Random set of the day: Pontoon Plane

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Pontoon Plane

Pontoon Plane

©1999 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 5925 Pontoon Plane, released during 1999. It's one of 14 Adventurers sets produced that year. It contains 72 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$6.

It's owned by 3,068 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $63.00, or eBay.

52 comments on this article

By in United States,

That's one way to keep the piranha from eating your plane. Stick of dynamite always does the trick.

By in United States,

Wrong color pants.

By in New Zealand,

This is a charming set. I love the Adventurers planes!!

By in Canada,

Watch out for falling dynamite I guess?

By in Australia,

If there was one thing that Adventurers just excelled at, it was making period aircraft.

By in United States,

Wow! What a perfect pairing with the random minifig of the day! If only we had a random part today that was a match, like a propeller. Could have been a trifecta.

By in United States,

Seems like @huwbot is on time again.
This set looks really cool. I missed out on the adventures line, I started getting into lego when 7942 was released and after 2008, I was about 2, so I unfortunately missed out on the Adventures line. I did however manage to get the Johnny Thunder CMF. I wish lego decides to do a reboot of Adventures now that Indiana Jones might not be coming back because Disney doesn’t want things from Temple of Doom and the other Indian characters because they think it could be controversial.

By in United States,

Unlike the last Adventurers biplane to be RSotD, I have this one. I know why they don't use it anymore, but I sort pf miss that dynamite tile. I always liked the way it was used to trigger the mechanism in 6755, even if I didn't have that set.

By in Canada,

Weird...'Figure of the Day' looks like an 'old-timey pilot'; and then the 'Set of the Day'...al-go-rhythms I tells ya'...:D

By in United States,

They have an actual dynamite element now, and it doesn't take up valuable time on the printing line. I've heard that's basically maxed out for capacity, so the molded dynamite is probably cheaper to produce even though it's larger.

By in New Zealand,

@Miyakan said:
"This is a charming set. I love the Adventurers planes!!"

So do i. I think the best is: 5935

By in United States,

Our random minifig and set go hand in hand, quite cute!

By in United States,

So this happens right after I make this comment on the random minifigure post...

@phi13 said:
"...is this basically Harry Cane?"

By in Hungary,

Matoro, is that you?

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @GSR_MataNui said:
"Actually it's been Minecraft lately. I'm trying to get How Did We Get Here. Think the machine's all set up now, just waiting for my next day off work in case I need to save scum it. "

In English please? All I know about this is that two cans of Pringles that I bought earlier this year were worth coins to one of the other members in my LUG. And that I have now added all of the Minecraft zombies to my hunger of zombies. And that I need to switch the latter from a quart bag to a gallon one. That's okay, though, since it means I can toss my cookies in there as well. And by that, I mean the gingerdead men."

Well since you asked:

The video game Minecraft has a series of Advancements/Achievements that you can collect by doing certain things in the game. As with many games Minecraft has status effects (Swiftness makes you faster, Jump Boost lets you jump higher) ect.

There are a pair of related Advancements in the game called "Furious Cocktail" and "How Did We Get Here."

The first is quite easy. "Have every potion effect applied at the same time." All you really got to do is brew all of the Potions and either chug 'em, or make 'em Splash Potions and have a Dispenser throw them at you.

The later is a lot harder. "Have very status effect applied at the same time." That means everything you had to do for Furious Cocktail PLUS a bunch of random buffs/debuffs from across the game. Hang on I should still have the list here:

Fire Resistance, Invisibility, Night Vision, Slowness, Slow Falling, Water Breathing, and Weakness from the respective Potions.
Jump Boost, Regeneration, Resistance, Speed, and Strength from either Potions or Beacons.
Haste from a Beacon
Conduit Power from a Conduit
Glowing from a Spectral Arrow
Absorption from a Golden Apple
Blindness from a Suspicious Stew
Hunger, Nausea, and Poison from a Pufferfish (there's lots of other sources of Hunger and Poison, but the Pufferfish is the only source of Nausea so might as well kill three birds)
Wither from a Wither Rose (you could also use a Wither or Wither Skeleton, but the Rose is far easier)
Darkness from a Skulk Shrieker
Levitation from a Shulker
Mining Fatigue from an Elder Guardian
Dolphin's Grace from a Dolphin
Bad Omen from killing a Pillager Captain
Hero of the Village for beating a Pillager Raid

Most of these aren't to bad. You can build something or eat something anywhere you like, and Bad Omen and Hero of the Village last around an hour. Problems come in when with a few though. Only naturally spawning Skulk Shriekers can give you Darkness, and they only spawn around 100 blocks bellow the ground in the uncommon Deep Dark Biome. Three Elder Guardians spawn in each Ocean Monument, but Ocean Monuments are incredibly rare and if someone kills the Elders they don't respawn. Shulkers only spawn in the End Cities, which are in the End, which is an entirely separate dimension, and those End Cities are often thousands of blocks from the only portal in and out of that dimension. Dolphins are common but their AI is stupid and they kill themselves all the time.

All of this means you have to somehow get a Dolphin and Shulker into a Deep Dark that is within five minutes of an Ocean Monument, and build a contraption there that will automatically apply things like the potion effects and Spectral Arrow.

The process of unlocking the achievement is:
Kill a Pillager for Bad Omen
Lose Bad Omen to start a Raid, beat the Raid, and get Hero of the Village
Kill another Pillager to get Bad Omen again
Make sure your missing a quarter of your hunger bar
Visit your Elder Guardian, you now have five minutes on the clock
Rush to your machine. Scarf down the Golden Apple, sprint inside the bit where you're supposed to be, and flick the lever to turn it on.
Eat the Pufferfish and Suspicious Stew back to back.

That last bit is where problems arise, because each of those foods' debuffs only last about 15 seconds a pop, and it takes around 5 seconds to even eat something in Minecraft.

That's where the last bit of my comment comes

By in United States,

That's where the last bit of my comment comes in. There's this thing in videogames called "save scumming" where you make a save file of the game, try something, and if you fail reload the save to try again. I'm gonna make a copy of my world after I've reached the machine but before I've eaten the Golden Apple so I can try it over and over.

By in Canada,

I prefer the older colours.

@GSR_MataNui I think I remember the Notable one trying to get that achievement in one of his x days of Hardcore Minecraft series. If memory serves, the dolphin kept dying and he didn't make it in time.

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @Miyakan said:
"This is a charming set. I love the Adventurers planes!!"

So do i. I think the best is: 5935 "

That's such a great set, and one I'm so happy to have had as a kid. Though as few sets were sacred to a young me (and it's not much different now to be honest), wherever it's at in my childhood collection, it's certainly not a single location, so-to-speak.

Adventurers was just such a great line, one of my favorites as a kid. My personal feeling is that it's one of LEGO's best among their original themes with a defined setting/story.*

*In contrast with LEGO's comparatively open-ended themes like the "Holy Trinity" (Space, Castle, and Pirates) and Town/City.

By in Turkey,

6543 had a very nice sea plane and 6615 was a great biplane, they could have combined the two and we'ld have a sealanding biplane worthy of Adventurers theme.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave: As I said, I know why they don't make the printed element anymore, but that doesn't stop me from having nostalgic feelings for it.

By in Hungary,

The random minifig and minifig in the random set are so similar!

By in United Kingdom,

Trying to fly away before the Random Minifig of the day steals his plane.

The dynamite is a bit OTT though

By in Poland,

@TheOtherMike said:
"Unlike the last Adventurers biplane to be RSotD, I have this one. I know why they don't use it anymore, but I sort pf miss that dynamite tile. I always liked the way it was used to trigger the mechanism in 6755, even if I didn't have that set."

I have a dynamite tile in a Rock Raiders set and I always liked it more than the dynamite piece I got in a Power Miners set. I feel like a tile is way more versatile than that bulky piece.

Anyway, I miss Adventurers.

By in United States,

I feel like Harry Cane probably died during the jungle expedition. He was a core member of the Adventurers during the first two waves of the theme, but never showed up in Dino Island or Orient Expedition…

By in Spain,

It reminds me of Raiders of the Lost Ark... Be careful with the hovitos!!

By in Netherlands,

@NotProfessorWhymzi said:
" @Endermen39 said:
"I wish lego decides to do a reboot of Adventures now that Indiana Jones might not be coming back because Disney doesn’t want things from Temple of Doom and the other Indian characters because they think it could be controversial."

"could be?"

https://www.cbr.com/indiana-jones-temple-doom-short-round-rating/?utm_source=syndication "

And yet, Short Round's actor Ke Huy Quan is back in Disney's fold, starring in season 2 of Loki. He's gotten a bit older, as have we all - but I heard the voice, and immediately said "[expletiving explitive], that's Short Round!".

By in United States,


By in Netherlands,

I love adventurers. There's a small cargo hold in the back. Those kinds of play-focussed details are always so charming :)

By in United States,

@NotProfessorWhymzi said:
" @Endermen39 said:
"I wish lego decides to do a reboot of Adventures now that Indiana Jones might not be coming back because Disney doesn’t want things from Temple of Doom and the other Indian characters because they think it could be controversial."

"could be?"


Temple of Doom is my favorite Indiana Jones movie. Lego wanted to make something from it so they made the cancelled temple of doom set then Disney decided that they didn’t want anything to to with that movie. Same as the cancelled Hasbro Mola Ram figure.

By in Australia,

I like how the Random Minifig kind of lines up here. Not really a big fan of this set though.

By in United Kingdom,

@Vladtheb said:
"I feel like Harry Cane probably died during the jungle expedition. He was a core member of the Adventurers during the first two waves of the theme, but never showed up in Dino Island or Orient Expedition…"

If so, I wonder if this photo was taken mere moments before his death, when that dynamite blows up his plane...

That said, in the story book The Lost Temple he survived the jungle mission, and he - or a minifigure with his face, which I assume to be the same character in different clothes - was in 3402 as a sports photographer, so I tend to run with the idea that he either retired from adventuring, or else had a big falling-out with Johnny that led them to go their separate ways.


Of the main jungle sets that were available to me at the time - because I think I recall reading that 5976 and 5986 didn't get a release here in the UK, or at the very least they weren't in the main 1999 catalogue so I didn't know about them until years later - this was the only one I didn't get. The Jungle theme was my introduction to Adventurers, since it was featured a few issues before Desert in the Lego Adventures magazine that was my only source of information on Lego themes at first, and for a while I wanted to get the whole subtheme since, without the big sets, it actually seemed achievable to me. After 5906, 5901, 5956 and 5936, though, I had all the minifigure characters I knew of, and I didn't have any particular interest in planes, so as a kid I couldn't justify getting this one to complete the series even when it was going cheap, if it didn't have anything in it that I specifically wanted.

That said, it's still a pretty neat set. I also remember Pepper flying this plane in Lego Island 2 in a level that I found particularly difficult to master, so that was cool too ^^

By in United Kingdom,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @Miyakan said:
"This is a charming set. I love the Adventurers planes!!"

So do i. I think the best is: 5935 "

Just realised that 5935 got a new lease of life as the fantastic Creator set 31064

By in United States,

Lego Star Wars and the Adventurers line were the reason I started building and collecting Lego as an adult. My oldest son turned 4 in 1999 and I started him on these two lines along with Divers and Res-Q. These were all revolutionary to me compared to the Classic Space and Town Lego sets I had as a kid.

I'd love a reboot of the Adventurers theme. Lego wants to include the world in their product and I can't find too many better ways than with this.

By in United States,

Ah, see, back in the day, we just called that “smart gameplay”. Stuff like the original King’s Quest would have challenges that required pixel-perfect movement or you’d die, so _EVERYONE_ would save right before attempting to climb the beanstalk or the spiral staircase. Dark Forces/Jedi Knight have had a few missions where you’d have to trigger an event, then race to a different point on the map before the event concluded. At least one of those instances involved running across a very narrow beam, and I think falling off was fatal. X-Wing probably had the worst issue. The game installed with an AI pilot roster, ranging from Rookies to Aces. You could pick your wingmen or squadron when they were required, but if they died during a real mission (training missions didn’t count), they were marked KIA on the roster.

Where it really got nasty is if you were sharing the same install with other players (as might happen in a college dorm setting). You could pick other players’ save files as your wingmen, and they could die during _your_game_. The next time they loaded the game, their player file would be marked KIA. As soon as we discovered this, one person had to start a new game, and everyone had to start saving backup copies of their own saved game file in case someone else got them killed.

There were a bunch of articles about, and interviews with, Quan last year. Spielberg cast him in Temple and Goonies, but then he couldn’t find any work (Vietnamese kids not being in huge demand in Hollywood at the time), so he took a 19-year hiatus from acting (but stayed involved in Hollywood in other ways). Came back and won an Oscar for Everything Everywhere All At Once, and now he’s got a bankable name.

I’m pretty sure I’ve see. Mola Ram action figures this year. Can’t remember if they’re the vintage-style ones, or the new sculpts, though.

By in United States,

Can it float?

By in United States,

@BaconKing said:
"Can it float?"

No, it can't float. It can't fly either.... unless you got a big enough slingshot / catapult. (landing might be a bit messy though!)

By in Canada,

Great set, and counted amongst a number of cool Adventurers planes. I have this one on display flying about Amazon Ancient Ruins.

Adventurers is just the best.

By in Canada,

I miss this theme. If the rumors are true and they're done with Indiana Jones, I really do hope we could get a revival of this theme in some form.

Us kids that grew up with it are old enough to have nostalgia for it. At least a one-off Egypt-based set, like the recent LEGO anniversary sets could be great.

By in United States,

I love the printed dynamite tile

By in United States,

Has Huwbot been spending it's off hours watching BrickTrains?

By in United States,

I had this one growing up. I miss the Adventurers line *sigh* . At least we got three Indy sets right?!

By in United States,

@BricksAhoy said:
"I miss this theme. If the rumors are true and they're done with Indiana Jones, I really do hope we could get a revival of this theme in some form.

Us kids that grew up with it are old enough to have nostalgia for it. At least a one-off Egypt-based set, like the recent LEGO anniversary sets could be great."

I bought the Haunted House for all of the Adventurers Easter eggs lol

By in New Zealand,

@CookingWookie said:
" @BricksAhoy said:
"I miss this theme. If the rumors are true and they're done with Indiana Jones, I really do hope we could get a revival of this theme in some form.

Us kids that grew up with it are old enough to have nostalgia for it. At least a one-off Egypt-based set, like the recent LEGO anniversary sets could be great."

I bought the Haunted House for all of the Adventurers Easter eggs lol"

I bought two. (Although the second was heavily discounted, so I can't really say if was for the love of adventurers, or the love of cheap bricks.)

By in Spain,

Adventurers Jungle is the only Subtheme I have every set from. It's a shame they have gotten so pricey as I'd love for more people to be able to get into them, the Amazon Ancient Ruins and Expedition Balloon are just riddiculous now. Even most of the smaller sets are hard to find for a good price. But what a beautiful theme.

By in United States,

Well, I dug around, quite a bit. I eventually found an official checklist from Hasbro. ToD Indy (presumably with no jacket and one shirt sleeve torn off), Club Obi-Wan Indy, and Short Round are the only three Temple of Doom action figures listed. They did make him in 2008, but that was before the Empire got its hands on the keys to Lucasfilm. Maybe I was thinking of the Ceremonial Robes Belloq, or I saw a vintage Mola Ram back when I was looking to see if they really were as horrendous as I remembered. They were worse.

One interesting new tidbit I found is _why_ they looked like something you’d find in the clearance bin of a dollar store. I doubt this is true for Toht or the German Mechanic, but the original Indiana Jones action figure, at least, was apparently made using molds that were originally designed for a toy line based on a Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid film. That’s where the quick-draw pistol action, the horse-ridin’ legs (that make him look like he put his pants on backwards), and the general, “Before you head to lunch, I need you to quick design an entire line of action figures,” look of the sculpts came from.

By in United States,

@purpledave wasn’t Lego’s official line up the Temple escape diorama, fighter plane chase and escape from the lost tomb but there was a 4th Indiana Jones set (the temple of doom) that was never mentioned by Lego even after it was leaked?

By in New Zealand,

@Endermen39 said:
" @purpledave wasn’t Lego’s official line up the Temple escape diorama, fighter plane chase and escape from the lost tomb but there was a 4th Indiana Jones set (the temple of doom) that was never mentioned by Lego even after it was leaked?"

It was mentioned in a round about way. In that they said three sets was all that they were releasing at this point in time, implying that there could have been others.

By in United States,

@Endermen39 said:
" @purpledave wasn’t Lego’s official line up the Temple escape diorama, fighter plane chase and escape from the lost tomb but there was a 4th Indiana Jones set (the temple of doom) that was never mentioned by Lego even after it was leaked?"


Oddly enough, you can still get official Mola Ram minifigs, on Bricklink at least. And by "oddly", I mean the prices seem incredibly reasonable considering the fan community is fully aware that a new version of the minecart set got cancelled. Even the 2008 action figure is fetching triple digit prices these days.

By in United States,

@purpledave with the old Mola Ram minifig being sold on bricklink somewhat supports that Disney cancelled the new leaked temple of doom set. It takes about a year to design the set, design the prints and the box then get every factory on board with production. It is most likely a few months before it’s release Disney chickened out and thought having a Lego and Hasbro product that was released under their license, the temple of doom, would be too controversial and wouldn’t make them seem very “family friendly” even with Kathleen Kennedy’s “the force is female” agenda.

My point is there might not be any more Indiana Jones sets releasing in a while, at least the first half of 2024 due to the whole failure of Indians Jones 5 and Disney cancelling a set that was close to its release date.

By in United States,

Two of my brothers had this set--I never "needed" it because I had the balloon (and Harry) from 5988, though my Harry did look a bit longingly at their propeller-driven craft.

As someone who's basically made Johnny Thunder the protagonist of my LEGO collection, Harry has a rather important role in the pantheon: Johnny's best friend, skilled pilot (he could outrun Baron von Barron in his balloon, he could not just LAND a seaplane in the desert; he could take off again). In one rather macabre story, after Johnny had gone off into exile for a few years, Johnny returned home because Harry Cane had cancer. Although that story had very little to do with Harry otherwise, it is chiefly remembered as "the one where Harry Cane had cancer."

Pretty sure he got better. Can't kill off the patron saint of pilots.

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