Review: 76389 Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets

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Hogwarts Castle has experienced considerable changes repeatedly, particularly as each model focuses upon different sections throughout the beloved school. LEGO has preserved surprising continuity among the modern Hogwarts Castle expansions though.

However, 76389 Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets abandons that standard, instead comprising various modular structures. Beyond connecting together horizontally, different levels can be successfully rearranged. Moreover, an excellent selection of minifigures accompanies the structure, including numerous exclusive characters.


Five students are included, representing three Hogwarts houses. Harry Potter remains among them and features his traditional tousled hair component and an unchanged double-sided head. These seem appropriate for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, while the torso is shared with Ron Weasley from 76387 Hogwarts: Fluffy Encounter and looks marvellous.

LEGO frequently introduces updated Hogwarts robes, hence Ginny Weasley features another adjusted design. Her uniform displays the same Gryffindor emblem as Harry's attire, albeit with the robe fastened. Such consistency is appreciated and will hopefully remain intact across later waves, establishing an enhanced balance between continuity and authentic variation.

Colin Creevey also belongs to Gryffindor and is among the Basilisk's victims. This minifigure features an exclusive medium nougat version of Han Solo's hair element with an ideal double-sided head, capturing Colin's excitable personality. Ginny's appearance could be enhanced in that regard, perhaps including a vacant expression to denote the influence of Tom Riddle.

These minifigures carry suitable wands alongside unique accessories. Harry wields the famed Sword of Gryffindor, returning from the second series of Collectable Minifigures, while Ginny is accompanied by Tom Riddle's diary. Unfortunately, the cover features a sticker and the internal page is blank. Colin's camera looks good though, including an enormous flash.

Despite remaining absent from the story until Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Luna Lovegood represents Ravenclaw here. Various alternatives could have been provided instead, including Penelope Clearwater or Terry Boot. Penelope would be splendid, given her encounter with the Basilisk during the book. Luna looks superb though, integrating her distinct blonde hair piece. Unfortunately, this freckled head is shared with Ginny Weasley.

Justin Finch-Fletchley seems more appropriate to include, given his important attendance at Gilderoy Lockhart's duelling club. The minifigure features yellow Hufflepuff robes and therefore contrasts against Luna's robes, denoting Ravenclaw house. These designs integrate wonderful detail that continues across the reverse, although this double-sided head is extremely common and improved variety would be beneficial.

Once again, both minifigures are equipped with wands. Luna also includes another decorated book which portrays Gilderoy Lockhart's dubious work, Year with the Yeti. This cover has been dramatically simplified when compared with the source material, although the central portrait of the author is present. The printed tile from 76383 Hogwarts Moment: Potions Class is mounted inside.

Albus Dumbledore frequently wears colourful robes onscreen, although this magenta design apparently takes inspiration from early Dumbledore minifigures instead. The ornate decoration appears absolutely spectacular, incorporating fantastic metallic silver patterns. Purple and gold highlights are also present through the centre of Dumbledore's clothing.

Furthermore, the beard and hair components feature fantastic texture, returning from previous renditions of Hogwarts' mercurial headmaster. They appear excellent for this character and his double-sided head seems suitably cheerful, although both expressions are hidden beneath the extravagant beard. As normal, Dumbledore includes his recognisable dark tan wand.

4730 The Chamber of Secrets was released during 2002, containing Gilderoy Lockhart. This famous character has enjoyed impressive popularity since then, although few minifigures have been produced. Unfortunately, this example appears rather bland, lacking the dramatic cape or vivid colours which are associated with Lockhart. Nevertheless, the metallic gold waistcoat and elaborate cravat appear fittingly ostentatious.

Among the numerous Hogwarts teaching staff, Aurora Sinistra seems comparatively obscure. Nevertheless, the minifigure is certainly welcome and looks tremendous, matching the intricate decoration on Dumbledore and Lockhart. Additionally, this design compares favourably with the onscreen professor, who traditionally sits beside Albus Dumbledore during feasts.

Professor Sinistra's hat seems particularly majestic and her double-sided head is unique, with happy and stern expressions. Lockhart's facial expressions seem excellent too, returning from 75978 Diagon Alley and encapsulating his dubious confidence. Both minifigures wield dark tan wands, matching Dumbledore and Justin Finch-Fletchley.

Nearly Headless Nick appeared in 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall during 2018 and this ghoulish minifigure closely resembles its prior equivalent in certain respects. The character's fourteenth century attire includes consistent detail and corresponds with the source material. The metallic silver accents are particularly outstanding and continue across both sides of the torso.

Of course, the primary difference between this minifigure and the earlier version is that Nearly Headless Nick now glows in the dark! The glowing effect looks reasonable and the contrasting decoration stands out beautifully. Additionally, I like the frightened expression which represents Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington's petrifying encounter with the Basilisk.

Following his appearance with the Harry Potter Magical Treasury reference book, Tom Riddle returns here. This minifigure features appropriately angry facial expressions and the traditional Hogwarts robes look good, reflecting Tom's period at the school. Unfortunately, the omission of dual-moulded legs substantially detracts from the design, since they would have been effective.

Two decades have passed since LEGO Harry Potter was launched, hence golden minifigures appear throughout the summer selection. Anniversary Lord Voldemort accompanies the set here, consisting exclusively of pearl gold components. These seem comically inappropriate for Lord Voldemort, particularly given the addition of metallic gold sparkles!

However, the Dark Lord's intimidating appearance remains intact, featuring a grim expression which demonstrates brilliant continuity with Tom Riddle. The character's distinctive nostrils are also present. Conversely, viewing the minifigure from behind reveals the twentieth anniversary branding, which decorates the six celebratory characters across the collection.

The Completed Model

Hogwarts Castle stands beside the Great Lake, atop spectacular cliffs. Previous renditions of the structure have commonly excluded this environment, although including the subterranean Chamber of Secrets requires such elevation. The resulting model looks impressive and differs considerably from its predecessors, appearing most reminiscent of the classic 4709 Hogwarts Castle from 2001.

This structure comprises three primary sections, which are connected using Technic pins and can therefore be reconfigured easily. When displayed in the standard arrangement, shown on the packaging, this model measures 40cm across. Moreover, separate levels can be removed and swapped around, as demonstrated below where the balcony and tower are reversed.

While the onscreen cliffs appear relatively featureless, some appealing texture and highlights are present here. The olive green elements look excellent, although the flaming torches seem somewhat out of place. The combination of three neighbouring 2x4x6 rock components is also awkward, giving the appearance of complete regularity and symmetry across the cliffs.

Nevertheless, the combination between these rugged cliffs and the building appears realistic, especially where the rocks gradually diminish to incorporate tan walls. Moreover, I appreciate the dark blue elements positioned along the base, representing the Great Lake which extends before Hogwarts Castle and contains the mysterious Giant Squid!

Hogwarts Castle was constructed during the tenth century and exhibits some evidence of that age, despite the influence of magic. Medium nougat masonry bricks are accordingly dispersed among the tan components, to good effect. The distinctive Hogwarts crest looks superb as well, complementing 76387 Hogwarts: Fluffy Encounter where a similar crest appears. However, the smaller model lacks texturing beside the crest.

Among the numerous structures which constitute this school, the Great Hall is potentially the most recognisable from the exterior. This design definitely captures some significant features, including the elongated windows and enormous spire atop the roof. Unfortunately, the smaller spires along the edge of the roof are missing, deviating from 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall.

The most conspicuous difference between this version of Hogwarts Castle and its numerous recent predecessors is the roof colour. Dark bluish grey became established during 2018 but sand green returns here, originating from classic sets. I understand the reasoning behind this decision, which acknowledges the twentieth anniversary, although dark bluish grey roofs look more accurate when compared with the movies.

Detailed interiors are an unerring feature of different Hogwarts Castle models and this design maintains that convention. The cavernous Great Hall includes surprisingly vibrant colours and provides pleasing space for minifigures, although 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall overshadows all other depictions of the chamber from that perspective, as the name suggests.

Two stickered cereal boxes are positioned on the dining tables. Pixie Puffs and Cheeri Owls both originate from the Harry Potter films and these stickers faithfully recreate the packaging designs that appear onscreen. Various goblets and teacups are also provided, alongside two chocolate frogs and a croissant. Additional food accessories would have been welcome here.

Gilderoy Lockhart's duelling club also takes place inside the Great Hall, where the banqueting tables resemble fencing pistes. Both tables are wide enough to accommodate duellists placed on top and one table can launch a minifigure, perhaps portraying Lockhart's easy disarming by Professor Snape. Of course, it was pretty obvious what Snape was planning to do!

The launching function works nicely, although it certainly impacts the appearance of the table. Additionally, the elevated staff table has been removed and replaced with a pearl gold lectern which corresponds with various Harry Potter movies, integrating an attractive carved owl. The ubiquitous fireplace is included as well, lacking the size of its equivalent from 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall, but replicating important details.

Separate house banners have been supplanted by a single Hogwarts banner, which combines the varied house colours. Otherwise, the rafters contain some intriguing accessories, including one decorated jar and a glow-in-the-dark crystal ball. This is simply assembled using a glow-in-the-dark minifigure head beneath the trans-clear spherical helmet developed for Mysterio.

Furthermore, four alternating black and white tiles represent the wizard's chess board which Ron Weasley sometimes brings into the Great Hall. Raising the Hogwarts banner reveals an even more important accessory, the Sorting Hat. This is traditionally housed in Dumbledore's office, although I appreciate its integration, making such efficient use of space.

The famous Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom appears regularly throughout the Harry Potter series, adapting to reflect each professor. Gilderoy Lockhart's classroom is immediately recognisable, including two desks with chairs and numerous accessories. The new candelabra component appears particularly appealing and includes multiple useful connection points.

However, the most prominent feature is definitely the painting that displays Gilderoy Lockhart creating his own portrait! This looks absolutely excellent when compared with the film and the neighbouring photograph conveys Lockhart's incredible vanity. Nevertheless, I think there was an opportunity to provide even more references here, perhaps including Lockhart's quiz or the character's 'Most Charming Smile' awards from Witch Weekly!

Cornish Pixies and the professor releases some into his classroom, evidently underestimating their proclivity for carnage. Two such creatures are included here, most closely resembling the component created for Baby Groot. Their mischievous faces look fantastic and I love this trans-opalescent blue colour. The integration of bars as their hands is also ingenious, allowing these pixies to hold accessories.

Several additional images are displayed in Professor Lockhart's office, each taking inspiration from photographs which appear onscreen or in promotional materials. For example, the photo that displays Lockhart beside an unusual magical creature originates from this image. Another sticker portraying a signed picture is placed on the professor's desk, again matching the film.

Gilderoy Lockhart's lustrous hair is internationally renowned. However, his attempted escape before entering the Chamber of Secrets reveals that Lockhart's hair is actually a wig! Another medium nougat hair component is accordingly provided on his desk. Unfortunately, no hidden storage compartments are available for the wig, which seems like a missed opportunity.

Six chocolate frogs are distributed throughout the castle, including inside Lockhart's office and on the balcony outside. They accompany the six Chocolate Frog cards which are supplied and will be discussed separately, once I have collected them all. The balcony also features a broom and an articulated trans-clear support, where Nearly Headless Nick or a pixie could be secured.

The spectacular Astronomy Tower is among Hogwarts' most distinguishing structures. 75969 Hogwarts Astronomy Tower captured the tower quite accurately, hence this smaller section is disappointing by comparison. Of course, Professor Sinistra might conduct lessons in differing locations, in which case the simplified tower contains perfect equipment. The telescope looks especially attractive.

Removing the sand green roof provides a good position for stargazing and the stickered star chart looks wonderful, including a reference to Tahu's classic mask! The symbols underneath appear authentic too, with a LEGO sextant accessory beneath those. The tower also contains another glow-in-the-dark accessory, depicting a crystal ball or perhaps a spherical star map.

While the above ground structures are impressive, this model focuses substantially upon the titular Chamber of Secrets. This occupies the entire underground level and combines several sections of the complex, beginning with the entrance slide. Numerous bones are scattered on the floor which corresponds with the source material, although additional rocks could improve the design further.

76386 Hogwarts: Polyjuice Potion Mistake connects securely above the slide, lining up neatly and allowing minifigures to drop from the bathroom into the underground area. The function is extremely effective and splitting connected locations between sets should provide tremendous opportunities for future products, if this modular system for Hogwarts Castle continues.

However, the slide also functions without the supplemental set, cleverly including a removable rock panel where minifigures can access the slide. The feature is fairly basic but demonstrates outstanding versatility. Moreover, the entrance is successfully hidden because little evidence of its presence is apparent from outside, when the rock element is attached.

While travelling down the slide reaches the cave network underneath Hogwarts, an enormous door protects the actual Chamber of Secrets. This door includes decorative snakes which look splendid, although their arrangement is imperfect. Nevertheless, I appreciate this effort to build these details rather than relying upon stickers. The surrounding trans-green cylinders are good too, despite deviating from the film.

The door opens smoothly and I like the circular portal. Unfortunately, the location of this door seems strange because it cannot be accurately connected between the slide and the primary chamber. I think another attachment point, perpendicular to those already included, should be positioned beside the slide, ready to secure this door when necessary. The tower fixed above the entrance appears odd too, but I appreciate this unique owl.

Salazar Slytherin's sinister visage stands prominently within the Chamber of Secrets and this recreation captures magnificent detail from the source material. I love the billowing hair which surrounds Slytherin's face and this rounded shape resembles standard minifigure heads! I am less satisfied with the colour matching between the light bluish grey elements and the stickers which form eyes, although varied shades of grey are already visible.

Removing another rock component opens Salazar Slytherin's mouth, faithfully replicating the emergence of the Basilisk. Once again, the function is successfully hidden when viewed from outside, except for the inclusion of two dark bluish grey robot arms. These are required to lock the removable section, although I think the mechanism could have been subtler.

Limited space is available to accommodate the Basilisk. Nevertheless, this creature can slide through the mouth of the statue, flanked by two sculpted snakes. These distinctive parts were developed for NINJAGO, but this combination of light bluish grey and trans-green plastics has never appeared before and looks brilliant. The archways appear fittingly elegant as well.

LEGO has released three unique depictions of the Basilisk, beginning with 4730 The Chamber of Secrets and followed by another design with 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall. This animal seems much more similar to the example from 2002, integrating specialised elements when necessary and measuring 28cm in length. Even that considerable size appears reasonably modest beside minifigures, especially around the head.

The head shape closely resembles the source material, despite being relatively small. Ridges are correctly positioned and the printed eyes look appealing, alongside dual-moulded teeth. In addition, I think using this Velociraptor jaw component was sensible, even though the teeth are significantly smaller than the fang which is hidden inside the mouth of Slytherin's statue.

Olive green was definitely an appropriate colour choice, featuring tan and dark tan highlights which look reasonable. The articulation is somewhat limited, but does enable various options when displaying the Basilisk and the joints are completely hidden, using Technic pins. I would have preferred better integration between the neck, the body and the tail, but that would likely necessitate another exclusive element.


The mysterious Chamber of Secrets is an important location and has been underrepresented throughout the LEGO Harry Potter theme. 76389 Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets should prove accordingly successful and definitely satisfies me, combining numerous important details from the movie. The minifigures are also enjoyable, although potential remains to improve Gilderoy Lockhart and Tom Riddle.

Additionally, I think the new Hogwarts modular system provides significant potential, especially because smaller sections may now be sold separately. I imagine that enhances the opportunity to produce less prominent locations from Hogwarts Castle, such as enlarged common rooms or different classrooms. Unfortunately, the most significant weakness of this set is the price, which feels rather expensive at £129.99 or $129.99. Nevertheless, I would highly recommend this set following a discount.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

56 comments on this article

By in United States,

The wizards are charting the Red Star...

By in United States,

Any chance we could get a picture of this set next to 75954 for comparison?

Also, like the Medieval Castle was modded to remove the moss tiles, I wonder if it's possible for the green roof on this set to be replaced with dark gray pieces to match the 2018-2020 Harry Potter sets.

By in United Kingdom,

Can't wait to see this together with all the other modular ones!! I'm glad they've returned to that 2001 chic but I hope they go back to the 2018 stuff for some Deathly Hallows content.

****moderator edited to remove inflammatory language****

By in Germany,

The 2018-2020 modular system was better. The new castle looks too blocky, like a 4Juniors version. I also prefer the gray roof over sandgreen. This is fine for a 20th anniversary, a breather year for newcomers, but not as the direction for the rest of the mainline.

I would have found it incredible if the reboot could have been put off for another year so the 2021 range could have been based on movies 7 and 8, the flagship set being the courtyard battle, second biggest set being a Gringotts to finish off Diagon Alley, and some other fun stuff the 2011 line skipped in spite of their toyetic appeal like the Hagrids motorbike chase. I hope this stuff will appear eventually.

By in Puerto Rico,

I want that Basilisk.

By in United States,

Big fan of the Harry Potter Lego theme. This is a very good build with a stellar assortment of minifigs.

I'll agree with the above commenter about wanting sets for movies 7 & 8. That's, I assume, a minor complaint and we'll get those next year.

HP Lego sets have largely supplanted Marvel and Star Wars for licensed sets with my buying of those down about 2/3 because of how good I find the HP sets (and that the HP sets aren't repeats like so many SW sets).

By in United States,

This is a pretty cool set, from my fave film of the HP series. Nice details and builds. Thanks for the review!

By in United States,

There’s a lot of fun play features here. The recent Harry Potter sets continue to impress with great design and details. I echo the wish that the roof color was consistent between modern sets, but I see why they decided on this.

Great review!

By in United Kingdom,

Why didn’t they just use the diary from series 2 MM figure rather than a sticker?
Frustrating that I have just finished getting all the different parts of hogwarts and now need to start again with this lot.

By in United States,

I know they wanted to do something special for the 20th, but I don't like that they went away from the 2018-20 modular system so quickly. Those designs are great and I was hoping we'd be able to add to them. As much as I like this set, I don't see the need to purchase it when I already have the other line and it sucks missing out of the really nice minifigs in this wave.

Also, the fact that both styles of castle playsets and the big castle are all for sale at the same time is funny to me.

By in United States,

@eth6113 said:
"I know they wanted to do something special for the 20th, but I don't like that they went away from the 2018-20 modular system so quickly. Those designs are great and I was hoping we'd be able to add to them. As much as I like this set, I don't see the need to purchase it when I already have the other line and it sucks missing out of the really nice minifigs in this wave.

Also, the fact that both styles of castle playsets and the big castle are all for sale at the same time is funny to me. "

An interview recently said they rebooted since children in 2018 aged out and new ones came in. They also basically said Deathly Hallows is too adult and dark.

By in Canada,

I have all the previous castles so I just cant see myself buying this. However, if I didnt already have a big Hogwarts setup, I would probably get this. Im not entirely sure what Lego was thinking, still selling the other castles, because I dont see how they could be combined. So its either this system or the other, so I wont be getting this anytime soon.

By in United States,

@ogel_chicago said:
"An interview recently said they rebooted since children in 2018 aged out and new ones came in. They also basically said Deathly Hallows is too adult and dark. "

This makes a lot of sense, unfortunately for us AFOLs. On the other hand, the new sets give me an excuse to buy again for the younger kids...

By in United States,

@Wellspring said:
"Any chance we could get a picture of this set next to 75954 for comparison?

Also, like the Medieval Castle was modded to remove the moss tiles, I wonder if it's possible for the green roof on this set to be replaced with dark gray pieces to match the 2018-2020 Harry Potter sets."

I've already done this with mine. The new sets look out of place, but I replaced all of the big cones and the roof pieces with dark grey and it looks fantastic.

I did leave some of the green on the set though such as the cheese wedges on the roof and some of the green slopes underneath the cones and it still looks great. Since 75969 Astronomy Tower had green accents on it it matches well with that set now.

By in Canada,

@Anonym said:
"The 2018-2020 modular system was better. The new castle looks too blocky, like a 4Juniors version. I also prefer the gray roof over sandgreen. This is fine for a 20th anniversary, a breather year for newcomers, but not as the direction for the rest of the mainline.

I would have found it incredible if the reboot could have been put off for another year so the 2021 range could have been based on movies 7 and 8, the flagship set being the courtyard battle, second biggest set being a Gringotts to finish off Diagon Alley, and some other fun stuff the 2011 line skipped in spite of their toyetic appeal like the Hagrids motorbike chase. I hope this stuff will appear eventually."

I'm already invested in the previous modular line that you mention, and am reluctant to get into another one. That said, this new grouping of sets seems like it is produced specifically because it is an anniversary year, which gives me hope that the previous line will continue.

By in United States,

I like those silver and green Pyro Viper heads; would make for interesting alternate versions of Aspheera and her minions.

By in United States,

Wonderful set and design. I'd love to have it since I'm a big Harry Potter fan. But the price is out of my budget.

Really, all I want is that fantastic glow in the dark Nearly Headless Nick! That is a masterpiece.

By in United Kingdom,

Is that a trick of the camera emphasising the glow in the dark on Nearly Headless Nick, or is it really like that? If the latter, that's pretty incredible! Never seen any glow in the dark toy, Lego or otherwise, glow that brightly.

By in United States,

I love the throwback look of the castle in these sets for the HP anniversary. Great job LEGO!!!

By in United States,

@granto said:
" @Anonym said:
"The 2018-2020 modular system was better. The new castle looks too blocky, like a 4Juniors version. I also prefer the gray roof over sandgreen. This is fine for a 20th anniversary, a breather year for newcomers, but not as the direction for the rest of the mainline.

I would have found it incredible if the reboot could have been put off for another year so the 2021 range could have been based on movies 7 and 8, the flagship set being the courtyard battle, second biggest set being a Gringotts to finish off Diagon Alley, and some other fun stuff the 2011 line skipped in spite of their toyetic appeal like the Hagrids motorbike chase. I hope this stuff will appear eventually."

I'm already invested in the previous modular line that you mention, and am reluctant to get into another one. That said, this new grouping of sets seems like it is produced specifically because it is an anniversary year, which gives me hope that the previous line will continue."

They've all but said this new modular line is how they'll be continuing. The 2018-2020 sets won't be done anymore. I have lost excitement for HP line at this point and waiting to buy any on sale.

By in Germany,

On the one hand this is a great set that would have perfectly supplemented the other 2018-2020 sets.

Therefore I am so angry at TLG for ruining the set with that stupid sand green roof.
Not that I don't like sand green, quite the opposite, I love sand green, but not here.
It's a huge slap in the face of customers who bought the 2018-2020 sets, plus it's not even accurate, as Hogwarts in the movies clearly had dark grey roofs.

Now I have to buy all those pieces in dark grey to exchange the entire roof. What a nuisance!

By in United States,

I am surprised nobody has pointed it out yet, but the new 2021 Modular castle is still cross compatible with the previous castles due to sharing the same side pin connectors. I have the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom slotted in between the Whomping Willow and Room of Requirement right now.

By in Norway,

Great review as always! Loved seeing the origin of that Lockhart photo.

By in United States,

@ogel_chicago said:
" @eth6113 said:
"I know they wanted to do something special for the 20th, but I don't like that they went away from the 2018-20 modular system so quickly. Those designs are great and I was hoping we'd be able to add to them. As much as I like this set, I don't see the need to purchase it when I already have the other line and it sucks missing out of the really nice minifigs in this wave.

Also, the fact that both styles of castle playsets and the big castle are all for sale at the same time is funny to me. "

An interview recently said they rebooted since children in 2018 aged out and new ones came in. They also basically said Deathly Hallows is too adult and dark. "

Don’t children “age out” every year? I don’t think that should prevent them from having continuity for a while. But I get it, it’s a business and things will cycle. Good looking sets either way. :)

By in United Kingdom,

With regard to LEGO rebooting the Hogwarts series, I think that was inevitable in the near future. The four previous sets represent the most recognisable areas of the castle and few opportunities for products remained available, in my opinion.

The new modular system is arguably less attractive when viewed from outside, although I think that arrangement does provide broader opportunities because LEGO can produce smaller sections which might not justify larger sets. 76386 Hogwarts: Polyjuice Motion Mistake exemplifies that advantage.

@DB_Bricks said:
"Is that a trick of the camera emphasising the glow in the dark on Nearly Headless Nick, or is it really like that? If the latter, that's pretty incredible! Never seen any glow in the dark toy, Lego or otherwise, glow that brightly."

Certain camera settings are required to capture the glow properly, although I have found the glow to be very effective when properly charged up.

By in United Kingdom,

Where's the damn Golden Gandalf???

By in Netherlands,

Is nobody going to mention the homages to set 4709-1 in this set? Set 4709-1 Hogwarts Castle was designed to be compatible with 4730-1 The Chamber of Secrets, and could form a model not unlike this set provides. Considering that set actually came out in 2001, there are surprisingly many details here based on that one:

The Chamber of Secrets sits directly below the castle. In the old version you could use the backside of the chamber as a lower section, but the result wasn't the best. But in this version they went and fully realized it as a rock wall.

The old castle had three main parts: 1) the great hall, 2) a wide section with a tall tower on one end (and a small tower on the other) and a balcony on the other end. Finally it 3) had a small tower with an archway underneath it. Although it's not exactly the same, the same general structure is present here.

- The great hall here seems to be a remake of the old one: central tower in the middle with one window. A hearth with long dark grey smoke intake above it in the middle inside. Tables on the left, dumbledore's seat on the right. And the globe in the rafters is an obvious reference as well (the original had a crystal ball there).

- The tall tower in the old set had a telescope inside that can be used if you remove the roof. Same here. Not to mention that it has a mini tower on one side and an owl perch on the other.

- The smallest tower was not much by itself, but was relatively substantial because of the archway underneath it. This version might not have an archway. But it does have a doorway.

I love how this set really pays homage to the old sets while still being a new and fresh design. And the newer sets are a better implementation of Hogwarts modularity than the older sets could ever hope to provide.

Bonus fact: the Hau in the star chart (Tahu's original mask) is also a double reference to both Harry Potter and Bionicle starting in 2001.

Both themes are now 20 years old! :)

By in United States,

I prefer the Sand Green roofs! Less accurate, but more interesting. I may modify my 2018-2020 sets to match. I love the round door- instantly recognizable. Nearly Headless Nick is quite bright when fully "charged"- I'm eager to get the Monkie Kid 80028 The Bone Demon.

By in United States,

I wonder why they didn't make Nick's hands GID as well?

By in United States,

I integrated the awesome serpentine door with the lower part of 76387 so that it wasn't a stand-alone part and is now actually part of the castle. I also couldn't help but replace all the sand green roofs (although they didn't look *that* bad, the dark bluish gray looks so much better!). Altogether, these new sets make for a very attractive and fun addition to the 2018-2020 Hogwarts. Mine mostly get play from my kids, and they absolutely LOVE the modular function of the newest sets.

By in Netherlands,

@TomKazutara said:
"Two things :
First : Why the sand green roofs? They don't fit to the buildings from the last few years with the dark gray roofs.

I assume LEGO picked Sand Green because this is a 20th anniversary wave which mostly had Sand Green roofs before the 2018 sets.

By in United States,

Great build albeit lazy figures

By in Canada,

I don't understand why did they change it mid-way. This cycle was not done, they only got to book/film 5. Changing the style for the next refresh in a few years is OK, but the timing of today is off.

I hope it's a "one time" thing due to the 20th anniversary, and the winter wave will be compatible with the previous sets.

By in Germany,

@TeriXeri said:
" @TomKazutara said:
"Two things :
First : Why the sand green roofs? They don't fit to the buildings from the last few years with the dark gray roofs.

I assume LEGO picked Sand Green because this is a 20th anniversary wave which mostly had Sand Green roofs before the 2018 sets."

That would be very weird. I mean, sand green was totally wrong 20 years ago, which is why they thankfully went with dark bluish grey for the 2018-2020 sets. Why now changing it back to the wrong colour?
Plus, it doesn't even look good here.

By in United States,

Have we ever seen a figure so thoroughly glow-in-the-dark before? It's only been limited parts like heads or ghost sheets before, right?

Also, the minifigures in this theme are still noticeably confusing and lazy, sometimes, which is a shame. When they're great, they're great, but then other times they're the wrong age for the film or distractingly unprinted or sharing heads in the same set.

By in Australia,

@AustinPowers said:
"On the one hand this is a great set that would have perfectly supplemented the other 2018-2020 sets.

Therefore I am so angry at TLG for ruining the set with that stupid sand green roof.
Not that I don't like sand green, quite the opposite, I love sand green, but not here.
It's a huge slap in the face of customers who bought the 2018-2020 sets, plus it's not even accurate, as Hogwarts in the movies clearly had dark grey roofs.

Now I have to buy all those pieces in dark grey to exchange the entire roof. What a nuisance!"

Errr, no-one is FORCING you to buy all those replacement pieces.
It’s up to you if you want to waste your time and money doing so - I’d rather spend mine buying awesome new sets for my collection!
Also, being “so angry” with TLG over their choice of colour for roof pieces seems like a slight overreaction here! Maybe redirect your anger towards actual issues such as TLG’s complete inability to run a VIP program, working website, or fair distribution of extremely limited sets (eg BrickLink fiasco)…..
Or, I don’t know, real-world issues such as wealth & social inequality, shocking Govt mishandling of COVID, and world safety and security!!
Just a thought :)

By in Sweden,

Great review! Will you review 76386: Hogwarts: Polyjuice Potion Mistake separately?

By in United Kingdom,

@lemish34, I’m not AustinPowers’ advocate, but I imagine his anger is meant within the context of a hobby and he understands perfectly well that there are injustices and world events more deserving of indignation.

Even within the reference frame of the hobby, he is entitled to be angry at whatever displeases him. He may not be a VIP, shop on LEGO’s online store or be interested in sets offered through BrickLink. Those issues might simply be not salient to him.

By in United States,

****moderator edited to remove inflammatory language****

Now that set is very cool, I really like this new style being much more modular, though I will say I like the old buildings more. It really feels like the budget for licensed themes is going into Harry Potter with the quality of these builds. I would kill for some Star Wars structures of this caliber.

By in Singapore,

@Onuwai said:
" ****moderator edited to remove inflammatory language****

Now that set is very cool, I really like this new style being much more modular, though I will say I like the old buildings more. It really feels like the budget for licensed themes is going into Harry Potter with the quality of these builds. I would kill for some Star Wars structures of this caliber. "

So was the original commenter in support of JoKe Rowling’s bigoted tweets or against them? That’s the only instance I can think of that would warrant the usage of “inflammatory” language (and really only for the latter viewpoint).

By in Germany,

Wonderful review, it's a pleasure to read essays composed with such outstanding vocabulary - please keep up the established quality!

On an unrelated note, it feels a missed opportunity to not call this anniversary figure Goldemort :)

By in Canada,

Thank you for such a well written and thorough review. I have the 2018-2020 Hogwarts sets so I'll probably pass on this; however, because of your detailed review, I will keep an eye out for discounts. Your time and effort are appreciated!

By in United Kingdom,

@Zander said:
"he is entitled to be angry at whatever displeases him."

I think angry and entitled sums up a select subgroup of regular Brickset commenters quite well actually. Everything is a slap in the face these days, apparently. It's a wonder they have any teeth left.

I may be somewhat unusual in this opinion, but I'm actually a bit relieved they've moved on to a new system - it frees me from my awful compulsion to buy all the Hogwarts sets! My collection already spans the top of two bookcases and I'm not sure I'd have room for anything else. I really do agree with @CapnRex101 that the old system ticked off enough important bits of the castle to get a good Hogwartsy feeling display when collected together without being ridiculously large.

As for the set itself, it looks great, and I love the fact they've included the cliff face now, but I don't feel any need to buy this, having already bought the old Great Hall. Win win. Although that new basilisk is infinitely better than the last one.

By in Germany,

@lemish34 : it is as @Zander correctly speculated.

Of course there are far more important things in life, and getting worked up about something as irrelevant as colours in a LEGO set might seem like an overreaction.
Also, when I say that I am angry about this I don't mean I sit around all day screaming about "how dare they", obviously.

It's just that I am annoyed that they started this awesome line of modular Hogwarts sets in 2018 but now they add sets to the line that don't match the rest because of the colour of the roof. Even though everything else in these new sets would be a perfect match.

Also, sand green is simply the wrong colour and I don't understand why they went back to a wrong colour even though they corrected their mistake for the 2018-2020 line of sets.
It just doesn't make sense.

Or how would you like it if they released a new BTTF DeLorean, but in medium azure instead of light bluish grey or flat silver, just for the heck of it?

Sand green also doesn't make sense from a technical standpoint, because there are only two reasons why it could be that colour.
Either the roof had been copper, that had weathered / oxidated over time. In that case the roof would have been metal, which clearly wasn't the case as can be seen throughout the movies. The details of Hogwarts and its surrounding landscape famously change very much over the course of the movies, but the roof always stays the same type and colour.
Or the roof would have to be covered all over in sand green moss, which also clearly isn't the case.
Like I said, the colour just doesn't make any sense in this instance.

By in United Kingdom,

Great review, as always, thank you.
I am disappointed with the sand green roofing. Otherwise, this set looks pretty decent.

By in United States,

@MrClassic said:
"Great review! Will you review 76386: Hogwarts: Polyjuice Potion Mistake separately? "

Best set in the series!

By in United States,

As much as I prefer the gray roofs (I think they’re more accurate) the only Hogwarts set I have is the 2010 one with a green roof so I might as well check some of these out. Who knows, I might find some way to make them compatible— although it probably can’t connect effectively with the intended combination of builds.

By in United States,

If I had to pick a current favorite theme, it would be Harry Potter. Interestingly I only just watched the films three years ago or so. They were really good. Filled a void in me that newer Star Wars had left a vacancy for. Also interestingly, the theme in LEGO has been doing the same. I find often that I am much more compelled by HP sets than by Star Wars.

The review was great, thoroughly showcased this set which I’m only waiting to buy when it’s a wee bit more affordable.

By in United States,

I really want to see someone expand/rearrange the old Kwik-e-mart set to accompany all the new cereal boxes we've gotten in recent years, like the two here and the one with TLNM CMF Wu.

At this point its unlikely we'll ever get a new BIONICLE set, so I love that LEGO is trying to slip a Hau sticker into as many sets as possible. Great way to honor the line without risking another disastrous reboot.

I'm so glad we're getting a proper new Basilisk. The 2002 one was way before my time and the 2018 one wasn't very impressive. Personally I'd rather get a physical release of the gigantic version from the Harry Potter videogame, but with that being both oversized and not too stable I get why they'll probably never release it.

By in United States,

I'm not worried about whether the sand green roof is movie-authentic or not--I thought it was cool in the early HP Lego sets, and I still think it's cool. Anyone looking to swap unwanted sand green for the more modern gray roof pieces is welcome to contact me....

By in Australia,

This would have been an instant purchase from me if they'd stuck to grey roof parts.

I understand their reasoning, so why not do something a bit different and offer different roof variants through their shop-at-home site? Everyone wins, and more sales.

By in Philippines,

Great review as always. Been looking forward to reading one from the Brickset team.

I find this modular series to be a weaker —albeit decent— representation of Hogwarts compared to its predecessors. I understand that they’re trying to pay homage to the early 2000s sets, but the whole point of reintroducing the theme is to improve upon its previous rendition, not simply to recreate it, especially the flaws that came with it.

While the I do appreciate the effort in scaling down the Great Hall’s size to make room for the Chamber of Secrets underneath, I wish they kept those side walls closed instead of leaving them open. This was my main issue with the Astronomy Tower from last year. I know they’re aiming for playability—but I wish little design details like this don’t get overlooked nor sacrificed.

The Great Hall doesn’t look “great”without doors and the grand stained glass window behind the staff table. And speaking of staff table, why did they decide to omit it here in place of a lectern when they can have both? The obvious remedy for this would be MOC-ing but that kinda defeats the purpose of buying a unique set— and an expensive one for that matter.

Those arched wall panels are quite versatile. I hope TLG considers making doors that clip to their hinges, much like those from the ‘90’s Castle themes. Had they added those here, the overall look of Hogwarts probably would’ve been much better.

And because of this wave’s boxy style of modular sets, the whole layout of Hogwarts Castle looks monotonous when compared to previous iterations. Even the early 2000’s had variety in structure and texture.

I’m not that bothered by the roof color, as this would probably just be a one-and-done approach by TLG. If there’s one thing this anniversary wave got right, it’s elevating all the Hogwarts sections. My criticism of the 2018 Great Hall was that it rested on a flat base (though this was done to allow “interconnectability” among the different castle parts released at the time). As excellently pointed out in the review, Hogwarts stood on cliffs and mountainous regions above the lake—so seeing that here is a welcome change from previous designs.

Overall, this wave’s pretty good. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s a wealth of parts that you can use to enhance your existing Wizarding World collection.

By in Netherlands,

I'm not a Potterhead (is that what they're called? It must be), but I do love these modular set-ups for what is, admittedly, a really cool castle.

I think this is great, and I really hope TLC will use this business-model in the future - releasing smaller sets that, together, constitute one massive building that would otherwise be way too expensive or way too unwieldy to sell.

The way this integrates with the Polyjuice Potion Mistake-set? Yeah, I love it. The fact that it leads into this cool underground area that, to me, was a surprise in and of itself, almost makes me want to buy the sets - almost!

Oh, why lie. I'll probably pick it up anyway when it approaches EOL, this stuff is great.

By in Switzerland,

I don't get why people are whining so much about that sth is designed in a different way they expected, its LEGO, you can build whatever you want, thats the point, if you don't like it modify it yourself!

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