Review: 75300 Imperial TIE Fighter

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Copious versions of the TIE/ln Starfighter have been released, commencing during 2001 when 7146 TIE Fighter became available. Each model produced subsequently has evidently grown in size and detail, although prices have increased consistently as well.

75300 Imperial TIE Fighter shatters that trend, which has developed across two decades. This model includes 432 pieces and costs £34.99 or $39.99, almost halving the price of its immediate predecessor from 2018! Compromises have therefore proven necessary, although the TIE Fighter retains significant play value and detail.


TIE Fighter Pilot minifigures have become increasingly common during recent years and this example wears a helmet with metallic silver stripes. The decoration matches several onscreen pilots, although helmets without these highlights are more common and might have been more suitable here. The torso and legs look excellent too, also reflecting the source material.

Generic characters frequently accompany TIE Fighters and one Stormtrooper joins the pilot here, featuring the dual-moulded helmet which was introduced during 2019. This element has proven contentious but undoubtedly includes extensive detail and the other components seem similarly impressive. The shading looks particularly realistic and I like the thermal detonator on the reverse as well.

Following several years when Clone Trooper heads have appeared beneath the helmets of Imperial personnel, more diverse designs were introduced last summer. These elements are extremely common but I appreciate any variation. Both minifigures are equipped with suitable weapons, matching other TIE Fighter Pilots and Imperial Stormtroopers.

My favourite of these three minifigures is NI-L8, whose designation definitely reflects Imperial doctrine! This head component was introduced during 2014 and includes marvellous moulded detail, closely resembling the RA-7 protocol droids that appear during Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The enormous photoreceptors appear particularly impressive.

Furthermore, the torso and legs are beautifully decorated with grey and metallic silver details. These designs closely resemble those on the Death Star Droid in 75159 Death Star, although the updated decoration appears less crisp which is disappointing. However, I like the colourful wiring that stands out prominently against the black panels which enshroud this ominous droid.

The Completed Model

TIE/ln Starfighters have appeared on multiple occasions, historically adhering to two design trends. The first several models succeeded 7146 TIE Fighter so featured similar construction techniques and colours before 9492 TIE Fighter was introduced, including innovative building methods and vastly superior detail. That substantial change also affected the scale as models produced after 2012 have been significantly larger than those released before.

75300 Imperial TIE Fighter represents another conspicuous update. This model combines the construction techniques from 9492 TIE Fighter with the size of 7146 TIE Fighter. The resultant model includes wonderful detail while remaining affordable. Comparing this craft with previous examples reveals how TIE Fighters have developed and that the latest rendition is actually the smallest, measuring nearly 18cm in height.

Contrasting against the solar arrays, the cockpit module has remained almost unchanged in scale. Space must be provided to accommodate the pilot which evidently limited the possible alterations, although the viewport should have been updated as this design appears too large. Additionally, I dislike the trans-bright green missiles for the spring-loaded shooters. This colour matches the onscreen laser bolts but not their emitters, which are red.

Another printed component forms the access hatch. Unfortunately, the instructions show this element positioned backwards, with the dorsal windows situated towards the front. Of course, this issue can instantly be rectified by rotating the 4x4 dish but the error is quite disappointing. However, the surrounding shape seems reasonable when compared with the source material, making effective use of 2x2 wedge slopes on either side.

The access hatch and viewport both open to reach the interior, revealing ample space for the minifigure and two trans-red control panels. This configuration varies from the original controls, although I certainly appreciate their inclusion. The focal seat could have been improved though because this currently lacks any studs or other means of securing the pilot.

One aspect of TIE Fighter models which has remained almost entirely unchanged since 2001, when 7146 TIE Fighter was released, is the reverse of the cockpit. As usual, a 4x4 dish with a 2x2 dish at its centre represents the rear viewport and trans-red 1x1 round plates depict thrust nacelles. I am pleased with this design, although the exposed missiles do appear awkward.

While the cockpit exhibits some obvious compromises, the solar arrays look absolutely superb. Their hexagonal shape and proportions correspond exactly with the onscreen vehicles and the striking contrast between black and light bluish grey elements seems excellent. I am especially impressed with the diagonal stanchions as these smooth tiles improve upon the studded plates which appeared on 75211 Imperial TIE Fighter.

The power converters at the centre of each solar array display appealing detail, incorporating 1x2 rounded plates and 1x1 round plates with bars which generate fantastic texture. I love the combination of standard and hollow studs, along with printed 2x2 round tiles which return from eight previous TIE-series vehicles! The hexagonal shaping also appears perfect.

Matching hexagonal designs appear on the inner collection surfaces, although the stanchions are absent. The connections between the cockpit and each solar array have been significantly simplified in relation to earlier models, although these Technic pins feel secure. Ball joints are employed to good effect on the supporting frame, offering welcome stability. However, their colours are restricted and the dark bluish grey ball joints seem accordingly incongruous.


75211 Imperial TIE Fighter remains the most impressive minifigure-scale TIE Fighter in my opinion. However, that model received deserved criticism based upon its price and no such objections can reasonably be levelled against 75300 Imperial TIE Fighter, costing £34.99 or $39.99 which represents tremendous value! Certain compromises were therefore inevitable.

Fortunately, I think the most important features have all remained intact, including accurate solar arrays and suitable functionality. The cockpit looks relatively large but features excellent detail which continues inside. Furthermore, these three minifigures are superb and I am very impressed with this addition to the Imperial navy, especially given its remarkably reasonable price.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

60 comments on this article

By in United States,

Might be worth picking up.

By in United States,

So glad they made these ships cheaper! If I get a chance to, I’m thinking about picking one up. I wrote off the last two Ties and X-Wings because they were just too darn pricey.

This is a pretty good mini figure selection too. Good for army building, or just have some figures in a hanger before or after a mission.

By in United States,

I got 75211 on clearance, so I beat the sticker shock nicely. This squatter model does seem like a nice compromise for someone who wants a non-Juniors TIE, though.

By in United Kingdom,

How could Lego not even realise the access hatch was on backwards? What a bunch of dummies!

*hastily goes upstairs to check which way round I've put the access hatch on*

By in United Kingdom,

Yeah, this is good. The proportions are off, but more than good enough to pass the squint test. I replaced the ball joints with hinges, to no ill effect.

By in United States,

@Brainslugged said:
"How could Lego not even realise the access hatch was on backwards? What a bunch of dummies!

*hastily goes upstairs to check which way round I've put the access hatch on*


Me: *Silently doesn’t change his because I kinda like the look.*

By in United Kingdom,

I enjoyed this set so much I got two! Been waiting years for a TIE that's both affordable and not either crazily big or too small, this set really is perfect for me. I've set up a little chase between two of these and one of the new X-Wings.

Hope they do a TIE Advanced or other TIEs in this scale!

By in United States,

I think the X-Wing scaled down more gracefully but this still looks quite good, especially for a kid who wants a TIE fighter but doesn't have $70 to spend on the last one.

By in Norway,

Based on the pictures I think this looks like a better TIE than the «Solo» version, which felt too big, too detailed and too expensive (even at the sale price I found it). TIEs don't look that big in the films, and it's the kind of vehicle you want to be able to afford at least two of!

By in United States,

I think this looks very, very good given the price. The proportions between the cockpit and the wings really aren’t that bothersome at all to me - hang a couple of these off your ceiling, above your Falcon model and they’d look just great!

I think Star Wars sets in recent years have gotten way too inflated in price just for the sake of “accuracy” that does nothing to enhance play value and frankly little to enhance DISplay value. I’m pleased Lego is open to finding a good balance on these aspects again.

By in United Kingdom,

The smaller size is more playable for kids when fighting against the rebels, and the lower weight of the wings should help reduce the stress on the joints with the main body when in action. I may pick up just to get the NI-L8 droid, as mentioned above only appeared once before in the death star.

By in United States,

I actually like the cockpit/wing size ratio a bit better on this one than the previous few. It just looks better. Probably will pick this one up at some point.

By in Canada,

Obviously I'm glad it's cheaper, but the proportions are all wrong. The wings are much too short for its body size. Honestly, I'd rather pay more for a set that's actually accurate to the source material than a set that sacrifices accuracy for price.

Besides, the previous TIE fighters were easy to find on sale anyway.

By in Germany,

I kind of like it. The price makes you buy two (for the price of one of the last ones) and having these left and right of an Imperial Shuttle should look amazing. The size is nice when compared to last System scale ATAT, Slave I and Imperial Shuttle. I like this much more then the new X-wing, which seems rushed, cheap and wobbly. I would have preferred an astromech instead of the NI-L8, but that might be just me. Why they made that one part on the wings in dark grey though, that's something I don't understand. Doesn't look premium toy.

By in United States,

Wow I literally just reviewed this set like 2 hours ago what are the odds. I also was the one who had just reviewed the assassin droids battle pack right before it became random set of the day. Talk about luck!

By in United Kingdom,

Nice minifigs, good build & a decent price.
Going straight on my wishlist

By in United States,

As a Star Wars fan and new LEGO fan, I really enjoyed this one. I found the TIE ball/cockpit a little challenging to put together (and I probably put that part on backwards!), but I'm sure you veterans would find it to be a simple build. Thanks for the review!

By in United States,

I have only one TIE Fighter, and it’s so good to see an affordable TIE. Certainly would like to buy this one. I like the design and the proportions are alright. Minifigs are great, too!

By in France,

I got one and I'm looking forward to buying a few more ones.

By in United Kingdom,

Y'know, as a simplified version, looks pretty good

By in United States,

You mention a thermal detonator on the back of the stormtrooper. Am I missing something?

By in France,

I prefer my 9492 tie-fighter (and my 9493 x-wing is also much better than the latest x-wing)

By in Australia,

The smaller scale of this one is great, and is a good match for the TIE X1 featured in the 75150 set.

However the proportions are slightly off and overall I prefer the 75211 set. Better minifig selection in that one in my opinion.

But still, I’m a big fan of TIEs so another one for the collection is welcome!

By in United Kingdom,

@Royweeezy said:
"You mention a thermal detonator on the back of the stormtrooper. Am I missing something? "

The cylindrical object placed on the back of Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers is a thermal detonator. We only actually see them being removed and used once, during Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

By in France,

@Rare_White_Ape said:
"The smaller scale of this one is great, and is a good match for the TIE X1 featured in the 75150 set.

However the proportions are slightly off and overall I prefer the 75211 set. Better minifig selection in that one in my opinion.

But still, I’m a big fan of TIEs so another one for the collection is welcome!"

I have the impression that the scale is very close to what we can see in Star Wars Rebels.

By in United States,

Pass. Why would I buy something which is inferior to what I already own?

But for those new to Star Wars Lego TIE fighters, this is an OK set.

By in United States,

I totally understand why they did this and am completely behind it--but all the same, I'm going to miss the pushing of the limits in minifig scale that we used to get. Still, this is the first time I remember ever seeing a Star Wars set come in under that magic $0.10/p price point. I'm glad they owned it and deliberately simplified them and brought the price down to a more reasonable level. We'll always have UCS.

^ this is for parents to get for their kids without having to spend $100 on a single ship. It's made for kids, not "kids" ;)

By in United States,

Given that Disney has been trying to show more diversity among even the Imperials, I can’t help but wonder if Lego couldn’t throw in some generic female heads on Stormtroopers and TIE pilots.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @Royweeezy said:
"You mention a thermal detonator on the back of the stormtrooper. Am I missing something? "

The cylindrical object placed on the back of Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers is a thermal detonator. We only actually see them being removed and used once, during Star Wars: The Clone Wars."

Just out of curiosity, what episode was that in?

By in Netherlands,

This is a must have for me because I own all versions of the TIE fighter. My bookcase looks like a giant empirial hangar for TIE fighters.

By in United Kingdom,

I would have loved this as a kid (partly because I grew up with the rubbish pre-2012 ones with the blue accents). I wouldn't have minded the inaccuracies. To be fair, even the larger scale tie is not that accurate compared to Inthert or Jerac's mocs. Not going to get it cos I already have the 2018 version, but if I didn't I would probably get this one and mod the cockpit area.

By in Netherlands,

This is TLG casting the net, to keep old fans and capture new fans alike. Especially the fact that the saga is complete. It's economical and nice enough to reel you back in to the Trilogy.

Nice review!

By in Germany,

Looks too chibi for my taste.

By in United States,

mine's coming this weekend! looking forward to swooshing the **** out the little guy ^_^

By in United Kingdom,

@Cooliocdawg said:
" @CapnRex101 said:
" @Royweeezy said:
"You mention a thermal detonator on the back of the stormtrooper. Am I missing something? "

The cylindrical object placed on the back of Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers is a thermal detonator. We only actually see them being removed and used once, during Star Wars: The Clone Wars."

Just out of curiosity, what episode was that in?"

R2 Come Home, during season two. R2-D2 removes the thermal detonator from a dead Clone Trooper on board the crashed Endurance.

By in Russian Federation,

I feel somehow disappointed, that Lego didn't have such a downsize model in the past. Years ago I bought the larger model, which always looked a bit out of scale.

By in United States,

After taking some measurements of this Tie and comparing it to official source material, the size of this new one is actually a bit closer to minifigure scale than the previous larger Tie Fighters. It's slightly undersized for canon's updated dimensions (which I believe were made when Rogue One released), but it perfectly matches Legends' long-standing dimensions.

I think the biggest problem with this model is the choice of canopy. If they'd gone with the 4x4 dish used on the Jedi Interceptors, the whole thing would look far more proportional. Once I get my hands on one I plan on replacing the canopy and making a few other small adjustments to it.

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
"Given that Disney has been trying to show more diversity among even the Imperials, I can’t help but wonder if Lego couldn’t throw in some generic female heads on Stormtroopers and TIE pilots."

I believe (please someone correct me if I'm wrong!) that it's canon that most imperial recruits were male, as opposed to the first order which, due to its "recruitment" method of kidnapping kids, was far more indiscriminate. But again, this may be from an unofficial source, can't remember where I heard it.

By in United States,

Thanks for the review. I already have a larger TIE, but given the price of this one (and the X-Wing) I can easily see myself getting this if there is a cool gwp for May the 4th.

By in Belgium,

That's a neat little TIE, but I won't buy it at Belgian RRP, which is €44.99, i.e. €5 extra compared to Germany, amounting to a 12.5% markup…

As far as I know, the average Belgian salary is not 12.5% higher than in Germany, and VAT is not 12.5% higher here…

By in United Kingdom,

@SearchlightRG said:
"Given that Disney has been trying to show more diversity among even the Imperials, I can’t help but wonder if Lego couldn’t throw in some generic female heads on Stormtroopers and TIE pilots."

My pilots & troopers have a few surprises under the helmets.
Personally, I wish they'd stuck to the balaclava helmets, which look so much better from behind

By in United States,

@ArmoredBricks said:
" @SearchlightRG said:
"Given that Disney has been trying to show more diversity among even the Imperials, I can’t help but wonder if Lego couldn’t throw in some generic female heads on Stormtroopers and TIE pilots."

I believe (please someone correct me if I'm wrong!) that it's canon that most imperial recruits were male, as opposed to the first order which, due to its "recruitment" method of kidnapping kids, was far more indiscriminate. But again, this may be from an unofficial source, can't remember where I heard it."

@ArmoredBricks that’s the first I’ve heard of it. Still, I don’t see why we couldn’t get a generic female Imperial every once in a while. Sabine Wren passed as a TIE pilot cadet in Rebels, and the pilot and trooper armors seem pretty unisex. I would never have guessed Phasma was a woman before she started talking.

By in Puerto Rico,

This is on my buy list.

By in United States,

Hmm, I have the 2012 TIE, along with the Rebels TIE Advanced Prototype and Rebels Darth Vader TIE-
I've been meaning to upgrade my 2012 one to use the newer 6x6 cockpit window, I might pick this one up to make that replacement along with the improved wing connectors.
Who knows, I might like the look of the smaller wings with the old 4x4 bubble cockpit...

By in United States,

Honestly, I think the smaller scale here is technically a little more accurate feeling?? Same goes for the Xwing

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @Cooliocdawg said:
" @CapnRex101 said:
" @Royweeezy said:
"You mention a thermal detonator on the back of the stormtrooper. Am I missing something? "

The cylindrical object placed on the back of Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers is a thermal detonator. We only actually see them being removed and used once, during Star Wars: The Clone Wars."

Just out of curiosity, what episode was that in?"

R2 Come Home, during season two. R2-D2 removes the thermal detonator from a dead Clone Trooper on board the crashed Endurance."


By in Moldova,

Bought this set, and I do think that the proportions are great! Yes, not accurate to the movie, but totally fine for such a fighter. First it looks great on a shelf, and second - with this price, You can actually buy a dozen of these sets and make your one fleet.

By in United States,

@Brainslugged said:
"How could Lego not even realise the access hatch was on backwards? What a bunch of dummies!

*hastily goes upstairs to check which way round I've put the access hatch on*


Not only that! There's a mistake in the instruction manual!
Step 28 shows a Dark Bley 1X4 plate already in place, even though it doesn't get added until Step 29.

Hi, I'm Zrath and my career is in Quality Assurance. Hire me!

By in Australia,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @ArmoredBricks said:
" @SearchlightRG said:
"Given that Disney has been trying to show more diversity among even the Imperials, I can’t help but wonder if Lego couldn’t throw in some generic female heads on Stormtroopers and TIE pilots."

I believe (please someone correct me if I'm wrong!) that it's canon that most imperial recruits were male, as opposed to the first order which, due to its "recruitment" method of kidnapping kids, was far more indiscriminate. But again, this may be from an unofficial source, can't remember where I heard it."

@ArmoredBricks that’s the first I’ve heard of it. Still, I don’t see why we couldn’t get a generic female Imperial every once in a while. Sabine Wren passed as a TIE pilot cadet in Rebels, and the pilot and trooper armors seem pretty unisex. I would never have guessed Phasma was a woman before she started talking."

In the old Legends canon, the Empire was depicted as being incredibly racist towards humans of colour and to alien species and discriminatory to women, as an explanation as to why you never saw coloured or female Imperials. Grand Admiral Thrawn was significant in that not only was he an alien with blue skin, but also that he was promoted up to a very high rank within the Imperial Navy, which illustrated how effective he was with military tactics against their enemies.

When Disney set the old Legends stories aside and rebooted everything, some very small-minded people criticised Disney for being too political and adding more diversity to the SW universe, but ironically that also meant making the fascist Empire more diverse as well. So in Rebels and the films set during the Imperial era we begin to see coloured and female Imperial personnel. It doesn't fit with my view of the Empire as it was originally designed as a message to warn us against fascism in all its forms, and softening that view makes the message less political if anything.

In terms of the First Order, then yes, that does fit with that story. The FO was rebuilt from the ashes of the Empire (which Palpatine had put in place a punishment for it being unable to protect him in the event of his death) and that had to happen in secret in the Unknown Regions, so they weren't exactly able to pick and choose who they wanted to serve in their ranks. In The Force Awakens immediately we see coloured and female ship's officers, and a number of the Stormtroopers have female voice actors. They are drawn from the ranks of child soldiers kidnapped from their families at a young age, as well as any voluntary recruits they could get their hands on like Tam Ryvora, who was black AND female.

So yeah, at the end of the day it would be nice if Lego added a bit more diversity with the trooper heads, even if you can't see them with their helmets on. It would be great to have a wider selection of heads in our collections anyway, to help represent everyone in society.

By in United States,

This size is way better than the previous ones. Lego could easily make a UCS version to satisfy the most nitpicking buyers. The price is much more buyer friendly and is good for people who want to build a TIE army and it occupies less space. It still has all the features of the bigger one.

By in Australia,

@Brick_Cuppy said:
"Obviously I'm glad it's cheaper, but the proportions are all wrong. The wings are much too short for its body size. Honestly, I'd rather pay more for a set that's actually accurate to the source material than a set that sacrifices accuracy for price.

Besides, the previous TIE fighters were easy to find on sale anyway. "

Yes same. I agree completely. For me, the slightly off proportions make me not want to get it, even though the cheaper price and figs are amazing! Considering I already have 75211, I don't think I will get this.

By in United States,

Although when this set was first rumored I was VERY disappointed, now I actually am looking forward to purchasing it as I don't have a normal TIE Fighter. And also at $40, what a steal!!!

By in United States,

I hate those new Stormtrooper helmets though . . .

By in United States,

These are the right proportions for kids to play with. I honestly think 75300 is better than all the non-UCS versions of the TIE as it accomplishes both the goal of a toy and the spirit of the model better and cheaper than the $70 sets. TIE fighters are supposed to be army-built in squadrons and that's a lot easier to do at $40.

By in United States,

Is the Tie-Pilot’s helmet a new print?

By in United States,

@ronvining said:
"Is the Tie-Pilot’s helmet a new print? "
No, it's appeared in 4 other sets since 2015.

By in Norway,

Can anyone owning the new TIE Fighter (75300) post pictures with a comparison with the latest Vader's TIE Advanced (75150)?

By in United States,

I have one and I LOVE it! It has a nice weight and feel to it, feels "sturdy". Also, it's my first TIE Fighter.

By in Japan,

@jokailblinnis said:
"Can anyone owning the new TIE Fighter (75300) post pictures with a comparison with the latest Vader's TIE Advanced (75150)?"

That is a good suggestion actually. I have that TIE advanced but do not plan on getting this TIE fighter as I have the Solo version from a couple years back. I will say tough the Solo TIE is pretty big in relation to the advanced, it currently crowns my imperial display while the advanced is on the second shorter shelf occupying far less space and looking by far not as impressive. I bet it would look better flanked by 2 of these newer TIEs.

By in United States,

@Brickalili said:
"Y'know, as a simplified version, looks pretty good"

It's the cylindrical looking thing printed above his waist on the back

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