Random set of the day: Railway Express

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Railway Express

Railway Express

©1999 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 4560 Railway Express, released during 1999. It's one of 8 Trains sets produced that year. It contains 658 pieces and 9 minifigs.

It's owned by 795 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $791.40, or eBay.

38 comments on this article

By in Australia,

I wanted to like this train. I liked the bold colours, and the addition of the transparent red and green elements. I liked the blue and white, and using the trans-blue panels in place of windows was great.

But it's just ... not a great train. In the late 90s, Juniorisation wasn't just hitting Town hard, it was doing a number on the railways, as well.

By in New Zealand,

This train looks like it is in space, on a different planet.

By in United States,

I discovered my stepdad had two of these (one with regulator, one without) when I was very little, not long after they retired. I say had, as they were dissolved into the family Lego not long afterwards, and then into me and my two brother's collections. I made color swaps of the blue loco for many years afterwards. (up until Emerald Night came out actually) We had yellow, blue, green and possibly black front slope pieces, and all were used a various points on my MOC locos. Those small engines were all my 5 - 15 year old self had trains wise at my moms house for a long time. They helped inspired me to start MOC-ing, and now I've got over 30 paper boxes full of custom trains.

Fond memories.

By in United States,

This may *seem* like a regular Random Set of the Day, but it's actually Huwbot trying to sneak some more holiday cheer into the homepage!
See, the colors of the train are the Ice Planet colors, and where do you find ice on a plant?
And what else is polar? The Polar Express!
This set is secretly the Polar Express disguised as a Railway Express!
*laughs wildly while disappearing into nothing*

By in United States,


Such a cool looking train with great colors that I'll never apparently get the chance to touch lol.

By in Belgium,

I dare to say this set has the worst instructions front page image from all train sets… Other than that looks pretty nice

By in United States,

This is the set that first led me to Brickset! Someone was selling it on craigslist with a link to the Brickset page; I lurked for awhile and, well, apparently it's been over a decade now.

Time flies - not unlike this train, based on the photos.

By in United States,

My first train but now just parts for me. Sometimes, we really can’t go home again.

By in New Zealand,

@Miyakan said:
"This train looks like it is in space, on a different planet."

Maybe its's Glavis Ringworld from Star Wars?

By in Germany,

Interestingly it uses an exclusive Front piece, too match the wedges and windscreen on top. Also that windscreen seems to be made specifically for this set judging by it's Design ID.

There were 2 (almost) unique minifig Designs in this set with an unusually exaggerated smile on their face. They reminded me a little bit of Time Cruisers Timmy.

By in Australia,

Thought it was a space train for a sec. Might have been a better set if it was.

By in United States,

YES! I loved this set as a kid! I’ll always be thankful for it starting my love of LEGO trains <3

By in United Kingdom,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @Miyakan said:
"This train looks like it is in space, on a different planet."

Maybe its's Glavis Ringworld from Star Wars?"

For space based trains check out Philip Reeves' Railhead trilogy. Trains hopping planets/systems along railways and wormholes. Oh and the locos are sentient Axis, and some of them are way trains.

In a nutshell, it's great.

By in Canada,

Is it swooshable?

Looks like it should be swooshable.

By in United Kingdom,

After all the train art we’ve had of them seemingly trundling right into a fiery void it’s somewhat reassuring to see this one escaping said void at top speed

By in United Kingdom,

Awful looking thing, a dark period in Lego train design

By in Poland,

I'm not going to judge the train design as I'm not a train connoisseur, but that artwork is positively chaotic. Very '90s.

By in United States,

This has real "Graphic Design is my passion" vibes.

By in Netherlands,

Don't try this at home! I see two minifigs chasing each other on the roof of a running train.

By in South Africa,

@Miyakan said:
"This train looks like it is in space, on a different planet."

This train just needed Yellow Windows, a Classic Space Logo, and Classic Space Minifigs.

By in Portugal,

This train has a futuristic design and the blue scheme gives it a smooth touch. Would be nice to see this baby on an Ice Planet diorama has someone wrote ??. When in LUG shows, I like to open one of the sides, letting it run the tracks, and show to the visitor its inner secrets.

It has space for two Smart (the car) and the other wagon is a movie teatre with a spacely movie . I think there's really an Ice Planet plot here...

Still hoping to get the other train from this time 4559.

By in United Kingdom,

Looks like a fun fast set for kids of all ages at Christmas. Strange they would sell a version without a means of powering the motor which may have caught a few parents out.

By in United Kingdom,

@Brickalili said:
"After all the train art we’ve had of them seemingly trundling right into a fiery void it’s somewhat reassuring to see this one escaping said void at top speed "

Rest assured, the fiery void is there -- just inside the instruction manual rather than on the cover.

By in Netherlands,

TIL that the front wedge was made for this set.

I also don't get the complaints about the design. To me it looks like a slightly futuristic high speed train. And the front is no less juniorized than stuff City did for a decade (I'd argue even less so, as that front was used in some newer trains compared to City's one piece fronts).

By in United States,

When I was little, I used to love paging through an old 2002 Lego catalog (which I still have on my bookshelf) looking at the train sets. With blue being my favorite color, this one was one of my favorites in the catalog.

I never acquired it, and with that price almost certainly never will. But it was fun to dream about it as a kid, and it's fun to reminisce about those dreams now!

By in Italy,

It perfectly reflects the decadence of those years.

By in Netherlands,

Looks very inspired by 4559 : Cargo Railway (like it's even just almost the same set number) the concept of the conversion from passenger to small car cargo is novel, but the modules are so large, at least 4559 had a truck to actually remove the modules, , whereas this set there needs to be help from a big hand in the sky, or perhaps 4557 : Freight Loading Station.

The upside is that this set version 4560 did not come with a transformer, so you don't need to purchase it twice if you have a previous train or 4561 , and unlike 4559 , the wagons can be used standalone as they have full wheels, where the 4559 front wagon is directly pulled by the motor.

As far as "juniorized" goes, many trains have used large canopy pieces, even 60197 : Passenger Train , until more recently a more brick-built front is seen with 60337 : Express Passenger Train , and piece counts are still not drasticly different either, 20+ years later.

By in United States,

I think my dad had this set once because the windshield and front pieces are still in our loose parts collection

By in United States,

Historically speaking, fretting over the historicity of this sort of train was used to suss out those who are a poor fit for society, so they can be run out of town. It’s true. Some mailman at a bar told me.

By in United Kingdom,

It might not be the best train Lego have ever made, but this, or rather the 4561 version which came with the speed controller, was basically the set that brought me out of my "dark age". So along with the blue-rail trains of my childhood it will always have a place in my heart.

By in United States,

Remember back then when Lego Trains were awesome

By in United States,

This was Lego's worst train, by a country mile. And that's saying something, considering that the premise of 4559 was ridiculous. But here we have a 14-stud long locomotive (!) pulling coaches that dwarf it, yet still look terrible because of their poor detailing and their gull-wing doors. So terrible did it look that the box and instruction art had to photograph it at angles that made it look smoother, then add a bunch of motion blur where that still couldn't hide the flaws. It looks nothing like a high-speed train, and the whole thing is best forgotten. As for paying $791 for one—good grief. The only valuable things in the box are the 9V motor and the 4 straight tracks. If you want a classic Lego train, go buy a Metroliner.

By in United Kingdom,

It's amazing that LEGO produced two versions of this train, one with a controller and one without. They have never done that again. They seemed to be going through a time of experimentation.

Such as the 'My Train' and 4511 where thy produced separate loco 10157 & carriage 10158 which they have never done again.

By in United States,

No love for chrome grille tiles? Okay, fine, I’ll say it. Their chrome tiles pack a little something. Clutch. It’s called clutch. I’ve received batches of original chrome tiles that didn’t have any. They change the size and shape of the mold to account for the layer of chrome increasing the part thickness, and then if they don’t get complete coverage with the chrome, it doesn’t work the way it’s designed to. It’s irritating that they don’t allow custom chrome on Bricklink anymore, since I’ve got some that’s far superior to the real deal, and it’s still on authentic LEGO parts.

It was a bit earlier, but they did the same thing with 10020, 10022, and 10025.

By in United States,

This train was my sons favorite train, except he had the motorized version. He loved the hinge on the passenger cars, so that the whole side would open to get to the passengers in or out. He never liked the trains that you had to remove the roof to get to the passengers.

By in Canada,

@TannerTheHunter said:

Such a cool looking train with great colors that I'll never apparently get the chance to touch lol."

That's the price for a new one, used copies of this set are one of the cheapest 9V era train sets.

By in Jersey,

@Zordboy said:
" In the late 90s, Juniorisation wasn't just hitting Town hard, it was doing a number on the railways, as well."

That doesn't look massively junioris....

[looks at front of the truck]

Oh, printed grille and headlamps brick. Grim.

By in United States,

Christmas 1999, this was under the tree. This was one of my first "big" sets. I was 6 years old. Still have this set, it's been rebuilt a few times and the pieces are quite dirty now, but it brings back such fond memories.

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