Australia China Alumni Association

Australia China Alumni Association

Non-profit Organization Management

Melbourne, VIC 1,758 followers

Your Lifelong Connection with Australia

About us

The Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) is dedicated to building life-long connections with Australia. ACAA was established in 2007 with the support of the Australian Ambassador to China and now it has more than 27,000 Australian universities and TAFE alumni members across greater China and Australia. The Australian Ambassador to China is the Patron of ACAA. ACAA is the largest people to people organisation in the Australia China space, and the most important representative of alumni/ae who have graduated from Australian universities and TAFE colleges. ACAA is open to and serves all alumni who have come from China to study in Australia. Most of our members are based in China but we also have a growing membership base in Australia. ACAA provides a variety of services, programs and events, including its annual flagship Australia China Alumni Awards that recognise outstanding alumni/ae, its several Australian interest Communities for Alumni Award finalists, Young Entrepreneurs, Australian Literature and Translation, Australian History, and Sports. ACAA also holds social and mentoring events, sometimes in partnership with like-minded organisation. As a not-for-profit and independent organisation, ACAA is primarily funded by private foundation grants and Government and corporate sponsors, with its workload shared by ACAA volunteers. ACAA is run by a volunteer Executive Committee of experienced China hands. ACAA greatly appreciates the ongoing support provided by its partner universities, and by the Australian Embassy and Consulates in China. ACAA has active volunteer communities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Hong Kong, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
2-10 employees
Melbourne, VIC
Alumni engagement , Australian Alumni, Young Entrepreneur support, Translation Classes, Internships, and Mentoring


Employees at Australia China Alumni Association


  • Dear Alumni, Hope you are well. Four months ago, our 15th Australian China Alumni Awards came to a successful conclusion. We are pleased to inform you that we will continue to hold the 16th Australia China Alumni Awards this year. We are now seeking sponsors for the 16th Australian China Alumni Awards. Last year we received great support and sponsorships from the Australian governments and business sectors. We hope our Awards can draw more and more attention from our alumni this year. We have three open levels of sponsorships for the ten Awards: Gold ($10,000),Silver ($6,000) and Jade (local sponsorship for $2,500). If you are interested in sponsoring the Australia China Alumni Awards, please contact us via We will send you the sponsor package details. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you! ACAA

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    专访墨尔本大学校友侯莹——2023年澳中杰出女性领导者校友奖入围者 Ying Hou(Olivia):墨尔本大学塑就卓识领导者 Olivia Ying Hou在墨尔本大学踏上旅程,这段求学经历带领她在时尚界开辟出一片天地。Olivia在墨尔本大学获得管理硕士学位,墨大的求学经历促使她一步步成长为法国著名时尚珠宝品牌AGATHA Paris亚太品牌总监。我们看到,墨尔本大学的教育对Olivia的生活和职业生涯产生重要影响,助她成为变革性领导者和中外文化交流使者。 墨尔本大学:成长与探索的历练 Olivia来到墨尔本大学之前已经获得中国工程学士学位。但她并非止步于此,而是想拓宽更加广阔的视野,因此毅然选择了一门全新的课程——管理硕士。墨尔本大学以其严谨的学术环境和充满活力的校园生活而闻名,这为Olivia提供了一个在多样化和挑战性环境中沉浸学习的机会。正是在这里,Olivia掌握了各类分析技巧,学会处理复杂问题,并且培养了全球视角中的商业嗅觉及领导力。 从工程到管理:工科商科一线牵 对许多人来说,从工程到管理的跨度非常大,但在Olivia看来,她正朝着实现多方位兴趣方向迈出一大步。墨尔本大学为学科转变构筑了一个合适的平台,让她能够利用自身工程分析能力探索管理和会计的细微差别。事实证明,这类少有的技能组合是她职业生涯的转折点,使她具备了精确力和创造力,以及驾驭时尚行业复杂性的能力。 点燃对时尚和领导力的热情 Olivia对学术的要求十分严谨,然而她在墨尔本大学的生活并非只有课本和讲座。墨尔本以其丰富多彩的文化生活和充满活力的时尚活动闻名,这些正是她探索时尚行业,加深时尚热情的理想选择。Olivia在学习之余常在时尚领域兼职,从中获取了一手经验,对其学术研究也大有裨益。墨尔本大学致力于将实践和学术相结合,塑造了她的职业发展道路。 接受挑战,勇敢逐梦 墨尔本大学在培养Olivia对变革的开放态度和追梦热情方面也发挥了关键作用。多样化的学术文化经历鼓励她走出舒适区,增强变革的信心,使她在职业生涯中勇往直前。追逐梦想的激情使她实现从工程到管理的转变,最终进入时尚行业,Olivia的动力皆来自她在墨尔本的学习时光。 领导力与多元文化倡议 Olivia广泛参与墨尔本的多元文化活动和社区服务,这为她锻炼领导能力和投身社会事业提供锻炼机会。她是澳大利亚妇女癌症基金会的首位中国大使,此外她还参与了促进多元文化的倡议。这些经历皆来自她在墨尔本大学的生活,Olivia用实际行动回馈社区,利用自身影响倡导有意义的事业。 余论:墨尔本大学的人生影响 Olivia 从墨尔本大学成长为时尚行业的卓识领导者,她的经历讲述了一个关于成长、激情和转型的精彩故事。在墨大接受的教育不仅让Olivia为迎接商界挑战做好准备,还激励她将工程和管理的兴趣与对时尚的热爱相结合,最终实现跨界发展。2023年澳中校友奖对Olivia取得的成就表达高度赞赏,最终入围澳中杰出女性领导者校友奖。 Olivia的故事证明,坚实的教育基础加之追求激情的勇气,不仅可以充实个人生活,同时能够成就职业高峰。

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    专访墨尔本大学校友侯莹——2023年澳中杰出女性领导者校友奖入围者 Ying Hou(Olivia):墨尔本大学塑就卓识领导者 Olivia Ying Hou在墨尔本大学踏上旅程,这段求学经历带领她在时尚界开辟出一片天地。Olivia在墨尔本大学获得管理硕士学位,墨大的求学经历促使她一步步成长为法国著名时尚珠宝品牌AGATHA Paris亚太品牌总监。我们看到,墨尔本大学的教育对Olivia的生活和职业生涯产生重要影响,助她成为变革性领导者和中外文化交流使者。 墨尔本大学:成长与探索的历练 Olivia来到墨尔本大学之前已经获得中国工程学士学位。但她并非止步于此,而是想拓宽更加广阔的视野,因此毅然选择了一门全新的课程——管理硕士。墨尔本大学以其严谨的学术环境和充满活力的校园生活而闻名,这为Olivia提供了一个在多样化和挑战性环境中沉浸学习的机会。正是在这里,Olivia掌握了各类分析技巧,学会处理复杂问题,并且培养了全球视角中的商业嗅觉及领导力。 从工程到管理:工科商科一线牵 对许多人来说,从工程到管理的跨度非常大,但在Olivia看来,她正朝着实现多方位兴趣方向迈出一大步。墨尔本大学为学科转变构筑了一个合适的平台,让她能够利用自身工程分析能力探索管理和会计的细微差别。事实证明,这类少有的技能组合是她职业生涯的转折点,使她具备了精确力和创造力,以及驾驭时尚行业复杂性的能力。 点燃对时尚和领导力的热情 Olivia对学术的要求十分严谨,然而她在墨尔本大学的生活并非只有课本和讲座。墨尔本以其丰富多彩的文化生活和充满活力的时尚活动闻名,这些正是她探索时尚行业,加深时尚热情的理想选择。Olivia在学习之余常在时尚领域兼职,从中获取了一手经验,对其学术研究也大有裨益。墨尔本大学致力于将实践和学术相结合,塑造了她的职业发展道路。 接受挑战,勇敢逐梦 墨尔本大学在培养Olivia对变革的开放态度和追梦热情方面也发挥了关键作用。多样化的学术文化经历鼓励她走出舒适区,增强变革的信心,使她在职业生涯中勇往直前。追逐梦想的激情使她实现从工程到管理的转变,最终进入时尚行业,Olivia的动力皆来自她在墨尔本的学习时光。 领导力与多元文化倡议 Olivia广泛参与墨尔本的多元文化活动和社区服务,这为她锻炼领导能力和投身社会事业提供锻炼机会。她是澳大利亚妇女癌症基金会的首位中国大使,此外她还参与了促进多元文化的倡议。这些经历皆来自她在墨尔本大学的生活,Olivia用实际行动回馈社区,利用自身影响倡导有意义的事业。 余论:墨尔本大学的人生影响 Olivia 从墨尔本大学成长为时尚行业的卓识领导者,她的经历讲述了一个关于成长、激情和转型的精彩故事。在墨大接受的教育不仅让Olivia为迎接商界挑战做好准备,还激励她将工程和管理的兴趣与对时尚的热爱相结合,最终实现跨界发展。2023年澳中校友奖对Olivia取得的成就表达高度赞赏,最终入围澳中杰出女性领导者校友奖。 Olivia的故事证明,坚实的教育基础加之追求激情的勇气,不仅可以充实个人生活,同时能够成就职业高峰。

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  • Congratulations to the Study Queensland Alumni of the Year! Thanks to Study Queensland for sponsoring this year's Australia China Alumni Awards. Wonderful to see my dear friend Liu Bing, STC in Shanghai, do so well in the Awards (winning Commendations in two Awards)! And special congratulations to Peter Osborne for his success in the Awards! Thanks to Professor Qiu for being an active participant in the Guangzhou Awards presentation and bringing with him other Griffith public health alumni/ae to celebrate with him. Congratulations! Sisi Bi, based in Brisbane, is also a wonderful example of a Queensland alumna who has utilised her multiple talents in different professional fields. Congrats! And the same for our other Queensland finalists - what an inspiring group! It was wonderful to have Study Queensland reps at the Award presentations in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and Gold Coast. #studyqueensland #tiq #austrade #peterosborne #griffithuniversity #qut #uq #jcu #unisq

    2023年第十五届澳中校友奖昆士兰州国际教育署校友奖得主揭晓 澳中同学会(ACAA)很荣幸地宣布,2023年第十五届澳中校友奖的昆士兰州政府国际教育署校友奖获奖者名单现已公布。该奖由昆士兰州政府国际教育署Study Queensland赞助,奖项旨在表彰在中国取得显著成就的昆士兰州高等教育校友,他们不仅在职业生涯上取得了卓越成绩,而且在社区服务和增强澳中关系方面做出了贡献。我们非常高兴地公布获得这一荣誉的杰出校友名单。 昆士兰州国际教育署校友奖获奖名单 • 邱五七 先生,格里菲斯大学校友。 • 毕思思 女士,昆士兰大学校友。 评审团奖获奖者名单 • 刘冰 女士 昆士兰大学校友 • Peter Osborne 先生 格里菲斯大学、查尔斯特大学校友 在这里,我们想要衷心感谢Study Queensland。他们对于推动全球教育和认可国际校友成就的承诺令人钦佩。他们的支持在昆士兰州校友取得的成就中发挥了至关重要的作用。 对于所有昆士兰州政府国际教育署校友奖的获奖者,你们的成就不仅突显了昆士兰州教��系统及其校友在全球范围内产生的深远影响,也让你们成为校友社区的中流砥柱。你们的故事无疑将激励其他人追求卓越,并为社会做出积极的贡献。 再次恭喜昆士兰州国际教育署校友奖入围和获奖的各位校友们!请浏览ACAA官网了解更多本届校友奖和入围校友和获奖校友信息。 Announcing the Esteemed Recipients of the Study Queensland Alumni Award The Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) 2023 is delighted to announce the recipients of the Study Queensland Alumni Award, a prestigious recognition sponsored by Study Queensland (SQ). This award celebrates the significant achievements of Queensland-educated alumni who have not only excelled in their professional careers in China but have also contributed to community service and the Australia-China relationship. It is with great pleasure that we unveil the names of the illustrious alumni who have earned this honor. Study Queensland Alumni Award Winner • Wuqi Qiu Griffith University Alumni Director, Public Health Strategy Research Office, and Department of Research and Education, Institute of Medical Information/ Centre for Health Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 • Sisi Bi The University of Queensland Alumni 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 Director, Australian College of Tourism and Information Technology Judges’ Commendation • Bing Liu The University of Queensland Alumni 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 Senior Commercial and Investment Commissioner, Deputy Consul General, Australian Consulate General/ Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) • Peter Osborne Griffith University&Charles Sturt University Alumni 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 Chairman, Director, Strategic Advisor This announcement also serves as an opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Study Queensland for their generous sponsorship and support. SQ’s commitment to fostering global education and recognizing the achievements of international alumni is commendable. Their support has been crucial in bringing well-deserved recognition to the accomplishments of Queensland-educated alumni. To all the recipients of the Study Queensland Alumni Award, your achievements underline the transformative influence of Queensland's education system and its alumni on a global scale. You stand as pillars of the alumni community, and your stories will undoubtedly motivate others to strive for excellence and contribute positively to society. Again congratulations to all finalists and winners! Please vist ACAA website for more information about the Alumni Awards, finalists and winners.

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  • 2023年第十五届澳中校友奖昆士兰州国际教育署校友奖得主揭晓 澳中同学会(ACAA)很荣幸地宣布,2023年第十五届澳中校友奖的昆士兰州政府国际教育署校友奖获奖者名单现已公布。该奖由昆士兰州政府国际教育署Study Queensland赞助,奖项旨在表彰在中国取得显著成就的昆士兰州高等教育校友,他们不仅在职业生涯上取得了卓越成绩,而且在社区服务和增强澳中关系方面做出了贡献。我们非常高兴地公布获得这一荣誉的杰出校友名单。 昆士兰州国际教育署校友奖获奖名单 • 邱五七 先生,格里菲斯大学校友。 • 毕思思 女士,昆士兰大学校友。 评审团奖获奖者名单 • 刘冰 女士 昆士兰大学校友 • Peter Osborne 先生 格里菲斯大学、查尔斯特大学校友 在这里,我们想要衷心感谢Study Queensland。他们对于推动全球教育和认可国际校友成就的承诺令人钦佩。他们的支持在昆士兰州校友取得的成就中发挥了至关重要的作用。 对于所有昆士兰州政府国际教育署校友奖的获奖者,你们的成就不仅突显了昆士兰州教育系统及其校友在全球范围内产生的深远影响,也让你们成为校友社区的中流砥柱。你们的故事无疑将激励其他人追求卓越,并为社会做出积极的贡献。 再次恭喜昆士兰州国际教育署校友奖入围和获奖的各位校友们!请浏览ACAA官网了解更多本届校友奖和入围校友和获奖校友信息。 Announcing the Esteemed Recipients of the Study Queensland Alumni Award The Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) 2023 is delighted to announce the recipients of the Study Queensland Alumni Award, a prestigious recognition sponsored by Study Queensland (SQ). This award celebrates the significant achievements of Queensland-educated alumni who have not only excelled in their professional careers in China but have also contributed to community service and the Australia-China relationship. It is with great pleasure that we unveil the names of the illustrious alumni who have earned this honor. Study Queensland Alumni Award Winner • Wuqi Qiu Griffith University Alumni Director, Public Health Strategy Research Office, and Department of Research and Education, Institute of Medical Information/ Centre for Health Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 • Sisi Bi The University of Queensland Alumni 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 Director, Australian College of Tourism and Information Technology Judges’ Commendation • Bing Liu The University of Queensland Alumni 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 Senior Commercial and Investment Commissioner, Deputy Consul General, Australian Consulate General/ Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) • Peter Osborne Griffith University&Charles Sturt University Alumni 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 Chairman, Director, Strategic Advisor This announcement also serves as an opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Study Queensland for their generous sponsorship and support. SQ’s commitment to fostering global education and recognizing the achievements of international alumni is commendable. Their support has been crucial in bringing well-deserved recognition to the accomplishments of Queensland-educated alumni. To all the recipients of the Study Queensland Alumni Award, your achievements underline the transformative influence of Queensland's education system and its alumni on a global scale. You stand as pillars of the alumni community, and your stories will undoubtedly motivate others to strive for excellence and contribute positively to society. Again congratulations to all finalists and winners! Please vist ACAA website for more information about the Alumni Awards, finalists and winners.

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  • AMET 2023年第十五届澳中年度杰出校友奖获奖者揭晓 AMET 2023 15th Australia China Alumni of the Year Award   The Australia China Alumni Association heartily congratulates Mr David Olsson, the winner of the 15th Australia China Alumni of the Year Award! Winner: David Olsson 先生 International Director, King & Wood Mallesons National President and Chair Australia China Business Council Australian National University Alumnus 澳大利亚国立大学校友    #anu #acbc #kingwoodmallesons #alumnioftheyearaward

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  • 2023年第十五届澳中关系贡献奖获奖者揭晓 2023 15th Award for Contributions to the Australia-China Relationship   Winner: 王豁然 先生 Research Professor Research Institute of Forestry, The Chinese Academy of Forestry 澳大利亚国立大学校友     Judges’ Commendation: Tim Harcourt 先生 Industry Professor and Chief Economist ,Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG), University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 阿德莱德大学校友   Chris Roberts 先生 希尔顿酒店总经理 里津斯TAFE大学校友   刘冰 女士 澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆/澳大利亚贸易投资委员会 高级商务投资专员,副总领事(商务) 昆士兰科技大学校友   恭喜以上获奖的校友! #uts #qut #tafesa #hiltonhotels #universityofadelaide #anu #chineseacademyofforestry #alumni #australiachinarelations #austrade #studyqueensland #amet

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  • 2023年第十五届澳中关系贡献奖获奖者揭晓 2023 15th Award for Contributions to the Australia-China Relationship   Winner: 王豁然 先生 Research Professor Research Institute of Forestry, The Chinese Academy of Forestry 澳大利亚国立大学校友     Judges’ Commendation: Tim Harcourt 先生 Industry Professor and Chief Economist ,Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG), University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 阿德莱德大学校友   Chris Roberts 先生 希尔顿酒店总经理 里津斯TAFE大学校友   刘冰 女士 澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆/澳大利亚贸易投资委员会 高级商务投资专员,副总领事(商务) 昆士兰科技大学校友   恭喜以上获奖的校友! #uts #qut #tafesa #hiltonhotels #universityofadelaide #anu #chineseacademyofforestry #alumni #australiachinarelations #austrade #studyqueensland #amet

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