COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor

COVID-19 is the biggest acute public health challenge of this century, impacting every country in the world within six months of being discovered. Countries’ response to curtail and control the outbreak has varied immensely but almost all policy interventions can be grouped into six broad categories:

  1. Measures to prevent local transmission.
  2. Ensuring sufficient physical infrastructure and workforce capacity.
  3. Providing effective health services.
  4. Ensuring adequate financing to support the health sector and the increasing demand on it.
  5. Regulation and governance around the pandemic response plan.
  6. Intersectoral measures to support the wider society.

The COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor is a systematic approach to collect and collate these policy responses to help with understanding global COVID-19 response and allow easy comparison of activities at national and sub-national levels.

This exercise is a collaboration between APO, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (OBS) and WHO through its regional offices for Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, South East Asia and Western Pacific as well as Headquarters. Country reports done by OBS can be found here.

In future, we plan to move all the reports onto a dedicated web platform to allow easy comparison across countries across different regions.

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Sri Lanka

The Government of Sri Lanka used an “all-of-government” approach focused on prevention, containment and management throughout, with varying...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Indonesia

Indonesia set up the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 handling in March 2020. Areas within the country were categorized into four coloured zones...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Singapore

 The 2nd updated edition of the Singapore COVID-19 HSRM features developments on Singapore’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: New Zealand

New Zealand has had a total of 2600 cases as of April 2021 since its first case was documented at the end of February 2020. New Zealand’s approach...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Japan

Japan was one of the first countries to be hit by COVID-19 and declared a state of emergency by April 2020. Japan’s response to COVID-19 included...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Republic of Korea

The Republic of Korea reported its first COVID-19 case on the 20th of January 2020. Since then, the country has reported 34,201 confirmed cases of COVID-19...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Thailand

Thailand was the first country outside of China that reported COVID-19 infection in January 2020. At the peak of transmission during March-April 2020,...