are the sets themselves."

Technically the base was 6977: Arachnoid Star Base , which also has a radar tower structure.
UFO could serve as the rival faction from the similar era on shelves.

By in Germany,

@HOBBES said:
" @GSR_MataNui said:
"While I know I'm in the minority here, Insectoids is my favorite Space subtheme. The blue cybernetic characters were a delight, and the big green "eyes" used for windscreens were awesome. In fact, my Minecraft skin is a Zotaxian (the dudes who built the Insectoids.) Or at least... what 12 year old me was capable of drawing in pixel art adjacent to an Zotaxian.

Oh right, I'm the lore guy. Insectoids lore varied from region to region, but the gist of it was there was a tyrannical ruler of the Zotaxian race (that most fans believe was Alpha Draconis) who's harsh method's caused members of his cybernetic society to rebel. Led by queen Gypsy Moth, the escapees hid away on the far off planet Holox.

Holox's surface was a harsh and barren desert, however deep inside the planet was a hollowed out core with an "inner sun" in which a vast jungle flourished. The inner sun was an excellent source of power that the Zotaxians could use to rebuild their civilization, however the inner world was filled with massive monsters known as Bilgen Bugs.

The Zotaxians hatched a scheme to plant fake antenna, legs, and wings onto their spacecraft, creating the Insectoids. They'd use these disguised craft to travel to the inner sun and plant batteries shaped like the Bilgen Bugs' eggs to collect electricity. "

I don't know where you get/got all that but it's brilliant. Even if I have limited interest in some themes, I always eagerly read your 'lore' stories. Surprisingly, many of these stories are somewhat 'fresh' and not just a rehash of same old same old.

Knowing that these ships are 'disguised' makes the theme much more 'understandable'.

@Huw, maybe you can create a space on your site to preserve the 'Lego Lore' for posterity!

I don't know of many toy companies that spend the time to develop such back stories."

The same storyline gives this set's robot the name 'Gigabot' with oddly enough is the only Insectoids character to have the same name internationally.

Another character named in the US version is 'Danny Longlegs', the gray-skinned guy with the large eye implant (?) and a large 'X' shaped structure on his torso.

The continental European version of the lore still makes them originate from the planet Zotax, which is also the home of the UFO aliens in the European version. This is a bit odd, since it might imply, that the Insectoids Zotaxians and the UFO aliens were the same species, which they really don't look like. Anyways no conflict is implied here between the 2 factions, most likely because UFO was portrayed much less hostile (sometimes even heroic) in the EU storyline. The Insectoids were explorers from Zotax who discovered a valuable energy source on the planet 'Armeron', or more specifically in it's hollow core. Energy storms inside Armeron's inner surface turned regular rocks into so called 'Volt-O-Lyth Stones' (sometimes called simply 'Volt-Stones'), that the Insectoids would harvest. However their activities would anger the giant insects, that inhabitated Armeron, so they camouflaged their ships as giant insects, so the native creatures would leave them alone.

Awkwardly enough, the Time Cruisers comic sets the world of Aquazone inside an ocean located in Armeron core, so to create a connection between Insectoids and Hydronauts/Stingrays. I heard the same idea was taken up by an activity book released in 1998, however I can not confirm this. There also exists concept art, that would put the Rock Raiders inside this very world, as the were originally meant to be a Space theme, before Star Wars was to take over that role.

The EU version would have Professor Webb (dark green/gray, ground forces) and Captain Wizer (neon green/blue, air forces) as the Insectoids leaders (both guys are the ones with the printed legs). However not much bio is given for them except their names.

List of Insectoids characters:
1) Insectoid Queen Gypsy Moth/Navigator Sharp/Insector II (sets 2965, 6907, 3073)
2) Danny Longlegs/Corp. Steel (6837, 6977, 2964)
3) (Locust)/Professor Webb/Webb (6977, 3070

By in Germany,

4) Captain Wizer/Zec (6969, 3072)
5) Lt. Maverick (6817, 6905)
6) Techno Leon/Insector Leon (6903, 6919)
7) Gigabot (3071, 2965, 6919, 6969, 6977)

Both this set and 2964 are said to be promotional exclusives to German Tchibo stores in 1998, but I do not recall ever seeing them available back then. However I did get both a couple years later off of Ebay in MISB condition and they are clearly not the US Shop at Home version (no pcs. count or set name).

By in United States,

Regarding the section on this site for lore, you should check out https://brickset.com/library. It's filled with what you could consider "primary sources."

By in United States,

God these were the worse sets. Never saw so many discounted Lego sets at Walmart/TRU with this theme.

There's a term for a single-use-part. This one is full of them.

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