COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Sri Lanka


The Government of Sri Lanka used an “all-of-government” approach focused on prevention, containment and management throughout, with varying emphasis on the individual components according to the progress of the epidemic.  Key strategies focused on early case identification, and management, isolation of cases, contact tracing, quarantine of suspected persons, surveillance, risk communication and creating a wide level of awareness among the public on prevention strategies at the individual level. Initial measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 included strategies to limit physical interaction between people, including curfews, banning of public gatherings and closing down educational institutions. Official websites provided updated information online on the epidemic, such as case numbers, both current and cumulative, spatial spread of infection, deaths, and other updates related to the epidemic for the public to access. Communication materials were developed at the national level and distributed across levels and districts of the country. Provinces and districts also produced innovative health education materials to use within their areas. Quarantine and isolation strategies were implemented, and adapted as the pandemic progressed. Health system strengthening measures such as infrastructure strengthening was undertaken. Clinical guidelines and protocols for treatment, hospital preparedness and responding to identified COVID-19 cases, among others were also developed. Regulatory measures for the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines were expedited, training of personnel and ensuring the availability of ultra-cold storage facilities for vaccine storage and transport was undertaken.

How to Cite this publication

Rajapaksa L C, de Silva P, Abeykoon P. COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Sri Lanka. New Delhi: World Health Organization Regional Office for South‐East Asia; 2022.

WHO Team
Asia Pacific Observatory
World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 978-92-9022-910-0
World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia 2020 - License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO