Review: 75159 Death Star

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75159 Death Star had been the subject of enormous speculation until the set was revealed a couple of weeks ago and it seems to have received almost total condemnation from the majority of LEGO Star Wars fans since then.

The set is obviously very similar to 10188 Death Star which was retired at the end of last year and the price has increased quite significantly, eliciting a great deal of disappointment from owners of the original set and prospective buyers of the new one. Nevertheless, I have been looking forward to evaluating this set based on its own merits as well as in relation to the previous incarnation of the Death Star and will be doing just that after the break...

Box and Contents

The enormous box is remarkably different to that of 10188 Death Star, displaying the model at a familiar angle but introducing a vivid range of laser blasts and explosions which look quite impressive. I think the presence of the Ultimate Collector's Series insignia is justified here and I like the glossy Star Wars logo at the top of the box which helps to differentiate this set from the rest of the LEGO Star Wars range.

Three white boxes and some loose numbered bags are found inside. The instruction manual is packed in one of these boxes and is wire bound, just like the instructions for 10188. It contains exactly 300 pages, the first fourteen of which are packed with information about the Death Star as well as interviews with the designers. The graphic designer comments on Han Solo's new hair piece while the set designer, Niels Mølgård Frederiksen, refers directly to his study of 10188 Death Star and the improvements which have been implemented.

The sticker sheet is packed in a box with the instructions and is fairly large, containing a total of 31 stickers. As always, it would have been wonderful to see a full selection of printed pieces given the premium nature of the set but the stickers are all fairly easy to apply which is pleasing.


The minifigure selection is exceptional, with a range of characters from across the Original Trilogy included. Luke Skywalker wears three different outfits in this set, the most detailed of which is based on his appearance in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. His tousled hair looks splendid and I like the white tunic and belt which are printed on both sides of his torso. The legs are printed with a continuation of this design along with some binding which keep dust out of Luke's boots.

75159 Death Star

Luke also appears in his black Jedi Knight attire for the lightsaber duel against Darth Vader in the Emperor's throne room. His hair is shorter in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and this is reflected in the design of the minifigure while the torso is printed with an accurate design on the front and back. This version of Luke Skywalker is appropriately armed with a green lightsaber.

75159 Death Star

The first Han Solo minifigure appeared in 2000 and its design has undergone plenty of changes since then. The head, torso and legs have all been revised several times but the same hair piece has been used consistently until now. On this occasion a brand new element has been created specifically for Han Solo and it looks fantastic, as one would expect. The length is perfect and I love the central parting as well as the matted texture. The piece is used on both versions of Han in this set and I am sure it will soon appear elsewhere.

75159 Death Star

Han's torso is printed with a black vest on the front and back and this dark colour contrasts nicely with the dark blue of his legs. These feature a belt and a holster for Han's trusty blaster pistol which is also included.

75159 Death Star

Luke and Han both appear in their Stormtrooper disguises and come equipped with a helmet as an alternative to their hair pieces. Both heads feature smiling and frowning expressions and I am pleased to say that Luke's face is no longer printed with the excessive lines which appeared in 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina. The armour printed on the torso and legs is identical to that of any other Stormtrooper and the level of detail is extraordinary, as usual. Both characters are armed with a standard blaster.

75159 Death Star

Princess Leia appears in relatively few LEGO Star Wars sets and I am therefore very pleased to see a revised version of the character based on her attire in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The hair piece is an excellent likeness for the unique style seen in the film and has not been used since 7965 Millennium Falcon was released in 2011 while her head is printed with a wry smile and an angry expression.

75159 Death Star

The torso is printed with a huge amount of detail despite the simplicity of the costume. I like the silver belt and the folded hood on the back is a nice touch too but the legs are not printed which is a bit of a shame as I think some creases in the fabric would have improved this figure quite significantly.

75159 Death Star

This is the fourth appearance of the current Chewbacca minifigure and I think it looks marvellous. The dark brown head and torso element is brilliantly accented with some medium dark flesh highlights and this design continues onto the front of the legs.

75159 Death Star

Chewbacca is armed with a stud-shooting bowcaster just as he was in 75105 Millennium Falcon last year. This is a brilliant accessory as it looks great while also including a nice play feature, a feat which the standard stud shooters do not achieve in my opinion. A pair of grey handcuffs, ideal for posing as an Imperial prisoner, are included as well.

75159 Death Star

This version of Obi-Wan Kenobi has only previously appeared in 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina. His reddish brown robes are printed on the torso and this is perfectly aligned with the pattern on the legs but I am still not sure whether this works as well as a fabric cape. Capes are often too wide for Jedi Knight minifigures but one might have worked in this case as Obi-Wan wears a hood for much of his time on the Death Star and this is unfortunately absent.

75159 Death Star

Nevertheless, the head looks superb and the hair piece resembles the hair style seen in the film, although the lack of texture looks slightly strange behind the detailed hair worn by Luke, Han and Leia. Obi-Wan is armed with a blue lightsaber in readiness for a duel against his former apprentice, Darth Vader.

75159 Death Star

R2-D2 received a very minor update for 75136 Droid Escape Pod earlier this year and the same figure appears here. His domed head is decorated with dark blue panels and a pink processor state indicator while the body features accurate silver detailing on the front. It would have been nice to see some printing on the back for the first time but unfortunately it is left blank.

75159 Death Star

The C-3PO minifigure has also been revised fairly recently and now features printed eyes as well as detailed printing on the torso and legs. The colourful powerbus cables which are visible between the golden plating look particularly impressive and I appreciate the silver leg too, although it is a shame that this does not continue onto the foot.

75159 Death Star

I like the figure very much in its present state but arm printing would have been welcome in order to differentiate this version of C-3PO from others based on the Original Trilogy, particularly since 5002948 C-3PO underwent the same treatment for his appearance in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens range last year.

75159 Death Star

Darth Vader underwent a significant update for 75093 Death Star Final Duel last year and the figure appears for only the second time in this set. The new helmet looks great and can be lifted off to reveal Vader's scarred face, leaving behind a section of armour around his neck. I like the new helmet but for the fact that it is tilted upwards very slightly, giving the impression that the Sith Lord is always looking towards the ceiling!

75159 Death Star

The white head is printed with some scarring on the front and back as well as sunken eyes. Darth Vader's head has been revised on numerous occasions but this is my favourite yet and a similar level of detail covers the front of the torso. This is not continued on the back but a soft fabric cape obscures the reverse side anyway.

75159 Death Star

Lord Vader's hips and legs are printed with a continuation of the detailed robes and he is armed with a deadly red-bladed lightsaber. Perhaps the minifigure could also have come with a trans-light blue helmet, replicating the moment Darth Vader is struck by the Emperor's Force Lightning.

75159 Death Star

The Emperor has also undergone some considerable alterations in recent years and the latest version is by far the most detailed. I am still not sure whether I prefer the light bluish grey or tan skin colour but the most recent printed design is certainly the best, with a delightfully evil smile on one side and an angry expression on the other.

75159 Death Star

His torso and legs are printed with some simple robes and the Emperor also wears a soft fabric cape as well as a hood. No walking cane is included but he is armed with two pieces of Force Lightning to be unleashed upon those who defy this cunning Sith Lord.

75159 Death Star

Grand Moff Tarkin has been seen in only three sets based on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, the last of which was 10188 Death Star! This updated figure is therefore long overdue and I think it has been worth the wait as this is a marvellous figure. The light bluish grey hair piece introduced in 2015 is ideal for Tarkin and it looks terrific here in conjunction with a detailed design on both sides of the head. The same piece is used in 75150 Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-wing Starfighter and I think the expressions are appropriate given Tarkin's personality.

75159 Death Star

The torso is printed with a new design which features an accurate rank indicator and some code cylinders. I would have liked to see dual moulded legs to represent Tarkin's long black boots but the plain grey design is satisfactory and this is certainly the best Grand Moff Tarkin minifigure released so far.

75159 Death Star

10188 Death Star included the Imperial conference room, just as this set does, but it lacked occupants for the seven seats around the table. Two Imperial Officers are therefore an excellent addition to this set, although I am not entirely satisfied by the one wearing grey. Dark bluish grey would be more appropriate for his uniform in my opinion and I think the figure found in 75055 Imperial Star Destroyer is superior. Furthermore, I would have preferred to see an official Admiral Motti minifigure rather than this generic character.

75159 Death Star

The other figure is more impressive. His black attire is based on that of Lieutenant Childsen but his head is not unique and he is labelled as a generic Imperial Officer on the box. I like the torso printing and the black officer's cap, complete with printed code disc, matches the rest of his uniform very nicely.

75159 Death Star

The Emperor's sinister Royal Guards have been updated only slightly since they first appeared in 2001 and they still wear detailed helmets over a plain black head. The capes look splendid, with dark red on one side and red on the other just like in 75034 Death Star Troopers, but they are now made from a softer material. This might have been a good opportunity to introduce a new fabric element based on the guards' long robes, akin to Jyn Erso's poncho in the upcoming 75155 Rebel U-wing Fighter. Each figure is armed with a force pike which features a black handle and grey shaft, just as we see in the movie. I think a 6L bar would be more appropriate as these accessories look too much like lightsabers.

75159 Death Star

A pair of Stormtroopers are included too. This design was introduced in 2014 and I think it looks fantastic, with a perfectly detailed helmet and accurate printing on the torso and legs. Clone Trooper heads are used beneath the helmets and each trooper is armed with a standard blaster. It would have been nice to see more than two Stormtroopers included but hopefully we will see some in a Battle Pack next year so it will be easy to expand the crew if you wish.

75159 Death Star

Death Star Troopers occupy various roles on board the Death Star and two are included in this set. Their torsos are new and feature a silver belt over a black shirt while the heads are printed with a chinstrap as well as a smile on one side and a frown on the other. This strap lines up nicely with the detailed helmets and each minifigure is armed with a blaster pistol.

75159 Death Star

The two Death Star Gunners included have only appeared once before and they look splendid, with accurate helmets and some nice printing on both sides of the torso as well as on the legs. 10188 Death Star included a brilliant range of minifigures but I was occasionally left frustrated that not enough Imperial personnel were included so I am glad to see some extra figures on this occasion.

75159 Death Star

75051 Jedi Scout Fighter was released in 2014 and the set included an RA-7 Protocol Droid with a unique head which has not appeared elsewhere until now. This Death Star Droid looks absolutely brilliant, with a highly detailed head mould and an equally impressive design on the torso and legs.

75159 Death Star

The legs are printed with a similar level of detail and I appreciate the wires which are visible on the droid's chest. I suspect this droid is 5D6-RA-7, a character who is briefly seen walking past Han and Luke while they are disguised as Stormtroopers on the Death Star.

75159 Death Star

The last of the 25 minifigures is referred to as an Imperial Astromech Droid on the box. This figure is based on R3-M3 and features a blue colour scheme which is unlike any Astromech droid we have seen before. I like the trans-black dome in conjunction with the blue of the body and both elements are highly detailed to match the array of other excellent Astromech droids released in the last couple of years.

75159 Death Star

The Completed Model

The spherical shape of the Death Star is immediately recognisable, as are many of the detailed rooms inside. The play value exceeds that of any other Star Wars set in my view and I also think the set looks quite impressive on display, although a fully enclosed design akin to 10143 Death Star II might be even better.

75159 Death Star

I was twelve years old when 10188 Death Star was released and am therefore in the unique position of being able to consider the merits of this set from the perspective of its primary audience as well as from the point of view of an adult collector. The original set was among my favourites as a child but I did have a number of minor issues with the set and it is interesting to see which ones have been improved upon.

75159 Death Star

It is difficult to tell 10188 Death Star apart from 75159 Death Star, as you can see in the image below. The model on the right is the newer design but many of the alterations are very minor. Perhaps the most obvious update has been made to the superlaser which has been strengthened quite considerably and the turbolaser towards the base has also been completely redesigned and is much improved. I will continue to describe the changes during the review.

75159 Death Star

The bottom level is devoted to storage and is furnished primarily with stacks of 1x1 and 2x2 cylinders. The central turbolift is accessible from all four sides and the open area beneath the chasm features a black railing which is supported by three balusters. This is an improvement over the original set where only two balusters were used.

75159 Death Star

However, the major issue with this section of the model remains. The entire floor is almost complete inaccessible and is just about useless for play as a result. The rest of the Death Star is occupied by rooms from the films and this area would be ideal for generic corridor space in which to play with the minifigures, if only it were easier to access. This could have been resolved quite easily by designing each floor to be attached using only a few studs, akin to a Modular Building, so each one could be removed to access the area underneath. The total inaccessibility of the lower section has always bothered me about the original set and I wish it had been improved for the revised version.

75159 Death Star

The next floor consists of five rooms, the simplest of which represents the chasm. Luke and Leia swing across this air shaft in a famous scene from the movie and you can recreate the moment using the black string included. This attaches to a section of the ceiling at an appropriate height, allowing a couple of minifigures to escape their pursuers by swinging from one side of the room to the other.

75159 Death Star

I like the air intakes mounted on the roof and the lights which run for the full height of each wall look great. Four bridges are spread throughout the room and there is space to stand a couple of minifigures on each one. They are nicely decorated with 1x1 clips and three of the four ledges are accessible from the neighbouring rooms which is ideal for play.

75159 Death Star

One of the ledges is connected to the tractor beam power coupling. A narrow walkway extends around the central column and levers are placed on all four sides, unlike on the original model where only three were included. This structure hardly resembles what we see in the film and it might have benefited from a couple of printed pieces or stickers to add some extra detail.

75159 Death Star

However, the area incorporates one of my favourite play features in the entire set. Removing the lever at the front will cause the trans-light blue beam on top to vanish as it drops into the hollow centre of the terminal. This is a simple function but it is a lot of fun to play with and I am pleased that it has been retained for 75159.

75159 Death Star

The floor of the trash compactor is laden with discarded hoses and bars. One of these can be used to brace the walls of the compactor as they close but you can only stop them using the red button concealed below the ceiling.

75159 Death Star

This can be pushed to close the walls or pulled to open them and the function works perfectly thanks to a basic Technic mechanism which is hardly visible unless you are looking at the model from beneath.

75159 Death Star

The walls are decorated with an effective combination of grey and brown pieces which recreate the filthy surfaces seen in the movie. The lights above the sliding door are also faithful to the source material and you can activate this door from beneath the tractor beam terminal in the neighbouring area. It leads directly into the elevator shaft so provides a perfect means of escape for any minifigures unlucky enough to find themselves trapped in the trash compactor.

75159 Death Star

A Dianoga is also hidden among the pieces of rubbish and this strange creature has been significantly improved for the new model. His tendrils are now formed using horns in reddish brown and the tan neck of the original monster has been swapped for a more appropriate dark brown shade.

75159 Death Star

Moreover, you can simulate hiding the Dianoga underwater as a small hole in the floor allows its head to extend into the garbage masher from beneath. A platform is hidden underneath and the Dianoga can be placed there to poke its eyestalk into the trash compactor above. This works reasonably well but for the difficulty in accessing the bottom floor and you can fold the platform against the wall when it is not in use.

75159 Death Star

The next room is occupied by a turbolaser and this has been completely redesigned for 75159 Death Star. The design of the turbolaser is considerably more faithful to the source material than the original model and incorporates two spring loaded shooters in place of the large rubber missile which was fixed to the top of the previous version.

75159 Death Star

I like the greebling on either side of the model and the hose is also a significant improvement. There are seats for two minifigures and each one has a console for controlling the turbolaser. The angle of the barrel can be adjusted and the entire emplacement rotates on a turntable, yielding a reasonably broad range of motion. Two extra missiles can be clipped to the wall, as shown below.

75159 Death Star

The turbolaser is linked to the maintenance bay by a large doorway and a yellow hazard strip runs along the floor to indicate that this is a dangerous area. The room is dominated by a large yellow crane which has been altered quite considerably from 10188 Death Star and now features four claws for grabbing crates and other items.

75159 Death Star

Some barrels are located behind the turbolaser while a gun rack is found in the maintenance bay. These were the other way around in the original set but I prefer the new arrangement as this allows easier access to the guns which are more likely to be frequently removed and replaced. The turbolift shaft can be accessed in the corner and there are ladders to climb onto the ledges which overlook the chasm.

75159 Death Star

The cargo lift is controlled using a crank on the side of the model which allows it to travel between the maintenance area and the hangar bay. Unfortunately the lift platform sits far above the floor of this room and it is therefore quite difficult to load troops or cargo. This is very disappointing as the original set suffered from exactly the same issue and I would also have liked to see the string removed in favour of a wall-climbing lift which could be fitted to a gear rack.

75159 Death Star

Large gaps surround the lift platform when it reaches the upper level which is rather unsightly. The string does not keep the lift entirely rigid and allows some lateral movement, hence the gaps are not closed, but I think a Technic mechanism could have rectified this by keeping the lift fixed in place. Nevertheless, winding the crank to raise and lower the lift works very well and this is certainly a fun feature, even if it is not finished as well as it could be.

75159 Death Star

The rest of the hangar bay is much more impressive. The floor is decorated with a white line around the lift and some white arrows which look splendid in contrast with the black floor. Three empty crates are lined up along the wall and the TIE Advanced x1 deployment rack hangs from the ceiling but the colourful Technic bushes used look slightly incongruous given the stark nature of the Death Star's design.

75159 Death Star

Darth Vader's TIE Advanced rests in the rack quite comfortably but tends to lean forward very slightly as it is not perfectly balanced. The previous model was held horizontally and I am sure the rack could have been refined to support the new vehicle more securely.

75159 Death Star

The fighter has undergone a substantial redesign and incorporates several pieces which have been introduced since the original set was released in 2008. This TIE Advanced allows the new Darth Vader minifigure to sit inside despite the enormous size of the updated helmet which is quite impressive.

75159 Death Star

The cockpit opens at the front and on top but placing Darth Vader inside is still a bit tricky. His arms must be angled carefully to ensure that they do not interfere with the canopy closing but it works quite nicely and he is not visible when the cockpit is closed anyway so you could leave him out if you wish.

75159 Death Star

The colour scheme looks great and this model is far sturdier than the 2008 version but the hinge for the cockpit hatch is larger and looks a bit strange from the back. Perhaps a couple more dark bluish grey pieces could have been used on the wings or the present colour could have been swapped for a lighter shade to better match the source material.

75159 Death Star

A small control room looks out over the hangar bay and is accessed via a ladder. Some printed consoles and buttons are arranged around the room along with a large dial which controls the sliding door underneath. The white gear rack is somewhat obtrusive when the door is closed and I think it would look much better in grey.

75159 Death Star

The sliding door retracts completely into the wall along some smooth tiles, revealing a small step at the doorway. Slopes are used at the four corners of the door opening and these form at accurate shape in relation to the film.

75159 Death Star

The superlaser control room was notoriously difficult to access on 10188 Death Star and I am pleased that this has been resolved for the new set as the superlaser can now rotate much further. The controls are easy to reach and you can stand a couple of minifigures on the platform so they will move with the turning of the superlaser. A couple of clear panels allow you to see the Technic mechanism which aims the superlaser and this is probably what the technicians at this control station are tasked with overseeing.

75159 Death Star

The superlaser eye is one of my favourite features of 10188 Death Star and it looks even better here, with a strengthened central laser and a sturdier fixing between the dish and the mounting. A Technic axle runs from the gearbox into the 2x2 round bricks at the base of the laser and a white bar then passes through the 1x1 cylinders on top, ensuring that this is not easily knocked off as it was on the older set. The laser should actually emit from the point at which the tributary lasers converge but I think this would necessitate the creation of a new piece and such a structure might be rather fragile.

75159 Death Star

The detention block is the most detailed area of the whole battle station and is packed with play features. Five consoles are arranged in a semicircle by the door and you can angle the blue camera to watch any part of the room.

75159 Death Star

An Interrogation Droid patrols the detention area to extract information from prisoners. This terrifying droid hovers above the ground on a trans-clear aerial and is equipped with a light bluish grey needle just like the IT-O Interrogator in the movie.

75159 Death Star

Bars allow you to see inside the prison cell and the door can be opened using a black dial. This door is formed using a grey plate and some colourful Technic pieces which look rather strange given the otherwise uniform black colour scheme. The model would look much better with a black door and this is one of few changes which have actually weakened the set in relation to 10188.

75159 Death Star

The cell is simply furnished with a couple of bricks to represent the bed and a red light on the wall, perhaps indicating when the door is locked. Steps lead down from the corridor into the cell which is faithfully designed with dark red flooring.

75159 Death Star

You can recreate another famous scene from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope by opening the garbage chute cover and sending a minifigure into the trash compactor below. A gear allows you to operate this feature remotely and this is fairly well hidden as it could easily be mistaken for some simple greebling.

75159 Death Star

The Emperor's throne room is the only part of the model to be based on Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. This forms the backdrop to Luke's final lightsaber duel with Darth Vader and is authentically furnished with some crates as well as a collapsing platform and the Emperor's rotating throne. A rail runs all the way along the edge of the room which is a significant improvement over the design of the original set where a large gap in the rail would allow minifigures to fall over the side.

75159 Death Star

The walkway supports rest on tiles so are easily knocked over, causing the walkway to collapse. Any minifigures standing on top are in danger of falling into the air shaft below. The arrangement of the rooms is quite ingenious throughout the model but this is particularly impressive as the chasm is situated beneath the Emperor's throne room, allowing you to throw the Emperor into the main reactor shaft and recreate the climactic scene from the film.

75159 Death Star

The most significant alteration in the Emperor's throne room relates to the window behind his throne. A lovely printed hatch element was introduced last year and the set has been updated to incorporate this brilliant piece. This section of wall is attached to brackets and lies flush with the rest of the wall despite the fact that they are constructed in perpendicular directions. In addition, this window is able to hinge downwards by virtue of the component used and you could therefore send a minifigure smashing through it to land inside the hangar bay!

75159 Death Star

The top floor is accessible via the turbolift and the first room contains the controls for this important feature. Rotating the dial to the left of the elevator will raise and lower it on a piece of string and this allows the lift to traverse all four levels, stopping at ten rooms along the way! This is a brilliant function but I wish the lift itself were a little less colourful as the white Technic plate in the centre is a bit of an eyesore. It is also quite difficult to place minifigures inside as the entrances to the lift are quite narrow, although the 10x10 dish on top is easily removable which is very helpful.

75159 Death Star

A maintenance area occupies the rest of the space. This is based on C-3PO's reference to droid maintenance in the film and includes a bed for repairing droids as well as racks for some tools and spare helmets. Raising the bed will reveal yet another play feature as a black gear allows you to remotely control the TIE Advanced x1 launch rack which is situated in the hangar beneath this room.

75159 Death Star

A doorway connects droid maintenance to the Death Star overbridge which is slightly awkward as the two areas do not fit together very well at all. Perhaps the wall could be sealed and the lift could open onto the bridge instead. Two rotating control stations occupy the floor space in here and there is room for a minifigure to stand inside the station on the left. The right control station is linked to the superlaser and rotating it will move the enormous dish from side to side. In addition, turning the dial on top will adjust the vertical angle of the superlaser which is a fun feature, although the dial is far more prevalent on this model than it was in 10188 Death Star and a shorter axle would be more appropriate in my opinion.

75159 Death Star

Two different images can be shown on the view screen by reversing the 2x5 brick inside. One sticker shows Alderaan moments before its destruction and the other shows a diagram which appears briefly in the film as the Death Star prepares to fire upon Yavin IV. The latter graphic is new and it certainly looks impressive but I think the original sticker showing a countdown as the battle station orbits Yavin was a little more useful as this appears on the screen for much longer in the movie. Nevertheless, it is nice to see some variation between this set and 10188.

75159 Death Star

The final room contains the Imperial conference table around which the highest ranking officers plan the continued dominance of the Galactic Empire. Seven swivelling chairs are arranged around the table which is more than enough for the Imperial officials included in this set so you can add some extra minifigures if you wish.

75159 Death Star

Grey light fixtures adorned the walls of this chamber in 10188 but they have been replaced with black fixtures in the new model. These look equally good in my opinion, as do the dark red canisters which are stacked against the wall in order to break up the otherwise drab colour scheme. The tabletop features a holoprojector which is accurate to the source material and this can be removed to reveal storage for some accessories.

75159 Death Star

A pair of turbolaser towers complete the model. The gun barrels have been strengthened on this occasion and they look marvellous, incorporating some Technic elements to good effect. A black dial on each emplacement will raise the twin lasers and you can rotate both turrets in unison using the Technic lever which is fixed to the underside of the floor.

75159 Death Star

This is a terrific function and it works very well due to the simplicity of the mechanism. It is almost entirely hidden and the appearance of the turrets is therefore unspoiled, allowing the designer to focus on their accuracy to the movie.


75159 Death Star is a thoroughly impressive set on the whole, with enormous play value and a fantastic selection of detailed minifigures. I was incredibly excited to receive 10188 when I was younger and I can only imagine that this offering will prove similarly popular with new fans.

75159 Death Star

However, the LEGO Star Wars design team had an unprecedented opportunity to greatly improve upon an already fantastic set and this has not been exploited. The changes made to the model are relatively minor which is frustrating as there was room for substantial improvement and the potential of this set has not been fully realised. For instance, the edges of the walls could easily have been smoothed using curved slopes and the floors could have been removeable as they are on a Modular Building, thereby allowing access even to the floor at the base which is almost useless in its present state. Some scenes and characters from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story could also have been introduced, although we do not know how much action will take place inside the Death Star in the upcoming film so perhaps this omission is intentional.

75159 Death Star

Furthermore, the price of the set has increased enormously over 10188 Death Star. Inflation and the additional pieces are partly responsible for this increase but these fail to fully justify the price of 75159, as you can see in the table below.

10188 Death Star Adjusted for inflation* 213 extra pieces Total 75159 Death Star
UK £274.99 £330.96 ≈ £21.30 £351.26 £399.99
US $399.99 $447.07 ≈ $21.30 $468.37 $499.99

*Figures based on UK Retail Price Index and US Consumer Price Index.

Nevertheless, I would certainly recommend the set to those of you who do not own 10188, although the high price point is a concern when you consider the comparative cost of other UCS sets. The lack of significant improvement is obviously very disappointing for owners of 10188 Death Star, myself included, but based on its own merits there can be little doubt that 75159 is a worthy addition to the Ultimate Collector's Series. The set will be released on the 30th of September alongside the Rogue One range.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.

75 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

I have to say I'm sold, and will be getting one. Price point is a bit of a negative, but in the long term it will seem good value, just as 10188 does now.

By in United Kingdom,

Only just an adult collector, eh CapnRex101?


By in United States,

Very, very thorough and detailed review. I enjoyed reading it very much. While this set does look amazing, as 10188 was, it doesn't seem like much of a change... where are the extra parts? The TIE is completely different, and there are a couple of little details added here and there... some things seem strengthened or modified... but I don't see any MAJOR differences besides the minifigures. I don't think I'm going to buy this, it's so terribly expensive, but it does seem awesome.

By in United States,

Probably going to get this on Ebay or Bricklink.

By in Australia,

Thanks for a quality review as always cap, lots to consider whether this will be a worthy addition to the display case...

By in Canada,

I whole heartedly agree with you on the fact that Lego had the opportunity to use modern elements that weren't available in 2008 to make the sphere more true to shape. Allowing the Death Star to be separated like a modular seemed like a no brainer to me and am surprised this wasn't done (I was hoping). Only way I will pick up this and this year UCS Hoth would be on heavy discounts (and double VIP points).

Again like last year's rerelease of 10199 it's a great opportunity for those who previously missed out.

By in Germany,

Great Review, well balanced verdict.

I miss DS 1.0, because I rejoin the Lego universe 5 years ago and at that time, DS figures feel outdated und the whole set too expensive ^^ Then there where rumours about DS 2.0, which finally result to an updated 1.5. Fine enough. Now it's time to get it - 500€ - puh, okay - but ... wait, stickers!?! Boo! For this premium price? For a long term Set? For the UCS* flagship? It feels like an unkindly offer. Well - the force is not with me. Skip - no DS then.

Or did I overlooked USC relabeled to Ultimate Collection Stickers ?

By in Netherlands,

Great review, it gave me a much better image of the set since I missed the 10188, I'm going to buy this set even though it's to expensive €500,- lets safe some money than. Yeah there are still some improvements to make, but with your own bricks at home and some fantasy you can Easily fix them.

By in United States,

Excellent and high quality review, very tempting set for someone who doesn't own the original...

By in United States,

Great review as always CapnRex101. The force is strong with you! For those that didn't get the 10188, this exquisitely detailed review will surely make them reconsider.

By in Switzerland,

Nope, still nope. I'm still not sold this is a Collector's set. Besides, the fact that some minifigs were updated doesn't warrant this pricetag. I'm so happy I went with the Slave-I instead, and I can still pick up the AT-ST later this month.
And am I alone with my opinion that the printing on that imperial astromech's dome looks really bad?

By in United Kingdom,

I will stick with 10188. Fingers crossed the new Snowspeeder will be good as 2016 was a bust for SW UCS.

By in United Kingdom,

Great review but still not sold on the set.
We all agree that this was a wasted opportunity for improvement over the original and the hefty price tag is unjustified.
For the price I can buy every Rogue One set and still have money to spare.
The rest can be saved for the UCS Snowspeeder next year.

By in Puerto Rico,

Looks great but it's not my style to invest so much in a single plastic set, unless I had a way better paying job.

By in United States,

I LOVE that blue doubt he will be expensive on the secondary market. There's going to be lots of AFOL's trying to get some of the unique minifigs from this set that already have 10188.

By in United States,

Excellent review! Thank you. Besides the obvious ones, I was not entirely clear of which minifigures are an entirely a new design or might be exclusive to this set. Could you specify when you get the chance? Much appreciated.

By in United States,

Very good review. I don't own 10188, but always wanted to. If this new version was not realeased I would expect 10188 to double or triple in price on the secondary market, putting it totally out of the range of what I'm willing to spend on a single set. I'm very curious what will happen to the price of 10188 now.

Does anyone know how far in advance Lego is planning sets for Lego Star Wars. Could it be possible they have a vastly improved Death Star in store for us in 2024?
In the meantime I would love to see some FOL's do mods to the new Death Star that include the suggestions made by CapnRex101. I really wonder how much better it would look if curved slopes were added to the walls. Or how sturdy it would be if the floors seperated. I'd also like to see how an outer shell would look and function. Would you just take it off when you wanted to get inside? If it hinged how much space would you need to open it up?

By in Norway,

10188: 3999 NOK = 366.21£*/486.15$*
75159: 4999 NOK = 457.78£/607.72$

*By today's exchange rates.

By in United States,

Great Review And I Will Hopefully Get This

By in United States,

Thanks for the excellent detailed review Captain. I bought 10188 and this for me is basically the same thing for an extra 100.00, and for that amount I can get the whole wave of Rouge One sets (which all look great) and a couple others that I've missed out on. Huge missed opportunity for Lego, for an extra 100.00 they could have incorporated a modular design with a rounded enclosed (but removable) exterior. The minifigures are great but I can't justify spending that kind of money for a few cool figs. I might try to pick up a couple on ebay or Bricklink though, and can't wait for Han Solo's new hair piece to come out in some other sets. IMO this thing is even worse than the UCS Hoth set, however the good news is that Lego has set the bar so low than anything they do now will be an improvement.

By in United Kingdom,

A very detailed review... However owning 10188 already there would be no reason to spend all that money just for a few changes.. We must remember that a good proportion of the people that will by this set are parents for there children and i don't believe that parents will want to spend this much money on what would be a child's only main Christmas present.. Especially when you can buy a new PlayStation 4 or Xbox one for almost half the price.. Lego are going to price themselves out of the market with sets at this price point and push parents away from buying any Lego if they feel it's way over priced!!! I'm still surprised that Lego have said nothing on the completely global poor comments on this set and haven't come forward with any explanation.. Poor show Lego.. I must admit I'm getting more and more concerned about the future of Lego and it pushing fans away...

By in United States,

Great Review. I am very disappointed with the price of this new set. I can buy it, but I won't. Honestly, I can't see how children and/or their parents can afford sets at this price.

By in United States,

Excellent review, thank you. Man, I want this set. I don't own the former DS set, but these are the best Star Wars sets. Sadly, way too expensive for me and most families.

By in United States,

Great review! I never had the original, and honestly I was hoping this would be an updated to the old model. I always thought the old model looked like it was created in the '90s. I never understood why the left the square parts in, where they could have added curved pieces to make it more like a sphere. It's just a matter of taste. Most of the figures, I already have from other sets, and the ones I don't, I'm not really interested in.

In my humble honest opinion this was a missed opportunity, although I do understand the reasoning behind the release! The price of course it's also pretty outrageous. At this rate we will be paying $1000 for a similar "licensed" set.

By in Germany,

This is an incredibly lazy attempt by Lego (and not the first one this year). Use figures which have mostly been available in other sets, do some minor changes to the Death Star, and then increase the price by 25% or even more.

The only thing "ultimate" about this set is the price.

By in United Kingdom,

Great review Capt. Rex - from your posts in the forums we were all aware at your disappointment of what this set turned out to be, yet I think you've been nicely objective about this - this remains a tremendous set, the original 10188 is amongst my favourite sets and this has only improved it.

By in Ireland,

Nice review. I have 10188 in a display case with a bunch of extra minifigures e.g. officers, storm troopers etc. Will look to get a few of the new minifigures to add to it.

I know it won't happen, but an official 'upgrade pack' to upgrade from 10188 to 75159 would be great. :)

By in New Zealand,

Great review, which just confirms the general opinion of "Meh..."

By in Hungary,

Very expensive set, especially in Hungary:
169000 HUF = 613.66 USD / 546.19 EUR / 460.18 GBP

As far as I remeber when 10188 retired, the price was
139000 HUF = 504.72 USD / 449.24 EUR / 378.49 GBP

And add that Hungarian wages are waaaaay lower than wages in US / Germany / UK

By in United States,

@Leg0liver: When did "UCS" become "Ultimate Collection Stickers"? I dunno. Maybe with 7191, the very first UCS set, which featured a fairly large sticker sheet (including both STAMPs on the wings and stickers that had to be folded on the windscreen), which thankfully have been mostly absent since then).

I mean, c'mon. Of all the complaints I've seen about this set, the fact that it uses stickers isn't particularly egregious, nor is it in any way new for UCS sets in general.

By in United Kingdom,

What a fantastic review Capn - I glad you approached it in this way after all the 'divided' opinion ;-)

One point though. Although the figures are quite right and the price increase does appear to be above inflation, do the extra 213 pieces include those which go into the mini figures? To my count there are an additional 4 minifigures, two of which (namely the imperial officers) are highly desirable. I'm not saying it's right, but we all know that a lot of the cost of sets (especially Star Wars) is tidy up in the minifigures. I'm sure there are people who would pay upwards of a tenner each for some of these figures on the after market - I know I will be!

By in Canada,

@Maladar: Realistically, it's priced only 20% higher than its 2008 price (or 10% higher in 2016 dollars). Even if we assumed that sticker prices would steadily increase by 20% every eight years, it would still take around 30 years for a new re-release of this set to cost twice what this one does.

By in United Kingdom,

Too expensive. Surely the only people willing to pay this amount are those that are blissfully unaware of the previous price. Just on principle, I think people would skip this if they knew how much this set used to be. It surely won't sell in the kind of numbers that the previous version did, although it may be sitting on store shelves just as long.

By in United States,

Thank you for the review, Capn! Having not yet read a review for either 10188 or 75159, I am quite enlightened. It is interesting to see the amount of detail and playability that designers at Lego are willing to integrate into a model of this size, piece count, and shape. I think the inclusion of the turbolift is intelligent, as well as the laser batteries on top. Perhaps someday Lego will capitalize on this sort of opportunity and create a playable set that appeals to collectors as well.

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the brilliant review! I applaud your balanced conclusion and will be purchasing this at some point, although the Rogue One sets are higher on my list of priorities.

By in Canada,

You could buy the Ewok Village and UCS Sandcrawler for the $50 more (US). Way more pieces, way more minifigs and both builds are incredible!

I will buy this eventually but I am very disappointed by the lack of effort in improving it since the 2008 release.

By in United States,

Awesome, looks a lot like the other one. But still... I can't decide if i like the old one or this one better.

By in United States,

Lego is giving me lots of opportunities to save money this year. Thanks Lego!

By in United States,

Nice little chart at the end there about the price. I think the new minifigures are able to add a little to the value as well, but not enough to justify $500.

By in United States,

You're only 20??!

By in United States,

Ughhhhh that price...for a set that still feels almost unfinished, too. Maybe I've been spoiled by TLG's recent (healthy) obsession with SNOT techniques. There's just still so much empty space...maybe if there's a double VIP weekend.

By in United States,

I have the original, so I will buy all the Rogue One sets I want at $360 and pocket the difference. Thanks to Lego for making the updated version underwhelming and saving me the money. And for $500 and the "precious" UCS logo, I would expect printed pieces and not 31 stickers.

By in United States,

Oddly enough, I just finished building my copy of 10188! I can definitely ignore having to buy this seeing as I just built it doppleganger, and can instead put my money towards that sweet Disney Castle! (If only it would come back in stock!)
Great review as always Captain! I always manage to learn something new when I read your articles!

By in Australia,

"I was twelve years old when 10188 Death Star was released"
Jeez, I never would've guessed you were that young...

*jealousy intensifies*

By in United States,

Excellent review! Thank you for shedding light on the subtle but welcome changes, for example the Dianoga “elevator” and redesign. Very cool, but as I already own 10188, this set has limited appeal beyond the new mini figures. Besides the obvious ones, I was not entirely clear of which mini figures are of an entirely new design, simply tweaked or issued before. Based on your review, I’ve made this list. Is it correct? Could you specify when you get the chance? Much appreciated. Cheers! Ron


Grand Moff Tarkin - all NEW?
Imperial Officer - all NEW?
Imperial Navy Officer - all NEW?
Imperial Astromech - all NEW?
Death Star Droid - all NEW?
Princess Leia - all NEW?


Han Solo - old design, body / head print with NEW hair?
Han Solo (disguise) - old design, body / head print with NEW hair?
Luke Skywalker (disguise) - old design, body with NEW head print?
Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) - old design, body with NEW head print?
Death Star Trooper -- old design, body with NEW head print?
Emperor Palpatine - old design, body / head print with new cape?
Darth Vader - old design, body / head print with NEW cape?
Emperor's Royal Guard - old design, body / head print with NEW cape?


Luke Skywalker (final duel) - old design, body / head print?
Obi-Wan Kenobi - old design, body / head print?
Death Star Gunner - old design, body / head print?
Stormtropper - old design, body / head print?
Chewbacca - old design, body / head print?
C-3PO - old design, body / head print?
R2-D2 - old design, body / head print?

By in United Kingdom,

Pass. Too pricey and looks as dumb as the original one did.

By in United States,

Back on the "I Want This" list. Have to build up the VIP Points...

By in Australia,

Holy shite's $800 in Australia! Pass...

By in United Kingdom,

@Richpepperel - You make a good point but I am not sure how to factor minifigures into a calculation as they do not have an approximate value in the same way that individual pieces do. Perhaps it would be useful to think of the increase as though a set the size of 75137 Carbon-Freezing Chamber has been added to 10188. That would account for three extra minifigures and approximately 213 pieces at a value of £19.99 or $24.99, roughly corresponding with the increase of ˜ £21.30 or ˜ $21.30 given in the article.

@ronvining - Yes, that list is correct, although most of the modifications are fairly minor. The minifigures which contain brand new pieces (excluding capes) are as follows:

Han Solo
Han Solo (Stormtrooper disguise)
Princess Leia
Grand Moff Tarkin
Imperial Officer
Imperial Navy Officer
Death Star Trooper
Death Star Droid
Imperial Astromech Droid.

Thank you for your comments everyone!

By in Ireland,

Thanks for the in-depth review. I agree with most of the points but I'm afraid they're not enough to convince me to buy the set. The only way I can see that happen is if I manage to sell my used but pristine 10188 for €450...
I understand the suggestion for making it modular but I'm not sure that would be feasible. They would be heavy modules, the walls would lack rigidity without ceilings, multi-level features such as the lifts would be an issue, nevermind making sure it only goes together one way. All of those could probably be resolved but at what cost to looks and functions?

By in Germany,

Imho, the only great thing about this set was the detailed review! Thank you for that.
As for the set itself, I'll pass. Too expensive, too lazy effort by TLG, no thanks. For that money, I'll rather get BB and BB (Brick Bank and Big Ben), and still have a lot of money left for other stuff, almost enough for another Modular that is.
Honestly, pricing for this set is totally crazy.

By in United Kingdom,

great review and i particularly like han solo's new wig and i think my daughters would like princess leia's hair piece and skywalkers for the'yre lego friends minifigs,

i just want han and luke in the storm trooper uniforms because although the set looks amazing its abit pricey.. but nice set much better than the new attack on hoth which lacked everything and was about £120 over priced..

By in Netherlands,

Thanks for the wonderfully detailed and informative review. I enjoyed reading it very much.

I always thought 10188 priced in the Netherlands at €420 too expensive, which barred me from ever purchasing it. I am not sure if this new DS will be €500 in the Netherlands or be even more expensive. It has not changed much from the previous version, and just like 10188 (when leaving it's price out of consideration) I like it very much. It is even better (mainly because of the updated minifigs) than it's predecessor, but given the fact that many minifigs in this set are not unique, and I already have quite a few SW sets which contain many of the latest minifigs also included in this DS, in addition to all the other to be released set that are on my wish-list, as well as the ones already out in stores, I don't know when or if I will ever buy this new 75159 DS. TLG releases so many sets nowadays. Many of which currently outrank this new DS on my wish list.

I understand the disappointment of all those people who already own 10188, but as someone who never bought the previous version I am glad TLG re-released an updated version in the event that I will/can allocate more money to my Lego hobby in the future, I can still buy an updated version from TLG instead of having to purchase an outdated one from the after-market.

However as CapnRex101 and many other have noted, TLG could have seized the opportunity to do more than the few minor changes they have made to this model. Having said that, if TLG had altered it much, this by no means would have been a guarantee that all those Lego fans who feel disappointed now would have been ecstatic if TLG had revolutionized its design. Of all the various incarnations of SW vehicles which rendition is the best (the latest or one of the previous) is often a mixed bag.

By in Netherlands,

@ronvining @CapnRex101
Grand Moff Tarkin torso print is slightly different, and both his torso and legs are grey instead of beige. His face print and hairpiece is identical to the one included in 75150: Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-wing Starfighter.
The death star troopers are very similar to the ones included in 75055 Imperial Star Destroyer from 2014. Though from an army building perspective some people, I imagine, may even find it annoying that the torso and face print are now slightly different again. etc.

I think it is the appeal of the set in its totality that will make people buy it, not the updated minifigs in it. Notably people who do not mind spending €500 on one lego set, and who do not already own the previous 10188 version.

By in United Kingdom,

@CapnRex101 The link to the original Turbolaser is dead. Just a heads up.

Great informative review.

By in United Kingdom,

@The Big Legoski

I think Tarkin's hair has gone from dark grey in the Rebels set to light grey here?

By in United Kingdom,

Amazingly detailed review of what I think is a well-designed set. I meant to post a much longer comment yesterday but it vanished when I pressed 'post comment'.

It's just a shame that said amazing set hasn't changed significantly enough to justify a price increase of £125. I was 15 when the original Death Star was released, but didn't buy it until it was closer to retiring in 2015, by which time I'd earned some extra money to buy it. I'm glad I got it though as it's an essential Lego Star Wars piece.

Glad to see not too many of the minifigures are brand new, it would have really got on my nerves if TLG introduced new stormies, Royal guards and Death Star gunners to the mix but it seems they're the same as before.

By in Netherlands,

You are correct.
I only saw it after I already posted it. Only his double face print is identical. Tarkin's hairpiece is light grey in the DS set. Makes sense to give him light grey hair so it stands out from his dark grey uniform.

I already have 75150: Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-wing Starfighter, which includes Grand Moff Tarkin. He looks decent, though the printing of some of the 'regular SW' minifigs is better than that of the SW Rebel versions (think of the droopy moustachio Rebels stormtroopers which is somewhat subpar), Tarkin (the SW Rebels version) looks quite good.

By in United States,

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but actually Cap'n this is the 3rd appearance of the new Darth Vader, not second. It's odd because you go on to mention the third set with him in it, the Tie Advanced vs A-wing when covering your description of Tarkin. You would be correct in saying this is the second time he has that new cloth piece for his cape, but you mentioned this is the second appearance for him since the Death Star Duel set.

Besides that though I appreciate you taking the time to write such a long review. It's always a pleasure reading your take on certain sets. Keep up the good work!

By in United Kingdom,

@Emmaofemma - The Darth Vader minifigure in 75150 Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-wing Starfighter features different printing on the torso and legs to that in this set.

By in United Kingdom,

"I would have liked to see dual moulded legs to represent Tarkin's long black boots but the plain grey design is satisfactory"
Given Peter Cushing's habit of wearing slippers around set when he was playing Tarkin, perhaps this is a happy compromise

By in United States,

I do actually like this set, and its a good option for people who didn't get a chance to buy the first one (Like Me).

By in Australia,

That's an exceptionally good review of a reasonable looking set, but much like Assault on Hoth this should not be given the UCS label. It is just another children's play set. And at $799AUD!!! What were you thinking Lego? I normally love the UCS range but it seems the Lego designers have just stopped putting in any effort :(

By in United Kingdom,

Brilliant review.
However I am a kid and this is too expensive for Christmas so I will probably wait a year then eBay it with about two pieces missing for a 100 quid

By in United States,

Just like yourself, perhaps in the act of constructing the new Death Star and composing the review, reading this lengthy review (and in a methodical, detailed fashion at that, much like you wrote it) felt like a total blast from the past from me. Like yourself, I was a mere child on the release of the original. I was 13 though, not 12, and I used some of my bar mitzvah money to purchase the model - to date the largest and most significant Lego set I have ever constructed, and one that until just last month stood proudly accruing copious amounts of dust in a corner of my childhood bedroom.

Your review elucidates so many of the beautiful and disappointing aspects of the 2008 model. No doubt for any other fan of the original such as myself, it's truly more of a listing and thorough examination of that model rather than a discussion of something new - though admittedly the minifigure list was kind of thrilling. The only reason I'm able to rationalize for getting this model, though, would be for the sake of having a new Death Star to build while the other remains either at my childhood home, gathering dust, or bagged up in storage, where it may no longer provide enjoyment to anyone at all. Shame I allowed it to collect so much dust and perhaps even lose a few pieces, as it would be quite hard to clean and certainly have little resale value, were I ever to consider such a heretical act!

Anyway, thanks again for the review; I look forward to more!

By in United States,

do yourself a favor, save some money, and get 10188 instead. pretty much the same set, currently lower price at major e-tailers. why would you pay $100(+tax) over previous great set for a replica with few extra cheese wedges?

By in United States,

Everyone is complaining about the minorness of the changes and I'm just over here drooling, wishing I could afford this set.

By in United States,

Amazing review! This set looks really cool, but it's so expensive!

By in United Kingdom,

Yes, the price is quite significantly different. If this drops by £50 at least in the following years, I'll get it. I really just want the figures though.

By in United Kingdom,

Just been looking at LEGO website the Death Star is listed at £439.99. That's £40 more over the price in the review £399.99, makes it even more less appealing now.

By in United Kingdom,

I have got 10188, I will not be getting this one. Simple as that for me. Yes, if you have 10188 you wanted to spend a lot of money on a different Death Star, but if you haven't got 10188 you will spend a lot of money on this one. Price wise, I think it's fair. At the time, 275 GBP for a Lego set was a massive amount of money, now, it doesn't seem quite so as there are other sets approximately that much. 399 GBP does seem expensive, so, no change. Plus 10188 was in production for so long of course they needed to update the pieces. I can't help feeling a lot of the whinging is people who bought several 10188s hoping to sell them on at a profit. Now I guess you'll probably get what you paid for them plus a bit maybe. My heart bleeds.

By in United Kingdom,

@VaderFan2187 - Yes, swapping the longer axle for a shorter one would be easy. One wonders why they did not use a shorter axle in the first place.

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