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Onpipeline CRM

Simple CRM software with an attractive, low price

3.0 Good
Onpipeline CRM - Onpipeline
3.0 Good

Bottom Line

If a spreadsheet is your current CRM software, Onpipeline is for you. This tool is inexpensive, and a good first step into a broader sales tech world. Just be ready to move from it as your company grows.
  • Pros

    • Easy to use
    • Simple data integration
    • Aesthetically pleasing tabular views
  • Cons

    • Only imports data from CSV files
    • Difficult email syncing
    • Map feature would greatly benefit from dedicated mobile apps

Onpipeline Specs

24-Hour Support
Custom Dashboards
Document Library
Email Routing
In-App Email
In-App Scheduling
Multi-Currency Support
Pipeline Designer
Pipeline Management
Task Management
Virtual Dashboard Builder
Workflow Designer

Onpipeline is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) system devoted to small to midsize businesses (SMBs). If your company's small enough that it uses a spreadsheet to track your contacts, Onpipeline is a good step up. It's not nearly as feature-rich as either of our Editors' Choice winners, Salesforce Sales Cloud Lightning or Zoho CRM, but it's not meant to be. It's simple, easy to use, and priced accordingly. That said, Onpipeline may not be the CRM software that growing businesses need.

Onpipeline import field matching

Getting Started With Onpipeline

It's easy to get up and running once you get past importing your CSV spreadsheet, the lone data importing option. Like every other CRM application we've reviewed, Onpipeline requires you to match its fields against the data columns in your sheet. That said, Onpipeline requires you to be exact in terms of defining fields. Then again, so did Act! CRM. And Salesflare was so particular it probably won't work at all without intervention from the support staff. 

Defining your fields is a simple matching process. Unfortunately, Onpipeline makes you define fields that other CRMs display by default, such as the contact's website, phone extension, who owns the contact on your staff, and even the contact's title. Onpipeline has these fields, but you must enable them in Settings. However, some fields still didn't show up in our list of choices during the import process. Building a custom field that duplicated the included one seemed to work, but that's a needless step. 

To add a custom field, you name a field; let the system know whether you want it included in Deals, Organizations, or Persons; and indicate the type of data that goes into it (usually text). Once you've saved the field, you can pull up another screen that lets you move that field's column to where you want it to appear in the list view. 

You can import persons and organizations from CSV files, but you can't import deals without first having the associated contacts in the system. When you import a contact, the organization's name creates an organization record, but that can't happen without a contact being added at the same time. That's something to think about depending on how you've organized your contacts, organizations, and deals.

Onpipeline basic calendar view

Scheduling and Deals

Like Salesflare, Onpipeline doesn't default to a single landing page. Instead, the system brings you back to whichever page you last used. However, Salesflare at least had a Notifications pop-up in its left-hand nav. Onpipeline doesn't even have that. If you want to know what's going on a particular day, you must click Calendar or Reports (more on Reports in a bit). The Calendar view is exactly what you'd expect, and you can add appointments or tasks from the Contacts or Deals tabs. 

Onpipeline email sync

It gets better once you sync your email with Onpipeline, but you might need help setting that up. Unlike almost every other CRM software we've reviewed, Onpipeline doesn't offer a one-button email sync with Google Gmail and Microsoft 365. Instead, clicking Email in Settings sends you to a page that wants the IMAP and SMTP details for whatever email system you're using.

Once we figured out those settings' purposes using our test Gmail account (which meant consulting Google's support docs), we entered the info into Onpipeline only to receive an email from Google stating that access was blocked. Gmail has increased the security requirements for third-party apps that want to sync with it, and Onpipeline doesn't qualify. Google Calendar synced up, but only in the Onpipeline-to-Google direction, not the other way. 

Next, we tried a Microsoft Live email address, but Onpipeline refused those settings, too. A final try with an older email address that defaulted to POP settings didn't work, either, even after we found the buried IMAP settings. In short, you're going to need Onpipeline's support to get email sync working, which is a pretty big ding on a product that's designed to be as simple as possible. 

Onpipeline basic deals view

Deals is where most salespeople will get value out of Onpipeline. It's well-designed, with the deal and pipeline stages displayed in an aesthetically pleasing tabular view. You can opt for a list view, but the graphical one is easier to digest. It's not quite as eye-pleasing as what you'll see in Insightly, but it's close. You can drag and drop the deal cards up and down the pipeline as needed. 

As mentioned, a contact and an organization are required for every deal, and a contact is required for every organization. So, yes, everything is organized around contacts. Still, you can create a new contact while creating either a new deal or a new organization, so it's not debilitating. It'll only be a problem if you've organized a lot of deals before moving to Onpipeline, such that you don't have contact names for many of them.

Onpipeline deal management drill-down

You can view your team's deals in addition to your own, and set up a fresh deal by clicking New and filling out a form. After that, you can modify the deal via a drill-down view that lets you add tasks, attach files or notes, and set events, such as scheduled emails or other deadlines. 

One cool feature is Pinning, although it isn't useful unless you're a frequent traveler. If you click the pin icon in the Deals view, Onpipeline pulls up Google Maps and shows you the contact's location. 

Onpipeline instant map pin feature

Onpipeline bills this as a way to plan your most efficient sales route, but it would be a lot more useful if Onpipeline provided a dedicated mobile app. This is another big ding for Onpipeline. The company touts the web interface as being responsive, but these days, a dedicated app should be mandatory. If Pinning is meant to take the place of a mobile client, then it comes up considerably short when compared to Salesforce and Zoho CRM's mobile apps.

Onpipeline quotes list

However, Onpipeline has useful automation. It's pretty simple, but outshines what you'll get with Insightly because it's not limited to email. You can build flows for email, events, deals, and a probability calculator, for example. 

You build an automation simply by filling out a short pop-up of fields and testing your creation. We built one that automatically created a welcome meeting for each new deal, and the whole process took about 15 minutes. 

Quotes and Reports

The Quotes functionality is closely related to Deals. You don't actually create quotes in the Quotes tab; you do that in the Deals tab as part of your deal's details. You click a quote, fill out a few fields (products, unit price, quantity, and the overall expected total), and you're done. You can also add quote-specific notes, as well. Once that's finished, the quote appears in the Quotes tab. 

Quotes for your team are displayed in a tabular list view. For each quote, you can perform various actions, such as auto-generate a PDF invoice or drill down into the deal details so you can modify it as needed. We especially appreciated the Subscription button next to the Quote button that presents a default set of quote details that's focused on subscription-based services. 

Surprisingly, there's no PDF editor under Settings that'll let you build a custom invoice template. Onpipeline can import invoice data from Quickbooks, so you can design your invoice there, but having an in-app template designer would simplify matters.  

Onpipeline Pricebook

Pricebook is equally as Deals. The basic view is a table that features the products you're selling, their description, costs, discounts, and ID numbers. These show up as options when you create a quote, and autofill the appropriate information fields.

Onpipeline basic reporting landing page

Onpipeline's reporting features aren't stellar. Like Salesflare, Onpipeline tries to make things simpler by drawing no distinction between reporting and dashboarding. There's an option called Dashboard that displays whatever data you need, but it's all created as a report and surfaced as a graphic in the dashboard. 

What's more, Onpipeline's list of prebuilt reports is a little anemic compared with the canned reports you get with Insightly or Zoho CRM. Worse, you can't alter them. If you want custom reports, you must contact Onpipeline's support and developer teams, which you can only do at the highest pricing tiers. While this seems in line with the SMB audience that Onpipeline targets, it's limited enough that it might be a problem even for those users.

How to Buy Onpipeline

Similar to the other CRMs we reviewed, Onpipeline comes in three pricing tiers. 

  • The lowest tier, Pipeline, runs $12 per user per month. It offers only basic features, namely managing contacts, your schedule, and deals. 
  • Onpipeline says the Standard tier, priced at $25 per user per month, is the most popular plan. It adds integrated email capabilities, a basic version of the previously mentioned automations, and a newly minted webforms feature for collecting leads from your website. It's also the tier that lets you create custom quotes.
  • The Advanced tier costs $55 per user per month, although it is discounted to $44 per user per month as of this writing. It adds improved reporting, the ability to customize your pipeline, support for bulk email sending, and the full list of available automations. 

Anything more than that, especially where customization is concerned, will require the Enterprise Services tier, which has customized pricing. 

Gets the Job Done, With Limits

At those rates, Onpipeline is competitively priced CRM software. Insightly and Salesflare chase the same SMB customers via a simplified interface and feature set, but they charge a premium for that—nearly twice what our SMB Editors' Choice winner, Zoho CRM, charges. Onpipeline breaks that mold, coming in at slightly less than Zoho CRM at each of its pricing tiers.

If you're just coming off using a spreadsheet to track your leads and deals, then Onpipeline is a good entry-level choice. You'll quickly pick it up, and it's got enough features that you'll consider it money well spent. However, you'll want to keep a careful eye on the effort it'll take for you to migrate your data out of Onpipeline, because your business will likely outgrow it at some point.

About Oliver Rist