Review: 75257 Millennium Falcon

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LEGO has produced numerous renditions of the celebrated Millennium Falcon and these models have commonly incorporated repeated building techniques. They have proven successful before but the latest design deviates fairly dramatically from previous examples.

75257 Millennium Falcon features fewer narrow gaps between bodywork panels than its predecessors and the shaping has been significantly improved, particularly towards the front. This model appears accordingly accurate and some attractive minifigures accompany the Millennium Falcon, including several exclusive designs.


Many familiar characters have returned during the Sequel Trilogy and Lando Calrissian has elicited notable excitement. This rendition of the charming smuggler appears very reminiscent of the younger minifigure from Solo: A Star Wars Story, wearing an elaborate cape with blue and black surfaces. The collar is unusually large when compared with the source material but I think it looks good.

75257 Millennium Falcon

This double-sided head features determined and smiling expressions which seem appropriate for the the hero and I like his greying facial hair. The hair piece is similarly appealing and has only appeared once before in black. Moreover, the yellow shirt includes exceptional detailing across the front and that continues onto the reverse, even though it cannot typically be seen beneath the cape.

75257 Millennium Falcon

While multiple different versions of Lando Calrissian have been produced recently, Chewbacca has remained reasonably consistent since 2014. The combination of dark brown and medium nougat hair corresponds with the films, although I imagine arm printing would be particularly effective on Wookiee figures so hope that might be introduced in the future.

75257 Millennium Falcon

However, the metallic silver highlights which distinguish Chewbacca's bandoleer are perfect and I like the facial decoration too. His white teeth appear particularly striking, providing some expression to the minifigure and reflecting the onscreen character.

75257 Millennium Falcon

Chewbacca carries his traditional stud-shooting bowcaster which was designed for 75105 Millennium Falcon. Lando's blaster appears equally interesting, featuring a light bluish grey tread link that loosely resembles the polarising rods on Chewbacca's bowcaster. An elegant cane is also included, following appearances with Lando Calrissian in promotional images for the upcoming movie.

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Finn minifigures have remained relatively unchanged since the Star Wars: The Force Awakens sets became available. However, this example features an attractive hair piece with much greater texture than the earlier element and the double-sided head looks fantastic, returning from 75176 Resistance Transport Pod. The cheerful and frightened expressions both seem suitably exaggerated too.

75257 Millennium Falcon

The torso and legs appear similarly detailed, featuring metallic silver highlights and realistic creasing. However, I think the accuracy of these colours could be improved as Finn's jacket seems quite bright when compared with the film and the dark tan shirt underneath should be slightly darker. The reddish brown satchel is an excellent inclusion though and I love the colourful stripes on Finn's shoulder!

75257 Millennium Falcon

Limited information has been announced concerning Boolio, an alien character from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. This minifigure includes an exceptionally detailed head that comprises olive green plastic and dual-moulded flame yellowish orange horns. Subtle dark tan blemishes are printed across his skin and the bulbous eyes look absolutely magnificent, featuring orange highlights.

75257 Millennium Falcon

Boolio wears medium nougat overalls, therefore resembling Resistance maintenance personnel from the previous films. The orange straps and intricate dark bluish grey streaks match the source material and the corresponding mechanical equipment attached to Boolio's chest also appears accurate. I look forward to learning what role this mysterious character might occupy during the movie.

75257 Millennium Falcon

Comparable intrigue surrounds C-3PO based upon promotional material for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. This minifigure seems relatively unremarkable though, featuring superb detail across the torso and yellow eyes. The metallic silver lower leg is disappointing though as this should be entirely gold to reflect the protocol droid's refreshed appearance during the Sequel Trilogy.

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Remarkably, previous sets based upon the Sequel Trilogy have not contained R2-D2. However, he accompanies C-3PO here and features some authentic tool panels which correspond with the films. Printing on the reverse remains absent, unfortunately, but these dark blue highlights around Artoo's domed head are marvellous.

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D-O has been associated with BB-8 during trailers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker but seems equally comfortable beside R2-D2 and C-3PO. This little droid features some outstanding detail and appears accordingly faithful to its onscreen counterpart, although the head cannot move. However, I appreciate the stud on the back of D-O's head and hope this component might be used elsewhere in subsequent sets.

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The Completed Model

7190 Millennium Falcon established an appropriate scale for renditions of this famous vessel, almost two decades ago. That model and its successors have always offered adequate space for minifigures inside but may be carried with ease too. The latest example definitely conforms to those requirements and seems more authentic than previous designs, capturing the proportions and shape of its onscreen equivalent very closely.

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Comparing this model with 75105 Millennium Falcon reveals various differences, the most notable of which are probably the closed gaps across the top. Similar triangular structures have been employed on the majority of Millennium Falcon designs since 2004 but the latest iteration features larger panels which eliminate many of the existing gaps. Furthermore, the cockpit seems far more accurate and the entire model is shorter, measuring 44cm in length while the version from 2015 is 47cm long.

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That difference can be attributed primarily to the mandibles which have been shortened and widened slightly. They now include the 4x6 wedge plates that were introduced earlier in 2019 and the resultant shape looks great. Moreover, I love the contrasting light bluish grey and dark bluish grey maintenance hatches but they should be located nearer the centre. The hidden spring-loaded shooters are splendid though.

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I am similarly impressed with the smooth integration between these mandibles and the circular hull. Small gaps are visible but the mechanical detail around the edge looks brilliant and I like the impact damage which is formed using a sticker. The rectenna has been updated too, returning to its classic circular design after the rectangular version was destroyed during the Battle of Crait.

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Wonderful detail continues towards the starboard side, including some dark red highlights which also appear on the original vessel. The varied shades of grey are effective and several stickers are placed along the cockpit access tube. This structure is accurately angled so looks more accurate than earlier designs. However, there is an unsightly gap beside the cockpit which has not been evident previously.

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Moving the cockpit backwards slightly ensures greater fidelity to the movies than historic Millennium Falcon sets have achieved. This adjustment has also created the aforementioned gap, unfortunately, which is necessary to accommodate the cockpit section. Nevertheless, I expect this could have been filled to some extent and intend to experiment with some modifications myself.

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Despite the neighbouring cavity, the cockpit looks marvellous. Its distinctive windows are replicated perfectly and the interior provides space for two minifigures, although seating Lando is quite difficult given his large cape. D-O also fits inside on the dark tan 1x2 jumper plate behind the seats. Another sticker and a printed element form the control consoles.

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An excellent quad laser cannon turret is positioned on the exterior and can rotate all the way around. The viewport sticker underneath looks nice and dark bluish grey ski poles represent the laser cannon barrels which seems reasonably effective. In addition, these appear fragile but feel remarkably robust and connecting the barrels to the turntable using a small ball joint enables elevation.

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Opening the circular hatch on top reveals seats for two gunners to control both laser cannon turrets. These seats slide into position smoothly and black 1x1 rounded plates with clips represent targeting computer consoles which is ingenious. Some superb mechanical detail appears here too, especially behind the gunner stations.

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The ventral quad laser cannon is attached to another ball joint which provides extensive articulation. Otherwise, the underside consists almost entirely of jumbled Technic components that look awkward but strengthen the whole vehicle. Four landing legs are positioned underneath. These should provide ample support but the model would feel more stable if the legs were situated further forward.

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Heat vents are positioned towards the back of the Millennium Falcon, corresponding exactly with the original freighter. Their design has remained absolutely consistent since 4504 Millennium Falcon was released during 2004 but an update is unnecessary because their proportions are excellent. The light bluish grey paint rollers which form conduits behind the vents are similarly attractive but their position varies between official images and the instruction manual. I have connected them in accordance with the manual.

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Another section of this model which differs from its predecessors are the sublight engines. Trans-light blue tiles placed over white plates create an appropriate colour and the texture looks fantastic, closely reflecting the source material. I like the curved light bluish grey pipes and dark red highlights, although viewing the model from this angle reveals narrow gaps which inevitably result from redesigning the hull panels.

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While their structure has been substantially updated, opening each panel to access the interior feels somewhat familiar. There is plenty of room for minifigures inside, perhaps recreating the final scenes from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I am particularly delighted with the upholstered chair, from where Han Solo famously dismissed belief in the Force, while the large computer terminal looks wonderful too.

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Unfortunately, that terminal is reliant upon three stickers and six additional stickers are applied to the neighbouring seats. These certainly appear accurate when compared with the movies but the central section is not fitted rigidly. Swapping the 2x2 turntable underneath for an alternative 2x2 jumper plate will rectify that issue. The printed dejarik table is marvellous though and an accessory can be clipped behind the seats.

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The generous internal space continues towards the stern. Further mechanical detail decorates the central walls, perhaps representing the circuitry bay from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, while two beds are situated beside the hyperdrive. These are ideally designed for minifigures which can connect to the exposed studs on each bed.

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However, the hyperdrive itself seems slightly disappointing when compared with previous Millennium Falcon models. I love the circular design and trans-light blue Technic wheels that represent individual charge planes, along with the excellent sticker on top. The surrounding frame lacks detail though and could easily be improved by including some grille tiles or other mechanical parts.

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Smuggling compartments have appeared on several iterations of the Millennium Falcon at this scale, although their exact position sometimes changes. The latest example has been integrated effectively below the floor beside the hyperdrive so could represent an engine maintenance bay. There is ample space for minifigures inside but the Technic supports could probably have been hidden or disguised.

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White pieces distinguish the kitchen area which appears relatively simple, although that corresponds with the Millennium Falcon during the Sequel Trilogy. It certainly offers greater play value than further storage space that has occupied this area in past models. The hinged boarding ramp remains almost unchanged though and looks great but there is little room for minifigures to walk beneath the freighter.

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Continued improvement is integral to successful LEGO Star Wars sets and 75257 Millennium Falcon undoubtedly accomplishes that task. This model includes much greater detail than other designs and its proportions appear more accurate too. The integration between the mandibles and the circular hull seems particularly impressive as that connection has looked awkward in the past.

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Furthermore, I appreciate the updated bodywork panels and the external detail is excellent, although some areas of 75105 Millennium Falcon include more intricate texture. This vehicle feels significantly sturdier than its predecessor from 2015 though and these minifigures are wonderful, despite C-3PO's minor inaccuracy.

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On that basis, I would recommend this rendition of the Millennium Falcon to those who have missed previous examples. It seems particularly appropriate for play as this vessel can be flown around with ease and there is extensive internal space. The price of £149.99 or $159.99 seems quite reasonable when compared with other renditions too, hence I think LEGO Star Wars fans will enjoy this set.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.

We have now completed our reviews of the new Star Wars sets and you can view them below. I look forward to the next selection arriving in January!

40 comments on this article

By in United States,

I loved building this set. More importantly, I loved customizing this set. It is so friendly for improvements. Mine included:
-Added a brick height worth of length to the cockpit and can now fit 3 minifigures and a more movie accurate control panel. It looks great.
-Added a more accurate representation of the hallway to the cockpit.
-Added some plates to the mandibles to minimize the gap and add some accuracy (this also strengthens the connection to the mandibles which I do feel was a miss on Lego's part).
-Swapped some colors here or there to make it feel more "classic."
-Added some random doodads next to the hyperdrive to make it feel more like an engine space.
-Added a lot of texture to the outer hull.
-Swapped out the jumper 1x2 on the front for standard plate, switched the red for clear and added one of those 1x1 round half plates. Huge improvement.
I love the results. Some might criticize it for not already doing some of these things but I had so much fun "making it my own" that it doesn't matter. Super fun set with great minifigures and gives me a swooshable version of the Falcon (the UCS one...not so swooshable).

By in Sweden,

Such a huge improvement over the previous designs that I almost can't believe it, I mean just about everything is better! The shape, the much reduced gaps, the engine, the interior...

@JMLego: Care to share some photos?

By in Germany,

Praise be, they fixed the mandibles! It only took 8 years.

Overall best Falcon they've done. A little rough in places (smuggling compartment, gap besides the cockpit), but all the basics are right. With some mods, this could become an absolutely amazing model.

By in Mauritius,

Wake me up when there's an OT Falcon again. Boolio, Finn, lmao no thanks.

Good set all in all, but for this pricetag, I'd want it to be perfect with sensible minifigures. Boolio will end up being a nothingburger like Quay Tolsite and the Guavian/Kanjiclub folk and Finn is a Space Janitor who takes glee in murdering former comrades.

By in Netherlands,

Great review!
It would be nice though if they dropped C3PO and R2 from the group (redundant in my opinion), and perhaps added 2 Sith troopers. Past Falcons usually have villains included in them (eg.Darth Vader, Tasu Leech, etc). Does that mean Boolio is a VILLAIN in the movie?!

It brings tears to my eyes that the saga ends this December.
Following it for the last 40 years and collecting SW sets spanning 20 years, also must come to an end.
I've methodically waited to get my first falcon for a long time, and now I believe this is the set to cap off the collection. Then I am done!

(Until I hear Luke say:"Nobody really goes away..." ;)

By in United States,

I'd like to see somebody try to make the white / blue Solo Falcon using the new hull design. It would be interesting to see how that turns out, if it's even possible.

By in United States,

It's called a rectenna even when it's not a rectangle...

By in Finland,

I definitely will need to get this, although probably next year and make some special modifications myself

By in United Kingdom,

@JMLego Sounds cool, got any pictures of your souped up model?

By in United States,

Your mod's sound good.
Do you have photo's posted? Would love to see. I want to modify mine as well.

By in United States,

I certainly appreciate that they closed the gaps and reshaped the upper hull and the mandibles, but that unsightly opening near the cockpit could have easily been fixed. Also, I am feeling a bit tired of successive models of the Falcon, as there have been several within the past few years and it is beginning to feel to me that the Falcon is being overused as set material (similar to the snowspeeder). There have been examples: The new UCS one (which gets a pass because it's substantially different in size and price), the Solo: A Star Wars Story rendition in white, the Force Awakens model, and this new set (not to mention two nearly identical Microfighters). I just hope they make a new TIE/LN soon.

By in Puerto Rico,

This looks wonderful but as a current owner of a MF set I am only looking to the UCS version that said, the latest SW trailer fills me with hope that we might have an OT Star Destroyer set for 2020.

By in United States,

The proportions look so, so much better on this model than any previous ones. That alone makes me want this to be my fourth consecutive System Falcon.

By in Netherlands,

@SeekerBear it doesn't really make sense to complain about them making too many Falcons and say you want a new TIE/LN soon. We just got one last year......

By in United States,

While there have been several Falcon ships over the past handful of years, it’s the most iconic ship from all of Star Wars, and not having it available for purchase when a movie that features it is out in theaters would be foolish. Some people may be just getting into Star Wars or are just getting old enough to buy this. Those of us that collect consistently each year might be tired of it, but you’re not going to stop seeing this ship produced for as long as Star Wars is produced.

By in United States,

I wasn't interested in buying another Millennium Falcon, but then I saw how they closed the saucer section gaps and now I have to have one.

By in France,

Cool. Rebricking my 2015 version into this will make a nice project

By in United States,

I honestly like this iteration better than the enormous 2017 UCS Falcon with its discontinuous interior. It has more play value and kids will be able to swoosh it, but it can also be displayed much more easily. The proportions look great: it evokes size and grandeur, but it's also clear that it's much smaller than a Star Destroyer or something similar.

By in Germany,

I'm still very happy with my 2015 version. The improvements on this new one aren't enough to entice me to buy it. If I didn't have the old one though the decision would be a no-brainer.

By in United States,

There are several significant improvements which push me toward pulling the trigger on what would be my fourth Minifigure scale MF... Yet, am I the only one who sees the new Boolio character and thinks, "watch out, it's Banana Head!"

By in United States,

I have no interest in this other than the set of minifigs to go with my 75192 UCS Falcon. :)

By in Norway,

Kneel before Zod, @CaptainRex101 (Specifically the CMF version)

By in United Kingdom,

I like the new panels. they work well. I might need to borrow that technique for when I finally finish my customised 2015 version. Engine repair pit is done already though –

By in United States,

Better than I thought it was going to be. The promo pics made it look like a minor redesign of TFA and Solo Falcons. Looks good but probably won't buy this one.

By in United States,

Really glad I waited on purchasing a Lego Falcon. I'll be getting this one for sure, and not waiting for a price drop, either.

By in Belgium,

Having just the original 7190 set (+ the two UCS models), I'll buy this one at some point — I've seen it at 119 euros in a shop already, so that's definitely good value for money.

By in United States,

I'm still mostly satisfied with the 2012 edition, which costed me almost half as much. I wouldn't mind if someone offered me the new mandibles (assuming they'd fit?) new seats and such, via bricklink or something, I suppose... but I'm skeptical anyone with the 2004, 2012, or 2015 editions would feel the need to buy another, unless they found those gaps truly unsightly. I like them in a toyetic sort of way.

By in United Kingdom,

Personally, I prefer the 2015 version. The mandible looked more correct at that width, and really, they needed shortening rather then widening. I feel the moved cockpit now makes the top plates in that section look messy, even before you consider the new gap. As as for the new top plates design, the size and weight of them aren't really conductive to play, or display purposes very well if you want them open. I also think that the ball joints on the redesigned quad cannons make them look flimsy. Add to that the more compromised ramp, smugglers compartment and relocating the landing struts making this design front heavy...

I do like the new dish and the trans plates for the engines, but overall believe the older version is better.

By in Canada,

Minor typo: "much greater than detail than"

By in United States,

The 2011 Falcon is the best rendition, in my opinion, but I will pick this up

By in Germany,

This is the superior System scale Falcon to me, and I currently don't have one (I did own the 4504).

But I'm not really into the new movies and characters. I will wait for an OT version!

By in United States,

This Falcon is so cool! I would love to add another one to my collection, and this should be it. Thanks for the detailed article and photos!

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 or @Huw
At the next Lego Fan Media event, can you ask why R2-D2 has never had back printing?

If this is something that has been discussed before, can you please let me know what response you received?

By in Japan,

Spent a pretty penny for the TFA one, however, I won't pretend this one is not tempting. It looks much better. That said, a huge part of me pangs in pain to see a Falcon set without Han >.< It just feels so wrong.

By in Netherlands,

I am a bit late to comment on this review, but still: this is the best system scale Falcon to date! Though I have to wonder why they had to make so many compromises and actually make some things that they nailed on previous versions worse on the new one.

The floor has some gaps, the interior is better in some places but overall not as detailed as the 2015 version, the outside does not have as much texture, the gunner areas have no seats, the bottom window is missing unlike on the 2018 version, the quad cannons look awkward, the boarding ramp is ugly and the landing gear is in an unideal position.

It does have no gaps on top (that cause some gaps in other places but overall it is not as gappy), better proportioned and integrated mandibles, a better positioned cockpit that allows for more front interior space, more detailed seating areas and beds, and better engines, which make it a buy for me.

By in France,

I disagree with this review, I don't find this MF better than previous ones. I have the 7965 version and like it much more. But obviously the 75192 (which I also own) is the best of all.

By in United States,

Unless I’m wrong, this is the first LEGO Star Wars Dey with no white people.

By in Singapore,

The exterior is a minor improvement for sure. However what disappoints me is the spartan interior. I had hoped they would make improvements in this regard. I have the 2015 one and the Solo movie one. For a playset it would have been nice if the interior had more detail. For example the beds. The beds in the 2015 were just two flat areas that were "totally exposed", however in the Solo movie the beds did become a "bunk" and enclosed style of bed. Unless the source material had these open beds I was hoping for this new Falcon to have the enclosed beds.

By in United States,

I was drawn to this because of the fixed gaps, Lando and Finn, and the new characters, but I still kinda like how my other three are in-sync with they way they open. I understand this design is an improvement over them though. What I don't understand is how this qualifies as a review. This is just simple praise, barely an evaluation. $160 for 1,351 pieces only seems reasonable compared to the Kessel Run MF, but that had 100 more pieces AND you can now get it for under $120. I wouldn't even think about buying this one until it goes 20% off or more.

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