Review: 75254 AT-ST Raider

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Following its collapse, equipment belonging to the Galactic Empire was frequently abandoned before being salvaged by criminal groups. This repeated circumstance is exemplified in 75254 AT-ST Raider which features some unorthodox colours and realistic exposed wiring.

However, its design seems reasonably familiar when compared with 75153 AT-ST Walker. The earlier Imperial model has certainly inspired some building techniques which are employed here, although that seems rather sensible. Nevertheless, the exclusive minifigures are likely to prove particularly popular and the most appealing of them is the enigmatic Mandalorian.


Four excellent minifigures are included, the most appealing of which is undoubtedly The Mandalorian himself. This character appears suitably rugged, wearing dark orange armour with some metallic silver battle damage around its edges. Reddish brown straps cross both sides of the torso and the belt looks superb too, featuring pouches beside capsules that presumably represent charge packs.

75254 AT-ST Raider

Additional mismatched armour protects the legs and the character wears an unusual dark bluish grey cape. This fabric component feels relatively stiff and is narrower than standard LEGO capes, faithfully replicating The Mandalorian's onscreen attire. His simple helmet looks similarly accurate but the head underneath is plain so provides no clues about the identity of the mysterious protagonist.

75254 AT-ST Raider

This bounty hunter wields an interesting blaster rifle, taking inspiration from Boba Fett's weapon that appeared during the Star Wars Holiday Special. Its distinctive prongs have been replicated nicely but the stock is missing which is disappointing as I think the rifle appears unbalanced without that feature. Nevertheless, I appreciate this unique accessory.

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Cara Dune carries another substantial blaster rifle and wears heavy armour. The metallic silver mail design on her torso looks brilliant and I like the contrasting dark blue panels which continue onto the legs. A bright blue sash is also included and seems incongruous, although that corresponds with the source material and the silver details are lovely.

75254 AT-ST Raider

The double-sided head demonstrates similar attention to detail, featuring a small tattoo. This actually depicts the Rebel Alliance emblem but its shape cannot be distinguished here. Two nice expressions are included and the black hair element seems appropriate when compared with the television series, especially since it hangs down over one shoulder which is absolutely perfect.

75254 AT-ST Raider

Criminal factions dominate the Outer Rim and two Klatooinian Raiders are included here, opposing The Mandalorian and Cara Dune. Their heads are absolutely identical which is unfortunate but these capture the leathery skin of the Klatooinian species, succeeding Kithaba from 9496 Desert Skiff. The pearl dark grey armour also looks marvellous and the neck component, which returns from Ultron, is particularly interesting.

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Different torsos are provided but they appear quite similar, including crescent-shaped charms which hang around the neck of each character. The reddish brown straps feature some realistic wear and I like the scuffed designs on the legs. One minifigure carries blaster pistols while the other features an excellent pearl dark grey blaster.

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The Completed Model

Imperial equipment and vehicles are almost exclusively grey so the AT-ST Raider seems remarkably striking. Its mismatched reddish brown and red legs distinguish this model from previous renditions of the AT-ST and I think it looks superb, giving the impression of salvaged technology. In fact, this walker appears somewhat reminiscent of equipment deployed by the piratical Warbird Gang during Star Wars Resistance.

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75153 AT-ST Walker was produced during 2016 and established an excellent standard. 75254 AT-ST Raider therefore shares some building techniques with its predecessor and certain aesthetic features remain from 75201 First Order AT-ST, including the knee joints. This model measures 25cm in height which is shorter than the earlier vehicle, although its proportions appear more accurate.

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Stickers are employed extensively across this model which seems slightly disappointing, although the resulting designs are very detailed. For instance, three stickers are applied on each foot, representing battle wear beside claws that are intended to slice through barricades. These weapons could certainly have been constructed using physical parts instead of stickers, taking inspiration from 7657 AT-ST, but this design is effective.

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The neighbouring stripes appear similarly attractive and correspond with the onscreen vehicle. I love how these designs wrap around each leg. However, my favourite details are the exposed cables that appear on the left leg and these are represented by black whips. Similar techniques have been used previously but this example seems notably realistic and is unusual within the Star Wars theme.

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While the colour scheme has been altered significantly, the fundamental structure of the legs remains unchanged since 75201 First Order AT-ST was released. Their articulation and options for display are accordingly limited. This design does ensure absolute stability but some ankle articulation would have represented an important improvement when compared with earlier AT-ST models.

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Inaccurate hip joints have also been retained, although the additional Technic beams which support each leg certainly improve the structural integrity of this vehicle. Moreover, I appreciate the exposed wiring which is formed using paint roller components and these stickers appear faithful to the source material, including the rear radiators and four circular power cells along either flank.

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I am equally impressed with the cockpit module. Its angled armour plating looks marvellous and I like how stickers have been used to create painted stripes, especially across the front. These details look perfect in relation to the television series and the viewports are reasonable as well, even though they cannot actually close which is disappointing.

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AT-STs are heavily armed, incorporating twin blaster cannons below the cockpit along with light laser cannons and an impressive concussion grenade launcher which are situated on the sides. These are nicely articulated and closely resemble the onscreen weaponry, particularly because the central laser cannons have been extended. However, the blasters positioned on the left side feel somewhat fragile.

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Two spring-loaded shooters are hidden beside the twin blaster cannons and they can be activated by pressing buttons towards the rear. This function has appeared on previous occasions but the missiles are neatly integrated and offer additional play value. Unfortunately, some Technic elements are visible when viewing the vehicle from behind and these could probably have been concealed within.

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Dark bluish grey and light bluish grey pieces have been combined to brilliant effect across the AT-ST Raider and that continues on the top, as demonstrated below. The handrails look nice and I love how reddish brown components are distributed between the armour plates, representing rusted metal that matches similar colours across the legs.

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Characters board the walker through an opening hatch on the roof and that feature is included here. Some clips are situated inside the hatch and are appropriately positioned for minifigures, hence you can display the Klatooinian Raiders as though they are surveying the environment. Once again, this detail previously appeared on 75153 AT-ST Walker but its return is welcome.

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Opening the entire roof panel reveals several unsightly colourful components inside. However, these cannot be seen from the exterior and the targeting monitor sticker looks brilliant. The internal seating could have been improved though as there is sufficient space for two minifigures but only one seat is provided. The rear section is instead offers blaster storage, although that can be modified easily.

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75254 AT-ST Raider is undoubtedly my favourite of the numerous AT-ST models which LEGO have produced. Its distinguishing colour scheme stands out within the Star Wars theme and replicates the worn aesthetic of salvaged technology. The unprotected wiring appears particularly authentic, further differentiating this vehicle from its predecessors.

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Nevertheless, there was definitely potential to introduce additional improvements, most notably where articulation is concerned. The price of £49.99 or $49.99 also seems rather expensive, considering the scale of this model. Some outstanding minifigures are provided though and I appreciate the design of the AT-ST Raider so would recommend adding this set to your collection, following a discount.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments.

31 comments on this article

By in United States,

I also like the salvaged feel, it really makes it stand out from past modesl.

By in United States,

Great review. Wal-Mart & Target have this set priced at $40.00.

By in Australia,

This along with Kylo Ren’s Shuttle was my must buys from this latest wave.

Bought this one thanks to a fantastic deal at 50% off (when buying another set).

It has a great look and love the minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

I love the mix of enthusiasm & disappointment in this review! Sums it up perfectly.

A suggestion, which may not be practical, but could you post pictures in future of sets with & without stickers applied? I think I remember that happening before.

By in Brazil,

The brown bricks reminds me of the first AT-ST set, from 2001. Looks great, just like the 2016 set.

By in France,

Deceived by those awkward colours in the cockpit, Lego used to take care of such details as they could have been easily replaced by matching colours. I will get this one nonetheless as soon as I will find a consequent discount. Love a lot the weathered and salvage look of it, plus 4 brand new minifigs/characters. Thank you for the complete and detailed review!

By in United States,

Has anyone else noticed a difference in the quality of stickers in these newer star wars sets? I got the Skiff and Y-wing, and both use stickers that seem to be lower quality than previous standards. Hope they are not swapping to lower quality materials in general, as I wasn't thrilled to see the old starch style capes make a return to the majority of sets.

By in New Zealand,

Want the mini figures but the set is way too overpriced in NZ

By in United Kingdom,

I like it a great deal, but an AT-ST is probably my favourite SW vehicle, so you would have to do a lot wrong for me to not buy one, for example not including the head!

A valid point is made in the review regarding the colour scheme in the cockpit. Why on earth can’t Lego decide on a colour palette and apply it throughout? I admit swapping out a few parts is no big deal, and I suppose you get your own custom version by doing so, but I just don’t get why it happens.

Is it the way the company uses up a surplus of parts in a particular colour? I can just about understand using an odd colour if a recolour of a part wold be required, but that’s not always the case.

By in United States,

this is going to be for my steampunk pirates moc

By in United States,


By in France,

My favorite set of October.
Still, waiting for a discount...

By in Switzerland,

Am I the only one disappointed in the mandalorian helmet? Some texture around the visor would've been nice...

By in United Kingdom,

“I wasn't thrilled to see the old starch style capes make a return to the majority of sets.”

To each their own I guess. I for one was pleased with the return of the old capes. The new ones stretched too easily around the neck.

By in Puerto Rico,

This is about the only Force Friday set that interests me heavily, I will be getting it for May 4.

By in United States,

Im a fan of all Walkers - with exception of the 75201 FO Walker; absolutely terrible set. This walker stands out & i really enjoy the story/atmosphere where this AT-ST has been salvaged & repurposed following the Galactic Empire’s fall.

By in United States,

This is a good model to retrofit to its former glory. I can imagine a squad of elite troopers using this for a tactical strike.

By in Hungary,

I think I'll just bricklink the mando mini, or at least wait for an appearance in another set.

By in United States,

I like the raiders’ croissant necklaces, very chic.

By in Poland,

I need at least 20 of Klatooinian faces. They are so cool

By in Germany,

The set looks great, the minifigs are cool, but again, pricing.
RRP over here is 60 Euro, equivalent to 66 USD! And remember, Germany is generally the market in Europe with the lowest Euro RRP. So Benelux, Finland etc. will be even higher.
Need I say more?

By in Australia,

This is one of my must have sets from this wave, and a great review.

By in Germany,

Screw these blue pins but other than that, great model.

By in Greece,

WoW! First time I really like an AT-ST Raider! Also those two Klatooinian Raiders are excellent for Castle/Fantasy and Pirates themed MOCs!

By in Netherlands,

Checked the local prices.

Local toystores: € 64,99 € 55 € 55

Managing my wallet becomes much easier this way. :D

By in Canada,

Well at least the AT-ST is not just a set of legs; although its costing us $20 more (in Canada) to have the head return to the model.

By in Germany,

They should really stop pretending and just sell the minifigs at 15$ each.

By in United States,

Just finished building this set, bought it day 1 at a discount, $39.99 at Target. I love it. Build was great, the look of it is awesome especially for a Star Wars set. This is the first time I have wanted to do the stickers it adds so much to the look. Figs of course are amazing. What a great set! Thanks for the review!

By in United States,

I am curious (not trying to be snarky in the slightest) why "the head underneath is plain so provides no clues about the identity of the mysterious protagonist." Why be mysterious, when we know full well which actor is playing The Mandalorian (or, for that matter, who was playing Captain Phasma)? Apologies if this question has been answered ad nauseam.

By in United Kingdom,

@ForestMenOfEndor - We know that Pedro Pascal is portraying The Mandalorian but his appearance during the show has not been revealed, potentially because there is something about it that Lucasfilm wishes to conceal at the moment.

For the record, I do think think The Mandalorian will be revealed to be Boba Fett.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 - Hasn't Pascal confirmed that he's NOT Boba Fett? And I had not considered the possibility that he would be in heavy makeup, or anything, but perhaps The Mandalorian will turn out to be half-Trandoshan! Thanks for your reply

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