Paul Miller (Utah)

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Paul Miller
Image of Paul Miller
Elections and appointments
Last election

June 25, 2024


High school

Northridge High School


Davis Applied Technology College, 2009

Murray, Utah

Paul Miller (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Utah's 1st Congressional District. He lost in the Republican primary on June 25, 2024.

Miller completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. Click here to read the survey answers.


Paul Miller was born in Murray, Utah. He earned a high school diploma from Northridge High School. He graduated from Davis Applied Technology College in 2009.[1]



See also: Utah's 1st Congressional District election, 2024

Utah's 1st Congressional District election, 2024 (June 25 Democratic primary)

Utah's 1st Congressional District election, 2024 (June 25 Republican primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House Utah District 1

Incumbent Blake Moore, Bill Campbell, and Daniel Cottam are running in the general election for U.S. House Utah District 1 on November 5, 2024.

Image of
Blake Moore (R)
Image of
Bill Campbell (D) Candidate Connection
Image of
Daniel Cottam (L)

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Bill Campbell advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House Utah District 1.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Utah District 1

Incumbent Blake Moore defeated Paul Miller in the Republican primary for U.S. House Utah District 1 on June 25, 2024.

Image of
Blake Moore
Image of
Paul Miller Candidate Connection

Total votes: 59,803
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Libertarian primary election

The Libertarian primary election was canceled. Daniel Cottam advanced from the Libertarian primary for U.S. House Utah District 1.

Democratic convention

Democratic convention for U.S. House Utah District 1

Bill Campbell advanced from the Democratic convention for U.S. House Utah District 1 on April 27, 2024.

Image of
Bill Campbell (D) Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Republican convention

Republican Convention for U.S. House Utah District 1

The following candidates advanced in the ranked-choice voting election: Blake Moore in round 2 , and Paul Miller in round 2 . The results of Round are displayed below. To see the results of other rounds, use the dropdown menu above to select a round and the table will update.

Total votes: 870
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.

Libertarian convention

Libertarian convention for U.S. House Utah District 1

Daniel Cottam advanced from the Libertarian convention for U.S. House Utah District 1 on April 20, 2024.

Image of
Daniel Cottam (L)

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Paul Miller completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Miller's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I am Paul Miller, I am 40 years old and live in Northern Utah. I have grown up and lived in Utah my whole life. I am an Electrical Foreman as my profession. My wife and I have twin boys that we love and adore. I grew up LDS, and am currently inactive. I do have a lot of religious principles, while I try to remove the religious aspect of certain issues and look at the whole picture in politics and public policy issues. We live for adventures in the mountains whether it be camping, hunting, kayaking, shooting, hiking, or fishing. We love the mountains, and everything they have to offer. I grew up in Layton, and came from a family with 6 siblings. I grew up with hand-me-downs from my older brother, and rarely had anything nice and new. Being in the electrical industry I've had to work hard, bear the elements, and get the job done no matter what obstacle comes up. But it's because of this that I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. My wife and I get the shock factor every week when we buy groceries. I honestly don't know how people live with a single income in the home now days. But I'm here to lessen the impacts of inflation by voting for budgets that get as close to a balanced budget as possible, which in turn will reduce inflation. I will fight for Government Reform, Term Limits, Energy Independence, and our Constitutional Liberties.

  • Congress is addicted to laundering our tax dollars to get into their pockets, and their donors pockets. We need to cut the pork in these spending bills and only buy what's needed for our Country, and it's prosperity. We need to restrict Congress from investing in stocks that they regulate, in re-introducing the STOCK Act of 2012. Currently Blake Moore has a 35% Return on Investment in the Stock Market. He uses his insider knowledge in Congress to enrich himself. I have promised to only use a 3rd Party Retirement Advisor, who will have sole care of my 401k accounts.
  • We need to close our southern border. With close to 15 million people that have crossed our southern border, they pose an grave threat to our Country. We don't know who is coming in, and I'm afraid that Democrats will try to grant them amnesty. Pressuring them to vote for Democrats. Which would tilt the scales in nearly all elections to favor Democats. It also poses a huge terroristic threat, and lastly a human and drug trafficking threat. This is a huge issue that needs to be resolved.
  • We need to implement a lot of changes in our Federal Government. We are no where close to acting like a Federalist Nation like it lays out in our Constitution. No where in Article 2 of the Constitution does it say that the Executive Branch can create laws. So we need to remove that power from all of the Bureau's and Agencies in our federal government. We also need to pass Term Limits on Congress. I'd also like to set a limit of how many Executive Orders a President can write. Forcing them to work with Congress more. We also need a Recall Method, as to fire or remove our Congressional delegation if they go against their campaign promises.

As mentioned in my key messages; Government Reform; Controlling Illegal Immigration and strictly having legal immigration; getting rid of these Climate Agenda policies; Balancing the Budget; Safeguarding Women's Sports, and Women's Locker rooms; Energy Independence; Seizing property owned by the Chinese Communist Party and any other Foreign Adversaries.

I have several role models. I have good role models, and bad role models that I try to form my life to. Obviously not trying to be like the bad role models.
My Dad comes to mind first. He has always been there for me in life. He always fulfilled his work responsibilities, and church callings to the fullest of his abilities.
My wife is also a great role model for me. She works very hard to make sure she has all the materials and literature needed to ensure our kids were prepared for school, and helping them with their reading and learning.
As far as political role models go.. I would have to say Mike Lee is really high on the list. While being in favor of Trump during his Presidency, he was also there to criticize him for skirting around the Legislative process on getting policy changed. He would call Trump out for doing something that was unconstitutional also. He knows Trump isn't perfect, and sometimes he/we need to be reminded of proper process and procedure to doing things.
I look up to Senator Rand Paul for being super vigilant in saving money, and exposing the wasting of our tax dollars.
Vivek Ramaswamy for his thorough explanations of the issues, and how to make them easily understandable. Also pointing out corruption.
Senator John Kennedy for his candor and demeanor when talking to and vetting Nominees for cabinet positions.
Rep. Byron Donalds for his explanations on issues, and quick whit.

I think principles are extremely important when looking at who to vote for. While I am religious at heart, I try to separate religious views, from policy viewpoints. I think it's critical for those in DC to be making our Country a better place, not their own pockets and stock portfolio's. I think it's important to be able to be critical of your own party when the situation arises, but to also work together and help each other out.

I work hard. I'm determined. I love to learn and to teach others. Trustworthy, and care more about our Nation than my own well-being.

My very first job was working at Camp Kiesel during the summer when I was 14. Later when I was 16, I got a job at the Pizza Hut at the South Gate of Hill AFB as a cook. I had the job for roughly 4 years, and became a Shift Manager as soon I graduated.

This question has good timing.. Definitely my favorite version of "God Bless the USA" from Home Free that features Lee Greenwood, and the US Air Force Band. I need to hear this song at least once a week. Here is a link to the YouTube Video:

Border Security, Balancing the Budget, Energy Independence and combating Woke policies.

I don't. I think 2 years is too short, and here is why. When we have a freshman Congressman/woman in office they are trying to figure out how to do their job effectively the first year they are in office. Then, the second year they are in office they are trying to campaign for re-election. Incumbents have a high percentage of re-election. But I don't think we should change the term for Representatives unless we put a Recall Method in place. Giving voters the ability to recall or remove their Congressional delegation from office if they aren't fulfilling their campaign promises.

I think Term Limits should have been passed decades ago. The real question is how long should the limit be? On my website I put 18 years. Which is 3 terms for a Senator, and 9 terms for a Representative. That may need to be reduced down to 12 years for Senators, and 10 years for a Representative.. I don't know the right number. I'm open for debate on the limit. But we need to find that balance between valuing experience, and pulling out our delegation before too much corruption and complacency sets in.

In certain situations, no compromise is not desirable. But I think all the issues and Bills that we don't hear about are bi-partisan and no-brainer issues that need to be addressed. It's the controversial issues that hard to compromise on. When on side is pushing towards Communism, and the other is trying to keep our Freedoms and Free Enterprise system in tact.. How do you compromise with that?

Matthew Lucci - Texas CD25 Candidate
Currently a work in progress.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign website

Miller’s campaign website stated the following:

Government Reform -
If I had a magic wand and could change our Government, I would change several things. Here are some of those changes I wish to implement: Recalls - We need to have the ability to recall a Senator or Congressman/woman. If they are not representing the people well, or are a bad actor, we should have the ability to recall them. They are put in Office to represent us, and we should have the ability to fire them. Term Limits - We need Term Limits in the US Congress. It is not ideal for politicians to be in power for 40-50 years. In my opinion, I think 18 years is sufficient for Representatives, and 18 years for a Senator. Others opinions on this topic may change the term, but that is what I think. Limiting Executive Orders - I would love to see the number of Executive Orders a President can sign be limited, so he is forced to go through the legislative process. Our economy and governmental policy has too much back and forth every time we get elect a new President. Agencies need to get laws passed in Congress - It is far too convenient for the Federal Agencies/Bureau's to create their own laws, and unfairly abuse the people. Laws that dictate what these alphabet agencies can do should be dictated by the legislative process. Which will prevent abuse, and bring more stability to our legal system. The REINS Act is one of the Bills put forth to address this issue, and I would vote in favor of it. Balanced Budget - We need to cut the deficit our Government incurs every time a budget is passed. We need to work towards cutting funding in the areas that can afford to operate leaner. We might not be able to get to a complete balanced budget, but we can try and get it as close as possible.

The 2nd Amendment -
The Bill of Rights does not talk about the Governments Rights.. Nope. It talks about our own individual rights! The Founders knew how important the right have guns and weapons were to keeping a Country/State free of tyranny. Just because the Declaration of Independence was written nearly 250 years ago, the principle it represents is still just as relevant today. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1787, “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” It's because of this reason that I am a firm believer in the right to own "assault weapons". It's because of the reminders set forth in the Declaration of Independence that we need the ability(if needed) to combat tyranny; not to mention the ability to defend this Nation against invading Nations. Guns save more lives than they take every year. Guns are also the great equalizer in a confrontation. It is a disservice to women to not let them carry a firearm to defend themselves from an attacker. Also, the majority of Americans say that they don't trust our government. So why would we give up all of our guns to the corrupt faction of our society? It makes no sense, and guns are here to stay.

The War between Good and Evil -
I believe in are in a war between good and evil; and everyday my opinion solidifies on that stronger and stronger. Where we see many ideas campaigned to society as love or tolerance. Well.. not everything deserves our love or tolerance. Indoctrinating our kids into sexual themes and ideologies should not be tolerated. Kids are innocent and easily-moldable. They need to grow up as a kid. Sexually natured material should not be exposed to children until the appropriate age. But those campaigning this love and tolerance chastise those that don't believe in their ideologies, and are portrayed as bigots, racists, xenophobes, or whatever the derogatory label may be. One thing coming up on the Left's agenda is normalizing pedophilia. Pedophiles are being downgraded to MAP's(Minor Attracted People), and minors or children being AAM's(Adult Attracted Minors). They will say that it is okay to have sexual relations with young individuals because they understand love. And they should be able to love whom they chose, because they were born that way. This is incredibly disturbing, and we as a society and a government need to do everything in our legal power to stop it.

Identity Politics -
Identity politics are corrosive to America, and to the world. With DEI initiatives being pushed in the government and companies we are removing the meritocracy we used to function on. A meritocracy is the best, and most fair method to running a business, or organization. America is suffering right now. The world sees us as not the leader we once were. With this decrease in confidence, our DEI standards have increased. We need America to lead the world like we used to. DEI Standards lower the bar of achieving high standards.. You have to lower the standards to include those of "marginalized" groups. With hard work, and perseverance almost anything can happen in America. Especially when it comes to pushing yourself to higher education and careers. DEI initiatives encompass exclusion. If you are white, straight, christian, or a conservative.. Yeah, they don't want you. I will be fighting these policies and initiatives if I am your Representative.

Law Enforcement -
I have a strong commitment to our Law Enforcement Officers. We demand so much from them, and sometimes a little too much. We want them to be professional lawyers knowing every law in and out, and the case laws around those laws. We need them to know how to handle Domestic Violence, and it's warning signs. The same with Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and Abuses against Children. We demand they know the signs of hardcore drug abuse, and how to handle overdose, or how to handle a confrontation with a hardcore drug user. We demand they know how to render first aid to a wide variety of victims until EMS arrives. We demand they be proficient with their weapons, and tools. A close-quarters combat warrior. We demand they know how to perfectly handle a hostage negotiation. While also placing their lives on the line for us.. and their families lives too, at times. We demand that they think and act in a perfectly rational way after experiencing an extremely traumatic event; and to also go home to their families and act normal. These brave men and women invest their careers, livelihoods, and mental well-being in this career. I am proud of, and grateful, for all of the men and women in Law Enforcement. If you are in Law Enforcement, thank you for all you do for our communities.

Energy -
We need to preserve our Energy sector here in Utah. The Left is going to war bureaucratically against our energy sector nation-wide. So much so, that they are willing to buy oil from foreign adversaries, and OPEC to avoid letting American Oil Corporations drill our own oil, and process it here. The Biden Regime wants to eliminate fossil fuels entirely from our Country. Which is nearly impossible, because fossil fuels are in everything we do. Plastics, grease, polyester, lipstick, toothpaste, Vasoline, toys.. nearly everything. We should be fortifying our own American industries before any foreign industries. When we get in an emerging crisis.. We will have to depend on our own industries to get us through that crisis. It makes no sense to rely on other nations, when we have the means to be self-reliant. Because the Biden Regime is at war with Oil Industries, these companies aren't willing to upgrade or expand their refining and drilling processes. Not to mention the Biden Regime wants banks to not loan money to the fossil fuel industry. The absence of low cost fossil fuels can be catastrophic to those in the lower to middle classes. Because once they've invested so much money into "renewables" they'll increase the cost of our energy bills. Once those get so high, the rich might be the only ones that would be able to afford it. The Left and Climate Alarmists want gas prices to hit $10/gallon. To place enormous pressure on everyone to buy electric vehicles. I fear we may not have the inventory available for such a transition. The Biden Regime wants Rocky Mountain Power to replace all coal and LNG power plants with "renewable power". And after they build these new power plants they are required to destroy the old power plants.. No fossil fuel back ups or anything. We need good cheap energy that is dependable and resilient to the elements. But as you can see, there is a lot of work to be done in fighting the Left's war on fossil fuels. I will fight for access to fossil fuels, and for our fossil fuel industries in Utah, and around the whole US.

Climate Change -
I think Climate Alarmism is a hoax. At least as far as humans causing the end of the world. Do we have a role in the climate? Possibly.. But it's not enough to change every facet of our lives because of it. I think the natural progression of technology is sufficient for our climate. Do I like clean air? You bet I do. But plants also need Carbon Dioxide to grow. So is Carbon Dioxide that bad for our climate if plants grow from it? Plants also shade our Earth from the sun.. That would make the Earth's temperatures more steady. Plus, the Earth is greener today, as far as plant-life, than it was in 1985(according to NASA). They want us to ban fossil fuels, but yet if we are in such dire need of reducing fossil fuels; why are they buying oil from far away lands, closing down oil pipelines, and reducing our oil production here? Pipelines takes diesel trucks transporting the oil off the road.. So that would reduce CO2, and seems like the most desirable plan for them. But they choose to put other nations oil on a gigantic oceanic oil tanker. Oceanic Oil Tankers can consume up to 2,400 gallons of diesel per HOUR. It takes that tanker 21 to 35 days from Russia, or 35 to 60 days from the Middle East to get to the US. Which results in millions upon millions of tons of CO2 into our atmosphere. With all of that CO2 into our atmosphere, why are the Climate Alarmists choosing this method?! It doesn't make sense! Not to mention that these Climate Alarmists travel to their Climate Conventions on their private jets, and have about 10-20 cars in their entourage to travel to such an event. One private jet trip to these Climate Conventions produces as much CO2 as a gasoline car does in it's LIFETIME! While they also live in beach-front properties next to an ocean that they claim will have "rising sea levels" due to our polar ice caps melting.. They have been claiming the ice caps will have melted for nearly 50 years now. They are still there, and still just as thick. But I still have yet to see one climate catastrophe come true. After all of the Climate Alarms from the 1950's until today, these "scientists" have been wrong.. and yet they still listen to them like they are quoting scripture. We need to ignore these alarmists, and go on with building a thriving economy(like China does) and be the best, strongest Nation in the World!

Immigration -
Immigration is a sensitive topic. I feel like the Utah GOP Platform hits the nail on the head with their stance on immigration. We are a stronger, better Nation because of those that have migrated here. Our Nation was formed from a bunch of immigrants. Those striving for a better life, living conditions, better security and education.

We have several problems with our immigration system. We had roughly 372,000 babies born to immigrants in 2021. Which is more than every state in the US per year except for California. So we need to clarify our 14th Amendment. It currently states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." Instead we need to change the wording to state that babies born in the US are not made US citizens unless their parents are US citizens themselves(Mother OR Father). So that we don't have an open invitation for illegals to have anchor babies in the US to stay here. We need to vet the immigrants wanting to come to this great nation. There are some great people wanting to come to our Country, and we should embrace them. They just need to follow the rules we have set in place. I also feel like we need to halt immigration into the US so that our Immigration Courts can catch up with the demand of those trying to come into our Nation. I will never vote for an amnesty Bill. This is a way for Democrats to gain millions upon millions of voters, to tilt our whole system into their control.

Why we need to right this ship -
The US is the superpower of the World! We are the "Big Brother" for smaller, weaker Nations. If we fail.. NO ONE is coming to save us. We are it. That's why we need strong stable energy that is resilient. We need to be as self-sustaining as possible. You can't be independent if you're constantly needing others to brace you up. We are the Leader in the Free World. These woke ideologies are suppressing our freedoms, and diverting control to the government. We need to get wokeness out of our MIlitary! We need to manufacture our own pharmaceutical ingredients, and medical supplies. Currently China is where we get them from, and that's a scary thought if we ever get in a war with them, like we might be doing here shortly. Hopefully not..

Wall Street Reform -
Currently we have a huge mess on our hands with a handful of Corporations controlling other Corporations in America. Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, CALPERS, and others are investing huge amounts of stocks into companies and forming coalitions together to push ESG standards into corporate America. For example, Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street have positions on the Exxon-Mobil board.. Yes, a fossil fuel company. They force them to implement practices and policies that go against their fossil-fuel business investments. Instead of promoting growth in the company, they force Exxon to invest in Climate Change practices. These are companies many of us put into with our 401k's. So your retirement dollars are being spent to wage this climate war, and ESG standards on American Business. It needs to stop. We need to implement legislation to prevent any stockholders from being on the board of directors of Corporations. We need to let these companies do what they've done best to get to the position they are in, without outside forces sabotaging their goals and policies as a company.

Women's Issues
There is threat to women from the Trans movement. We need to protect our women in sport, in public/private changing rooms, and in restrooms. A woman should not have to change in front of a man, and vice-versa. We need to create legislation that separates sports by sex at birth, especially in competitive sports. We need to stop any Trans ideology in our schools, or with our kids. If you look at the Trans movements definition of "gender", it is nearly identical to the definition of "personality". Concerning abortion.. I am Pro-Life. I believe that life begins at conception; which includes the implantation of that egg onto the uterine wall. I believe IVF is still morally right, and helps those unable to get pregnant naturally. I also believe this is an issue that the states should decide. I will be voting "No" on any abortion bills.

Balancing our Budget
Our interest payment on our National Debt is rapidly approaching the #1 spot for our most expensive item in our budget. Let that sink it... In order to rein in our spending, we must work towards a balanced budget. This is extremely difficult due to the amounts of corrupt payments going out behind closed doors, and not being able to vote on line items in the budget. Currently we have the Leaders of the Senate, and the House creating budgets behind closed doors with zero input from Congress. There is no debate to these spending Bills, and they are usually brought to the floor within 24 hours of a scheduled vote on the budget. This is a blatant and cancerous abuse of our Federal Government on the tax payers. So when a spending Bill hits the floor for a vote; you either have to vote in favor of it, or the media, and these Leaders will blame those who voted against it for the shut down of the government. They know well in advance that a budget deadline is nearing. I will be voting NO for any spending Bill where they do not give us enough time to read, vet, and debate such funding. Congress needs the ability to have Single Line Veto Powers. Every item in the Bill cannot be tied to something else in creating one big web that we must accept everything, or nothing. We also need the ability to audit all funds going to Ukraine. If Ukraine is still an issue post 2025. Blake Moore has voted in favor of 5 of the last 5 Continuing Resolutions for our budget. This is not acceptable! This continues the abusive, and bloated budget from the last time that they budgeted for that appropriation. This does NOTHING to reduce our budget, and kicks the can further down the road. Blake tries to play a good game against the budget, but his record proves the opposite.

Russia-Ukraine War
I am deeply saddened by the Russia-Ukraine War. I carry the same view as Trump. We need to end this war as soon as possible. I know Ukraine doesn't want to do that because they don't want to give up land. But people are dying.. We also don't know what the end goal is for this conflict. We also don't exactly know where our aid money is going. We just barely added an Inspector General to audit the funds headed to Ukraine. Which we'll need precise reports from since he was put into the role from the corrupt Biden Regime. We need to limit and halt as much funding of this war as possible. We also need to bolster up our own munitions stocks because of how many munitions we are sending Ukraine.

China is a contender for the superpower of the world. They have incredible influence over hundreds of nations around the world. We need to get all of our manufacturing out of China, and bring that manufacturing back to the US. It is incredibly concerning that China is one of the top 3 owners of farmland in the US. With China being designated a Foreign Adversary of the U.S., they shouldn't be allowed to own any land in our Country. There needs to be legislation drafted for the US Government, or local governments to take this land from them. Because if we allow them to sell it themselves, they will just sell it to a shell company stationed in a nation that isn't a foreign adversary. We also need to invest in pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing here in the US. Why would we not be self-dependent on pharmaceutical ingredients? This needs to change.

I am Pro-Israel. We've been allies with Israel for decades, and they are one of our strongest allies. I believe that Israel makes the best decisions they can, with the information they have. The attacks on October 7th were some of the most horrific attacks we've seen since likely the Holocaust. Israel is always willing to come to the negotiating table for long lasting peace agreements; and every time that they have, the Palestinian Leaders have rejected every single offer brought to the table. But not only that, the Palestinians have attacked immediately after attempts for peace agreements. Israel has also warned innocent lives of incoming missile attacks before they launched attacks on bunkers, and tunnels underground. I admire this kind of methodology in their attacks against the adversary.[2]

—Paul Miller’s campaign website (2024)[3]

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Paul Miller campaign contribution history
2024* U.S. House Utah District 1Lost primary$5,420 $12,108
Grand total$5,420 $12,108
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on January 27, 2024
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  3. Paul Miller for US House Dist. 1, “The Issues,” accessed March 9, 2024

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Republican Party (6)