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HubSpot CRM

An easy-to-set-up, but pricey, CRM platform for midsize businesses

3.5 Good
HubSpot CRM - Software
3.5 Good

Bottom Line

HubSpot is relatively expensive, but the CRM tool contains all but the most advanced features provided by the category's top players. Unfortunately, some common features are locked behind high-end tiers.
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  • Pros

    • Robust feature set
    • Generous free version
    • New support for integrated payment processing
  • Cons

    • Some commonplace features are only available at higher pricing tiers
    • Some features have a learning curve

HubSpot CRM Specs

Automated Responses
Automatically Collects Social Networking Data
Builds Forms to Collect Data
Creates Pipelines for Leads
Document Library
Integrated Email Marketing
Multi-Currency Support
Phone Support
Pipeline Management
User Forums

HubSpot has been on our customer relationship management (CRM) radar for several iterations, and its platform has steadily improved. Some CRMs are moving toward integrating their suites with digital marketing tools, while others are doing so with help desk tools. This time around, HubSpot has done both. Neither its marketing features nor its service features are part of this review, but the fact that you can get pricing bundles for both with the CRM will be a big draw for any mid-size companies looking for a one-stop shop for all customer interactions. Better yet, HubSpot is easily configured, too. 

Unfortunately, for its price, HubSpot doesn't deliver as rich a feature set as our Editors' Choice winners, Salesforce Sales Cloud Lightning Professional and Zoho CRM. Still, HubSpot is a compelling choice for midsize businesses for many reasons.

HubSpot CRM Contact view

Getting Started With HubSpot CRM

As with all the CRMs we've tested, we started our HubSpot test with two initial steps: adding other team members and importing contacts and opportunities. Adding team members happens under Account Settings. Once you fire up the Users & Teams view, you can either enter users one at a time using their email addresses or do it in bulk with a CSV import. You can also set up permissions, which HubSpot makes easy with a default list or customizable, role-based permissions. The process is short and wizard-like, in terms of execution.

The team members you add each receive an invite in their inbox with a login link, which prompts them to fill in their full name and job role information. Then they receive a second email with a multi-factor authentication (MFA) code. Once they confirm that, they can set up their passwords. From the team members' perspective, this whole process takes about two minutes. They're then presented with a screen prompting them with potential first steps, such as importing their contacts or reviewing a user guide.

Importing contacts also happens in a wizard-like fashion. From the Contacts view, just hit import and select whether you're importing from a local file or another source. Like Zendesk Sell, HubSpot supports more than just CSV imports—but in this case, the only other option is Excel. If you're a Google Sheets user, you must change formats, and your import must be a single-sheet file (no tabs) and no larger than 512MB.

Newcomers might get thrown a little by the next screen, where the wizard asks how many files you want to import (you'll select a single file). Then it asks how many objects that you want to import. If it's a CSV file with a list of contacts, you might think it's asking you how many contacts you want to import, so you'll hit "multiple," but it's really just asking a database classification question. You need to hit "one" here unless you're matching several spreadsheets together, such as if you're importing both contacts and leads. Push through that, and you'll be able to select and import your file.

But here, again, HubSpot is a little trickier than some of the other CRMs we tested, especially the more small business-oriented packages, like Insightly. In those, you're usually presented with a screen that shows the first line of your imported spreadsheet. Then there's a list of drop-down options next to each of the cells in your row. You just match the data in your row to the data field the CRM understands. So, if you've got "Oliver" in the first cell and "Rist" in the second, you'll match the first one to First Name and the second to Last Name and repeat. Pretty easy.

HubSpot, however, is more particular about how this data is arranged. So much so, in fact, that there's a separate tutorial on how to format your CSV or Excel files before you import them and how to handle errors. There's some useful information there if you're importing more complex relationships, like matching Contacts to Deals, for example. Still, this whole process is just confusing enough that we'd recommend running through the tutorial at least once, even if you're just importing a single contact sheet with basic data like we were. It'll get you up and running much more quickly. 

Your last setup steps are user-focused, namely attaching an email address, a business voice over IP (VoIP) system, or social media account(s) to your HubSpot user account. While the last two are optional, attaching an email is mandatory if you want the most out of any CRM. As long as you're using a Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 email address, HubSpot has made this a two-click process that you can do on the fly the first time you need to send an email. The same goes if you're setting up a meeting and need to sync your calendar.

If you've got another email provider, however, you'll have to enter POP/SMTP data, so it's best to have your IT admin do this for you. From their side, this is configurable individually or in bulk, which will make their lives easier, too. 

There's an additional option to install what HubSpot calls a Sales Extension. This is a widget integrates with either Google or Microsoft's apps, and provide tools inside those suites that will work back and forth with HubSpot, instead of just one way. By default, you can send an email out of HubSpot using, say, the Gmail address you've synced, but you won't be able to do it from Gmail and have it tracked in HubSpot. 

HubSpot CRM Contact detail view

Contacts and Communications

Contacts and Communications are the two major function headings you'll start with in HubSpot. Once your data is imported, HubSpot's interface resembles Insightly or Zendesk Sell's. All data pertaining to the view you're looking at is available, so if you're looking at a contact, then any directly related data, such as communications, documents, and notes, are visible. But so is all associated data, like the contact's company record, tasks you must complete for this contact, deals they're involved in, or outstanding trouble tickets if you're also using HubSpot's help desk system

You can add or modify any of those points directly from the contact record. You can also move it along in the pipeline, add a new deal or a new task, and send an email or make a call if you've got an attached phone system. Unlike importation, this process is easy to understand from the jump. The only niggle might be that if you create a separate record directly from the contact's detail view, like if you're adding the company record for the organization where the contact works, you'll be dropped into the company record screen when you're done. They all look alike, so it's easy to get a little lost here until you get the hang of it. 

Unlike Salesflare, HubSpot doesn't separate leads and contacts. Instead, every contact is assigned a deal stage indicator (New, Open, Unqualified, and a bunch more), and you'll indicate the contact's status that way. It's not quite as straightforward as separating leads from contacts and then moving them forward with a satisfying click, but then again, it saves you having to manage a separate screen. 

HubSpot CRM pipeline creation

Beneath Contacts, Company, and Activity Feed (see below), you'll see a Lists option. This is a nice feature that you can mirror in other CRMs, but HubSpot puts it front and center, which is handy. Lists make use of all the filters in your HubSpot database, including ones you're using by default and custom ones you created as you went along. Just select the filters that are important to you, and save them as a separate list. 

Under Communications, HubSpot has several options, including Chatflows, Snippets, and Templates. Chatflows refers to any conversations a customer or lead has had with a chatbot on your website, and it requires a plugin on your webserver to use. Snippets is a handy way to save oft-used blocks of text, such as common email responses or notes. Templates is where you'll create any email templates you need. The tools available from here are fairly basic, though. If you intend to use more advanced email templates, HubSpot's email marketing suite—available separately—has much better tools for this purpose. In a nice touch, you can integrate them with the CRM if you use both services. 

The handiest option under Communications, though, is Inbox. This has every communications channel you've synced with HubSpot (email, webchats, phone calls, etc.) sorted in one spot. You can sort through all of it here, and the list updates dynamically as new messages come in. You can sort based on customer channel, whether they're assigned or not, open or not, and several other filters. This is probably the best default screen for people who don't need to see a dashboard view immediately upon launching HubSpot.

HubSpot CRM inbox

Sales and Deals

Before you get into deals, it's best to edit your pipelines. You can do this from Settings or from the default Deals screen. HubSpot has a generic pipeline by default, but you can edit that and save different versions (or create an entirely new version). That's an important first step, as HubSpot places emphasis on organizing deals around your pipelines.

Another good area to hit prior to deals is your product library, provided you're at a high enough pricing tier to have the option. This is where you'll enter the list of products or services you're selling, and all associated data (SKU, unit or subscription price, margin, etc.). It's a good idea to have this entered prior to setting up deals, because you can use it during importing. That lets you sort products later when you're looking through deals. It'll also be mandatory for reporting if you've paid for that feature. 

The basic Deal view defaults to a list just like Contacts, but you can also opt to have it organized using a card-based kanban view, too. That's not only more attractive, but it's also interactive, so you can move deals forward in the pipeline just by dragging them. This is nice, but you'll find the same capabilities in most of our other contenders save the ones with stodgier interfaces, like Act!.

Both the card and list-based views let you modify the data you're shown, edit that data on the fly, and save whatever lists or views you'll need most often. That's good for long deals, deal packages, or deals across multiple pipelines. And, as with contacts or companies, you can filter particularly long lists or even enter new data filters as you go. 

HubSpot CRM Deals kanban view

Reports and Dashboards

Reporting and dashboarding are basically the same thing in HubSpot. You can select one of several canned reports HubSpot supplies by default, modify that report, and save it with another name. Unlike several of our smaller contenders, such as Pipedrive or Salesflare, HubSpot lets you create entirely customized reports from scratch. 

The custom report builder takes a little getting used to, but it's essentially a two-stage process. Stage one covers the basic data you're looking to access (Sales, Marketing, Service, and so on), and which subcategories you want (Contacts or Deals, for example, if your report is for Sales). Once that's selected, you move to a fairly intuitive report builder that lets you match the data fields you need in your dashboard to how you want that dashboard to look (a pie chart versus a bar chart, for instance). The dashboards aren't cutting-edge affairs from a visual aspect, but it's nice to create a completely customized report. 

What we missed, however, was a default dashboard view in a landing screen format. There's no such thing in HubSpot. By default, when you log out and log back in, you're dropped wherever you last left off. If you want to see dashboard data, you'll need to click over to Dashboards to see it. Assignments and tasks? That'll be in something called your Activity Feed under the Contacts menu. This shows recent activity, as well as upcoming meetings or emails that need to be sent. If you want to always be dropped into a specific screen upon login (like the dashboard screen), you can configure that in your user profile under Settings. 

HubSpot CRM Report selection and creation

Automation and Analytics

Automation and Analytics are advanced options in HubSpot, and you won't be able to access them without paying for the higher pricing tiers. Automation lets you create either sequences or workflows. Sequences revolve around chaining email autoresponders, so they happen either in a certain order or according to certain triggers. You can grab a default sequence and use it as-is, or modify it and save it for a custom use. You can also create a sequence from scratch. The builder is just a series of data entry boxes that ask for the type of communication, the trigger or response, and the order in which you need them to happen.

The workflow builder looks similar to sequences, except it's oriented toward tasks and notifications that face inward, rather than out toward customers. Managing an approval process, notifying sales reps about a new lead, and similar workflows can all be built out here, so they'll happen without intervention. Just like sequences, HubSpot has a library of default workflows already configured that you can use or modify, or you can create your own from scratch. Both look intuitive, but building either from scratch requires some time with the HubSpot user knowledgebase or the appropriate video in the HubSpot Academy series (all free). 

Analytics is a more advanced form of reporting and dashboarding, but again, only at the higher pricing tiers. Fortunately, if HubSpot CRM is all you need, then Analytics probably isn't a priority; it's heavily oriented toward marketing. Using it, you can track a variety of website visitor metrics and match that to all your other marketing channels, such as content, email, or events. It's presented with excellent graphics, and the reports are fully customizable. Again, though, unless you're integrating your marketing with your CRM, this won't be super useful. Plus, it's not something you'll be able to use right out of the box; you'll need some learning time. 

How to Buy HubSpot CRM

Unlike most CRMs that only offer a free trial, HubSpot has a free version, and it's surprisingly generous. Really, the only noticeable limits are the one-user account and lack of advanced features (namely teams, document storage, and website integration at the low end, and automations and analytics at the high end). An one-person shop probably won't need those, and what you get in the free version should more than suffice. 

Small shops will want the Starter tier. This is $45 per month for two users, though you can ratchet that up at about $23 per additional user. One of the differences here from the free version is support for the new Payments feature, which we couldn't test. This one lets you manage online payments, and see them in the CRM as data points. You've also got an SDK to integrate a phone system, and the ability to store documents in your HubSpot accounts. 

At the five-user level, you'll be eligible for the Professional tier, which will run you $450 per month, with any additional users costing around $90 each. This is where the more advanced stuff becomes available, such as support for different sales teams, the aforementioned analytics, customized reporting, forecasting, integrated video messaging, and product library. For an end-to-end CRM that rivals the features in our Editors' Choice winners, this is the tier where you want to start. 

Finally, there's an Enterprise tier for at least 10 users that'll run you $1200 per month, with additional users costing over $100 each. This contains all the goodies in the Professional tier plus some really advanced features, such as predictive analytics, artificial intelligence for conversation analytics, more granular permissions, and custom objects . 

Bottom line, HubSpot definitely isn't the cheapest CRM offering, but its free version is rich enough to be enticing for those just starting out. At more than $20 per user for the lowest-cost paid tier and over $100 for the highest, however, it's not nearly as price-competitive as Editors' Choice winner, Zoho CRM, for example. Even Zoho's tippy-top Ultimate tier only runs $52 per user per month, compared to HubSpot's $100. Zoho also has a deeper feature set than HubSpot, though the latter's capabilities at the higher tiers should satisfy most users. But where Zoho really beats HubSpot, aside from price, is its near-total customizability via its Canvas drag-and-drop interface editor, and a more mature and accessible artificial intelligence layer with Zia. HubSpot hasn't answered those features yet, though it may in the future. 

HubSpot custom Report builder

Full-Featured CRM With a Premium Price

Yes, HubSpot lags behind Zoho, as do most of the other CRMs we've tested (other than our two other Editors' Choice picks, Apptivo CRM Salesforce Sales Cloud Lightning Professional). Still, it's one of the top choices for one reason: It shines with medium-sized organizations that want to get up and running quickly. You'll probably need some help with importing large datasets and setting up a big user count. Plus, your users will need some basic training to understand how data moves around the system. But neither of those hurdles will take nearly as long to leap as they will with Salesforce and Zoho CRM. 

HubSpot customers can be up and running their CRM probably within a week or two of purchasing. Zoho CRM and Salesforce customers will have a much longer lead time. So, if fast and fairly easy is what you need, and a not-so-rock-bottom price isn't a blocker, HubSpot is definitely a platform to investigate. Double down on that if digital marketing and help desk are in your future, too.

About Molly McLaughlin